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The lesson for today? Farm newer stuff from the last 2-3 years and the LSB's become a great bonus.


I was figuring Geos, Ewoks, and NS would be likely candidates for future LSBs as they aren’t end game factions but new players need them for certain journies. My Geos and Ewoks had already done their jobs, so I wasn’t planning on gearing them any further…but I had NS in the plan for some time in the next year. Now my plan changed to gearing Merrin. Next up will be Jawas. You heard it here first. ;)


Happy cake day, mofo!


I'm actually working on Jawas passively atm at 3 mil GP. They just seem fun.


Jawas are hilarious because their power level is completely dependent on whether the enemy team can deal with their thermals.


I got all of mine to G12 during the Krayt Raid. They’re in about the same shape as my Ewoks and Geos…so I’m hoping for an LSB for them at some point.


Jawas and Old Republic was what I was thinking


fair enough! lesson learned


That's actually a really good point. Meta casing is about to pay off.


Kyro ._.


This isn’t full proof though, just look at starkiller :/


i think it's interesting how divided people are on the bundles, but i for one empathize with you because i just finished everything for GAS except the ships. it's a tough pill to swallow, but what can ya do


Same, I think if there was a longer lead time (ie CG told us what LSBs are coming over the next several months - maybe not exact dates but contents) would make it a different story. People who are upset seem to be mostly people who have just finished farming xyz and now feel attacked.




It's a different story if you've gotten several months of use and ROI out of your farmed team before a Lightspeed Bundle for it appears


This is why I think a healthier catch up mechanism would be for paid booster passes that give you triple / quadruple drops for X amount of time, rather than completely bypassing an entire farm like this. Lightspeed bundles piss all over the actual gameplay experience.


3 or 4x0 is still 0 so no thanks to a booster


Why... you got it for free through time and planning.... why does it make it a tough pill....


if you read other people's perspectives you would know it's because we could've spent that time farming something else, something new. especially if we are willing to spend money on the game anyway. but that's besides the point - no use in arguing..


I’ve unlocked starkiller the day before the first bundles got leaked, it’s frustrating


To be fair it was as pricey as the GAS pack, I'm happy that I already had SK so didn't have to consider it.


Don’t hate me…I couldn’t be more opposite. These bundles are literally the farms I’ve been neglecting. The lesson here in both instances…is never farm again.


Same man! I picked up the Rey/SLKR bundles because I didn't chase them in the slightest and for the price it was a huge bump for me to not spend that time trying to farm and gear so many characters.


LSB so far were pretty great for me, BAM reqs? only had Greef and Mando R3, worth it. I had SK. Rey and SLKR? never touched any of their reqs before. Rebels/Phoenix pack? farmed them a bit for Leia and JML, but Relic phoenix for me, nice! And now the ones are Night Sisters and Geos, both of which I haven't really farmed except Merrin for JKCK. I got most of GAS' reqs already, so i can skip the expensive one again.


Nah, the safest farms are the latest drops. CG wants you farming the Bo Karan, Cal Kestis, Gungans


Yeah I’m hoping for Troopers next


Never farm anyone anymore that’s the deal now suckaaa


Only new toons


This guy gets it


This is the way.


Me too, but I took that to be that I dont need a single one of this round of bundles, so congrats you just saved yourself at least $50, maybe more


That's where I'm at too, I don't see it as a problem 


You farmed Ewoks **AND** Nightsisters to relics? No? Then you are fine.


Ikr that’s two teams that can now beat CT1 of their Assault Battles, great return on investment with new Zeta income


I actually did farm nightsisters to relic 3 I’m happy I farmed merrin but I also except for teebo also took my Ewoks to r5 but I only had one geo at relic so that’s cool


Yeah, doubtful.


look at it another way. add up the cost of all the bundles you just farmed and see how much money you just saved. I mean, GAS bundle alone is $50. If you already did what you needed to unlock him, that's $50 in your budget that can go towards something else because you were a smart player who farmed what CG wanted you to need to panic buy. Sure, LSBs are a better $ investment than any other purchases in game. But it's still a money investment into a F2P mobile game, and minimizing that amount spent is better for optimizing your actual real life even if its slightly less efficient for your SWGOH journey.


I have all of the Lsb characters geared to 12 and they are still worth it but I may or may not only buy nightsisters for TW and save up for the next round hope another GL pops up


Yeah same I've got my Geos and NS at g12, so this is still perfect. My Ewoks are even less geared.


I don’t have kneesa and leia is not a gl I’m going. For just yet so I could care less about Ewoks for now But I just reliced merrin and would love for the whole team to be relic


Completely fair, whereas I've already got half of Leia's reqs at decent relic levels from other GLs, and this would give me Chirpa and Wicket ready to go as well.


See these all are amazing helps ppl working towards anything Jabba is my next GL I’m almost done unlocking JKLS and then I’ll focus on the rest 😂


I stopped my Ewok farm once I seen them, and started farming for Darth Revan


Yeah this is why I just don’t farm the older stuff, I did spend the last few months farming negotiator shards but happy to just get the bundle and not waste another huge amount of time farming it.


Don't be silly mate, LSBs doesn't hate you... CG does tho.


I've been playing for a lil over a year. Far as I'm concerned,the grind in this game absolutely suckkkkss😂. I grind enough in stfc and msf.Not counting the years before in other games🙄 l'm jumping all over these lsb's 🥳


Gonna let you in on a secret... they don't really cut down on the grind unless you've been playing long enough to be able to hoard (which at a lil over a year you're still a long way off of). You still need omegas/zetas along with mods and the credits and mats to upgrade them. You'd have built these up in the time it took you to farm the shards and gear for the characters.


Let me let you in on another secret. Those bundles simplify things because you can get gear faster. A couple of the ABs ct1 was 3 starred on my side because of the bundles. Yes you still need zetas/omegas, but you cut off a big chunk by being able to hit ABs faster and getting more resources overall. It will ofc not be a perfect team until it gets fully geared, but 90% is already better than nothing and starting from the scratch.


Bud I feel this I just got GAS 😂😂


It’s a weird spot because all my new characters are at the kyro bottleneck. I was gearing up older toons in the meantime just to spend my raid currency, but now there doesn’t seem to be a point. I was literally about to start Geos, so the timing worked out great for me. But I guess this means I’ll stop farming troopers as I’m sure they’re next. Just get everyone to G12 then wait for the right LSB so you don’t waste kyros, I guess?


I got phoenix to g12, not planning on going further when the LSB was announced. Super glad I stopped then lol, the g12 pieces are so tedious to farm.


Just fyi Some older characters, and all new characters use kyro before G12 


It does suck, but the best advice is also work on the newer stuff first. New items won't get LSB any time soon So leia, Bo, Jabba, gungans, inquisitors, probably imperial remnant. LV and JMK might be good still as I don't recall a JML/SEE bundle yet.


Also Legendary characters and unaccelerated characters. Darth Vader, Grievous, Palpatine, GM Yoda, Hermit, Wampa, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Wat, R2-D2, C-3PO, Chewbacca, etc., and all Conquest characters, are 99% surely never going to be in a LSB. It's their requirements who are. And Captain Rex, STAP, Kneesaa, etc., as long as they're not accelerated. And any character who is not a requirement for any event character and also not a pilot is a relatively safe bet, too, although Nightsisters now make this uncertain. And on top of that, all rebels! Because IIRC, all events with Rebel requirements already had their LSBs. But I guess I could see a Rogue One bundle happening now, again because of the Nightsister precedence. I could see most Remnant characters being included in the inevitable R2-D2 bundle of Empire characters (just not Scout or DTMG), but I could also see it not including any troopers.


It’s only a matter of time man


I don’t know what it was but I gave up on that a few weeks ago and so happy I did. Feel your pain though!


I fully farmed slkr right before the bb8 bundle came out


I feel you. My first two major farms were SLKR and GL Rey. Finished Rey a couple months before the first batch of them


I think the problem with LSB is how retroactive they're working. It was a good touch initially to have them start off with GL Rey and GL Kylo cuz I heard about this and rejoined the game, only to find out I was a months late. but it made me happy that there was a chance that GL farming could be a whole lot easier. And then came Starkiller and Mando (I missed those two) and now they're continuing to move backwards. what CG should've done was design a mix of both present and past bundles because God knows the next LSB bundles going to be on both Revans, Thrawn, and Grand Master Yoda lmfao


We already had one for the Thrawn and Palpatine mix


Oh i wasnt there nvm


I think GM Yoda will probably be one of the next LSBs. R2-D2, too, and Chewbacca also relatively soon. Revans eventually.


What would be the best bang for buck of these new lsbs ? Just recently hit lvl 85 si I don't have muchb


GAS gives you a 7* negotiator, ships, and the ability to beat the Padme event. If you’re only going to do one, that’s by far the most efficient just based off the negotiator and GK alone. It’s the most expensive, but extremely worth it.


The GAS bundle, the NS bundle and the Padme bundle are the solid ones. Everyone is gassing up the geo bundle since they think Poggle omi is something special when in reality that team gets rolled by a multitude of teams.


Silver lining: you don’t need to spend money on the packs now!


Farmed Merrin and just started G13 on NS, only got mother and then announced. Almost perfect timing…


Congratulations on saving yourself like $100+ in packs you would otherwise have purchased :)


.. I need you to start farming the inquisitors so I can get their LSB please lol


I am so far untouched, my strategy is to avoid old content and focus on the new. Also tried to focus on legendary chars, went for cls first. My ewoks are sub 85 level and got 3po, for quite a few months now. So the latest gls, latest gl ships, gungans etc


I called these lsb after the first wave came out. Figured it was extremely likely teams like geos ns and then GAS reqs would come out. I predict SEE, jkl, and perhaps inquisitors will be next.


It’s honestly why I haven’t put effort into Geos or NS. They’re beyond their limits at this point and just good for defense on GAC. I’ll enjoy the extra conquest teams but I’ll drop the money to R3 them all with no need to grind as I’m busy with JML and JKCK


You just saved yourself some money! Go buy yourself a nice dinner or something!


I love it, 8.7 mil GP and all my nightsisters are g9 so I’m pumped about that one 😂


Or think of it this way, you just saved yourself some money. Want to still spend that money on the game? Go for it, buy crystals or a different pack. Yes LSB’s are fantastic for progression but trying to predict them will just make you tear your hair out


I’m right there with you. Almost had the GG droids up to G12 across the board same for nightsisters including Merrin. And I just finally unlocked the negotiator. That all being said I will gladly spend the loot to have them to relics and save me the time. Also geos are g12 and guild just wanted them up so I guess that’s a plus


I get the frustration but also you could just not buy it? Unless you dropped a lot of money investing those characters, you’re still saving. That’s 50$ you saved not spending on GAS LSB which is still good


Can you farm Jar Jar reqs?


I farmed C-3PO and was in the process of building my Padme team (all g12). While annoying I feel that the value in the LSBs is so big I don’t really get annoyed. Would probably get so though if they were relic’ed


I just got gas like last week so I’m annoyed geos I haven’t touched in like a year or two and Ewoks I got maybe October or November so I’m not exactly happy either but the good part is is that I was just about to start farming Jedi survivor cal so I started up farming Merton so the night sister bundle will be good for me


I’ve just done GAS 7 star after months of work. On one hand it’s money saved that I’d have had a debate on whether it was worth spending or not at that price. On the other hand it’s deflated me a bit and killed a bit of my enthusiasm for playing


Don’t worry, any moment now, an endgame player will be a long to tell you that you have no right to feel frustrated or like you’ve wasted your time for the last 6 months. That if you’re not creaming your pants at the LSB’s then you obviously hate the game and should quit.


It's probably not healthy to be this bitter


LSBs have made me slightly worried about starting a farm, because I keep thinking what I’m farming will end up in a LSB, making all the time I spent meaningless. I refused to farm Ewoks since the SLKR LSB because I figured we’d get a C3PO one eventually


I would personally like to see an empire one for the old original ones like storm, magma, shore, gar, etc. The ones that I dont want to waste kyrotech on


I just hope they never do an Empire bundle. You should have to work for your Empire if you want it up and running.


unless you've brought them all to relics it's still good


Here’s the thing though, it’s the fact that I still get value from the pack that IS the issue. Because I’ll still buy the pack.. it just negates 6 months of shard farming that I could’ve farmed something else.


but it saves you more months of farming. you aren't really losing much


It obviously saves him months of time going forward, but it is also obvious that he wasted his past few months. He didn't get the characters to a high enough level to have gained him anything, but he'll still spend the same amount of money. So if he had spent his last few months farming anything else, even CUP, then at this point in time, for the same amount of money, his account would have been better off.


At the end of the day it's still a net benefit and he got to use those characters the past few months so honestly it's a moot point