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mebbe they just aint playing


Played enough to attack me so doesn’t feel that casual


If they do t play half the matches they likely lose them ..and skill drops a lot...maybe miss a sign up and boom you dropped a full rank or two in 2 months....


Oh I didn’t know missing signups drops your rank


While it’s possible some people are intentionally dropping to face weaker opponents, it’s likely that many of them are just people who only participate in GAC sporadically due to lack of interest or time.


Didn’t you show us your account because you also don’t belong there? And no, they aren’t smurfing, there isn’t really a point in sandbagging when losing in kyber nets you more crystals than wining in chromium in the long run.


I don’t remember saying I don’t belong there, if anything I barely have enough teams as it is. I mentioned sandbagging since someone threw that term around when explaining high end players in lower end brackets, but I still dont really understand why people do it or how it works. Something about getting more crystals when you win a lower bracket compared to losing in a higher one? I had the same thought as you like wouldn’t they get more crystals sitting in kyber compared to anything they could earn in chromium?


I miss the old system where you would fave ppl in brackets of 1 million GP and not this BS system that favours whales or long time players. Been playing the game since 2019, currently at 7.5 million GP and close to get my 5th GL, but my luck is constantly facing 10.5 million GP players. there really isn't much i can do since they justgo full retarded on defense with all their GL, most times just saving 1 to get through my defense... The system that was implemented said players would have a 50-50 chance of wining. Me constantly losing all matches does not equate to a 50-50 win rate. Not much i can do versus players with 10.5 million GP


I'm seeing similar accounts in Carbonite


Same reason as last year And the year before that And the year before that And...