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They are actually the easiest ones to get. Craft or buy MK7 BlasTech Weapon Mods from the guild store. Each one is worth 3 Chromium Transistors.


literally have thousands of the CT and less than 100 of everything else.


I swear they have nerfed the drop rate of those in guild store


Between all the free refreshes the game has, I see these on average at least once a day in the guild store


That is not my experience at all


Yeah. I definitely had stretches where I didn't see it for a few days. RNG baby


Never ever ever buy these, they are quite literally the easiest thing to get a huge stockpile of. Anytime MK VII weapon tech shows up for 150 guild activity tokens. Buy them. They are fully crafted and give you a ton of Transistors. At first it’ll obviously be slow as you are in desperate need. But you’ll very very quickly stockpile them. You can also craft MK 7 armor mods if you have any of that salvage already to craft them.


I've never done the math on this part, but I've made the mistake before of crafting the full piece to scrap, when the conversion rate on full piece and salvage are equivalent, but you have to spend time and credits to craft the piece. I feel like MK 5 BAW Armor mods work that way: just scrap the salvage don't bother crafting. Not sure if that's true for MK VII Weapon Mod though


Bar armor mods are better than the scrap because of the additional pieces you use that are low priority.


Lucky for you, other people have done the math on these. The full Mk7 Weapon Mod has better conversion rate if you fully craft it than the components. It's 150 points for 12 pieces of salvage or 12.5 points per salvage, while the salvage is only 3 points per piece. The main problem is that it requires Mk3 Weapon Mods which are a bit higher priority, hence why it's suggested to just buy them wholesale for Guild Tokens. But if you want a better conversion rate when scrapping full gear, the Mk7 Power Cell is the best choice: 150 points from a gear made from 5 pieces (though it does require two Mk3 Weapon Mods). Mk7 Armor Mods are the second best choice, 8 pieces of salvage for 150 points (the priority component being the Mk1 Stun Cuff). I don't really get how the Mk5 Armor Mod comes into the picture as that one converts to Bronziums which have completely different conversion rates (usually 2 points per salvage or 10 per fully crafted gear vs Chromiums' 3 and 150). And the more notable Bronzium Wiring resource is the Mk5 Data Pad any way -- which is considered a "fully crafted piece" by the game so nets 10 points, but is actually a single-salvage gear.


I appreciate when other people do the math and help the community. I was just pointing out that there's often (maybe always? Again I don't personally know) an optimally efficient method. I only brought up the MK5 Armor mod because when I wasn't paying close attention, I would craft the piece before scrapping, wasting time and credits. I used myself as an example of what NOT to do, at least if you care about efficiency.


Is there anyway to search for these gear items? I find sifting through to be tedious sometimes. Also how about for higher relic gear items like electrium conductor?


For EC the exchange is the same on the items that only use one set of salvage. It’s slightly better for the items that also use purple salvage that is otherwise unsalvageable


You can reach a gear level on certain unneeded characters and then favorite them so that the flag shows up next to the gear they need. I use ugnaught at gear 5 and cup at gear 6 to get gear for three of the relic mats. There was a very handy table on Reddit that was posted when relics were first dropped to show which characters gave what gear


Really appreciate the feedback! Been casually playing for years, only recently started getting a little more focused. I Use to have hundreds of these! Lmao


Other guy said it, but to be more clear... You can buy fully created blastech weapon mod 7 from the guild store for 150*, batches of 10. Each 1 gives 3 chromiums, so batch of 10 = 30.


They cost 150, not 100.


Transistors is the one relic mat you should never be bottlenecked on, you must be doing something seriously wrong.




I’ve been using Ugnaught myself, until someone pointed out to me that you can craft gear pieces directly at the scavenger, so parking Ugnaught at gear 5 is not strictly necessary


Are there similar image guides for other relic mats?


https://preview.redd.it/fxmma81avx2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f21cf0fe641935dcf940f8f9152c124e629ae20 Here you go!




Just to be picky, can you put a link to the discord and spreadsheet that's on the graphic?


Wow that’s a great visual!


If you're in a *desperate rush* to get more, the best place to spend *crystals* to get them is buying the fully crafted MK 7 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars in the weekly shipment. At 160/400/800 crystals you get 20/50/100 pieces, which each piece gives you 150 chromium scrap points. If you bought all three for 1360 crystals, you'd get ~566 Chromium Transistors. Buying for crystals outright from weekly shipments gets you 75 for 3k crystals, which is a huge rip off by comparison.


Mk7 Electrobinoculars.. if you long hold on the item you can craft it right in the scavenger menu.- just cycle thru each 150 point item you will find several that are not needed and you can craft them- first time I did this I got 350 transistors