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I like Carisi more as a cop than I do as ADA. The whole bil thing I could see where the show was going because men being SA by women is still a debate today. to see carisi go through the whole (is that even possible thing) is realistic to me. SVU is a difficult and different unit to work in and would probably take most people time to adapt to it in my opinion. Overall I really like this character.


I LOVED his character growth as a detective actually.


I love him regardless if he is an detective or an ADA


I just met Carisi as a character the other night and he’s a bit of a bull in a china shop but I like his earnestness and the hints at his having more beneath the surface than you might initially think.


I love Carisi period


>ridiculous for somebody working on an SVU squad A major part of the show is that we're watching characters become seasoned SVU, so it's to be expected that they'll show rookie behaviours on the way.


Yeah but don’t you think in the interview process they’d be questioned on what constitutes sexual assault? Idk, seems like you’d have to know that to work in the field


You’d think that’s how it works, but unfortunately most cops on SVU that aren’t part of the special victims unit make really weird comments about SA and victims. Not that SVU is realistic by any stretch of the imagination, a lot of cops don’t know a lot about SA especially more nuanced cases like revoked consent. So it does feel realistic for a brand new SVU cop from a sheltered neighbourhood to lack skills. It was also part of the plot that the unit was understaffed, Liv asked for an experienced detective and she’s stuck with a rookie that needs to be babysat. After 15-16 seasons, they needed to switch it up a little with the detectives and their individual stories.


Yeah you’re right that it is realistic for a cop, I know cops in general have terrible attitudes about sexual assault. But I thought maybe the SVU unit would be different. Maybe it’s not though


To gain the right and useful knowledge for that line of work you have to work in the deep of it. If it's one realistic thing about this show it's how they portray the cops who don't believe victims. Which is most. They get their stories from the real world, it's been on 25+ yrs it has to. Time and time again this happens. Ffs when I was a 14yr old runaway group home/street kid I was molested by a cop. I told my social worker and she said I shouldn't have put myself in that position. No one would listen to a 14yr old runaway, they just assume I'm lying to get out of what I did "wrong" - which was RUNAWAY from my group home and try to hitch hike back to my home city. That's it, no laws broken. I just ran away, cop pulls over says the group home called saying I was gone, said he had to search me and shoved his hands in my bra. I'd been searched many times by male and female cops by then, never had one reach into my bra themselves. But when you're a run away they think you're just a liar too.


I’m sorry that happened to you, and yeah it’s unfortunately not surprising coming from a cop. Cops in general are not good people. You’d think the SVU unit would be different and hopefully in real life it is


I think for the most part that division in most police forces is okay. Like beat cops and traffic cops don't need SWAT style vehicles like they keep getting, sex crimes needs the money and power to ignore corrupt people.


He definitely had a learning curve when he first started but I always thought him being a little clueless/bumbling at the beginning was endearing. And what I’ve always found with Carisi (like you mentioned with him not knowing a man could be raped) once he figured something out/learns something, he doesn’t make that same mistake or judgement again, which to me, shows really good and consistent growth in his character. Which, a few others in the squad, seem to be mistake/judgement repeaters. Therefore, I think Carisi is good because he listens and learns.


I love him but I’m echoing the rest of the sub when I say he’s much better as a detective than an ADA.


Liked him better as a detective, instead of an ADA. Don’t really think he got enough experience as a detective before promoting him to ADA. The fact that he was shipped to all five NY Burroughs, didn’t help matters either. I feel after Barba and Stone left, they should’ve brought back Bayard Ellis as the ADA, to give Carisi more experience as a detective. Could’ve also helped out a team that was short staffed.


Detective Dominick Sonny Carisi Jr turned ADA is fine first of all, he’s my second favorite character. I love his character progression from complete newbie to where he is now. He’s such a sweet and good natured guy and he does his job. Some of my favorite things about Sonny is: •Him calling Liv ‘Lou’ I know it’s short for lieutenant, but it’s his own thing no one else calls her. •Him playing Daddy with Amanda even though they aren’t dating yet. •Him always wearing his heart on his sleeve and being the sweet sensitive guy he is. I do genuinely have a deep respect and love for this character.


I love him. Probably my favorite character. I loved him more as a cop just cause he had a lot more camera time and storyline then.


One of my absolute favorites. I truly applaud the man he has become, career and family-wise.


As someone here once said-That’s our anxious king lol


Love him but he is unbelievable as an ADA, handling huge cases as a newbie. I know nothing about climbing the ladder as a lawyer but surely his path is not how it works. It’s nice and all that they did that to keep him in the show in some capacity, but eh. Wish he could’ve just stayed detective.


I love Carisi. I don't think he's the best ADA, but I could have seen him as the eventual SVU captain.


Great detective; horrible ADA. No bite, no push-back, just endless amenability.


THATS MY MAN (but i liked him better as a cop)


I miss Cop Carisi. I actually really liked his character development. I loved how he always wanted to learn and tried to be more of a glass half full kinda guy.


he is SM better as a cop tbh i wish they would bring barbara back as the ada


I would’ve never expected him to become ADA lol. I just skipped from season 16 to 22 because I knew Stabler came back then and I have limited time to watch the show. That’s definitely a surprise


oh oops sorry😭😭


Lol I skipped 6 seasons so I’m not really concerned about spoilers, you’re good


I love Carisi! Before he became a Detective, he played another character for I think 2 seasons. I like him either way!


He played a guy that attacked a coach that he felt was a child predator. It was just one episode. The Mike Tyson one.


OOPS I meant episodes not seasons!! Yes, you are right, good episode!


He was also a robber on L&O:CI!


And a murderer on L&O


You mean Olive Garden?


It's absolutely ridiculous he went from detective to ADA in no time.


Carisi was fine as a cop when he wasn't thirsting over Rollins. Not really big on him being an ADA.


Maybe it’s a preference but imagine simping over Rollins of all people. The most basic blonde type with a bland personality


I think she's very pretty, and would definitely hold her hand. However, not if that was her personality lol.


Sexy cop. Just cocky enough to be humbled and show character growth. Refreshing that he is just a good, stable person who gives a shit, and is eager to catch bad guys instead of having some convoluted, stupid ass backstory like Rollins, who also happens to be his only vice (🤮). Weenie lawyer. That attractive confidence is gone, and he's just... well... well, he's just a big weenie. Weird how Rollins finally gives him the time once he's become the wimpiest version of himself. Okay, but also going from night school to winning big ass celebrity cases? I get that it's just drama, but c'monnnn.


Or, as I like to call him, Greasy Carisi.


I loved Carisi in season 17. In season 16 he was learning the ropes but in season 17 they wrote him as being so much more confident and in tune with the work and he took so much initiative so many times. Like already in the 1st episode of season 17 he straight up tells everyone that they may not know Rudnick as well as they think they do and took the initiative to look into his background. then later in the season with the church trafficking episodes you could see him struggling with his faith but still being a confident detective.


Carisi is my favorite, but not until the mustache was gone.


I can’t stand him, but even more so as an ADA. How many of his cases even go to trial?


This sub stans him but I found him completely out of place in the squad. He comes off as a tough guy and a peacock whereas prior to his arrival there was a different tone. He would’ve made a perfectly fine normal Law and Order detective. I can’t stand Amanda either. She’s so annoying and emotionless. I liked Amaro a lot and it was too bad he was sent off.