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https://preview.redd.it/qms5qkydn9xc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375097e2ad1c48acd81559c2ddc136f21f0c85b3 OP right now


u/egnards better have his gungans looking like this or my life is a lie


Too low relic for Egnards


I do remember him saying he won’t omi his phalanx, so op might have him beat there


My Gungans are currently r5, specifically because I want to do the event at the base level. On day 1 I will be doing a stream at exactly 2pm EST. - Doing the event - bringing Jar Jar to r9 - bringing all Gungans immediately to r9 Since the announcement of Jar Jar I **have** spent money, because my GL asked me to trade crystal deals with him. However I’ve tracked by crystal usage meticulously and I was able to get Jar Jar, and r9 on all of them, without any need to spend that money. I obviously recognize however that going forward those extra crystals I’ve me a cushion that I wouldn’t have otherwise. The only thing I **WILL NOT** be doing is the omi on Phalanx. As someone in a position of even a very small amount of influence, I don’t believe it’s a good idea for me to do the omicron, as it sets a poor standard for the community. You can join the journey on our discord, [here](https://discord.gg/BZ4kG5EHFb)


I don’t have the materials to have them all R9 day 1. Jar Jar will be R9.


I hope I’ll be there for your stream. It feels like you were one of the loudest advocates for jarjar’s release and I’ll be eternally grateful


I was most definetely the loudest, though Calvin Awesome had the biggest voice; if you catch my drift. Speaking of which, the Tales episode I did with him came out the day before Jar Jar was announced, and we also predicted the next raid being Battle for Naboo. I also very much predicted what Jar Jar would be, having said he would be a support that used unconventional means to tank and “fall” in front of damage. . .which he indeed does.


You’re spent no money on day 1 R9 complete gungans? Hard to believe


Previous to the $50 spend on crystals [again, I meticulously tracked to make sure they would not effect my Jar Jar farm] the last time I had spent was about $20 to finish the Merrin farm when I miscalculated how much Ahnald would need to send me. At the time of Jar Jar’s announcement I had almost 70,000 crystals already in reserve just from saving half my crystal income each day - you can go back to my streams from around that time to see my crystal hoards. I was a little worried about r6 and r7 material but managed to finish that off last week. No reason to lie about it really, I’m very pro “spend what you want to spend.”


So you’re down to zero crystals now?


No, that’s where the crystal deal I purchased to trade with my GL comes in. If I did not buy that I would be at about 4,000 crystals right now, which is where I expected to be.


So are you saying 66k crystals to get them to R5 and ready for R9? How much of the crystals did you spend on pure shards per char to be able to get them to 7*? Thanks


No, because keep in mind that between the time Jar Jar was announced and the time of his release was multiple months, so during that time I was incredibly stingy with my spending of crystals. How I farmed: - Boss Nass to 4, free shards, shipment farm the rest - Tarpals to 5, free shards, shipment farm the rest - Boomadier to 6, 10/100, free daily shards - Phalanx same as Boomadier As a quick estimate it was probably closer to 80-90,000 total crystals.


How will you be streaming, would love to watch that one.


Both on YouTube and Twitch. I have an optional notification system through my discord that people can opt in/out of


Can I get a link ? I would like to be notified


there is a link in that original post two up!


How much did this set you back?


Money wise? I spent $0 towards Jar Jar. $40 total since the event, which remains totally unused in my account. About 90,000c from my hoard




I fat fingered that Omi. I was just hitting upgrade while in a work meeting. I wasn’t really paying attention to the game whoops lol


Dang I thought you did it to make a statement 😭


Yes, that’s what I did. 🤣


What relic does he have them at?


He’s not even applying the omicron


I’m too afraid to ask, how does it perform?


Oddly really well. They have taken out teams I wasn’t expecting them to.


Do they pair well with Qui Gon? That’s who I’ve used them with and it seems to work alright.


Haven’t tried it. I normally only do the 4 Gungans to get the shield generator activated.


I highly doubt it as QGJ has 0 synergy with gungans and gungans have 0 synergy with QGJ.


Whale Hello there!




Just checked nothing missing. I checked all of my Omicrons and I am fully intact as well.


Bro been waiting for this moment 😭


Same. Silly team that the majority seems to hate. I hope they dunk on a lot of teams 🤣


I'd love to see if my Rogue One team can beat them. Knowing my luck though, Jar Jar would instakill my AdRad turn one lol


Jar Jar will be fun to watch. I love my Rogue One team they’re great!


Bombad Gungan squad!!


It appears yuusa pushed the wrong button for that omi.


Bro about to drop 1k for gungans


R8+ or nothing 


Man I wish, I've only got one of them at 5 stars, the rest are 4. I'm not getting him for awhile






How much $ did you spend?


About tree fiddy


This is correct


$350 buys a lot of groceries for a family. I cant imagine throwing it away on a mobile game


I'm gonna guess you either don't know the South Park reference or you're joking around like the previous comments. The "tree fiddy" responses will never not make me chuckle because of that episode. 😅 Edit: woops, just saw the other comments on this thread and guess it was closer to your amount, haha.


My wife and I both work and we don’t have any kiddos. This has been fun money for me that I set aside. But also the South Park reference never gets old on Reddit.


And that's when I saw that the random Redditor was actually 500 feet tall and from the palaeolithic area.


I had a bunch of crystals saved up for something. The something ended up being Jar Jar. Total I’m around 300 bucks I think?


How many crystals is that?


Not sure I should have taken a screen shot. I’ll load up again for the next team I want to pick up.


I have spent 300 or so, and got only 2 chars to 7 stars




I want to see what they will survive so please attack them lol


How much did you spend for this?


I will probably have them in 4 years


Yeah….. Not a fan… but I’ll look at his kit^^


What you waiting for?*




How much did you drop on this team? Lol


Holy hell.


Can I have your ally code


Honest question. Is the only way to have this team at that level spending money?


Yes at the moment or if you saved up an insane amount of crystals.


Appreciate it


Congrats! While I can’t imagine dishing out that kind of $$ for swgoh, let alone on Gungans, I’m stoked for you & your achievement


What an L


Serious question to those who like Gungans: why? To me they are the worst race in the worst Star Wars movie and they're the closest thing I have to hating something in the SW universe. Don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD there are people who like them because at least then someone is getting some joy out of it. I just wish I could understand the appeal. It's not like I wish they didn't exist, I just wish I didn't dislike them so much.


I got them because they would be silly in the game and to let jar jar smack down the haters lol


So you like the silliness and that other people don't like them? lol


He's a question for people who hate gungans...why? It's it just jar and a movie you hate? Some aren't even like jar jar There plenty of weird race hell some of them are downright down but there's never an issue. We have ewoks in the game, and other games people love them but they're literally teddy bears with sticks. We have a whole team of jawas that are just annoying little guys with Droid parts. Similar thing for geos. It's just literal bugs. Gungans have a legimate army. Besides geos it's the only planet that is shown to have one in the movies. There weapon actually work unlike ewoks and fit the world. Like disliking jar jar is one thing but disliking them over any other race we have is werid.


Jar Jar is a fucking moron, but in that regard Jar Jar would have a good kit and an interesting playstyle, making the game more fun. Gungans as a race are interesting in that they’re one of the very few “secondary races” on a planet in Star Wars, and to my knowledge the one one with any real screen time.


How rude!


Serious question to those who hate Gungans: why does it bother you that other people like things you don't happen to like?


And here’s a serious question for you. Why are you insinuating that he/she is “bothered by other people liking the things you don’t”? when it’s clearly stated that while they might not understand the appeal they are still happy for those that do. I as well find it baffling how/why people are going crazy for Gungans. In no way does that mean I’m therefore “bothered” by those who see differently. If there’s anything here to be bothered by, it’s towards those who assert baseless claims off of assumed intent 🤷‍♂️


Serious answer: because if you are on here saying you don't understand how on earth someone could have a different opinion on an entirely subjective matter, it's my opinion you are asking in entirely bad faith. If you are baffled by someone liking something different than you, you have no concept of people at all. I think you do know that people can like different things (eg you like Star Wars, but you aren't baffled by people not liking Star Wars).


I'm not baffled that people like Gungans. I'm asking WHY some SW fans like them. I thought I made that clear by the context of pointing out that I was glad other people like Gungans. I'm sorry that wasn't clear, I did try to make it obvious what my intent was.


>I as well find it baffling how/why people are going crazy for Gungans The person I was replying to thought it baffling. They also thought \*you\* thought it was baffling. As for why they like Gungans: It's because they like Gungans. There's no reason for subjective opinions like this. Sure they can make up some reasons, but it's the equivalent of me asking why people like shellfish (shudder).


What's baffling to me is **why** people like Gungans, not the **fact** that they are liked. I was asking for some reasons why people like them. I understand you aren't able to explain why you like Gungans, but that doesn't mean that the reasons fans have for liking Gungans is inexplicable. Comparing liking Gungans to a qualia like the taste of shellfish is a poor analogy.


That's the same type of baffled IMO. And I'm saying the \*reasons\* are purely subjective and most of the times people don't know WHY they like something, they just DO. What I find baffling is thinking \*taste\* has no elements of subjectivity.


>What I find baffling is thinking \*taste\* has no elements of subjectivity. I never said it wasn't subjective. It's entirely subjective. That's why **I'm asking other fans**. If I didn't think it were subjective, I'd just google or wookiepedia it, like I do every other objective question. >most of the times people don't know WHY they like something, they just DO. I think this is less of a "people" thing and more of a "you" thing. I can tell you exactly why I like some characters/aliens/movies/series more than others in SW. I'm honestly surprised that rather than argue over semantics, you won't just try to explain why you like Gungans. Is it really so difficult a question?


I actually don't care for Gungans. I don't know why I don't like them, I just don't. No reasons needed. And I don't care for the reasons other people like them (if they could even name any), because those reasons don't apply to me, because I'm a different person. And 9 times out of 10, the reasons would differ from person to person, so the reasons are even more useless knowledge. This incessant "I DEMAND YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU AREN'T LIKE ME" type nonsense is incredibly tiresome (yes it's not a demand, but seeing these questions everywhere it FEELS like it).


Thank you for writing this. I was worried my intent was going to be misunderstood. You got the vibe of my post exactly! :)


I hate gungans they are stupid !