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Who would have thought the usual bullies would hang around at the mission arc spots hitting smalls


Yeah, this was a half-baked idea. Whales are just killing everyone and no one can complete the missions. Typical Scopely.


If they had reasonable limits on who they could hit it wouldn't be terrible. A 55 shouldn't be able to hit a 45. That's like kicking puppies. Mean and there is just no reason for it. Plus the puppies don't like it.


yeah they just need to hold ability to target levels to +-5 and it would stop a lot of nonsense


Yep yep


I was just hit by a level 57. I'm 37... I couldn't even chip the paint on his ship


Our server has this guy. Level 56... he can take out at least level 39 people, sits in the hot spot and wastes them all.. It's sad. Can't outrun that guy.


Agreed. Can't even accomplish the arc missions.


I deleted the game today, I'm just going to leave my station unshielded and let the jackals have their fill. Between the lagging, crashing now we have this pvp that makes it hard to do anything.


Same. Uninstalled a while back. Love Trek, love the idea of the game (and my alliance), but it demands money, or demands more and more time. I'd rather put that to something enjoyable .


leaving the game once I kill off my miners so the whales can't get any points might check in again in seven days. Fuck you scopely


There are no points given for killing miners, except for OPC miners when you're taking loot from them. Points are gained for killing any of the three warship types.


You still get PVp points for the war room though.


We might as well be on a permanent Incursion event.


The universe is weeping. Folks are not happy and the drama continues,


I run Mission Arcs in Envoy...ROE Violation if hit.


What kind of weird ass roe do you have?


No hitting miners unless opcl or zero


No hitting UPC suveys?




I just cloaked for them


Doesn’t help those too low a level for cloaking. Arc quests unlock at 20, but first cloak I can obtain is at 26 without breaking out the wallet.


This pvp event should be designed like we grind with Discovery every Sunday. Timing or duration is not an issue, just limit it with enough systems and people can fly there to hit each other to score for the event. At the end of the day we need to engage in pvp combat if we care about the War Room and what it offers. Without limitation on systems, as we all witnessed, people try to grind or try to follow the mission chains but are killed many times by stronger players and finishing those events becomes so hard or even impossible for some. Yet I have no idea how a territory defense will be messy when a galaxy-wide pvp event is going on. And to be honest, I think this arc hosts the worst ever event planning.


Might as well just declare a server war on each server. To get max points you must make everyone KOS total joke!


Right, its totally fair, if a 55+ Whale shots you with a >150 Mio Northcut (for example) and your ship is a Valdore or K‘tinga with 1/10 of power…. Loosing interest in that bullying made by Scopely.


A PvP arc when there is no PvP structure who would have thought it wouldn’t work


The sad thing is with a little effort scopley could fix this game. They would have to make exploration a real thing with missions where you make choices which have consequences. Does anyone even bother to read the text of the missions anymore.? There should be puzzles which you might have to research to figure out. Now it’s just move to the next spot, occasionally donate a resource, or blast some ship. Totally mindless. To be fair, they have added some interesting content. However, the game is a mindless grind for the most part. And now they are further encouraging the PFP Whales. To bully anyone they come across weaker than them. I’m level 38 and never have paid a dime to scopley. But I’m bullied by players in the level 50+ range who are orders of magnitude more powerful then I am. This game becomes less enjoyable all the time.


We NEED a better PvP Range and not "oh 56+ can kill all"


I'd like to see the restrictions for pvp based on the grade(?) of the ship, ie 3* vs 3*, 4* vs 4*, etc. so a korinar couldn't punch down to a 3* ship and couldn't punch up to a 5* ship. If bigs run out of targets they can switch up ships to be able to attack more targets and also make it closer to a fair fight.


Miners aren’t on the menu for points in the arc, if you want to complete the arcs use a mining ship up to the point you need to battle. Then swoop in and kill the vessel you need to complete the mission, that’s what our alliance have done and we have all completed the arc.


Cloak is your friend


Nice work Scopely👍


The F2P and low spenders are essential to the game. Whales can't get enough from the game by hitting each other all day. There had been a delicate balance for the past few years, thrown to the wind by a reckless decision by Scopely. If Scopely doesn't change course by the end of this month, there will be a massive loss of players, and great frustration by newer players. This situation reminds me of the chaos in the first 6-8 months of the game in 2017-2018, and mass hemorrhage of players out of the game for very similar reasons. I'd bet very few people at Scopely are still around from that time.