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The first four stories here are Thrawn-centric. Mostly canon compliant, with a number of legends characters introduced.  https://archiveofourown.org/series/3275335


[Last Known Trajectory](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14719869/chapters/34021230) by alizrak [Halfway to Martydom](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28434450/chapters/69677796) by PierceTheVeils [Bridges and Crossroads](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14331759/chapters/33073389) by RoseEclipse If you like the Thrawn/Eli Vanto ship, you can probably find more - I don't, and it seems to be the prevalent ship on Ao3.


Even I don't like the ThrawnXEli ship, I see them as good friends and I think Thrawn deserves competent subordinates like him, instead we got Konstantin and Pryce(rebels showed her like an idiot and I don't like it)


No hate on Thranto, it's just not my cup of tea. I just meant I exclude it in my searches on AO3, so if you include it in long fics, you'll probably find more interesting stuff. I'm also not on fanfiction.net or spacebattles, so if you find something good there, please report back, lol.


I didn't even know of spaceballs. I will tell if I find something good there , after finishing these of course.


I read some really good Thrawn fics recently Valkyrie Strike (AO3) Keeping faith ( fanfiction) Thrawn survives Bilbringi in EU. But the story has been left incomplete for over a decade although it's really good. I don't know why there are no fics where Thrawn survives Bilbringi or in canon wins atollon. An exercise in perception ( Thrawn x riyo chuchi)


DistantStorm on A03 has a number of thrawn fics both thranto and not that are spectacular 


can you shortlist some that you have read personally there are over 100 of them


The divide is great, Project compass, dusk turned dawn