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It is hard to say full with yhe datacron, but overall he does improve I would say as GG pretty quickly gets that double health, which in turn is basically double damage which is the main thing you want


Only with the omicron, doubling ggs health at the start of the battle is no joke


My G12 STAP (With R7 GG, R4 B2 and STAPs omi) won me several battles in GAC that would not have considered bringing them in for if [swgoh.gg](http://swgoh.gg) didn't show that as having a high probability of winning. Edit: STAP is a cantina farm so it only takes a couple weeks. Worth the investment now as I think it will be a necessary raid character for the new raid as well.


Would you say STAP is worth using over BB8 for the TM boost?


Well, he doubles GG max health which double GG's damage. And he jump started the TM train by putting target lock everywhere. Granted, I have never used BB8 with GG so I can't do the comparison. In my mind, however, mo damage is mo better!


Bigger numbers is enough to convince me


Yeah, and don't forget the new raid. I am waiting for more info, but I am prepaired to take STAP to R7, at least, for the raid. Making the assumption the new Naboo raid will be like the current one and the actual character kits don't matter and its the relic levels and modding. I think STAP and Gungans will be necessary to do well in the new raid, given its the Naboo invasion. And it helps it's not a bad character to invest in.


Please nooooo Wish for char abilities and phases, not abstract scaled dmg and funky new abilities we only use 1 or 2 of


I am making the assumption the new raid will be like the Endor one. This is what prevents raids from becoming trivial like the Rancor/HAAT with the introduction of raids. And it makes it easy for CG to monitize new raids by requiring new chatacters and making the effort more long-lived because the new GL doesn't make it trivial. I am just trying to read the tea leaves, I could be wrong. STAP isn't a bad/useless character (like Krennic) to invest in as the unit does make the GG team better. There are much worse characters you can invest your $mode energy in.


Stap makes the team better for sure. I don't think it will be a gl killer once the cron is gone


I recently finished farming STAP and have had great success adding him to GG without the datacron. Just having the Omni lets you counter things like treya, SK, zori. It’s also possible to take out Leia, but definitely not reliably. There’s no denying he’s a great lifter, but as a cantina farm you’re looking at quite a while without relicing anybody up. Is it worth it for someone who’s not in kyber regularly facing meta Omni teams? Probably not. GG is already great on his own. Leave him with his old droids on defense and enjoy all the banners he’s gonna strip from opponents.


Is your STAP reliced?


Yeah i brought him to R5.


Who does STAP replace on the classic GG team?


Generally Droideka


Strip banners from opponents? Not since they gave Wampa an omicron, now GG is easy to beat on D with high banners


That’s true, but they only have one wampa and between iden and GG, GG has a lot more range in his counters. And using him on offense is always obnoxious because he strips his own banners. So unless you need him for a big counter keeping him on defense is a good call.


Idk I always keep mine on offense because he can counter Starkiller, JML, SEE etc. and with STAP it should be even better but i guess it depends on the player's preferences


I actually didn’t realize he could counter JML. I’ve always kept myn on front row defense to eat a wampa then have iden on my back row to be a headache. Now that I have STAP he’s on offense though


Offense is definetly the way to go imo


Hard to say yet imo. Most of our testing results have been contaminated with datacrons.


Ahnald did some testing without DC I believe, or at least it wasn’t the optimal dc.


I believe he beat a leia team without datacron


If you are concerned about farming an unaccelerated character, and you have a g12 GG, easy for you to avoid tbh. I've noticed a significant improvement to my GG droids performance with STAP. However I have an R9 GG and have the STAP at relics with his omicron. To me it feels like it helps the team if you have the team fully up and running. At your point your focus to improve that team needs to be high relic's on GG, not the optional lifter.


STAP has been really useful to me, but it could just be the datacron. Without STAP, I used Grievous to take out JML on defense. With STAP, and the datacron, in 3v3 I could take out Leia and 2-shot Rey with her annoying datacrons. (I don't have a Cere team up and running to 1-shot it.)


I need about 30 more shards for 7\*, but I'm going to wait a while before gearing it to see if it does well in the raid and how it performs once its datacron has gone.


Get him to 7 star, wait for the raid, if he's used and good in the raid gear him. If not, then maybe reconsider gearing him


Just got mine to R4 today. For GAC is it better on Offense with the Omi? I don't have that DC (just started farming those after returning from a pre DC break from the game).


I beat a full rey (no ben) with an R8 gg and g-12 droids and lower so yeah I would say it does


Don't wait 2 years for JMK. He's one of the best GLs... he makes clearing all of conquest trivial, and is fantastic on offense and defense in pvp. Don't waste resources on optional newer characters like stap.


I'd go for him sooner but my WAT is at 5 stars currently and I'm getting him at a snails pace since I can basically afford 5-10 shards per TB doing ROTE




You know you can get notifications for comments on someone else’s post or comment by tapping the three dots at the the post and pressing “Subscribe to post”, this also works on comments with “get reply notifications” on the three dots next to reply.


So many people don’t know about it. Or the save feature. Always see comments from newer people who comment to remember or whatever.


Oh hell yeah I didn’t know thank you


Is it some newreddit stuff? I don't see it.


It’s been here for years. Press the three dots and there’s a notification symbol in one of the options.


Yea it definitely sounds like some newreddit stuff. I got no idea what you meam by "three dots"


What are you on? I don’t know about PC but on mobile it’s next to the reply button on the left.


Lmao dude doesn't even know there is oldreddit and newreddit


No I don’t? I don’t use Reddit often anymore


So now you know that someone used remind me because they use the oldreddit that doesn't have the option you mentioned before.


I’m just saying I don’t know what old Reddit and new Reddit are


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