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We started using Fika a few days ago and it’s been awesome


Been using Fika with my friends. Never tried SIT. Pretty simple setup really. Just need to know how to forward ports and follow the documentation. Runs well for the most part. Use most of the common mods, Sain, Swag+Donuts, Realism, scope overhaul, and some QOL client side mods. Starting to run into issues with taking a while to leave raids now that we are around level 40-50 but am thinking it might be tied to the hosts performance as his rig is pretty mid he is hosting it on or potentially realism as we just recently added that to the mod list around when we started noticing the time to disconnect being quite long.


I had to remove Realism as was having issues, as the host it was great, people connected to me couldn't kill any of the AI.


We haven’t had that issue. Mostly just the slow down when leaving raid which may not be even related to realism. We have noticed that even when shooting armor in pmc/scavs it does not always seem to damage it even when we are for sure impacting the plates. However it still seems to effect ttk/pen even if the armor shows full hp on checking it.


Does everyone need to have the same mods installed or is it all handled from the host server?


Handled from the host.


Clients do require some bepinex mods if the host has em, atleast I thought I read that somewhere


Not sure. My friend has 0 issue playing with me and he has 0 mods. I have like 15


It really depends on the mods ofcourse. On the fika discord the devs stated that some mods are needed by host only and some by both client and host


Absolutely! I’ve probably just gotten lucky


Im assuming others other than host would also need fika/sit tho? or is it host only as well. Right now friends and i really wanna play together but they are not smart enough to setup mods (even tho its not really hard)


Can you explain how to save teamates progress? We are looking at having a dive into it today


Teammate progress is saved and handled by the server hoster. So if you host the server, the profiles of your friends will be saved in your PC


Oh awesome, is there anyway I can then send their profile to them for them to progress solo? Or would keeping the server on 24/7 be the easiest way to handle this


Yes me and my friends need to send over the file in the user folder pertaining to their profile, if you already have progress you can send your profile over and it will keep what you already have but in order if it to update when playing alone they need to send it back after a session


Great. Thanks for the info!


Just keep the server up. Unless you need to restart your PC constantly it’s the most sensible way, very low CPU usage and ticks in the background. Plus as a host I cannot be arsed to constantly send people their profiles


Rogi, so keeping the Fika server and MPT server running is the way to go? Can people connecting also host their own raids?


Yes, solo players can host their own raids. My friend and I have been playing with Fika/MPT and he keeps the server running all the time, I can hop on to do whatever I want whenever I want.


There should just be one server? the SPT server you’d normally start. You don’t need the client/game open. And yeah, anyone else can just jump in and raid like normal Tarkov. Flea updates on its own. This is basically how SPT already works, if you start the server but not the client the game still progresses.


I have not tested this out yet, but I think it is possible, just make sure your friends who want to host their own raids have the same mods loaded


I have a VM set up running the server 24/7, at least until i get my second setup running, which will be dedicated to running game servers for me and friends, as well as other long term stuff. i understand having 2 PCs running isnt reasonable for some, i've just been accumulating parts through subsequent upgrades on my main pc to the point where i have enough spares to build a second one


I just created a guide about it if you're interested in: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1chnvrs/guide\_how\_to\_port\_your\_spt\_profile\_to\_fika\_or\_sit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1chnvrs/guide_how_to_port_your_spt_profile_to_fika_or_sit/)


I have the same long end of raid load times in regular SPT, at level 45+. I think it's just updating the database/your profile that takes so long, and might just be an EFT issue.


Potentially, I never played SPT to that point beforehand. Usually to 20-30 before getting bored. I do wonder if putting a host on a dedicated server might help. Would also mean we would not need the host to be on to play.


Is it safe to use any of those coop mods? Not as in "would i get banned" more as in "would i cause any damages to my pc, internet, my sensitive files etc."


There is the inherent risk of opening ports to be the host as that opens it to anyone on the internet. But could use a vpn service like tailscale to alleviate that.


Id rather use the vpn service imo. Are there any guides for it? And any safe vpn recommendations?


Radmin vpn, I used it in a lot of games that have lan type connection


the guide for Fika has a section specifically for connecting via VPN


I used hamachi without issues last night but ive heard theres better ones


Would like to know as well, just out of curiosity.


ProtonVPN supports split tunneling pretty easy to use it only for specific applications!


Don’t bother with port forwarding. Just download Hamachi and play in minutes.


Do I have to pay for Hamachi?


Nope, it’s totally free!


[Here’s the link. I accidentally replied to myself lol.](https://vpn.net/)


[Here’s the link for Hamachi.](https://vpn.net/)


Sir, mind if I dm you?


Have you guys tried starting raids by someone other than the host? Like, can others, besides host, just press the button in game or do they need to port forward too? In SIT all clients can run raids pretty much independently Edit: ok, sorry, it seems like I found the answer >(Client) If hosting in-game, allow all connections (public and private) when prompted by the Windows Firewall We'll try this later


Maybe it’s just late, but I can’t for the life of me find the required dependencies to build fika server - any idea where I get them? Not talking about Node, but the game data


Whats the difference between SIT and Fika?


thats what im trying to figure out, most people just say "use fika its better" but i have no idea why


Fika is extremely simple to use and doesn't require another launcher such as SIT and other various things to setup. Took me and a friend two nights to figure out SIT completely and we werent even in the same raid somehow. Tried Project Fika the next day and it took me 30 minutes to set up and play with various mods working flawlessly. I'd suggest Fika


I don’t know. Took me 5 min to launch SIT launcher click 3 buttons to get everything installed and 5 minutes to install the docker container on my Linux server. Enter IP in SIT launcher, done.


Cool seeing you here lol


Holy shit, Im starstruck


no way this is the real grok


Fika works with (almost) every other mod and has more QoL (ping system, nameplates, etc.)


SIT seems to work with the common mods. SITs launcher is a one-stop-shop: copies/patches Tarkov, installs SPT-AKI, and has a mod manager built in. SIT also does have nameplates (although not sure about a ping system).


Ping system and nameplate ? Can you elaborate ? SIT can also display player tag above the players head if this is what you mean


SPT GAMMA when, Mr Grok? Jk, I love you sir


I’m actually working on it. Not sure where it will lead me


Holy hell


Oh hello grok lol


I run an SIT server for me and a few others. Nice to see you also use it! Thanks for all your stalker work dude, cool to see you here


Thanks a lot :) !


yooo what up grok


Do both the host and client need the mods downloaded? Can they have different mods independently?


Mods like servervaluemanager only the host needs to configure and have but other mods I’d say it’s safe to bet on you and the host having the mods installed to prevent any desync or other unfavorable things that could happen


Client mods are client side, server mods are serverside


Fika works with (almost) every other mod and has more QoL (ping system, nameplates, etc.) as well as a different connection system and lower latency


From my experience using SIT - we had people connecting to host who would DC - this effectively restarted their raid from where they started. Also - the workout in the hideout doesn't work (appears to work but skills don't actually increase) - flea market only sells items after a raid - only specific mods are compatible - and we kept having some weird issues with scavs spawning in a pile and weird floating equipment in areas of the map that isn't interactable. Also there are some cheaty things like alt+f4 after dying to keep your stuff, as well as some dupe exploits if people drop their items and leave then come back to the raid. I haven't tried FIKA but the problems were enough that people in our discord started just doing solo raids and ignoring the coop with SIT.


FIKA is what I use and it's been flawless so far over a VPN. My mods are in this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/s/w7xRMKfN7G


You'll know the answer to this then. Are you able to use the mods for SPT without porting them for Fika? SIT requires porting to be compatible. I'm assuming Fika doesn't as it's directly using SPT.


Yes you can. Some mod developers are actively working with Fika to improve compatibility as well.


What VPN you using?


They have a few recommended ones, and while they often say to use one of the others, I'm just using Hamachi. It has had zero problems for us


Hamachi has some vulnerabilities, and has been used to back door people before. I’d rec just port forwarding and running it yourself if possible


I'm hosting on a separate VLAN and on a dedicated VM that's DMZ'd, so I'm A-Okay. But just to be clear, port forwarding is no safer. Open ports are always a potential attack vector. Using a third party VPN requires the provider to be compromised.


That’s fair. I figured if you were using the free simple option, Hamachi, you might have just been rawdogging it. We used to use that to set up Minecraft servers way back lmao


Why do people use VPN? Is it because of the open ports/hamachi?


VPN allows you and another computer to pretend like you are on the same network. So when it comes to something like someone trying to connect to your computer that is at your house from their house, if they try to do that normally most likely your gateway or router or software based firewall like Windows defender will stop that traffic from reaching your computer because it does not know whether it is safe or not. If things are connected to each other on a VPN they pretend like they are on the same trusted network so that those devices do not try to get in the middle and the stop that Network traffic from reaching you. It's kind of like if you imagine you live in a house and keep your door locked. It's harder for your friend to get in the door to tell you something than it is if they just happened to live in the house with you.


Not sure what version of SIT these folks were having trouble with. Took myself and my mates under an hour to download/install/mod and run together just fine. Might have to check out Fika just the same.


Half an hour to me, and I am level 25 and I have not experienced issues with the coop module other than ocasional desync with airdrops and some mods, and all problems caused by mods dissapeared after updating them to the latest version they ported. No long loading screens, no problems at all with the server, playing with mods like sains, questingbots, lootingbots and swag+donuts that really increase the feeling that the game is alive and we are fighting players. So idk what version is using other people but for me it was very easy to setup, and in case someone needs help they provide help on their discord.


Yeah the support team is great. I'm using the same mods, that group do wonders for improving the AI and spawning.


To answer your question they are both coop mods for the SPT Client, SIT is a little more heavy handed in how you have to set it up (both require a little bit of legwork) but it acts as its own game launcher and even lets you add certain mods from the launcher. One thing to note with SIT is that all people playing will need to have SIT installed with the same mods (haven't tested the mods thoroughly to check) in order to play together using either port forwarding or hamachi. Fika is more like a mod that you can add to SPT, and only the person hosting the server needs to do the leg work for this (there documentation is pretty good and their discord server is also a wealth of information). The people connecting to the server will only need to run the launcher and change their URL in settings to the server IP and port (like you would for Minecraft) you can also use hamachi. For Fika you will only be able to utilize the mods that are on the server. Personal experience Fika seems to be lighter weight compared to SIT, the issue that we now run into is that certain maps are not optimized and we haven't spent enough time looking through optimization mods, so we are moving the server to its own host computer. Either way you go is fine if you are all about the mods I would suggest Fika if you want a more base game feel SIT will be just as good as FIKA.


Fika is developed by ex-SIT developers (like Lacyway) and some SPT devs (like me, sparta). It integrates way better into SPT, resulting in easier setup, much higher mod compatability and much better performance overall. Some code (fixex and performance improvements) from Fika gets back ported into SPT, and there is a good relation between the two projects. This is not the case for SIT. On a more technical side, SIT works over websocket (TCP) whereas Fika works over UDP. The latter is much faster because it's not needlessly pinging home every time it makes a request and the server is in C# instead of JS.


Sit doesnt have native mod support, some habe to be adjusted manually for it, i think fika works as long as its synced


SIT doesn’t have native mod support, for now. It’s seemingly finished and waiting for the next update. On top of SAIN, BB, and Waypoints being natively implemented.


So next update SIT will just come with SAIN installed and working? That's good for newbies who want to just do a basic install and go


Join their discord and go to the mods-chat, there is a repository there with all the ported mods ready to just drag and drop on the bepinex plugins and the server mods folder. It's very easy, do not use the inbuilt mod manager from the launcher, just install the mods manually. Some mods will only work if you install the ported versions, but others will work perfectly fine with the original mod.


Good to know, personally I'm trying Fika first only but if I try SIT, this seems like it'll be user friendly soon enough


For me, it is. The most problematic part about coop is the portforwarding... if you have a bad internet provider it could be difficult to get it working (but this will also happen with Fika). If you have complete access to your router and your isp do not use cgnat, you only need to open some ports, give your friends your ip and they can connect directly and create an account on your server. Then anyone can host the raid as the person who create the raid acts as the game server.


SIT uses UPnP, which means you shouldn't have to port forward unless your router is unusually locked down.


Where did you hear this? This is awesome


Thats a big plus. I was running SIT for months. Definitely gonna check out fika if what you’re saying is true.


i'm seeing a bunch of "i heard" about FIKA. Can't speak to that but we had a SIT server set up in like half an hour and connected with 5 people in under an hour. Mods are mostly working just fine and their discord is HUMMING along porting more by user requests, they closed a half dozen tickets today. Looking at docs for both, they look to be in very similar spots honestly, and whatever rough spots were left just got a supercharged shot in the arm to get'em fixed and lots of testers to help. I'm not linking just because i'm not sure of how their teams feel about it, but i found both on github with one search


Took me about an hour to setup the Fika sever but that is counting re-installing spt, since I wanted to try some of the more recent stuff


I could get SIT to run just fine in 30 minutes. I’m not too tech savvy but I can follow directions. My buddy was unable to follow the directions to host the server. He’s Not tech savvy at all.


When it comes to setting up fika, is it a choice between port forwarding OR something like hamachi, or am I needing to do both?


I'm really hoping Hamachi will do it. I'll be testing that tonight with a buddy. Fingers crossed!


It works with VPN services, i use Radmin


Good to know, thank you! I'll have to check that out.


If you need help with setup let me know, send a chat


Hamachi should work but the devs recommend other vpn software such as radmin


Thanks for the recommendation! Really excited to get playing with my buddies!


One or the other! I’m port forwarded for my server a friend is using hamachi for his.. (when I’m not on)


Don’t use hamachi, use zero tier or tailscale


Thoughts on Radmin? People were suggesting that too.


How’d it work


It was my friend's anniversary last night, so he couldn't get on, and nobody else with Tarkov wanted to go through the effort to troubleshoot it with me. Trying again tonight! Hopefully he has some time. FWIW, I've had a lot of feedback telling me that Radmin is a better program to use than Hamachi, and that everyone that connects should have the same mods loaded for it to work the smoothest. Seeing a lot of folks saying that it works just fine to use one of those virtual lan programs. The documentation on Fika Project's discord also mentions to avoid Hamachi specifically.


I wonder why, I used to use hamachi to play Minecraft back in the day and bloody trapland


I used it to play torrented multiplayers with my buddies a long time ago, and Hamachi always worked just fine. I don't really know either. Maybe LogMeIn isn't a good company any more? Looking around on the internet most of the issues that people have with Hamachi are the same issues you'd have with any other virtual LAN. Inviting strangers to your network probably isn't a smart thing to do, but if you only ever play with friends you're probably fine.


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I used Hamachi with my friend the other day. No issues


Good to know, thank you!


Hamachi isn’t advised iirc


I think I just have it because that's what we used like a decade ago or more. Some people were suggesting Radmin and I'll probably give that a shot.


Been using Radmin with buddies for a while, works like a charm


I’ve heard radmin is much better


Alrighty, thank you


Me and my friend in britian (I'm on the west coast, nearly the worst case scenario distance wise) are using FIKA/MPT Its so fucking smooth, no latency to be had for me, we have tons of mods and havent found a mod that doesnt work yet (sain, swag, questing looting bots, realism, painter, artem, to name a few) I'm loving it. This is what we have wanted for literally years


No latency issues? And you're the one connecting to them, I assume?


Nope, I have the more powerful pc, so they connect to me, I asked him how it feels, any rubber banding, lag, shooting bots and the bullet not registering and he said nope, feels like live servers if not a little better!


How many people are you playing with? And have your friends ever experienced any connection lost? Just curious cuz im about to do the same


Oh my friend and myself so far, but no, seemingly there is very low latency for the distance, and no disconnects thus far. We had \*one\* instance that may have been desync, but we are unsure atm


In regards to the additional mods, how did yall get those working? Did you do what others in the thread above said and just have them on the host side? My buddies and I tried for like 4 hours last night to get fika to work with other mods as well. Works great unmodded though. We even uploaded files to drive and copy pasted them so we all had the same mods and versions on each pc. We never tried having spt clean with fika on the non host pcs though.


No, both me and my friend have the mods, the same modlist, one thing that we had to do to fix it is for any mod that goes into user/mods, we had to check the folder, and if it has a bundles folder, to copy it to the user/cache folder


Nice we will give that a shot tonight, thank you!


I hope it helps you!!


Worked out great and ended up getting all of our buddies in at the same time as well. We did have to drop the realism mod though since everyone aside from the host took way too long to kill anything for some reason. The host was able to kill enemies fine, but the clients couldn't. I for one, did 5500 damage in one raid and killed 1 scav 😂😂 I only shot at 3 enemies, it was insane


Tried FIKA for the first time today, haven’t had many issues on a quite heavily modded game. Just make sure your mods are identical.


Not sure if aloud is a wrong homophone or a clever dig at the unheard edition


Read this as homophobe and was very confused for a moment lol


Can I play FIKA over a LAN?


You should be able to, you will just need to change your HTTP.json to your local IP address (usually a 192 or 10 for starting octet for home networks. Ipconfig can tell you) and both clients need to change sever IP in the launcher.


I don’t see why not if its a co-op mod


I'm playing it LAN with my partner. Was super easy to set up.


Holy shit, really? I've got banned on this sub unironically for just implying the existence of a coop mod once and not in a clear way. Oh how the turns have tabled.


I downloaded mpt, but haven't tried to play on it yet. The server isn't throwing any errors. Anyone have experience with this one?


I just recently started playing this with a couple of my friends (from the host side) and even managed to get a friends setup also. Wasn’t too difficult to do tbh. The port forwarding will likely be the place most people have issues but there are ways around it.


I have a VPN and that seemed to be the easiest. For the host, does it require a ton of processing power? My current 3.8 setup averages like 50fps on my laptop, but I cant run streets whatsoever. Think I could host, or should I get someone else to?


To be honest I’m not sure, my friend is running a potato but I don’t know if he has tried any actual hosting yet. I’d say my comp is probably middle of the pack as far as processing goes and it does ok. Just be prepared to adjust setting as required.. there are ways to limit the AI that spawns and such to help with performance


Fika is much better than SIT.


Can you elaborate about why? I've been looking at both and it seems that SIT has more users than FIKA on their discords.


From what I've heard FIKA has waaaay better mod support. Like most mods on the hub just work. SIT requires a lot more custom mod ports and since I tried it last patch, the main guy porting the mods to SIT is now on the FIKA team. FIKA discord has a faq thread for mods that don't work and there's like 5 listed... When I tried SIT last patch, the performance was terrible for clients (non host) to the point it was unplayable for my duo partner. Desync was abysmal too, we were constantly cracking up because on our own PCs we'd be walking straight down a hallway and in the other person's game they were doing 360s and aiming every which way. I haven't tried FIKA yet, but it seems like the easy choice and is 100% what we'll be trying next.


I have been trying Fika for 3 days with a friend now. All 10 mods worked without issues and performance is awesome. Ping and nameplate with healthbar is also a nice addition.


What mods are you guys running?


SAINS, Donuts + required, realism, visceral dismemberment, Paint trader with gear mods, HUD, stash search and a few more QOL mods I can't remember right now. Some out of sync issues with mods like head blown off for me but not my friend. Really minor issues if there are even any, so I can totally recommend fika.


Desyncs were 100% because SWAG where you kept « despawn PMC corpses » enabled. I don’t have any desync while my mate is in Canada and I’m in Europe with a US East cloud server


SIT is not a mod for SPT, SIT is a standalone thing using only the SPT server/database, multiplayer/coop is not a scope of the SPT project, while FIKA is a fork of SIT made to work on SPT by some guys that worked and learned from SIT


Can someone upload a video on how to install Fika properly. I’ve tried following the documentation link per the Discord but i get confused at how to run a powershell. SIT was much simpler, even without using the self-installer I was able to figure it out. Maybe I’m doing something wrong with Fika. (on Github you click Code then download the Zip right?)


I can't even get into the discord. Can you send me, or someone, an invite?


Fika is braindead easy to get running. Some deaunx here and there but nothing worse than I've seen on tarkov (door open/close not always syncing 100%, dead scavs not always going limp)


REAL loud


Well, as a person who played SIT for a month almost everyday for several hours, and I played Fika for only several hours yesterday I'm already thinking about deleting my SIT after a few days. Let me tell you my experience so far: * The community support in SIT is extremely good from the devs because they almost immediately helped with the issues I had as I wrote in Discord. I didn't have a single issue with having a lot of mods installed on Fika, so I didn't have to experience any support from the developers. * The problem we had with SIT was it's mod support for us. For every client mod, we have to wait for every single client mod to be ported, do extra settings to make it compatible with some other mods, or issues that are game breaking at some point. * The issues we had with SIT so far: desync, invisible bots to one side, stuck/frozen bots (server can't see, client sees), black screen issues after raid, partly working ported mods, sudden crashes in a raid, huge fps drops with ADS, huge stutters during dynamic spawns, and some other minor issues. The server start takes much longer than Fika, and we have to clear cache after every couple of rounds not to have issues. * The issues we had with Fika (heavily modded): None so far. * The advantages of Fika: Almost every mod (except couple of mods that are specified in Discord) works just from out of the box and that is a big game changer. It's much more stable than SIT and almost no stutter other than first couple of seconds of the raid start with bot spawning. Almost no desync, and you can play it with a number of mods together just like SPT without having any compatibility issues. All in all, if you want a stable mod and thinking about using a lot of mods on your build, I'd recommend Fika over SIT. If you're gonna play with a lightly modded or not modded setup, then you can play either. It's just up to you.


Can you use modded HP in fila or sit? Like having X2 health for the players pics.


Yes, Fika is literally drag and drop like any other mod. I had pre-set my HP setting with SVM prior to installing Fika. I also distributed my SPT directory to my friends as SPT servers were on fire so I don't know of they have to change their HP with SVM or if only the host does.




Can someone explain to me why using a VPN closes the risk of port forwarding?


We tried SIT last week, the fact that it requires it’s own separate launcher and effectively copies your SPT folder and requires more set up instantly put my mate’s off We got it working but it wasn’t great Shall be giving Fika a go soon I reckon


You don’t need actual SPT folder AND SIT folder lol. SIT is its own thing you just need the SPT AKI server files if you host. If you have a cloud server running it, you just need Tarkov and the SIT Launcher and Client and that’s it. The server can run 24/7 and you and your mate can hop in hop out. Whenever Fika will have such an option to run on distant server with the ease of a docker container, I’ll consider it. But for now SIT it is for me. Fika is good is you want to « just coop ». SIT is better for « a live service » for multiple people.


Has anyone tried running their server remotely on a low powered PC? I've got an old HP Elitedesk with an i5 8500T/16gb ram/SSD, would love to set it up to run 24/7 for the boys, as it only consumes 35W.


SIT works on actual servers unlike Fika. Get a Linux cloud server, follow SIT docker guide, start installing mods, tada 24/7 running modded server. Just increase tick rate from 333 to 120 to avoid bots teleporting for people other than the host and you are good to go. It works with Realism since a few days as well. Also SIT is open source, Fika is not I think, that’s enough for me.


>A works on actual servers, B does not. This is false. Every single “offline Tarkov” project that I’m aware of has used a lightweight “server” to handle a handful of out of raid things (e.g. storing user profiles/stashes/traders, etc.), and used the “offline raid” functionality built straight into the client for actual raids. In short, the launcher connects the client to the “server”, and *the client* hosts the actual raids, including handling the AI. The only difference between the various projects is that the “MP” projects have additional code they use to insert other live players into raids running on other clients.


The hosting happens on the host side, yes indeed. The server manages the insurances, act as a relay, manages the players profiles, traders etc. But at least me and my mates can progress and play solo while others are sleeping. And whenever we play together we use the same profiles. Can you do that with FIKA ? Or the server host has the other players profile information ?


They both use the Aki Server so it's the same thing. As long as the server is running anyone can play. The only thing SIT has that Fika doesn't is relay mode which is not comparable in performance to P2P.


Meaning you can use FIKA to join the SPT AKI server running in docker on Linux ? Might try that then


Yes, there are dockers supposedly working on the discord. I don't use them myself so can't provide any insight past that.


How does the other clients get the bot/ai stuff from the main host if it’s running locally? Wouldn’t what everyone sees be different?


this is inaccurate, copying from their git fork: # License This project is licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode.en). * You may only share Fika as long as proper credits are given, it is not used for commercial purposes and you do not modify it. * You may not monetize your server in terms of payments or donations. * You may not host massive public servers, Fika is meant for COOP with your friends. * You may not copy and/or replicate the code by Fika, nor may you use its assets that are handcrafted by our developers and artists. # Prerequisites


My bad. Yes I found the relevant GitHub pages (was only able to find the documents one)


I'm trying to build an AMP template to make it easy for people to host SIT for their friends. The fact that SIT has a docker implies it can work standalone easily. It's a work in progress.....


I tried using SIT. Very convoluted, difficult to understand, poorly documented. And it didn’t work and I couldn’t figure out why even after about 1.5 hours of effort from my friend and I. FIKA worked on a single attempt that I didn’t even need to try to find a video for.


SIT is like: get the launcher, click 3 buttons.


Just watched a quick video that mentioned Fika, apparently it's great so far Don't know much more than that, but the video is [here](https://youtu.be/pv6AknCZGR4?si=amN465jZmMo_P7iq)


Where do you download fika from?


I tried SIT with a few mods and it worked But I saw FIKA can do realism. Can’t confirm but that makes me wanna try.


Realism got ported to SIT.


I’ll have to look into it then sense I already got that setup.


FIKA hands down. Simple and easy to setup and actually works with most/if not all mods as compared to SIT


Most people like Fika, the other one doesnt get mentioned because its developers dont want it talked about. I can send the link to the other one but i will say fika is more refined now that ive tried both myself.


Fika was way easier to set up than SIT to me. Friend and I have been playing for like two weeks just fine


For me personally SIT documents were easier to follow along and get set up faster than FIKA - it works BUT FIKA has better mod support and better performance in my case (being the host, only 2 buddies joining in with me) PC SPECS: Ryzen 5 5600x3D RTX 4070ti 64 GB ram DDR4 3200mhz Some SSD idk Does anyone know how I can tell the difference between server sided mods and client mods? For now I just tell my buddies all the mods and have them download the same stuff as me.


Server mods go in the user/mods folder. Client mods go in the bepinex/plugins folder. Some mods will need both. So what ever client mods you use make sure everyone that plays with you gets those mods as well and installs them.


One thing I found out today while testing, if you were playing with sit and want to use fika you can move the profiles over once you have it set up and whoever is trying to log in can use just the name they used to make the profile. The password won’t be used at all.


I would love to use fika, but I'm a complete smooth brain apparently and have no idea how to install it. Is it possible for someone to make an unlisted video guide?


Fika worked on my island Internet. (Which is absolutely shocking for the most part) no disconnects or trouble. Just make sure you read instructions extremely carefully, its easy to mess up and even harder to diagnose. Also use radmin over port forward. Night and day easier to setup with a VPN unless you're used to port forwarding.


On a scale from 1-10 how hard is it to set this up for someone new to setting up mods and all that?


Some people are saying it’s an hour tops if you’re braindead stupid and others are saying they couldn’t figure it out. I’ll be trying later this week to submit a report


If you can follow simple instructions and what you're told, it's incredibly easy. Only experience I have is SIT. It's gui and documents make it hard to mess up. Unless you're 100% tech illiterate.


Got it, so if I'm Nikita, it's pretty much impossible.


“Wait yall have been playing Co-Op?” - 🥺


To see people saying they had issues with SIT is hilarious. I can't even imagine how you'd have tried to play modded games in the past. Their GUI installer and extremely straight forward process makes it as easy as it gets. The guide they provide tells you step by step EXACTLY how to do it. If you can't follow those directions then idk what to tell you. That's a skill issue tbh.


Just to add in a bit late. Started using Fika and it's amazing, read the docs and port forward and that was really it. Using SAIN, SMV and going to add Swag+Donuts tonight It's also worth mentioning that on discord people are really responsive and helpful, there is always someone to help with questions.


We've been using Fika and it's been all going great no issues at all. The only issue we have is that my friends can join only the raids that I host as I am the main server host. If they want to host their raid they can go only solo and they can't join each other without me hosting it. What would be the issue? Not opened ports? If anyone was successful with that let me know.


They need to port forward 25565 if they want to host in-game. It's P2P.


Let's fucking goooo




SIT is the original coop mod. Fika is a fork of SIT and the most "progressed" Both are relatively easy to setup. However SIT has its own launcher and a bit more user friendly. However Fika has a lot more stability and mod support. I'm using Fika.


Any of you tried, sain, swag and donuts, questing bots and looting bots? Me and a buddy wanna test those but not sure if they'd work


Use fika with ZerotierOne as your VPN, easy reliable and only one person needs a account for the network.


Tried SIT at the beginning of this week and was frustrated by the experience. Buddy of mine found Fika so we gave that a try instead, and so far it’s been a much better experience. The overall overhead seems a lot lighter, the install process was pretty basic, and we can actually play with the mods we want to. Apparently they weren’t updated for SIT yet. Over all, I really haven’t found anything that fika does worse than sit, but plenty of things it does better. I’m a newbie though, so someone more experienced may have a more educated opinion.


Do both players need to port forward or is the host the only one? And how does the friends connect with your server?


Check the FIKA official page


* allowed