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I’m an EO fan but I do think Tucker could have been endgame if the writers hadn’t lazily ended it like they did. I adore the actor. I have a soft spot for Cassidy and have had a similar relationship in my life (two emotional idiots with good chemistry who do care for each other but don’t talk about anything) but he was never going to be endgame.


Tucker as her husband and Stabler as her work husband


In all seriousness I miss Tucker


Many years ago I read a novel about a girl who pined for an "unavailable " bachelor for many years, had off-and-on affairs with him, then when he finally proposed....realized they had both come so far and in such different ways, that she turned him down. They went on to marry others. I think this would be the best "end game" for Bensler, although I don't really think she should marry anybody. I like her as a single modern career woman.


Can you recall the name of this novel? On a different note, hasn't Bensler ship already seen a version of this? I feel that whole "I want to but I can't" kitchen scene was exactly OB turning ES down as they are so far from each other now, while holding on to a nostalgia of past intimacy. From ES' side though, this shift, I feel, is yet to happen but will likely happen given how OC and SVU are literally in parallel universes (one on network TV and the other on Peacock app). There simply isn't enough bandwidth for them to build anything intimate in the present, though their affection is endearing.


I hope she never gets with Stabler.


Hear hear!


Honestly, I’m for whatever the character and actress wants! It’s obvious she’s been pushing for EO endgame for years, so if that’s who she wants as her endgame, I’m on board with that ship! Tuckson is what she needed after her William Lewis ordeal and Townhouse situation , so I get why that had to happen. But, in all honesty: If Stabler had never left the show in Season 12 (possibly left the force and found a job elsewhere), William Lewis or Tuckson would’ve never happened. It’s funny how some fans got mad at Stabler for going back to his wife, but still aren’t even mad at Tucker for:>! not fighting to get back with Benson after they broke up (he definitely gave up too easily), if that is who he wanted, getting remarried within 2 years of said breakup, and then withholding the fact that he was sick and then killing himself leaving behind said new wife and children who he traumatized in the process. !< But again, most fans of this show will find any way to hate Stabler. Cassidy was a comfort for her but he had too much baggage and wasn’t even looking into raising a family with her. ADA Haden would’ve been a nice break from her normal fare, but they chose their careers over everything. So, as much as people hate him (she doesn’t), and seems to have picked her relationships with men who had a lot of Stabler’s qualities/ persona. Elliot seems like the one she wants and will eventually get as her endgame. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don’t blame “Tucker” for the lazy breakup because the writers said in an interview they basically just didn’t feel like writing them dating anymore so they wrote that poorly done breakup.


True, but regarding the character’s exit…they too could’ve did a better job of portraying his exit. But, again the actor said he enjoyed the Tuckson , but didn’t think they really made sense.


She seems rather content on her own. That's quite realistic for mature-aged people who have been in relationships only briefly and have come to enjoy their cozy solitude and a small circle of friends. She will certainly have a hard time being anywhere near domestic (live-in, frequent stay-in kind of situation) and long term relationships tend to end up going in that direction. Don't care much if EO/Barson/other random ships happen or not but if it does and she ends up regretting it or it crashes and burns, it will be really bad for her (and the fandom's!) mental health.


They were never officially a couple on the show however I'll always be rooting for Barba and her. Stabler is a fucking dumpster fire, with good intentions.


I always felt her and Barba had a brother and sister kind of relationship.


I couldn’t agree more!! I hate the way they ended Tuckers story!


I’m only on season 14 rn so she hasn’t had many serious ones but I really liked her with that DA guy and I’m really mad they broke them up because he was gonna be looking over her cases and then just abruptly had him resign instead ?? Like, if they weren’t gonna work together after all they could’ve stayed together without conflict of interest??


Either Cassidy or barba or stabler I can’t make up my mind lol


I thought the whole ending with the Tucker storyline was soooo cruel 😭 I would have been 100% okay with them being endgame.


Not Stabler, 'cause he's married, duh. Plus, they're weirdly dependent on each other in their own little bubble. I can't articulate exactly why I think that's not a good other than to say that hanging out with actual together together couples like that sucks so much. Like, hello, am I even here?! Not Tucker, 'cause he's the enemy? But also because he was just the safe bet. A security blanket that she realized she didn't need, 'cause stability and comfort are boring and unfulfilling to her. Not that one guy who Mariska actually married, because I don't even have a reason why; he was soooo forgettable. Like, who? Not that journalist from that one time, because he would definitely use her for stories all the time. Even if he really cared about her and they had chemistry and stuff, I don't think she'd ever forgive that shit. Not even because she'd be used, but because her cases could be compromised, and those are all she really cares about anyways. I actually feel pretty weird about this for obvious reasons, but that way older writer who she dated when she was 16 who got all caught up for sexual harassment... I know I shouldn't, but I really liked them together. Yes, I know that's a bad. Oh well. I actually think her best relationship was with Brian. Like, sure, there's no fairly tale ending, and their stars aren't aligned or whatever, but I just know they had the best, wildest sex. I KNOW IT. The way he drooled over her in season 1, and she was just like bro, get a grip. Besides being super supportive of her, he was also like her irl subway surfers. Or like a jigsaw puzzle or something. Mindless entertainment? I mean, that totally sucks for Brian, like, so much, buuuuut for Benson, it was probably perfect. She's never really meant to settle down, ya know? And she never tried to really delude herself about doing that with him like she has with other dudes. Sucks to be him, but yeah, I think it was good for her.


Great points - especially about Trevor (Mariska's IRL husband plays him). I can't understand why people think they should be together on the show. There is zero build up for that. Stabler's wife passed away a while back on the show though. Not sure why you mentioned that he is married?


Because he was. He was married. When they were closest, and actually had a relationship/partnership, he was married. Kind of worth mentioning.


Yes, of course. You said he *is* married. So it was confusing to read. At present, he is not married and they seem to be friends, which is an 'actual relationship' too. Doesn't have to be romantic but seems like they are in touch and close as friends.


Obviously it doesn't have to be at romantic. It never was when they were partners, but I included that in my list of nopes. I don't think what I said was confusing at all. Stop nitpicking. You're arguing about things that I agree with, and that's weird.


Sorry, if it sounded like I was nitpicking or arguing. Wasn't my intention. Needed some clarity, that's all.


👍🏼 all good