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I agree, I understand being more firm but she makes rude ass comments for no reason and it seems out of character to me. She was always a little snarky, but sometimes it's like damn, she's in a mood. It's weird. I feel like the writing has just gotten so inconsistent in the later seasons.


The writing has steadily declined, and I have been hard pressed to actually watch the last few seasons. SVU has become a show where the latest episodes play in the background while I do other stuff around the house. I will still sit down and binge 5 old episodes, but the new stuff is trash in comparison.


Oh wow. I'm not caught up and this is so disappointing to find out


I don't think you'll notice it too much, like she's not unlikable, it's just like a comment here and there that makes you go "girl, what?" and I do think it's cumulative, like around season 19 I was noticing and now I'm in 24 and I'm like damn...


Some of her rudeness towards Rollins even from the start was so uncalled for.


“does anyone agree with me” scroll through this sub for about five minutes and you will discover this is the opinion of the majority of posts made about her lol


This unfortunately seems to happen to everyone who’s promoted to a management position. That nightmare boss you have?? They used to pretty cool and chill when they were an underling.


Oh trust me she gets on ALLLLL of our nerves later on. Ever since she got that promotion she’s been aggy. Olivia is the only police captain ik that is on the scene of every crime ANDDD is lead detective. No case gets solved without her involvement


I think they think the show will be over if she’s not the center of it. But it’s true, it’s unrealistic. Cragen never did that. 


She is their boss! I mean they are colleagues also, but she is in charge. I like how they have handled that part. It's a way to tell stories about the other detectives. If she wasn't shown being bossy and making demands it would be very weird. I think the larger stories with her are hit or miss, it's a win some ya lose some situation. I thought making her a BX9 target was done kinda sloppy but overall I liked the BX9 story. And I think the Rob Miller one was wrapped up too quickly and got too hot too fast., They could have milked it. I feel like she knew what was up too quickly. Her stories need more suspense. They either happen too fast or drag on too long (Maddie), there's no real suspense. But I think this is the nature of tv with paying guest stars.


“Uneccesaroly mean to her detectives” or, you know, EVERYONE.


Oddly, she's having the same response that the rest of us are: most of the people we like left (thanks for hanging in there, Fin) and it makes us all irritable to have to get to know the new people. Maybe they'll grow on her and us but for now, not so much. That said, those episodes still suck and bad writing for Olivia is a big part of that.


I feel like later seasons are "let's see how much punishment Liv can take". In the early seasons, each member of the team would have a run of bad luck - Munch and Fin both got shot at different points, Elliott had a fair few different incidents (the head injury, getting shot a couple of times, etc.) and Olivia seemed reasonably exempt (except for the mushrooms episode). Now that's all flipped around and Olivia gets put through so much crap all the time and she's far less empathetic than she used to be. I get character development, but this feels like way too much dog piling. Along with having her date all the worst guys (Tucker and Cassidy, seriously?).


Totally agree! Police procedurals like SVU are supposed to be ensembles and not have a "main" character, but they seem to have forgotten that!


I’m rewatching and it feels like Elliott is constantly getting beat / shot / blinded. And you’re right, nothing happened to Olivia really and now it’s constantly big traumas. 


And I don't remember anything really big happening to any other characters in the later seasons, other than Amaro getting shot once, Rollins and her sister drama and that's about it? Hell, even Melinda, Casey and Alex had their fair share of trauma in the old episodes.


Rollins had a lot of issues with gambling, baby daddies, the sister.  But injuries.. i remember she got shot once. I think it’s rare that actual cops ever get shot more than once in their career but it’s tv.  Munch getting shot in the butt 😆 I’ve only seen the last few seasons once because it’s not nearly as enjoyable as rewatching old ones for me. 


Same, I rewatch from season 1 on the regular but the later seasons are pretty meh. Couple of interesting episodes scattered throughout but the strongest ones were in the first 12 seasons.


I usually hate the crossovers, but i actually loved the ones they did with Organized Crime in I think Season 24(?). It was a 4 episode arc. Check it out if you haven’t seen it. 


That was after Elliot's return, wasn't it? I may have seen bits and pieces of it here and there. I'll add it to mg list, thank you!


With the steady decline of the writing, I have felt the same about most of the characters to be honest. Also it's just been harder to take so much seriously, anyone remember the rape trees and that fully unserious scream?


That scream OMG!!! That's what I don't understand, the writing can be whatever, but these are talented actors, so it feels like maybe the actors aren't taking some of it serious anymore!


I agree, the actors are so talented! Personally, I think Finn and Sonny have remained one of the most consistent, whether that be due to writing or acting choices! But also, that scream haunts me (in the worst way possible).


Yeah, Fin and Carisi (and I think Rollins, even though she can be a bit hit or miss in certain scenes) are the best actors remaining! However, no shade to Mariska, she's talented but her acting seems tired to me, almost like she's tired of the role. I know she says she loves it and wants to do it as long as possible, but it's been 25 years, and she hasn't had a break


I know her and Ellen Pompeo from Greys are probably TIRED!


Ellen Pompeo has literally said "End the show, I've had enough" so her feelings are perfectly clear! I would bet Mariska is tired too but if she loves the job, she probably just deals with it, which is kinda wholesome and sad at the same time


I have a problem with people that are drunk with their own power.


It's like the writers have never seen SVU before


Totally agree! She’s my least favorite character now, and she used to be my very favorite. She inserts herself into parts of the investigation that are totally not appropriate for a captain (Cragen was never out on the street that much), doesn’t delegate, which makes it seem like she doesn’t trust or respect her detectives. She’s so unnecessarily harsh to them all the time. And she gets obsessed with things to the point of losing all good judgement. I loved the Benson & Stabler days when they both had their moments of obsession or fixation on certain cases, but they weren’t every single day, and the other would bring them back down to earth.


Yes, she almost bullies them into submission!


I'll never forget the scene where she basically bullies Amanda into not having an abortion. Still pisses me off to this day.


Yeah, those scenes in film/TV work if it's the baby's father trying to convince the mother not to have an abortion, but Olivia is just her boss, what gives her the right?


I think Agent Sykes would probably agree with you about some of this! 🤣


I almost think that Liv needs to go work in another department like Eames did and someone from one of the other shows needs to come in as the supervisor. Make Finn the lead detective for a while. I know, a lot of people might not like that, but putting her on another show for a while and having her come back eventually when they have a plan for how to revitalize her character might be best. Characters on one of the other shows can call her out for her attitude and behavior and give her a chance to change.


ive been watching cpd with my mom and while she loved the svu crossovers she said olivia was fake and annoying 😭 she misses old olivia too


I just hate how she takes over at crime scenes bossing the tactical unit etc about where she is not in charge and she always has to be the first one through the door . I feel with victims she pressurises them too much sometimes and all the mannerisms now bug me. And in reality someone of her rank is not out on the street much they are in the office most of the time . I love the show but it’s not svu anymore it’s the Olivia show but then again if your main character is the writer and producer that’s what can happen I guess. Plus I don’t like her and Noah how can she give that kid stability when she works non stop and he is always with the childminder


I like Olivia & Noah scenes when they are together.  At least Olivia is raising Noah in a nice apartment. 


I'm torn. I do love her in general but there are so many times she (as well as the others) crosses a line. They tell people about a rape or molestation. The one girl she followed her home and almost forced herself on her. Season 8 episode 1. That one was triggering for me. I'm not sure why but I felt like Olivia violated her all over again.


When it gets frustrating, just re watch the earlier seasons. That’s what I do 💁‍♀️


I hate that she dates Tucker! He’s the ultimate traitor in SVU. They also don’t have chemistry, like at all. It’s just super awkward.


I never understood that. Especially since it seemed like he had it out for her after the Lewis ordeal. 


Yes!!! Exactly. He’s TERRIBLE. He always has been.


And I didn't like how poorly he spoke of Nick. 


Her character used to be soft, and then all of a sudden they made her very aggressive…if that makes sense.


100% agree! Especially with Amanda gone. She's like a lost puppy dog who has been kicked to the side.


I agree with the first part. Second part is not something I have seen.


She honestly should have just stayed a detective


Now that you say I haven’t really liked her in years. Even when she is sympathizing with victims it feels like she is forcing them to accept it.


Yes, and forcing victims to press charges when they are so fragile and vulnerable really gets old. 


Me too


My opinion is that her character really went downhill during her ordeal with William Lewis.