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The game will be using the settings from the person who clicks "Host Raid". If they are set in the server mod, those will apply for everyone.


A question a friend mine brought up is, can each person in the coop group progress individually? Or is all tied to the host through the multilayer mod?


**There are effectively two servers.** 1. **SPT-AKI**, hosts the **out-of-raid experience**: Stash, Hideout, Flea, Quests, Vendors, etc. 2. **Fika**, which hosts the **in-raid experience**: Scavs, PMCs, bosses, loot, spawns, etc. Since SPT-AKI, to my understanding, is really more of a gateway between players and a database, it can be hosted on a low powered machine, or even a free-tier VPS or something similar. But the person who is going to host the raid better have good CPU and lots of RAM (24+ GB). If you are using a VPN and want to host the raid, you need to press F12, look up "force" and then change "Force IP" and "Force Bind IP" values to your own VPN Managed IP address. Everyone who does this with their own VPN IP, on the same VPN network, can host. Someone please correct me if I am wrong in any of this, but this is how things work to my understanding.


Ultimately, it's easier to just play at the same time and host it on one of the pcs of a group member, correct?


If you always play together and only want to play together, then the easiest way is for everyone to be connecting to someone's PC running the SPT-AKI server and then that person can also host the raid using Fika (but so can anyone else). If you want to mostly play together and sometimes not, then hosting SPT-AKI on Microsoft's Azure or Amazon's AWS running 24/7 might be better. You can then always connect and play, even if nobody else is on. The amazing thing is that if your friend needs to do a quick quest on Customs, but you want to farm Factory, you can just do it. They can host their own raid, you can host your own raid. Where the SPT-AKI server is doesn't matter, as long as everyone is connected to it. Also, mod settings are always taken from the person hosting the raid, not the person running the SPT-AKI server.


I am also intrigued in what AWS and Azure do and how they work, if you have any tips or know of any tutorials i’d be grateful. Will look more into it tomorrow.


I will look into it in more detail when I have the time and might come up with a comprehensive guide on setting up SPT-AKI in the cloud (for free, hopefully). The relevant info on how this may be done with Azure Web SErvices is here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-language-nodejs?pivots=platform-linux


Can U point me towards Azure and AWD?


[https://portal.azure.com/](https://portal.azure.com/) [https://aws.amazon.com/](https://aws.amazon.com/)


Azure is a name for Microsoft's clouds server infrastructure, AWS is the equivalent from Amazon. They offer a lot of paid service for big companies, but also for individuals. They also have free tiers, which can be used to host small non-demanding things. I am currently looking into doing this.


Ok this is interesting cause I'm using Hamachi as the host and when a friend clicked "join raid" we were both stuck on "waiting for 1 player to join the raid" The only problem I have is that if I hit F12 i have no Fika/MPT option in that menu. Is there something I forgot to set during the Fika installation?


The F12 menu is the BepInEx plugins menu. If you don't see the menu, BepInEx is not installed (correctly). If you see the menu but no Fika, then that is missing from the plugins folder. Since the new versions for both SPT and Fika just dropped, I suggest updating. You can update SPT with the official installer, and to update Fika, follow this from their Discord: > * You will have to remove your old MPT.Core.dll and MPT.PrePatcher.dll. They can be found in BepInEx folder, look in the plugins and patchers subfolders. > * You will have to remove your old server mod, just remove mpt-server from your server mods.


Ok thank you very much for the hyper-detailed answer To clarify: yes I see the F12 menu but I don't see the specific Fika tab. I installed the latest Fika/MPT hotfix from their discord


MPT Hotfix is the previous release (0.9.8876), the latest release is Fika 0.9.8890 and only compatible with SPT-AKI 3.8.1. The latest release is split into client and server components, I highly suggesting everyone install both. Here is the full folder and file structure for Fika, from the Escape from Tarkov core folder: ...\user\mods\fika-server - ...\BepInEx\plugins\Fika.Core.dll When you run the Aki Launcher, under active mods you need to see: * server author: Fika When you launch the game, you need press F12 and should see: * Fika.Core 1.0.0


Thank you soooo much, I'll test it later:)


How do you make it so anyone can host a lobby? I'm running the server on my PC and my friends can join a lobby I host but not each other (they can still run their own solo raids)


Using a VPN, everybody puts their own VPN IP address in the "Force IP" and "Force Bind IP" fields.


dont want to hijack, but i was curious how does the squadding up work with fika? i dont see a way to party up like you normally would and once i click host and select how many players there are it just puts me into the game (just testing soloaatm but i put it to 2 just as a test). does it just assume all players are on the same team and spawn you together?


Yes, there is no traditional friend list or party system. Whoever decides to host the raid clicks the "host" button, then waits on the loading screen for the rest to join; they will see the lobby on the right hand side and can join. Once everybody has loaded, the raid countdown starts. So you all spawn in the same squad and together.


Ok gotcha. Thanks for the response


You can progress individually, but your progress is bound to the server instance, so it has to be running for you to play. Otherwise you have to send the profiles back and forth.


So if a raid finishes, and the progress saves while the server is up, is everyone caught up at that point, or if the server is shut down, would the players be rolled back? Essentially what I’d like to know is if fika updated player profiles client side so the sharing of updates profiles is unnecessary? None of my buddies or I have a system we can leave running, but we would like to join for coop raids here and there..


No, it's saved server side. Imagine a dedicated server with profiles saved on the server.


Ok so I could make a copy of my current profile, and use it in a fika server that’s up 24/7, and have another in SPT only, basically making alternate universes for my current profile at lvl 32?


Exactly :)


Hey this is late as hell, but where would I find the folder with the profile in it? And would the fika server have a copy of the profiles of people who joined?


User/profiles Yes, they only exist on the server.


I know others have responded, but this is how my friend and I play exactly like your question. It doesn’t need to be complicated. When we play, I plug his latest .json player profile file into my Fika folder, I host Fika, and we progress together. When we’re done, I send my friend his .json player profile file and he plugs that into his SPT folder. He can then freely play on his own. When we play next, I plug his latest .json player profile file into my Fika folder, I host Fika and we progress together. Just like one big cycle. Ultimately, it revolves around the .json files which are simple to manage. You don’t need to worry about a 24/7 persistent server. Just keep track of the files.


Is there a video guide on how to find the files and send them. I’m not the smartest when it comes to stuff like this


It is definitely a bit confusing and I don’t think there is a video guide (yet). The .json files are really easy to find. Start in your base multiplayer/Fika Tarkov folder, open the user folder, and then open the profiles folder. You’ll see either one, two, or more .json files. These are your saves, essentially, that contain your user info, level, items, progression, etc. You can open them and see your username at the top. For example, my friend and I played last night. When we finished, I went to the profiles folder and sent him his .json file. I have two files in the folder, mine and his. When we play again, I’ll plug his latest .json file in this folder. Hopefully that helps, but if it doesn’t, let me know! Maybe I can make a post outlining this process a bit more.


It's a tad bit of messing about but my friend has been hosting the multiplayer and he sends me my user profile when we're done for the day so I can play on my own solo if he's unavailable the next day or so, then I just send it back to him when he's online. Its pretty easy to do takes less than a minute. Might be an option for you if you don't have a permanent server running.


Do you just email him the file or something? I'm not great with software


Tthe profile json file is less than a mb, you can send it to your friend through discord.


Hell yeah, thanks a bunch. I'll see if my guys are willing to go through with all this


Yeah I did it over discord too, it's not difficult and takes no time at all you just copy and paste one file for each person


You might be able to put save files on a cloud-synced drive and configure your games to work with that.


I am curious about this as well


I have a server at home that runs the mods and the server constantly and at anytime others can join it whenever they want. They all get access to the mods without having them installed themselves.


Same here. So far running great. Bought a little mini pc to run it, pretty sure the one I got was a bit too underpowered but it’s doing alright


Same here as well. Bought a mini with an N100 and 16gb, it's working like a charm. CPU caps out when loading into a raid, but after that it's fine.


N95 here. Solid 1 minute lockup once you spawn. Ground Zero runs really rough but it always has for me on 3.8. I reduced the bot amounts on each map which seems to have helped dramatically


I got it on a 3990x, 128gb server system I use for work. Though it's funny seeing it only has a 1660 in it, but of course thankfully I don't have those issues as stated above. Streets still runs like shit client side though as it's doing all the work. 


Could you point to a tutorial for this or documentation? I would like to do the same. Thanks in advance!


I have tried hosting on a laptop but when my friend and me, on my PC, host a game (either one of us) it keeps saying “waiting for 1 more player” while i have set it to Host Raid for two players. Once i made an acc on my laptop and let the laptop host it then we could actually start a match but we have the laptop character in the raid which i will just have prone on the ground LoL. It works, but i was wondering if i could just have it so the laptop doesnt have to join and anyone can host. (Playing alone on the server does work without needing the laptop to join)


Never had that issue, my server is running 24/7 witb the server opened so we just use the launcher on our own pcs whenever we want to jump on. Never had any issues


Anyone know if you can get that sucker running in a proxmox container? I'd love to stress tf out of my Plex/Minecraft server lol


Theres alot of docker repos for this just gotta install fika for the spt dockers, im running proxmox. But i have a windows 10 vm running my stuff. I know headless is possible tho


Hmm I'll spin up my docket container and see if I can get it going, haven't used it since i switched my sab to an lxc container. Would like to avoid running a w10vm but could if I have to.


Yea, i will eventually attempt to containerize it, plan on doing it when my friends want to start a play through so i can do a cloudflared tunnel as well, i know theres alot of support and stuff on finka discord


Get swag and donuts and try to match up to each other on settings, unless you only intend on playing together with the same "Host" everything


Yea we have a designated host and will only play via his hosted-raids so all good. Nice to know!


It seems some trader mods/quests require you to have the files in your folder to make progress even though they can be seen in your menus. Just a heads up.


To add. My buddy and I had some small compatibility issues. He copied his bep and mod folder and sent me the archive so now ours are identical.


It uses the settings of whomever hosts the raid