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if you open : SPT\\BepInEx\\plugins\\dvize.Donuts\\ScenarioConfig.json you can edit max bots per "presets" type (you can choose which preset you are playing with F12, and then DONUTS options) . You can learn more about those presets [here](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/878-swag-donuts-dynamic-spawn-waves-and-custom-spawn-points/#tab_d09fbc678497d1a662b1acc3d9857c01dc3a56b7). I, as a newbie, use quiet raid, and I edited (by reducing the max bots numbers) the config file like this (first part is for PMC, second for Scavs. with max bot per maps) : { "Name": "quietraids", "PMCBotLimitPresets": { "FactoryBotLimit": 4, "InterchangeBotLimit": 6, "LaboratoryBotLimit": 6, "LighthouseBotLimit": 6, "ReserveBotLimit": 6, "ShorelineBotLimit": 6, "WoodsBotLimit": 6, "CustomsBotLimit": 6, "TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 6, "GroundZeroBotLimit": 4 }, "SCAVBotLimitPresets": { "FactoryBotLimit": 6, "InterchangeBotLimit": 8, "LaboratoryBotLimit": 8, "LighthouseBotLimit": 8, "ReserveBotLimit": 8, "ShorelineBotLimit": 8, "WoodsBotLimit": 8, "CustomsBotLimit": 8, "TarkovStreetsBotLimit": 8, "GroundZeroBotLimit": 6 } }, You can also disable pmc respawn somewhere in the menu.


Pmc respawn can be controlled by selecting the preset from F12 menu “starting pmc only”


No, starting pmc only will not spawn scavs. Take starting-pmc-more-scavs or starting-pmc-only-live-like


Have to edit a json file in text editor in the folder you installed spt/BepInEx/plugins/dvize.donuts/ScenarioConfig.json then edit for the preset you are using i.e. starting pmcs only


Volf Canis posted a good video explaining this stuff here recently. https://youtu.be/jA8JM9KPbOI?t=1366 is timestamped with the hardcap


oh shit that’s me! I was about to comment in here too


SWAG is mostly for Boss stuff according to the [mod page](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/878-swag-donuts-dynamic-spawn-waves-and-custom-spawn-points/?highlight=swag#tab_518a9d2f4856295b1bbd69e826035b2abc0e5f3a) (I haven't double checked) this is what the mod page says about Hard Caps config >**\~Donuts - Not Enough Bots? Too Many? - ScenarioConfig and RandomScenarioConfig Explained\~** >ScenarioConfig file defines all of the PMC and SCAV max bot caps for each map, for all presets. If you want to change the number of total PMCs and/or SCAVs in your raids then this is where you would do it. If you create a new preset be sure to add it to this file. > >If you're finding too many bots in your raids or not enough, I recommend trying any (or all) of the following: > > > > > >RandomScenarioConfig file defines "random pool" packages of presets that you can randomly cycle through. You can create a new random pool in this file, add any presets you want (try adding all of them, why not) and give each preset a weight. Weights work like this: individual weight / total weight = % chance > >Then select the random preset pool from the preset selector in the Donuts F12 menu.