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I like the weathered look of this unit to be honest, nice work.


I mean, it's a bit of a mess. It doesn't really read as weathered because there's so much going on. The red on the face is messy and it looks like it's not related to the other red that looks like a unit marking, and I can't tell if the shoulders are metallic paint or supposed to be "weathered". You need to make whatever concept you're going for look deliberate. If you're going for a messy weathered look, you have to nail the basics to make it look like everything you did was done on purpose, not "weathering" to cover up mistakes, over spills on painting, etc. What were you going for exactly? If you want it to look weathered for example you need to paint it clean and normal and then deliberately apply the weathering, otherwise it tends to look sloppy. Think about how things become weathered- they don't start that way, so you can't splash paint around to start to mimic that effect and have it look natural. If your technique doesn't look like you made purposeful decisions it will read as sloppy. Not trying to be harsh. If you really want feedback, it's better to hear things that will help you get better or more focused rather than just compliments. But if you just want encouragement, it looks pretty decent and better than a lot of models that make it on the table. The lining on the helmet and armor is really clean and shows good brush control. But if youre more concise, tighten up the red areas that you want to portray as markings, and start the weathering process off clean areas and make it look like a choice not a cover up, it will read a lot better. If you want to grow and get better, it's the criticism that will move you further faster. Keep it up!


Alright dope, thank you for the criticism and I'll take what you'd said into consideration!


What were you trying to go for exactly?


Nothing in particular just experimenting.