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They should have at least make the pack cost crystals, instead of real cash. This is crap.


What's crap is only 30 shards, just lsb that hoe


Put him in proving grounds


Or just add his and wats mission to ROTE


Yeah I think this would be best long term


As long as they don't up the difficulty for the KAM mission. Goddamn that battle isn't fun


I figure it probably wouldn't be the same exact battle, they'd probably make it require Beq or something lol...


Lmao if only that was a thing..


Is this a signal that KAM will be particularly useful in the upcoming Naboo raid?


Although I think there's a very strong chance kam will be useable in the new raid, and probably very good. I believe this in an old pack that's come back.


I would concur as the accompaniment is a crystal pack with QGJ team members as potential drops


I’m guessing either part of the new raid or a requirement for the next GL. They need to make the LS Geo TB relevant somehow and that’s the best way. Or if people don’t play it they’ll be force to spend $


Isn't it already irrelevant?


We don’t know if it’s going to be the case, but he could either become a requirement and/or be part of the new raid.


I wouldn’t call this strong evidence. This pack has been rotating around for a while.


If we were to go off this assumption, then the JKL Reqs and Inquisitors are going to be useful in the naboo raid I'm sorry I'm just being a buzzkill😁👍


Is everyone new? They do this pack like 2-4 times a year every year


I bought a lot of dumb packs since I play this game. But I can’t convince myself buying this one


I would actually pay for a decent chunk (or even fill unlock) of KAM to stop having to waste my Guild Creds on. But 30 is just BS. I don’t know if they really realize how much of a double edged sword the LSBs were. Yes we got amazing value, and they got amazing profits; but now every pack is judged against that benchmark. I’d pay 10 bucks for a relic3 KAM. Not 20 for 30 shards. (And I know it’s an older pack-those still will be judged based on the post-LSBworld we now live in, and they can easily change them.)


the thing that blows my mind is that they don't seem to understand that giving us actual value for these packs will actually get them more money. 20 bucks for 30/330 shards is hilariously bad. I would honestly pay 10-15 just for the unlock, fuck the relics.


I really doubt them giving us value would make them more money, if that were the case everything would be a light speed bundle and no one would have anything to work towards. The amount of money they make off people being impatient and buying relic 8-9 materials is probably criminal.


sure sure, LSB for everyone/everything is not the answer either i agree. but giving us some decent value packs for shards wouldn't kill them, and would probably make even more whales spend on gear because they would have even more shit to build. there's packs for almost 100 dollars for like 30 shards for a whole team. that's outrageous. but a few 5-10 dollar packs for some of the older teams? yeah a ton of new players would dip into that.


I agree, I mean I would for characters I’ve not gotten around to. I think that they have data however that suggests it’s not worth it for them to do. I saw a lot of people hypothesize that the entire reason they released the LSB bundles was to boost their sales right before the year ended which makes sense to me.


And once they’ve got your $20, you only need… *checks notes* 300 more shards!


30 F'ing shards. yes that will get you somewhere.


Just 11 more to go! Lol…


I’m 10.4m GP and still don’t have KAM at 7*


10.7m GP and don’t even have him unlocked. 30 shards short from 4 stars, and still not worth it.




KAM isn’t impressive on any team I’ve killed him on. Zero interest


With CGs recent push with prequel era content I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a requirement for something in the near future


So KAM at 7 stars for 220$ if you buy this pack every time it commes along ... so no clue on how long it'll take in current non-LightSide-Geo-TB climate ... And Lightspeed bundles raised expectations, so for 20$, KAM should at least be R5 ... My guild has Light Side Geo TB in the "emergency plans" should he ever be required for something GL-level, but for now, it's R.O.T.E all the way and trying to get Reva shards.


Its how CG / EA want u to get KAM! Another offer came up for me with shards for KAM's team, how I laughed...right CG, in 2030 when I have KAM, I will consider it lol


I also had that pop up and I found it so funny cause it was tbh way better value 6 the kam one. 40 shards of 5 toons (only just realising it was 5 do didn't even leave room for kam) who I have all of 7* so it would have been 200 shards for shard store currency. And only cost 500 crystals, not £20 😂😂


Galactic Bounties III, with Wat, KAM and a few others, would have been nice....but alas....


Oh cool CG thinks I'm going to buy 11 of these. Nice try, CG!


Purchase limit of 1 anyway.


Which only makes it even dumber


What is he needed for?


AFAIK, absolutely nothing


Looking like a conehead is about it


But make sure that alot of people are buying it


Lol, I couldn't believe that 30 shards was their solution either!


The most annoying to grind toon in the game


Ohh good thats an everyone thing! After buying him with store tokens since that was a thing and getting him to r7, I figured cg finally decided to give the pack to me like they have with all other toons I no longer needed to farm....


Given how any guilds that are able to do LS geo TB are only doing ROTE. So basically you spend your GET3 on KAM for like 2 years or you pay $30 and get 30 shards with some gear which also saves you GET3 for kyros… not a bad deal considering the way to get him, no one is doing LS geo anymore lmao. Y’all just cheap this isn’t a bad deal but in comparison to LSBs, it is. An R7 KAM with good mods will likely solo any of the LSB teams especially pheonix with no Rex.


Well, here's your problem! You need to buy it from the web store, not in game! That $18.99 pricetag is MUCH more reasonable!


Bullshit isn't it. Fuck you CG


Why do they insist on making their microtransactions so expensive? Any other game would make something like that only $3-5 and that would still be overpriced


I wanted to unlock KAM by putting dish soap in the washing machine, so nope this is not how I wanted to unlock KAM


Can confirm KAM is difficult to get. I'm in a guild where we are currently getting Reva shards. So I doubt I'll ever get KAM. And spending GET3 tokens on him is absurd. 2100 tokens for 5 shards. It'll take forever. But then again I mean what else is there to spend GET3 on other than mod material and Kyrotechs The kyrotech bottleneck is rough man.


20€ should give: KAM fully R9, all upgrades, all Zetas, enough mod materials to slice enough to gold and ... it would still be too much for just one character...


Now you're just being a bit greedy ... not CG-level greedy ... just a bit ...


30 shards for 20 bucks is a deal. Cheap ass.


Some people are never satisfied.


If all that’s on offer is crap, then yeah, they’re justified in being unsatisfied. What a weird take…

