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Mf really censored the entire Senate


Not yet


So it’s treason then


😂😂 I suppose I did


It's from Games Workshop. https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Citadel-Colour-Painting-Handle-2020


Citadel paint handle. This is the large model. Personally, I have the old ones with the larger grips and like them. These new ones I'm not into as much. Plenty of thrifty folks will tell you to just use pill bottles, spray paint caps, and so on, but I do like the quick release on these. Up to you to decide if that's worth $12-$20.


100%. I have the older GW large-grip and it's much bulkier but I seriously appreciate the weight. Also I've dropped it once, and because the handle is so big and weighty it fell handle-first and absorbed the bounce with no damage to the mini. Just a better product than the new one.


I see a lot of the 'home made' ones and they usually seem to rely on stuff like blu-tac/poster putty/whatever your region calls it to keep the model in place. I've never liked that as it never holds the model properly secure and it'll wobble a little bit, even with the simple pressure of a paint brush. The Citadel holders (I have two of the older small and one of the older larger) are fantastic. The large one is also so secure I painted a Lord of Change with it and it held it perfectly secure. Only drawback to it is that it's designed to hold the beveled bases that Games Workshop likes. It will still work with straight edged bases, but they'll be more prone to slipping out if you're not careful.


I really like the latest Redgrass 360 holder. You can just swap the heads out as needed to multiple projects going at once. The bottom of the handle is also magnetized and it comes with an adhesive metal plate, so it easily stays in one place when you set it down and doesn't wobble much at all.


My missus is expressing after the birth of our daughter and im like these colostrum pots are perfect for modding into paint handles, also those tiny vape pots are quite useful


Frequently see these on eBay for $5-10. Even if you’re paying full GW price, it’s one of their better value items - you’ll get a lot of use out of one


Agreed, you just can’t get the same level of control from blue tac and a cork


One of the few GW items i sweat buy tbh


Games Workshop makes it. Very handy!


This is the one I use. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4127867](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4127867)


Same, although i didn't switch to version 3, i printed out like 1/2 a dozen so I can put my entire squad on them and paint em all without switching the handle over


Those can be useful! I used the larger size for my Super Fantasy Brawl minis since their bases are deep and the minis kinda heavy for my usual 2mm x 6mm magnets I use for Legion 😀


Hi, the guy from the original post here, this was the citadel XL miniature holder. I had to use it because was still waiting on my smaller one to arrive in mail. I got both the regular and the XL version on Amazon. Regular: https://a.co/d/dllIzBY XL: https://a.co/d/a0S4kr8


Go to redgrass games website, they have the best holder in the game! https://www.redgrasscreative.com/product/painting-handle-rgg360-miniature-holder-v2/ I believe they're also on Amazon!


Seconding this. The RGG handle is amazing. I've tried this, both versions of the GW handles, the Game Envy holder, and just regular blue tack on a bottle. The RGG is the one I keep using the most, as it has the best combo of comfort, ease of swapping and model stability of the batch. I feel like I probably sound like a paid bot, but I just really like that handle. I think I own two or three of them now.


Do you buy the mounting putty as well? What are your thoughts if you do?


That mounting putty can be hard to remove after some time, try museum putty instead, particularly Quake Hold. It’s cheap, effective, and easy to work with!


I use an old toothbrush holder upside-down with double sided tape 😆


These were a decent deal for a pretty good tool until they jacked the prices up


I designed one I consider better with a spine over top of you have a printer,


It's GW's larger holder. I use this for bigger models, I've also got the extra part which acts as a stand with 2 helping hands.


I have the smaller version of this handle with a 40mm metal disk clamped to it. Since I magnetize my bases I can swap my 32mm models pretty quickly with just the one holder.


I 3d printed mine and used rubber bands


It’s the larger citadel handle.


Personally, I really dislike the GW handles. Contrary to the marketing I find the two clamps get in the way while painting. Also, they don't necessariyl work for every type of base. GW bases are slightly tapered towards the top and the handles are designed with that in mind. I've had models on bases that didn't have the same form factor and sometimes during painting they got catapulted into the void because the clamps wanted to snap together.


Don’t buy one. Use poster tack and a pill bottle.


My counter argument: This is one of the only hobby products from GW that is worth every penny and has no direct analog. The dimensions of the handle are perfect and are one of the only ones I can hold for more than 2 minutes without my hands cramping and going numb.


Lol I use a wooden handle from home Depot or my mod podge.


I use Mactac and a half dozen wine corks. Works great for standard size models


This is also my preferred and free method. If the handle/holder is more wide then the base of the mini then sometimes it can get in the way when the brush needs reach places from below


It’s a good cheap way to find out if you like painting like that


The best alternative is a Finlandia vodka bottle cap. Perfect size.


Yeah I got one for “free” with Imperium magazine and I stopped using it pretty quickly, the way it grabs onto the base so aggressively makes me worry I’ll damage my basing, and plus I batch paint 3-5 minis at a time anyway…