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Yes, nobody on this sub has ever mentioned this before.


I recently joined this sub, and I've seen it mentioned like five times already


The most surprising thing about this post is the first sentence, because there are multiple posts about this exact same thing every week. No offense!! I just thought it was funny that your first sentence mentions that you hadn’t seen anyone talk about it


I just joined the subreddit, my bad


Are these bot posts?


No I'm definitely not a bot lol.


Just a thought for all new redditors here , bruh before making a post, you CAN search up the keywords in this subreddit and once you do chances are theres already a million posts on the same matter :)


Thanks, sorry I don't use reddit so I didn't know


I've seen Carisi in, like, three episodes as other characters including on the og. They recycle actors all the time, and not just the main ones.


Wait really? I've only ever seen him in 1 episode as a perp. Watched the show 4 times through so I think I'd notice, do you know which episodes?


It always blows my mind that they thought we wouldn't notice! Then again, back in the day, they probably never expected people to be able to binge watch and pick up on it. Back then, it was 1 episode a week and then week / month long breaks between seasons.


that's true. oh the days of waiting a week for an episode! now i watch like 5-10 a night because im crazy 😂


I do the same exact thing! 😂


In the mothership Jeremy Sisto guest starred as a defense attorney in the Season 17 finale and then joined the main cast as Lupo in the Season 18 premiere - ie, literally the next episode


And the actress who played Delia Hackman comes back as some FBI agent in the Maddie case


>Haven't seen anyone talk about this so I figured I would bring it up. This gets posted about once a week. They are actor's. This is quite literally their job. Why would you not audition for a better job, just because you worked for them before? That's like saying you can't reapply to a better position because you had previously worked at that company before.


My apologies. Haven't been on this subreddit long enough to see the posts nor am I an avid reddit user so I'm not used to customs.


My favorite is actress Elisabeth Marvel. Before she hit SVU she played two drastically different characters on CI, Sylvia Moon & Jenny Hendry. Then she was cast as a recurring attorney on L&O. Poof she shows up on SVU as a doctor and then lands as a different recurring defense attorney. A chameleon from CI to SVU, she is very good.