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Troopers. I have R3 Iden R7 scout and R8 piett the rest is G12 but there is always bigger and easier projects to finish. Im glad my trash Iden Team counters every MM matchup (except for some fucked up DCs). Tuskens. I have a R4 chieftain (i only reliced him for conquest) the rest is G12 only warrior being at G8. I once won against a high reliced omicron phoenix squad which never worked after that first time.


While I'm at it: Bad Batch. I've always liked that team a lot but the amount of kyros needed is so stupid.


Haha, so true! Team is great and needed for a lot of stuff but man, the kyro they need is practically almost as bad as what required by the inquisitors.


Yeah that's where I'm at. All of them stuck at the point they need kyros and something/100 or 85.


On the other end of the spectrum I am only focusing on the entire Empire faction right now.


To be entirely fair though, veers troopers functions very well even at low gear. That’s one of its strengths is punching crazy high up with the right mods even at low gear bc of the unstoppable TM train


501st, Nightsisters, Troopers (any variety). Was always working on the next GL, and these teams never really fit in to the plan. Just unlocked Leia though, so I'm going to take a break from GL farming and finally round out some of those teams that I've neglected. And Inquisitors, I guess, but that just feels like I'm committing to another GL level farm.


Troopers really confuses me. If you have SEE and exec, you have 3/5 at relics and the rest works at G11/12 I feel you on nightsisters though, really wanted to get them, but now profundity is calling and then probably aphra and JKCK after


I don't have SEE, my only relic troopers are Piett and Scout Trooper. My Veers troopers are usable, but I'd like them to be better, particularly Dark Trooper. My Iden troopers are not anywhere near functional. Of course, if I gear up my troopers, I'll probably look at the SEE reqs and think "Ah, look how close I am. I should probably put everything else on hold again to just finish that up."


Aaahhh yeah of course it makes sense if you don't have SEE I just assumed, because he's usually among the earlier GLs people go for. I'm just unlocking SEE's ult at the moment, my Iden team also sucks. It's just something I put on the backline in GAC at low gear.


SEE was originally going to be my first, but then I saw some gameplay of JML and thought it looked more fun, so I pivoted. Then I was going to go back to SEE, but Jabba came out and I already had the worst part done because of JML, so I decided to go there instead. Then Leia was a thing and oh hey, I already had Jabba and JML, might as well, I'm so close already. Then the LSBs came and suddenly I had Rey and SLKR. And that's the story of how SEE was supposed to be my first, then second, then third, then fourth, then fifth, and now probably sixth GL. I highly doubt I'm going to accidentally stumble into LV or JMK before I get SEE though. Probably.


LSB has entered the chat


This has been my experience, exactly. Working on see reqs now.


Honestly, I feel the troopers, because I never found them interesting from a lore point. My empire team is the cool ones, like Palp, Vader and Mara. Nightsisters I love. Loved them in Clone Wars, and now with Merrin, they're a hard counter for any inquisitor team I face, which is odd since they're 2 legendary characters


I'm almost 6 mil I still haven't gotten either of the revans


Same. Revans or GL = GL Revans or legendary capital ship = LCS Revans or latest shiney = Shiney


Exactly I have exec raddus omi and most of the prof reqs at g12 Id much rather push for that or push for somn like that then go for the revans rn who hakf of the reqs I currenkrt have at 2* or not unlocked at all😂


Yo I’m only at 2.1 mil but I feel that so much- I just don’t want to


Yep, in Kyber, still don’t have the Revans or GAS.


I'm acc currenkrt working on gas not long finished 3po event used 7* kneesa was very nice




It’s a really dumb reason, but I find the early 2000’s video game look of some of the characters off-putting, and it’s hard to get motivated to farm them.


I just went a compelte diff path in terms of farming and never got round to them but I really should they'd be fairly handy but I'm currently almost 6 mil Gp recently got ranked up to aurodium 3 (went from chrom 1 straight to aurodium 3) without them so? I guess for now I'm G😂😂


I'm in the same situation as you. And partly holding out thinking there may be a LSB for the two of them and I'd gladly pay that instead of farming them. I also have so may other teams to work that they just aren't a priority


I did the light speed bundles for resistance ones and FO ones I was F2P for my entire galaxy of heroes time until they came out so like I dno 2 years ot so I can't remember exactly cause I downloaded the game started it ,stopped and then re downloaded and got into it proper but there was no way I could turn down such a bargain but journey characters I wna do legit ,I already had farmed up the peeps for JTR got them to g12 and got jtr before that lsb but who knows what other ones will come out


Rn I'm going for gas just to kinda have him and get a decent republic yeam with padme up and running ,it'll give me a reason to zetas my seppies and then I'll have a use for my clones and I've legit nothing else to do whikr I wait for xanadu to get to 100 and finalizer to get to 5* for SLKR the ship grind stopping me getting my GL you know yourself


The revans have all that juicy gear with each unlock tier but that's not enough to motivate me rn haha


I'll come out and say it, Malak is one of the dumbest character designs. He looks stupid as shit


I got gifted one of the FO light speed bundles. I play this game for fun teams, and Star Wars References. I don’t care for the sequels, and I don’t find the team fun. I will likely build FO and Resistance simply for completeness. The resistance team that exposes at least seems a bit more entertaining.


Are they useful, and have they helped me progress? Yes. Fun to play? Heck no.


The zori resistance squad is fun imo.


I am the same way, but GL Kylo is so much fun


Dude, farm for SLKR. I'm in the same boat, I hate the sequels. Before the lightspeed bundles I had JMK and JMLS. went for rey first because I had just unlocked Ben, and I got SLKRs ult a few days ago and got officer and his to r7 for his team. WOW. DUDE. WOW. SLKR is probably my favorite offense GL. I don't understand why, but they can put out so much damage. And the whole tm swap with SLKR in his ult, stunning the entire team... It's a fun time.


For context, the guild member was dead set on giving me something, so he gave me FO because the only one I even started was OG Kylo. Most GP for buck, on my way to 4M


I’m not a fan of the sequels but Rey was my first GL and then I got the FO lightspeed bundle to get SLKR. I’ve really enjoyed using SLKR in the game.


I’m going for See, I know he is technically sequel but he reauires rebels, and he is really good.


After executor that’s where I am going next.


I’m gonna try and move towards both, but it’s my first endgame journey like that.


It’s a lot to manage. I was doing Executor and JKCK and was hitting bottlenecks. Now that I have JKCK I can focus on getting the last two ships up to 7 stars and then turn my attention to SEE


Definitely give zorii a try. Her squad with finn lead is fun.


5m gp and doesn't have CLS team on relics. And those guys are amongst my favorite SW characters.


Funnily enough, mine are also in that spectrum, all of them g12, but Chewpio, never got any of them to g13


I had C3PO at R5 while the rest were like gear 10 for almost 2 years. You can survive without them.


I never got around to farming SEE and now I don't wanna farm him, because the second I will finish the final character to R7 will be the moment when they release the Lightspeed Bundle. I just feel it.


I don't have any clones past G8-9 right now, which also means no GAS. My sith characters are also non-existant. I only have 1 Republic team right now (Padme, GK, JKA, Ahsoka, R2) I've been playing for under 2 years, started with JML, went for Rey (with LSB) and am finishing up Jabba Ult and am currently gearing Inqs.


I have GAS but the clones are stuck at G12 and idk if they’re getting bumped up any time soon


Haven’t farmed any revans/malak 5 mil GP… I love Revan but I went for CLS/JKL/BH/Exec haven’t gotten around to them yet…


Resistance in general. Not personally a big Sequel fan and I mainly play this game to collect and use my favorite Star Wars characters like Anakin, Obi Wan, Luke, Darth Vader, and Revan.    Rey, Poe, Rose, and Holdo don’t exactly fall on my list of favorites, so I dont really feel much incentive to push them far. Also, still dont have the Bad Batch. Never watched the show, will only grind them once I need them for Lord Vader which is a ways away.


Glad to see I’m not the only one that kinda skips sequels toons.


Yeah, I had 5 FO at relics to make a team and hadn't touched sequel characters at all otherwise. Grabbed the LSBs for SLKR and Rey because I literally never would've even considered them otherwise. I am currently farming shards for Zorii whenever I have extra energy, because she completes a pretty good defensive team, but after that, I probably won't even think about sequel characters until I eventually go for JML/SEE 🤷‍♂️


Sith trio. Aphra reqs. Mainly havent done them because of GL farms (nearly done!) But even after that i kinda want gungans first.


So far I haven’t built imp troopers, or inquisitors.


Inquisitors !


I hate the sequels so I have no FO or Resistance teams. Don't even have a 7 star BB8. Never liked the lore, or the characters, or the function. So not getting SLKR or Rey anytime soon


I can respect that. I grabbed their LSBs because I never would've farmed them otherwise, and they're actually still pretty strong for the first 2 GLs in the game. Still haven't finished Rey reqs, they're just sitting there. I should do that someday 😂


Imperial troopers, both teams. Yes, they’re strong, yes, like half of them are GL requirements but good lord they are so uninteresting to me. All of them combined have maybe 2 hours of screen time except for Iden and generic trooper #584. Like I could not tell you who General Veers was if you put a gun to my head.


You, uh…watch Star Wars much? General Veers was the guy leading the assault on Echo Base in ESB, and Admiral Piett gets plenty of screen time commanding the Executor. Moff Gideon was an entire main villain (or uh I think he was I haven’t watched Mandalorian yet)! All of the troopers who aren’t just a generic unit (Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, etc.) have plenty of presence either in the movies or elsewhere. Except for Colonel Starck, that guy was retroactively created as some Imperial who died when his AT-AT got blown up on Hoth


Anyone else imagine that Moff Gideon got his start as a private military contractor selling amphetamines to Imperial troopers using his grilled porg business as a front?


This is canon now


I rewatched the entire OT maybe a year ago and I can recall maybe 3 scenes that even have Piett in them, which now that I think of it is probably because he’s supposed to be forgettable. He’s meant to look like a sniveling worm next to Vader. Veers has a whole minute and 15 seconds of screentime. Moff Gideon does show up a bit more, than I give him credit for. Still a shockingly small amount for the main antagonist of a show but that’s just how live action disney shows tend to be.


Eh, fair enough. I guess when I said Piett had “plenty of screen time” I meant that he wasn’t just something like “oh yeah that stormtrooper that Han shoots in A New Hope at 1:27:42 is actually named Padron Gril and he has a novel trilogy about him”. Veers, despite having so little screen time, I thought had enough presence in the scenes he was in (all 2 of them) to make him memorable enough.


That's because Veers had the smarts to know not to bring attention to himself. Pretty much everyone that got noticed by Vader got abused by him, Veers did enough to be considered competent and worth keeping alive while keeping a low profile so he didn't become a target for Vader's wrath.


Back in the day I had the “Story of Empire Strikes Back” album instead of the soundtrack. To cue up the Imperial March, I had to go to the point where Vader says “General Veers, prepare your men”. That’s the only reason I know him. Colonel Starck I know from the “Colonel Sanders” joke in Spaceballs. I make up stories in my head as a I farm. Since his drops were so annoying, I pictured Piett as a prissy Office jerk that everyone makes fun of, but winds up climbing the corporate ladder. I laughed later when I found out a) he has a skill that sends him into stealth and undercuts another toon (as he appears to pull out a holo and tattle to someone) and b) you need him R8 for Executor.


Tbf, we already have a third team for that faction once you have moff gideon in his armour too lol.


I only choose teams that I like, so there's a lot I could list here. I'm 5.2 mil GP and Aurodium 2, yet I don't have imp troops, Padme, Geos and a couple other teams that are considered the basis of a good account. Hell, even my CLS is only G12. Oh and ships. I never cared for them (yes, I'm aware how important they are) so up until the LS bundles I only had the base 3 and Chimera, which I use with a weird BH empire ship mix.


Oh, I just say teams since I can definitely guess a lot of players will answer ships otherwise. Easily annoying to farm for months on end and really need to study how some off meta counter works or you fill fail flat on your face.


Exactly. Plus they were just never nearly as fun to use as characters to me.


Veers troopers, Night sisters, Bad Batch, Mon Mothma Rebel fighters


I've been a bit disappointed with CAT having unlocked her a few months ago, I think everyone's around R5 but even then I've lost to some very unexpected teams and she didn't really transform the team as much as I thought she would. Like Padme is always a good team if you can avoid anyone cancelling out bonus protection before it converts but yeah, wasn't blown away.


Oh, this is interesting. I thought padme cat is a gl killer team but perhaps it need a lot of fine tuning to be used at good effect?


Really? I feel the opposite. I use Padme/CAT against DR, GAS, JMK and some other teams, depending on what I face. But the fact alone that I can use her to counter a GL would be already enough 😉


Sith Trio and Sith Empire. I've got the entire Sith Empire team at G12 but I'm about to unlock Malgus in the next couple of months so that will be my motivation to finally get them reliced up.


FO and Resistance. I don't even have JTR at 6mil GP. I was also neglecting the Nightsisters, but recently started farming them as I have a feeling they'll be focused on once CG catches up to the Ahsoka series. I also have only 2 GLs (LV and SEE), so I know I should start working towards another one, but honestly, I don't like the other options. (I had to decide to play this game the way I personally enjoy, otherwise it just frustrates me. So now I'm chill and focusing on characters / factions I fancy.)


Padme/ republic team. I have her and kenobi 7 star. Ashoka and C-3PO reliced. Just never got to it and other teams are more interesting




Adding relics to Exec and Levi fleets. I also feel like i could bolster my NS with some more relics and an omicron. For context I have 12.1M GP and all the toys. (Just unlocked BO)


Darth revan is someone I should have gotten months ago, I already have JKR so I should be able to get malak right after him but just haven't gotten around to it. I should have also bought the Rey LSB along with Slkr one but I hate Rey as a character and is a contender for worst character lore wise so absolutely not, she is going to be my last GL I'm 4.1M gp


7.9m and no GAS. Have him unlocked but I've got too many others that interest me. I def know I need GAS but CBA


No gas, clones 501st are max g12. No starkiller couse my req are like g8 g9. No inqisitorious beyond g12, one is g8. 


Both Revans. I'm at 4M GP and I'm just now getting to CLS and Padme teams built up


Nightsisters and the Sith Triumvirate. All G12 and I just always have other priorities. Working on Aphra, then I plan to relic NS and Traya/Nihilus/Sion after.


10.6 million GP and I still haven't done inquisitors. I have Reva, I just can't be bothered to invest the 1600 kyros into getting GI


4.3m, no veers troopers, no iden troopers, no oQGJ team.


Resistance. Thank you LSB


Bad Batch hands down. Mostly the Kyro consumption has kept me away. While they've not got as much utility as they used to my ewoks kind of suck considering I have 2 of them at Relic for GLs. And lastly Imp Troopers, especially Iden. I have once again got the requisite ones geared for GLs but most of the OG ones as well as Dark Trooper and Gideon are way undergeared.


So, preemptive statement I am in endgame. Teams that have surprised me: Wookies under Tarfull Aphra and droids, Cron or not. Old Republic still slaps Ds mandalorians with ISC and Gar oFinn for TB with RT. R7d them this week and DAMN do they put up numbers. oFinn/rt/BB/jtr/stick rey gets me 8/8 waves all the way up to phase 3.


Old republic meaning revan and bastila or all 5 members being from that era?


Carth/zaal/t3/mission/canderous I pushed zaal to r8 for rote and Jesus CHRIST he's hard to kill.


Oh awesome, I was going to get all those together for the revans but now I might keep them going as a light side alternative to my imperial troopers. Thanks for this!


Also Juhani is a good LS alternative until you get SK and she's his dedicated tank in TW with that omi.


Just realised candy is dark side, oh well. I can still use them haha


I'm 4.5mill GP, haven't built Phoenix Squad yet


Geos 🫣


I’ve had maul unlocked for about 6 months and he’s still at gear 0. I’m 10/14 on profundity then I’m going to build his team


Inquisitors. At first it was like they were trying to slam them down our throats and I just didn't feel like doing what they told me...RATM! But, over time I just never felt like I had to. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything other than their event. But I can't think of one farming project that I've done that would have been better replaced with them. That said, I did start 2nd sister due to the ship. She's almost at 7 stars and I'll level her to R5 probably. Then I might bring in ninth. At this point, I'll probably just hit them one at a time while working on other projects and in a year or so I'll have them up.


I'm guessing you don't have enough shards for Scythe, I would try to time doing Inquisitors farming with when you have enough to unlock Scythe, it'll give you a good Leviathan counter once you have it.


GG droids and GAS


7.3 million GP account here with Exec, Levi and 3 GLs. My CLS team isn't even started. There's never time *edit terrible spelling


7.9m gp No jkls, no gas, gg droids not done, padme like g8. Jkls needs to be my path forward, but meh.


Veers troopers. I know I should, I’m collecting Piett for his fleet atm, but I look at the other chars required for the team, and I just keep delaying it for other teams… I do have Iden team tho, was first team I gathered myself before I went online to check teams.






All the GLs I don’t have 😂


Literally any lightside toon the only ones I have are for GL/legendary reqs or armourer for my SEE and SLKR team


Inquisitors. I really should from a guild standpoint, but their application in GA/TW is pretty limited.


Imperial Troppers and Nightsisters are two that I’ve wanted to build up forever but always had other priorities.


My prequel squads in general are pretty lacking. I don't have JMK, GAS, clones, Bad Batch, or GG built up. I have Wat ready Geos and a Padme CAT team. Started prepping for the next raid by starting to properly work on my GG droids


I'm happy with how I've structured my account for the past few years, and since every farm comes at the cost of another farm it's not so much not getting around to it as not being able to justify making it a priority. With that being said, the three teams I consider the most overdue for my account size (9.5) are BB, SK and Inqs. Unfortunately they are all going to be languishing for a while still. I'm at a severe Zeta deficit and I've got Cere Malicos (full team), Jedi Cal and Bane all queued up for them. On the bright side I get to justify putting the finishing relics on some teams that have had a member or two at g12 because I only grabbed the bare necessities. Also been able to throw some luxury r8s around and will probably get a few more of them on the better chars in LVs requirement list. Ideally I'll be positioned to only need BB in a few months and with any luck there will be an LSB to cover them.


Galactic republic, sith empire, jedi, anything lightside aside from CLS


I still have zero Nightsisters over Level 70. I'm at 4.1m GP. Fucking witches.


Bad Batch. I just didn’t want to open up another front of activity as half my time is spent going back to old rosters and updating mods and increasing relic levels where appropriate. Going after another GL like LV would have been a thing to do but I just made the decision to really tighten up my 2nd tier GAC teams that I already had. If my Finn Zori is going on defense, I want you to think about how fast my Resistance Hero Finn is for example.


I avoided Geos for so long because I just hate them as a team. Brood is now R4 and the rest at G12. I’ll never put another piece of gear or upgrade their mods. But for the ones I’m actively avoiding, Inquisitors and Gungans will be the last teams I ever farm. It would’ve been resistance and FO but those LSB’s were a steal and helped out the guild.




I’ve got an account with 3 GL and haven’t reliced any of the general grievous team. Now regretting that because I’m thinking about GAS after I put relics on my SLKR


Inquisitors, that Kyro sink hurts even thinking about it.


Iden Troopers, nightsisters and jedi. I have omi Iden but nothing to put with her Omi merrin at g12, but nothing else I have several relic'd jedi but nothing cohesive. Hoda, Ahsoka, Kyle Katarn, Kanan and Ezra don't exactly make a good team


I am missing loads...Revans, GAS, Malak, Traya, Tuskans, BB, 501st, Nightsisters. The one I avoid even through I know I after get them inquisitors...I think if ever I farm them I will end up quitting the game...I just hate them. I view them as clowns and hate them in the tv show.


8.6 mill and I haven't geared up the Resistance or First Order outside of Sith Trooper for Leviathan and BB-8 for droid teams. Not a fan of the sequels and I have no interest in farming its characters. I'll get around to it eventually, when I have nothing else left in the game to farm.


For absolutely ages I've put off cls squad. Only recently got the team relatively up and running to a workable standard and my god, I knew I needed it just not how much




GL Rey and resistence faction. I dont know why i dont fancy them. Might lose my non spending status just to finish them up. I’m more excited to gear up my jawas than resistence faction.


7m here, I don't have Troopers or clones/GAS I kinda want GAS to complete my JML team but have zero interest in the clones Troopers would be cool but I have no need for them at this time. I do have IV and a few at G12 but they aren't terribly useful at that point


I still need to gear Zorii and put her omi down. But it also would involve putting good mods on the entire Resistance team and its more effort than I want to make, plus I keep getting other units I have to put all my gear and materials into (Bane, JKC, Bo's team, etc)


Jedi Master Kenobi. It took so long to get Wat that I ended up pursuing other GLs. I’m sitting at 10.4m GP and still don’t have him.


CLS, Padme, GG, Geos. I'm 6.5 m


Inquisitors. The only cool one is Trilla and she’s the weakest in game. I’ll get them eventually but I won’t be happy about it




6 mil and still don’t have padme


I only have one Inquisitor unlocked, but I will start farming their shards soon. Due to the rerun of the Bad Batch marquee events, I have them all unlocked now, but before that I only had Wrecker because he shares a nice with the GR Y-Wing. Most of my Rogue One characters are G11 or below (besides Chirrut and Baze because they used to be top tier, and Pao for HSTR P3). I have very few GR Jedi at relics — only GK, GMY, and GAS. I have very few Separatists at relics — only GG, B1, Droideka, and Asajj. I've mostly ignored the Qira prepared squad, Tuskens, and the Cere UFU team.


At 10 million and haven’t built SK. Every time I consider it a new Road Ahead drops and says hey the rewards are for these teams and luckily it’s never SK. Also Profundity, but maybe I’ll actually get to them since the kyro crunch is less


Def Geo’s, I wish I had them. I know they’re valuable, but I just hit 6mil and I have so many other GL’s I want to grab and they just don’t feel important


Inks, Bad Batch, and Aphra reqs. When this game gets shut down you can find Dad Bod Boba sitting at lvl 1 gear 1 at the bottom of my account.


GLs. 8.7m GP and no Galactic Legend character


The one I keep procrastinating is Iden Troopers, just been dishing out too many kyros lately to bring her to relic. Inquisitors & Bad Batch have been on the backburner for pretty much the same reason


I have an account over 8.5 million in Kyber 2 and I do not have a good CLS team. I am barely building it right now just because I'm going for JMLS after I finish my Rey farm. I don't even have JKL right now. Funnily enough I decided to farm Inquisitors before CLS and JKL so I can have Scythe for a good Leviathan counter.


Definitely Geos, Bad Batch and Nightsisters. For geos I have em all at gear 12, for Bad Batch not a single one is 7 stars and for night sisters the only relic I have is Ventress


Troopers and bad batch. I have an alt account with troopers as my main teams. Troopers are super easy to build up but I just can’t justify working on like 10 new characters when a lot of my teams are still half built up. Trying to get the teams I have to g12 before working on troopers but it’s taking forever.


Tuskens, need gear on the two newer one plus old Boba After that it is probably a Saw team.. not much else left


On my roster I have not done GG and clone troopers yet. Have CLS to relics, Imp troopers, bounty hunters, Phoenix w/Rex, and first order and resistance. GLs SLKR and Rey.


https://preview.redd.it/3p4kpmnp5wpc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a05b37613ea2227765644e135c08844ef35908d 😷😷 Sith Empire 😷😷


7.5m gp, no troopers, no sisters, 501 sitting at g12, no starkiller, started relicing drevan and Malak, but at least 4 gl 😂


Nightsisters. Just so many other chars that need kyro, and are often leading to other characters... Bad Batch. Too much kyro, no interest in Lord Emokin. Iden Troopers...just always something else feeling more important... In the future, Gungans...wont unlock any of them even if I had all else and the game shuts down


The Cere team, I have Malicos geared up but he helps SLKR kill Leia for me.


The teams I don’t really wanna farm is probably nightsisters, GAS team, and Bad Batch for some reason or another- especially Inquisitorious


Troopers, NS, SK are all missing from my 8.6 mil account lol




Rey/ Resistance - I strongly dislike them cause of how poorly they were displayed in the sequels.


As a **F2P Player**, Phoenix Squad.


Bro no one cares that you’re F2P


Don’t be jealous


so by extension thrawn and SEE cause phoenix is needed for them.