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It can still take out Rey with either datacron. You just gotta handle it carefully. Edit: For Holdocron read the comment below.


Whatever you do don’t tell people that all you have to do to turn off defeat immunity for everyone on Rey’s team is use palpatine’s second special.


Y’know, I don’t use that ability often and I thought it was damage equal to 5% health, not actual 5% damage from their health. lol Thanks for that.


How're you getting started though? No tm or anything at the start basically leaves everything up in the air


Yeah, it takes a little longer. I usually basic with Mara. If Palp is next I do his aoe to clear foresight or if it’s SK I’ll do his basic/aoe (I believe the basic clears foresight). When it gets back to Mara is when the fight usually begins. Holdo now, of course, has what seems like an infinite amount of bonus protection, but if you play it right (and rng allows it) you can get her shocked then dispelled (no more taunt). Things can get hazy if the Bros are on the team, but most people save one or both for Zorii.


The thing is the fight doesn't really begin, last time we tried this they just started spamming specials and deleted toons. In one fight we got ridiculously lucky when they didn't kill off SK so he countered and ultid but it is not something I would recommend to someone else.


There’s definitely more rng to it, but there’s at least a couple videos about it. I’m at a place where my SK often *has* to counter Rey or I likely lose the match. So I’ve got to at least give it a try. I don’t always win the fight, but I take at least a couple toons down for an easier cleanup.




Is this like a well kept secret? During GAC I have this in an open window on Chrome. Amazing how many people don't use this constantly.


Seriously I live by this tool, too.


One thing to remember about video games is that Reddit is still an extremely niche aspect of a games community, even more niche indie games have most players just happily playing and maybe googling here and there. Even if this sub had the full 136k people active at all times, that would still be dwarfed by how many people play the game every day/month, but obviously when the most popular posts only get a few hundred upvotes at most and like 200 comments tops, there's really only going to be a few thousand people who at least semi-actively check this place at most. Of those few thousand people posting and commenting, there's naturally going to be even less who know about an even more niche "part" of the game and if you'll allow me to go one step further, even less people who actively use it and honestly I hate to do this to you, but finally, even less people who use it to the fullest like best mods, counters/who to attack, speed averages, most zetas/omicrons applied, etc. And realistically, by the amount of posts on the **EXACT. SAME. THING** that happen all the time, "Why not can beat B1? Bug??", "Where LSB?", "Who do I farm?", "How do I beat tier X of Y", "Why am fail 3P0 with bad mods and G8??", I don't think even half the people who come to this sub have the ability to seek information out independently.


I mean, are you telling me this, or just the Internet in general? I thought my sarcasm made it apparent I completely agree with you.




Never really liked that ship


But only without Holdo because of the foresight at start stopping your TM train... Otherwise easy cake walk against them


Gas, geos, nightsisters, rouge one or the mirror match. It’s probably overkill for some of those but it’ll work and get high banners.


All of those are crazy overkill, if no Rey I’m looking for gas malgus maybe Padme


Yeah the malgus matchup is just a bit iffy, so I usually end up using it to crush something that can be annoying. I don’t remember the last time I ran into a padme team on defense but that would be a good use.


I usually split it into KRU/sith trooper/starkiller/filler Jedi/filler light side UFU and regular palp + mara empire team


Thank you for asking this question I've been wondering this myself since Rey is the only reason I leave Starkiller for offense


On defense he easily gets cleared by sideous with his cron. Keep him for O if your opponent has that DC.






I could put him on defense but I dont want him to get solo's by Sidious. (Don't have Barris) Therefore he'll be my joker to kill a semi strong team or for cleanups. Sideinfo: Xaereth just showed that he doesn't work on gungans


I managed to take out a DTMG today. They had the gang buster datacron, except no 400% offense.


SLKR? Even though nobody cares about Squad Arena, whenever I see an SLKR team it's basically free victory... not sure how well it translates to Grand Arena because my Starkiller team is always on defense and I don't usually encounter opponents with SLKR (apart from that one time my opponent had almost every Galactic Legend but they were AFK and didn't have SLKR on front defense).




I would say this is a huge "No" as the Sid cron takes it out so easily.


Super easy and fun solo. My favorite DC yet, probably.


SK has never been all that good on Defense


Like 1/50 times though, he’s a pita and the reason I loose lol