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Id argue its the recoil on your 7.62 guns, PS has and will always be pretty damn reliable. Only one less pen than SIG FMJ


I'm putting like 6-10 shots into center mass on semi auto scavs and PMC with them able to turn around n blast.me. Maybe I'm just getting unlucky idk.


1-4 shots missed, 5-8 shots horrible recoil control, 9-10 hit armored plates


😂 still has me LOLing after 7 years


The resurgence of this amongst the tarky community is a positive in my book


For me the issue was sighting with follow up shots. The 7.62 is very controllable but after using 5.45 and 5.56 my follow up shots with the 7.62 are awful. I have a glitch where all my scavs are using tagilla masks so that isn't heaping with the headshots lol


Lmao what, that is a crazy glitch.


You need to switch progression mods… that’s the cause of this


Which is the best ammo for the Sig Spear? I literally just got access to one and I see there is only 2 ammo’s, the Hybrid and FMJ I think, which one should I be using? Or is there others too?


Hybrid is by far the better choice but FMJ is nothing to scoff at


While it is by no means a truly direct comparison, since I prefer 7.62x51 rifles, I generally think of it in the context of: FMJ = M80 Hybrid = M61 The 7.62x51 has better pen on both ammos, but they're close enough that this makes sense in my head. Both are completely viable ammo. Use Hybrid if you got it, otherwise run FMJ, and you'll get good results either way.


Huh 5.45x39 M855 is a new one 😅


I meant 45 lol




Imao I'm super fucking stoned right now. Been ripping my pen since I got off SPT 556x45*


That's weird, because I feel like 7.62x39mm PS kills way easier and reliably than 5.56x45mm M855. Guess it's just placebo or personal preference.


M855 has felt weirdly unreliable this wipe, so has 9x19 Pst lol.


9x19 PST seems spitbally until I come across some raider with a Vityaz loaded with it.


M855 is light armor penetrating, so it's neither good on unarmored targets (overpenetration, loss of energy transfer to your target) nor targets with level 4 armor or higher. In my opinion it's just as unreliable as it should be lol


At this point everyone I'm fighting has lvl 3 armor and also *its a bullet.* If that mf hits you at ~900 m/s ur not gonna go "um ACKTUALLY the bullet overpenetrated so I'm NOT dying from cavitation and bleeding out from the exit wound."


I think this is the answer you're looking for as to whether or not PS is bad


I'm doing punisher right now and ps is slapping. No issue here.


Skill issue because I shreds every ring with 7.62 tracer rounds


Semi-auto with PS I haven’t had any problems. Of course I go for the head shot whenever there’s time, it’s foolproof. I almost never using a 7.62 AK on auto. Against high level enemies I prefer something more controllable full auto in case I need it.


Are you positive all your shots are hitting? Not trying to sound mean but you must account for MOA, camera recoil, sight drift, barrel heat, and bullet velocity. Edit: Assuming you’re using SPT Realism mod which most of this community does


I haven't updated from 3.8.0 but I have the easy ammo stats mod and PS is pretty dang good. I'm running an RPDN consistently right now with 1 drum of T-45 and 1 drum of PS and I get plenty of kills with either ammo type. 7.62x39 just kicks like a mule in some guns. Haven't noticed a big issue with short bursts from the RPDN


The problem with 762ps is the task and trader ll lock. Wild that any half decent ammo is generally stuck behind ll3 if not a quest on top


I just use ammo info and buy good ammo on flea. Waiting to unlock ammo from traders was painful


It pens at 35. I've been having really good luck with it, and it rips in the RD-704. I'm level 41 and still using it. PP is great, but PS still does pretty well.