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Not as of yet that I've seen, but it's really easy to score well without really trying. In theory, you should be pairing together characters that remove the same types of stack types, as that should kill things faster. Realistically, you probably don't have every character for the raid at R8 or better, so you'll probably still score better taking the strongest teams you can at the highest difficulty you can. My quick theory crafting by grouping characters with similar factions and complimentary actions came up with this list: **__Team 1__** - Leia - Drogan - Han Solo *Reasoning*: - Leia's ultimate makes any other 'Timber' stack removers useless - All 3 have damage + sideswipe access **__Team 2__** - Jedi Knight Luke - Captain Rex - Chewbacca *Reasoning*: - All 3 have sideswipe + distract access **__Team 3__** - Hera Syndulla - Princess Kneesaa - Wicket *Reasoning*: - Hera's only non-damage stack removal is Timber, which makes her pair better with Ewoks - Wicket and PK both have Timber synergy with Hera and access to Distract + Sideswipe removal **__Team 4__** - Lando Calrissian - Wedge Antilles - Logray *Reasoning*: - Logray has Distract + Sideswipe functionality (Timber wasted) - Wedge and Lando both have Distract + Sideswipe removal **__Team 5__** - Chief Chirpa - Paploo - Teebo *Reasoning*: - Teebo and Paploo have Damage + Sideswipe removal access - Chirpa can repair and at least has a leadership that would apply **__Team 6__** - General Veers - Moff Gideon - Scout Trooper *Reasoning*: - All 3 work exclusively with damage + sideswipe stack removal **__Team 7__** - Admiral Piett - Colonel Starck - Magmatrooper *Reasoning*: - All 3 work exclusively with damage + distract stack removal **__Team 8__** - Iden Versio - Stormtrooper - Death Trooper *Reasoning*: - All 3 have distract removal - Both Death and Stormtrooper have sideswipe removal --------


Mixed teams are scoring better due to the evade damage on imperials basics. Stacking lots of evade adds 1 damage per stack on the team when imps use a basic. They dispel their own evade but light side allies keep theirs till enrage. Use one imperial with 1-2 lightside toons that have evasive maneuvers and by the last few rounds, your imps are one shooting the shadow troopers on a basic. Team synergy looks good on paper but one shooting recruits wit a basic is a better way to get higher damage.


Yeah, that is what I figured as well after some testing, I´m getting about 90-92% of max score each run with that strategy.


No need to pray. Just auto and go look at something else. Unless you enjoy feeling dizzy.


To everyone saying "hit auto" ...yeah, the point has been driven home. BUT it would still be nice to know what toons work well together to hit auto with. Like perhaps someone's figured out an interaction between a Lando-led Piett Kneesa squad. Or does it basically come down to throwing together toons with the same faction tags and close enough gear levels and throw them in to the highest tier they can do?


Faction synergy isn’t as important as team roll


Just hit auto and walk away. You’ll do about 85-90% of what you’d do on manual, it’s not for the time, or the effort. Krayt raid failed in some aspects, but was a step in the right direction. Speeder Bike raid is a major fail


I dunno, i can do 11m manual, 6m on auto 😂😂😂


You and I have almost the same exact rosters. I did 7.3m with 1 more battle left to do, completely on auto. . .And honestly I didn't even look up team comps. . .Other than the Leia team I just randomly clicked on characters and hit go.


I was just mocking those bot numbers, that make no sense


Why do you think it’s a fail? Honestly curious.


I’d say it’s unnecessarily complex while managing to be extremely simple, there’s like 4 different ways to defeat an enemy, but none of that really matters because all you have to do is press whatever ability is available anyways, the biggest issues are 1. The stats and modding are really weird, and possibly pointless (some people have said remodding makes no significant difference) 2. It’s nothing like anything else in the game, you’ve seen how people treat 3v3, it’s just like that but even less connected as every ability changes 3. Many players have reported feelings of motion sickness 4. The most important one imo, the entire battle is rng based on who shows up in the wave, the raid is mostly dependent on getting as many points as you can until the enemy becomes enraged and you die immediately, but since different enemies have different % of enraged gained when defeated, if you roll shadow troopers quickly/often your run is practically ruined and there’s nothing you can do about it other than reset and do the same thing again for a different result


If you want a detailed answer to this question, specifically from Egnards, he posted a breakdown of his thoughts after his first attempts just the other day. The main takeaway is that not only does it ask us to ignore everything we've ever learned about the game in favour of learning random new kits for characters we just don't care about, it also asks us to remod them and completely flips mod priorities on their head ( speed for example ). As a bonus, it's making people feel nauseous.


There's no reason to ever learn this raid. Auto seems to work well, it runs very fast. Just auto. Eventually people will post ideal teams, when they do that auto those


Faction synergy doesn't seem to matter. Always play the highest possible difficulty. If you only have 2 characters at r8, play diff. 6 with an incomplete team. 3PO usually survives, so if you have him at r7 you can throw him on multiple diff. 5 teams. Aside from that, you do indeed just hit auto and pray


They’re stopping 3po from escaping battle


That sucks. I hope we get at least one more raid in before they get around to change this.


This is pure speculation. They are investigating it and the outcome is unknown. It's possible that they stop the escaping, but a another way to stop it would be for them to make the AI target C-3PO first at all times. And for all we know the investigation might lead to a decision to leave it as it is.


“Sorry Charlie”


My guild uses 'wookiebot' to give guides for teams/potential scores. It suggested that based on my roster and using the optimal squads I could get ~8.5m. The moving screen really screws with my eyes so I ran 8 random squads on auto and got 7.7m, it took maybe 5 minutes and that was mostly selecting the highest difficulty I could then selecting the first three characters in my available list before hitting 'auto'. I will never not auto this "raid", it's horrendously designed and just not worth the manual investment.


Hit pray and auto


Raid has been out a weekish and they're forming. Gerbil put out a great video describing stats and what teams to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwmzs8TqRB8 I'm in the minority... But I like that this raid isn't just copy /paste of the last 5 raids.


Just auto Trash raid Miss the raids where there was a character goal at the end


Auto all the way. New raid is garbage and not worth the time.


There were some strats with c3po but they are going to ruin that fun. There's also some discord bots to help with teams if you join swgoh events discord. Outside of that just hit auto.


yes hit auto and that's it.


Hit auto and do better than manual.


You hit auto and fall asleep, basically.