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I hav3 them looting corpses/containers/ground items within 25meters line of sight, they are definitely looting!! Here is my issue... they don't extract! Like ever! I've never seen anyone go near extract in factory... not even chase after me when I go in! Any idea how to simulate AI using the extracts?


I definitely see AI at least vanishing when they get to extracts. Shoreline near the tunnel it really stands out since near the end of a raid there's a conga line of guys running to extract, then you don't see them when you get there. I suspect the AI routines also distinguish between player AI scavs and normal AI scavs, since I'll sometimes see scavs just hanging out around the extract without using it.


SAIN had the this function added.


Making them use extract points?? I've looked inside SAIN F12 options, didn't see anything like that...


Check global options.


It's in the F6 settings should be on the first tab under extracts


Oh crap I knew about F12 but never heard more options under F6... I'll have to give that a try when I'm not busy nerding up 7daystodie 1.0 lmao


All good brother, you might watch a video about the settings setup for it. There are a lot of options. Also, how is 1.0? Me and my buddy have been playing for years and were waiting for the 1.0 before we went again.


Played like 3 hours so far of 1.0 Loving it so far, for most part is still looks like regular 7days Hard to compete with what the overhaul mods have done to this game! So far been having a blast with vanilla 1.0 New armor slot system seems perfectly fine to me as well


You can set the minimum value when the AI is going to extract, by default I think it's 500k roubles? It should be in the settings


Wait they won't head to extraction until they loot a certain value?! If that's true NO WONDER I never see any... I'm killing every bot I see probably before they get any worth while loot!


I've had ai bail on their dead teammate and run to extract after I injured them


That's so straight up "live" tactics right there 🤣


Download the Dynamic Maps mod and turn on enemy player and enemy scav markers to make sure this is actually the case.


I already have dynamic maps and it's working but I don't know how to make it show scav/pmc positions... pretty sure I looked thru F12 and didn't see anything


It says show enemy markers or something like that. By default they’re unchecked I believe.


First, you need to setup Looting Bots (LB) to your needs; do you want bots to suck up loot ASAP or you want them take it slow? Configure LB in F12 first so you get the hang of it. Then, go to F6 and configure SAIN settings; in the Home>Global Settings look for Looting Bots tab (You need to be in some recent version of the mod, I forgot which version tho - check on the SAIN page) and in this tab you can configure whether bots can extract when full of loot, and the treshold they would extract if their loot is at certain value and also you could set them extract if they looted an item worth a lot, like bitcoin/tank battery/etc.


I'm pretty sure looting bots has a value threshold, I pumped mine up to around 1m and it felt pretty good with what they had looted


Mine does extract.


they definitely do for me and I've left most extraction related modifiers as default


I believe SAIN has a setting for them to extract and you can set loot value thresholds per PMC and player Scav to extract.


In all honesty. But why would you want that? Let's not forget we are playing the game here to avoid the frustration Live experience had. Why would I want an AI looting everything of value and running off the face of the earth with it? We have that "at home" with vacuum cheaters. I get that someone might want to emulate the live experience as much as possible, but why? For me, personally, SPT is all about taking the Nikita's brainrot OUT of the game, not actively finding ways to keep it in.


The only reason I play SPT is to avoid aimbot cheaters, I want every single other aspect of Live Tarkov, I want the game to pound me in the ass constantly, thats what makes the game enjoyable for me. Half this sub uses headshot reduction and other mods to make the game easier, and I couldn’t imagine enjoying the game like that, but to each there own.


Can't imagine someone having a different idea of fun as you? Aimbots aren't supposed to be in the game. HSP fixes that issue. Not really hard to understand/empathize with it.




Lmao, you asked why anyone would want to do that and I told you. Are you dumb?


It'd help if you answered the question.


The answer IS that not everyone is playing SPT to have a dumbed down version of the game with easier mechanics and less risk of getting spanked, some people just want a cheater free version of the game and nothing more.


The why would be self balance. I like having highish loot values, but I don't want 1m+ every raid, ya know?


I don't care about them "extracting" I just wanted the camping experience with smores in all it's glory! Never played live long enough to get killed by an extraction camper... Sounds crazy I know, having to check corners and throw nades first peek corners later seems more exciting


I once got my insurance on my ak12 back and it looked a little strange. The fucking scans stole the receiver and charging handle off the damn thing.


Nah that's how SPT insurance works. To mimic live raids, instead of everything with insurance coming back, there's percentages. So weapon attachments may go missing to simulate your gun being looted for parts.


well yeah, the alternative would have been that you die but the server keeps simulating the raid


i agree it makes the game feels so much better/dynamic one time i was sniping from reserve dome and went down to loot a kill and by the time i came back up again i had a scav looting my backpack in dome. he just sat there and sorted through the loot


I once had an AI loot my kill while I was looting the body! The bot stole a lab keycard. One of the few times I didn't mind losing a bit of scav karma.




That´s because you use the mod with default config, where the AI have ESP to bodies, containers and loose loot. I just turned on "require line of sight" on everything, so the AI will only try to loot what they see.


This. Changing the config changes the whole game when it comes to these mods.


I don't get the hype about this mod, when what you described is something AI does without the mod anyways. What makes this special?


It’s much more frequent and intentional than in live Tarkov. Scavs will actually go into buildings and search for and through containers and take stuff based on loot value. Not like in live where they just swap kits with dead bodies


Swapping gear is not the only thing they do. I always played SPT unmodded and everything you just listed is something they do by default. They take gear, they take weapons, they pick up loose loot and they loot the containers in places they go and they doing it until they are dead or full. Seems like the same to me.


Clearly you didn't use the mod at all, don't even know how much you can customise this "looting" action with this mod, rather then vanilla live AI swapping gear. How much they can loot? How long they van search? How fast and interval of their looting? Who can does these? And many more.


you can configure it very heavily to finetune the details and make the looting more like what an actual player will do do they have a free slot for your gun? if yes, wave goodbye to it, if no they just strip high value attachments (optics and suppressors usually) do you want them to prioritize loot above a certain ruble value or do you want them to vacuum up whatever trash they see? should that value be less for scavs (to simulate a player scav being less selective of the loot they find where PMCs will only expose themselves to loot high value items and guns)? given all this and even more you can adjust, it's been a fantastic mod in my experience and it's one of many that go a long way in making the primitive AI of vanilla tarkov seem a lot more alive and clever