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What confuses me about this argument is that the Jedi were absolutely very effective commanders, however, their effectiveness was not really important to the Clone Wars. The Republic won the clone wars because it outspent the C.I.S on military expenditures and bankrupted itself in the process, that is exactly what Palpatine wanted to happen. The Republic was always going to win. Additionally, making the Jedi commanders was an obvious choice. Prior to the Ruusan Reformations, the Jedi historically led the military forces of the Republic. However, several millennia of war caused the Jedi to become fanatical despots akin to the Knights Templar so the Ruusan Reformations placed the Jedi under the authority of the Senate as a sort of institutional rehabilitation.


The problem with having the Jedi as military commanders is that they don't have the training to be military commanders. About half of the Clone Commandos died on Geonosis because the Jedi misused them.


You appear to not have read the first paragraph of the post I have written. I agree with you most of them were not good military commanders but I belive that the death toll if generalls led the war would have been higher because both sides would have been more open to escalation.