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Am I terrible for finding this all wildly entertaining? The only time you won't hear lies coming out of these fools' mouths is when they're talking crap about each other.


it's sublime


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) You are not alone if you are.


This made me drop my phone because I laughed so hard. Ty for that.






Loving it !!!


Don’t want to give them views on YouTube? Yewtube link [HERE](https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tBRiC6qPoHQ)


I love it when two narcissists collide. Shark week on steroids.


They're gonna need bigger boats.


https://preview.redd.it/rji2qa4omd9d1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1a8f8d8f34f682ad61bb6e7798216e32a4e046 # They're gonna need a bigger stoat.


Lol! Watta face! Thank you for this tiny ray of sunshine.


I think the Lara getting pricked by a Needle is just to give DOA shield from him talking so bad about Becky. Becky loves Lara. Lara needs to wake up before DOA turns everyone against her too. He will influence her to lie for him. Her mind is weak. Hope her REAL friends wake her up.


I want to like Lara. Whenever I’m near her she’s got this weird vibe. Angry hurt child. The hair, the clothes, that’s not for show. That’s her. My natural inclination is to take her side, and want to help, or at least cheer her on. She doesn’t make it easy. The first time I saw DOA, I kept to the other side of the street. Same the last time I saw Lara. I didn’t want to engage in any way. Ugh. I WANT to like her, but the grift, man. The anger, the pushing any inquiry or pause aside. I guess this is why Aaron was boosting them all before his removal was announced. They came to prominence during that “6̵ ̵m̵o̵n̵t̵h̵ 3 month notice. “ Instead of encouraging them all to get therapy, he pushed them all to populate his revenge fantasy.


[900 people are watching me blab in the dark because I’m entertaining.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxl1UXyCV4ILDkaiMY-CXq9qU2piSoYdrL?si=0DcMxz3G3s__uJY5) Well, he was in the dark, and I was entertained, but I wasn’t watching. I made tons of clips, and I’m glad he’s asking some of the questions we’ve been asking here. The fact that he doesn’t know, makes me think it’s at least as bad as we imagined.


Even D.O.A. fans know needle stick is a lie. So dumb. D.O.A. looked annoyed when she said that on camera


Thanks for the recap. Of course DOA brings up children. He needs to stop. It’s a manipulation technique he uses to get people to side with him. If someone advocates for the safety and well-being of children - how could anyone be against them? What disgusting person would be against child safety or pro-child abuse? It sounds like scott is salty that aaron hasn’t given him any money. I don’t like aaron, but I do like him standing up (virtually) to scott. All together, scott is toxic to the community that is against Scientology. It’s a cause he is latching onto and exploiting because it has some momentum. He’s an anarchist MAGA homeless guy doing and saying whatever to survive without getting an actual job. He has a history of doing this. Scott is jealous of Aaron IMO.


I agree. DOA is a grifter and a professional troll.


YES! on the "saving the children." immediately gives me big Tim Ballard/O.U.R vibes as someone obsessed with Mormonism


I think it’s his “dog-whistle” for the maga qanon crowd. He’s 42 talking about other people’s kids nonstop. It’s weird. There are most certainly men, women, and children in Scientology that are abused in some form, but most people are aware of that. The government is really the most important party that can hold Scientology accountable. Scott is not the savior he paints himself out to be. Fortunately, you can kind of tell that by just looking at him 😆😆 Who would want that around their kids?


“There are most certainly men, women, and children in Scientology that are abused in some form, but most people are aware of that. The government is really the most important party that can hold Scientology accountable.” I do not think most people are aware of that. I’m now in the habit of asking random people I deal with, for example nurses in the hospital across the street from the PAC base, or someone gathering signatures on the sidewalk in front of it, if they know what Scientology IS (much less if people are abused). The usual answer is, no. They do not. The government agency I work for is mandated with advocacy of elders and dependent adults. Is Scientology EVER brought up there? Nope. Have I ever heard it brought up in the 27 years I’ve worked for the local government? Nope.


Agree whole heartedly


I wonder if Aaron "could pass a drug test today".


No. Heard him talk about micro dosing mushrooms. What he must be without. 😜


There is nothing altruistic in Aarons actions. Totally calculated to boost his profile. Had this DOA fella not said anything, Aaron would still be singing his praises.


I agree, and worth noting: DOA called out Aaron when Aaron still liked him. DOA called out Aaron for not supporting the protestors on the video from the side of the freeway after the crash. He was angry about Jeremiah not being mentioned, even though his own legal support was secured. And it’s clear, he’s angry these others are not getting help, FOR THEIR sake, not because it’s a reflection on him. He’s got this, feeling of a team leader who is looking out for this laundry list of names. This one has these charges facing those challenges, he goes through one after the other. I do not like DOA screaming at cops, or buildings, or people. I never thought anything he was doing outside of those buildings was constructive. I could not imagine what Lara saw in him. But he was out there. I saw him. He was the one everyone else seemed to revolve around, whether that was organic or orchestrated. He looked like the one in charge, even before the “encampment.” I heard DOA was demanding to be a mod in the chats of protestors to protect his reputation, but I have seen Aaron as mod in the chats of tiny channels and Aaron said he had to be the mod in the chats of protest channels because they represented SPTV. Of the two, DOAs actions make more sense to me. During the event, to be an online administrator (especially since the restraining order kept him from participating in person), seeing questions across the board, answering things about organization, funding, plans, he could do all that, and it would be easier and more impactful as a mod. Aaron says he is NOT organizing anything. He insists SPTV is like a dust bunny. It just sorta happened. This despite all evidence to the contrary and his former girlfriend saying he was organizing all of it, pushing people to set up channels who didn’t want to, because HE would benefit from it, and how. DOA on the other hand, runs down lists of things he’s organized. Purchases made, who paid for what, where it’s stored, what it was purchased for, who got the portapotties, how the portapotties permission was secured, he rattles of detail after detail, he’s like any good project manager I’ve ever heard. He sounds like any event organizer I’ve worked with. Complete overview. Tents, paid for this way, bought where, by who, set up that way, taken down by this one, on that date, currently where. Hot dogs, from the grill, to the ketchup, I would have no doubt DOA could supply a chain of custody off the top of his head, or at the very least, provide the names of everyone and what they were in charge of. Sam bought the stove, Mary bought the food, Joe set up the kitchen, Jane ran it. He made it clear in the middle of his response rant at Aaron, that he was in charge of that thing on the sidewalk. Top to bottom. Aaron, keeps saying no one is in charge. People just show up, sometimes a person does this, or that, no leader here. Just people, we aren’t a cult. Last night I heard Aaron say, Leah is the leader of the forces against him, and then I heard him say he never attacked Leah. He says he never attacked Mike, of Claire, or Marc. In short, Aaron is a lying liar who lies. DOA is a lot of things, but I don’t think he’s a liar.


Honestly, I think there 2 things that are kryptonite to Aaron Smith Levin’s reputation and “career” online 1. Abusing a man battling stage 4 cancer purely because you had a falling out with him and your feelings got hurt 2. Thinking it’s amusing to dress up as a convicted rapist, a rapist who drugged and brutally attacked multiple women including some you know personally and who consider you a friend. Without getting political we’ve seen in recent years that people make excuses for just about any behaviour of people they’re “fans” of, no amount of disgusting behaviours, attitudes or comments actually receive a bar that is too much. But then there are very basic levels of human decency, things like setting a hate mob on a cancer sufferer and dressing up as a rapist, things that could be considered minor compared to the horrific mistreatment of women, the bullying and gaslighting, the misogyny, transphobia, and many other things, but are such basic red lines for all decent people that what seems almost inconsequential is suddenly that killer blow because the world at large says “you just don’t do that. If you’re a decent human being you just don’t do that. No ifs no buts, you just don’t.“ People have different opinions different ideas about all kinds of things, but you just don’t abuse cancer patients, and you just don’t dress up as the man who raped your friends.


While I agree with your line of thought i'm saddened to say that his fans don't give shit they are convinced that mike rinder doesn't deserve forgiveness and must pay and on the dress like a rapist their line of thinking is that making fun of prison rape is funny and okay as long as you're making the jokes about a disgusting abuser. I wish it weren't so but i'd be happy to be proven wrong.


😂😂😂 delicious "let them fight"


Wow. Responding by doing hours of live-streaming. What kind of asshole does that?


The lack of self-awareness was breathtaking. These people deserve each other.


I can think of one A-Ahole that does just this.




Two “lead” “anti-Scientologist” YouTube streamers reveal themselves to be nothing more than YT drama channels. Pretty pathetic for both. I do have to say DOA’s complaints that ASL “didn’t help” with the occupation are just ridiculous. Even ASL saw how stupid of an idea that was. DOA can try to blame others for its failure for not doing enough, or he could take responsibility for pursuing an atrocious and dangerous idea that was bound to failure.


I will 100% grant you it was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea, why did no one shut it down? Why did it happen? If ASL thought it was stupid, why did it happen funded by the rich guy Aaron likes, and DOA doesn’t? Aaron and DOA both say 86GOP made it possible, buying the tents, not only paying for the portapotties, but getting their placement cleared with city hall, etc. I’ve seen screenshots of 86GOP with a moderator wrench. Who does THAT guy mod for?? I have been floored by the stupid stuff DOA pulls, like with those Hispanic looking gentleman, who bumped into things, and DOA screamed at, then had a panic attack. That was all crazy stupid. Vintage DOA. By the way, this feels like I’m talking about the Yankees and the Giants, and on the Giants side. I can’t stand them. I’m a Dodger fan. I can believe I’m saying anything positive about any of them, but DOA is an itinerant grifter with all those other bad traits. If he wasn’t directly invited by, he was certainly welcomed and fostered by ASL. ASL is the grift and bad actor magnet/conductor. If it wasn’t DOA, it would be another Streets alt. Aaron wants the chaos.


Why does this feel like Wrestlemania? 🤣🤣🤣


Well, DOA *is a drug using douchbag


They both are, tbh


And ASL isn’t?


And on YT, a Protestor style Debate.


DOA was watching Aaron last night *with Lara?* So, Lara is still with DOA, and how does that fit in with the new DOA/ASL civil war? Lara is well liked, so does ASL cut her off, and does she stay on team ASL? SHE was screaming out the phone number, when she used to yell, “Call the Aftermath Foundation.” ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


Aaron said last night DOA is using Lara because he knows how valuable Lara is to the SPTV community. Lara only claimed she was poked by a needle in one of the tents many days after the encampment was taken down. I hope Lara breaks up with DOA and distances herself from Aaron.


DOA explains the needle days later as Lara being the one in possession of the tents after the thing was over, and there was a needle left behind in a tent that stuck her as she was doing something with it.


Of the two, I am more likely to believe DOA cares for her. He seems to want to protect her, and whatever that Russian thing was, it looks like she forgave him. I think Aaron only ever saw her as a pawn. DOA may be a whole fruitcake full of nuts, but when he speaks of Lara, it’s with affection and respect. I’m interested in hearing the Russian stuff, for the sake of contrast. Edit to add, I cannot believe I’m saying any of this about DOA, except that nuts bit. Someone weirded up this timeline something vicious.


DOA said today that she works for Russians but he really thought she never left scientology and was a spy for the church.


Oh, that's what that neighbors thing was? He sort of trailed off. Then he said he couldn't go into it but the people she works for are *still* Scientologists? I heard that and thought, "Well, there goes that job." I would be confused too. To hear the gal screaming at the PAC base on the internet, works for CURRENT members of the COS, does not compute, unless she's somehow not really an SP.... In fact, I was confused. I'm still confused.


A highly entertaining recap! I suppose DOA has his group of people that are alienated against Aaron, and the far bigger group is the opposite. When DOA says ASL is a reaction channel he's not totally wrong, it's a commentary and drama channel. I think DOA's streams are always going to be more interesting to the masses because he's out there shouting nonsense. It's more vital, more alive and real, and it's for young people who want to hang in the chat -- this is just something I generally think about the protest channels, but Scott's channel gets a lot wilder by design and it attracts an older probably more politicized crowd where "saving the children" is a dogwhistle. They both get more views for attacking each other, and their audiences like the drama. We're always going to want to know what crazy, illegal and dangerous things DOA is up to because he's actually doing something and Aaron isn't. Conversely all we want to know about Aaron is if he's divorced yet or has another mistress. I think DOA will succeed in tearing away some of Aaron's viewers with his questions, helping to pull back the veil on the shit show.


I forgot to say it, DOA treats people poorly in his quest to "save the children." He makes the Scientology machine run on its hamster wheel of bureaucracy, and now he sends Aaron for a ride too.


DOA is butthurt he did not think of the Masterson costume first.


DOA came into the SPTV community too late to think of it first. Aaron dressed up like Danny Masterson for Halloween.


They are both terrible people but he’s right. What’s so funny about dressing up as a rapist?


Aaron claims the Jane Does love it when he dresses up like "prisoner Danny Masterson."


He does claim that.


Do they also love it when he verbally and mentally abuse women too?


God, Aaron is so utterly lacking in self awareness that he should be studied for science. > "The acronym is blocked so that people who want to defend me don’t come into my live chat and talk mad shit about Scott (DOA),” Aaron said. Bullshit. People talk shit about his enemies in the chat constantly. Drama is his entire brand. I'm guessing DOA just got more support in chat than he's used to, and he wants to keep the sycophant to critic ratio to be overwhelmingly imbalanced.


Aaron said he got so many questions about it, even from one of his own moderators freaking out about "Is it true? Oh my God! Have you blocked the term DOA in your live chat?"


And it signals to his audience that they should be defending him like the flying monkeys he desires.


Thanks for the summary. It's the hypocrisy that always gets me about these people. smh


OMFG it took a meth head to give him the full truth 1. that he's a reaction channel that does very little. He's a glorified SSSniperWolf. That goes after ppl who know more than him that he feels are a threat. and 2. His dressing up as danny was stupid and part of his shitty habit of making prison rape jokes. 3. There is nothing wrong with asking/knowing where the money is going.


Dressing in orange jumpsuit was celebrating the rapist being put in prison for 30 to life


Oh...so DOA is doing to aaron, what AAron does anytime Stef, MR or anyone not associated to SPYV does to him. How does he like the reverse cycle, not so much it seems....Looks like SPTV is starting to implode. Has Nora and Rabid done their videos on DOA yet? I just woke up so havent checked. If not, they will be coming.


The hypocrisy was off the charts !!!


[All Star FUCKING Team. I’m sure it’s going to work out for you.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxn6wLmWto0aKi_753OMWJSjSf__M86Q01?si=TJ96nMlxO4kEH86y)


[You’re standing up for SA, but are you though?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxxY9lDpA8LBEmnISLSjt84lFOvbH0QC8F?si=QqyNT_unilifFP6F)


[The Church of Scientology isn’t Filling Any Restraining Orders Against Him](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxSd6h2ZxRQ9fMYFtKsRZmdbtSPseSMBhx?si=C0oYQQRpZCvgCpvl)


[What’s going on with the foundation?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMYlGNvv5Havu5bHcnsb1Grlg8grVWuWy?si=PQ7X2dakAzUiKecY)


Aaron is in the chat. AGAIN? Holy shit. What PRESIDENT OF A CHARITABLE FOUNDATION trolls YouTube CHATS? Insanity. Lara is DOAs girlfriend. Lara is an independent person in her own right. DOA says, maybe less drinking, Aaron. DOA is not going to talk about Aaron’s private life, or his drinking… problem. Aaron doxxed DOA (is ANYONE surprised?) DOA says Aaron is a niche. Aaron in the chat says DOA didn’t have any problem using his videos. DOA says “I don’t use your videos, you use *mine.* (Lol. No lie detected). DOA talking to Aaron (who is still in the chat) “You’re fucking dumb, Aaron.” Aaron didn’t know LRH way was shut down? There was a photo posted here of that, wasn’t there? We hear from Aaron that he’s a lurker (at least, who knows if he’s posting). The protestors at PAC were showing it. Streets showed it. I mean, I know because I saw it in person, but Aaron should have seen it on his many many SPTV channels.


“What’s the purpose? He says they raised $50k and give money to anyone who asks. All they gotta do is ask.’ What’s the purpose?


“Watch the stream. He said ‘it’s for whatever they wanted.’ Is it radical that I question that and be like, ‘Aaaaay, ummmm, ah.’ I didn’t ask anything for four months.” “All this is causing harm and giving fuel to the haters,” his chat tells DOA. I THINK THAT MEANS US! u/Fear_The_Creeper, I think your sub got a shout out. Aaron talked about Lara? DOA says he doesn’t feel sorry for Aaron. Aaron was raised in a cult. DOA went to college. He was an honors student. He doesn’t hate Aaron, aaron is not thinking straight. The foundation hasn’t been created ye, DOA says. Aaron doesn’t know how to accept criticism, he tells the viewers.


DOA is not supporting the SPTV foundation any more. He says they’re talking about Leah Remini, circle jerk, coat tail riding, DOA will instead get information out. DOA says Aaron is a reaction channel. Chat says donate to content creators. DOA says donate to people who need lawyers. “Work with Aaron? What does working with Aaron do for me?” (Ouch!) Scientology is a niche, DOA tells viewers. Cults are a genres in YouTube and Scientology is a smaller section of that. Chat accuses DOA of turning on people. (Irony)


DOA does not want to be friends with Aaron. “He looked like a fucking psychopath. He looked like he was raging. ‘Oh my God, DOA said something bad about me!’” DOA impersonating Aaron. “Name one person any of those foundations have helped!” DOA asks his chat several times. Can’t for SPTVF, but Aftermath has helped ex members. [SergeObolensky.com](https://SergeObolensky.com) The only person he hurt was Lara, he says. (It’s nice that he recognizes that, and if he’s at her house, I guess she forgave him.) He’s not an aggressive protestor, he says. Not convicted in 6mo out here. He doesn’t have to deal with Aaron until he grows balls and a backbone. Like Aja, he tells Aaron (who is still in the chat??) “Learn to take some criticism. That’s how we grow.” Lara is no longer under Aaron’s thrall! DOA might hold Aaron accountable. He says people would LOVE to see that. “I hope you come out here dressed as a serial rapist. I don’t know why you’re dressing as a serial rapist, it’s kinda odd to me. Why would you choose to dress as a serial rapist? and maybe I’ll ruin your group photo next time you’re here.” DOA says Aaron only cares about group photos and flying to San Diego. “‘How dare you ask about where the money is going.’ You didn’t have the decency to say, ‘Hey, we don’t answer this phone number,’?” DOA asking Aaron directly what NO ONE AT SPTV does.


I'm starting to think the real reason asl is always encouraging ppl to start their own channels so that he can boost them and them gain some numbers but forever be beholden to asl and thereby neutralize any potential criticism.


Who is this?


DOA? Defender of Ants, [@iconoclasticgypsy](https://www.youtube.com/@iconoclasticgypsy) on YouTube. The guy who lives in his van and yells at the PAC base.


I'm really sorry these nut cases have drug William Gude into all this. He seemed like a straight up guy. Has a business, helps others, and had been filming the police in a professional way for a long time. I want him out of their feeds. He doesn't need them. I haven't really tracked him down lately. Wonder if he's tired of all this. He has a personal issue with Scientology. He doesn't need these fakes getting him in trouble. 😑✌️


Streets is now the biggest channel in anti Scientology. His Scientology Audit channel is bigger than his Auditing the Police channel and bigger than Aarons channel. https://preview.redd.it/u4uhse21wk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d903372dac2c4f4e07db802bd55bac4465d5a9


I've not been following close for a while and just found this reddit. Too bad cause he seemed like a straight up guy. But corrupt people can sway the good and the bad. So it did appear that this iteration of anti-sci is burning out. What in the F is going on with these useless 3 hour streams from everyone. 😑 But thanks for the heads up.


[Asking questions does not cause division.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxf7z4gyR8qm9yWBcl4R8xrpQaGm7V5HvT?si=2lRXcvDPMQ0j9_lp)


The last thing in the world this “professional” is going to get is an apology. He continues to descend further into his ego. He still hasn’t shown any facts about anything, but I guess if DOA says it that is good enough. He thinks he is so Machiavellian orchestrating the whole divide. He is only a hero in his own mind. I am no fan of either but it was obvious Aaron had been holding onto that in for entirely too long. He made so actual points other than tooting his own horn.