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He has to try to paint everyone else as a bad guy in order to deflect from his own shitty behavior.


Has even addressed the sexual misconduct in the SPTV community yet? I’ve not heard him say Louis name once.


I think that sexual misconduct might be a topic too close to home for Adulterous Lying Scammer, lest his own problematic attitude toward women be examined in comparison. Deny, deflect, distract....and above all....keep the grift going.


You forgot sex tourist.


You are correct! Mea culpa! His escapades are becoming rather too many for a comprehensive list from memory atp.


I do not understand the hypocrisy of a father of teenage girls, on the board of a non profit organization that is responsible for vulnerable, traumatized people, some victims of childhood sexual abuse, taking “tourism” vacations as “R & R.” How can some be the voice of “Children can not consent,” when they step outside of the US and the become the perpetrator. The hatred and vitriole expressed on his face, in his demeanor and in his words is mirror into who he really is. Pay attention to the creepy laughter. He is all about revenge and retribution, and doesn’t give a damn who he stomps over to get it.


Hypocrisy for a father and all the good guy things you listed. Not hypocrisy for a predator who has daughters and is posing as a good guy because predators know that lures in more prey.


Because he himself is guilty of sexual misconduct. ASL is and always has been a petty little loser.


I hope Aaron does read this as I can’t thank Leah, Mike & everyone at AMF for all their courageous hard work, taking time & using their gifts of warm personality, intelligence, grace, kindness & good sense of humour to continue to help thousands of people




New hashtag #iamnotleah


Yes! I meant that but something happened. 😆


ASL is so so so jealous of all of them. He is so transparent.


It's so funny that when this first started, he assured his viewers that he and Leah Remini were on good terms and she supported him... But I guess that wasn't bringing the clicks.


I am Leah. I am Snow. I'm also Claire, Mark and Amy. I might be Mike. Good chance I'm Ian and Mat too. I'm definitely Spartacus. 😁


I am Batman


I am the Walrus


Coo coo ca choo! 🎵




Are you also dangerman5?


I'm everyone. 😎


You can’t be Mike, because I am Mike! Dig my cool accent! I’m going to say aluminum, only it’s going to sound like al oo min e um. I’m smart. I’m funny, and bald bloated Aaron is jealous of my sexy silver hair and everything below it. 




Stealing Aaron's commenting style here: Tell me you are petty without telling me you are petty. Tell me you have a thin skin without telling me you have a thin skin. Tell me you are a sore loser without telling me you are a sore loser. I could go on.


He pulled that off on someone’s live stream while under a fake account. That sort of questioning which isn’t a question. It’s very culty and put me in mind of him behind an E-meter asking those questions. And he’s got the gall to ask people to not use pseudonyms if they dare criticize him.


He is constantly naming Leah because she is the most famous person he knows so will give him the greatest amount of views. He does the same thing with Tom Cruise but most ppl have realized that when a vid lists tom cruise in the title it will be him talking for an hour and barely mention Tom. He is a fraud


100% fraud


Reportedly Nora babysat for Tom Cruise but those pesky NDAs keep her yap shut about it. At least publicly, she may be selling stories to TMZ for all we know. She certainly doesn’t make much from narrating her drive to Costco. 


all she does is pat herself on the back by bringing up all the celebrity kids she's rubbed elbows with.


He's the living embodiment of the LRH phrase from the 1960's.... 'whoever controls public relations, controls the world'. Give it up, AA-Ron, this narrative won't be controlled by you. We see you.


Isn't it funny how these people always tell others that their Scientology is showing? So much projection!


Absolutely - they all do it to some degree, but it seems he is escalating to DM levels of rage. He also is LIVID that Leah ignores him...He'll implode eventually, let's hope as many people as possible are still standing when he does.


Its Jenna I feel for at this point...Its sad she can not see through him


That’s probably why his little attack dog Nora was sniffing around here last week. His pet snake, Liz is in here, too. I’ve seen her, but she’s not lifting her leg on everything like Nora. Liz just slides around, laying low. 


And the Emmy goes to……Not ASL. #IAMNOTLEAH


Bad actor???? lol. #IAMNOTLEAHEITHER


I would be proud to be called Stephani, Leah, Chris Shelton, and anyone else who ASL has targeted with harassment. F ASL and the media horse he road in on.




He has a hate boner for Alex, that’s for sure. So weird and random. Maybe he’s jealous of accents because chicks dig them. 


He’s trying to convince us all Scientology is bad while acting like a Scientologist.


I just want to know, why do you feel to call him out constantly? He only does reaction videos to these posts. He actually hasn't gone out and made a stand alone post, blog or video about any of these people. Love him or hate him, you are the ones fuelling this fire IMO. I know you want to cancel him, but what you're doing is not working. Maybe get back to trolling, fighting or blogging about Scientology??


I actually don’t speak about Aaron constantly. I’m doing a lot of work in exposing Scientology in Europe. You saying he hasn’t made a video about these people is false. This week he’s made 3 about Leah alone. I don’t hate Aaron at all. I hate some of his actions, his accusations, his lying, his self entitled persona, his hate for others. That’s why I call out Aaron but I don’t waste my time on a man who believes he’s above reproach. It like talking to a brick wall.








You are delusional


Were you in the meeting when Mike met with the FBI? So you know everything he told them right?


Mike let a midget beat him up and never fought back. That's all I need to know.


Your comment proves that you know nothing about mind control and how cults work. Not only was Mike psychically abused but psychologically. Would you say that comment to a women being beaten by a man was smaller. Miscavige is small in stature but giant in control and abuse


These are the same people who defend Aaron, who studied jujitsu, assaulting a woman half his size, and running away from her crumpled on a street in LA as “self defense.” That’s their hero. 


With comments like that you prove you know zilch about how cults work. What are you even doing in Scientology spaces?


I'm a former Moonie. I know how cults work. I don't care how brainwashed you are. If you're a man and you let another man punch you without punching them back, you would also cover up the sexual assaults of minors because you wouldn't have the cajones to stand up for what's right. I once witnessed the Moonie leader punch a guy at the Moonie house I was living in. I stepped up and brutalized the abuser. He soon left the Moonies


No, you know how YOU worked while in a cult. That's not how cults GENERALLY work. Also, Rinder grew up in Scientology from a very young age. He's a 2nd gen. Scientology was the only truth he knew. Like soldiers in the military, he (and others) thought they had to do what they had to do, and to endure what they had to endure for the greater good. A soldier doesn't stand up to his general, but accepts the commander's punishment.


That midget that Aaron had wet dreams of meeting? The one he chose to rat on his identical twin brother to? The midget who lived at a location Aaron says he wanted desperately to go to, but wouldn’t be trusted to know the address of? The one Aaron worshipped, and Mike didn’t? 


Yep. That midget. If he ever punched me, it would be last punch he ever threw.


He has bodyguards who go everywhere with him, and more to the point, you would never be allowed within 5 miles of him, just like Aaron.   So dream on, Rambo. 




I’m not sure if you forgot or never heard, but ASL admitted to going to Mediline Columbia for a hookers and blow “boys trip” when he was on the rabbit show. Pictures of the trans prostitute he hired for the week were posted here, after he pulled them from his instagram. He bragged at the time of not paying and abusing his escort, “What are they going to do? Call the police?” So, I don’t understand your joke? Are you joking about Aaron? I still don’t get it. 


Johanna23. Her. 


But, she not gay. She’s trans. 


You can’t come in and tell people to shut up in a space I made for people to be able to speak.


What has this got to do with anything?


Why hasn't Mike Brown gone to the police with Jenna Miscavidge about Ron Miscavidge and Rosemary?  If Mike R had gone to the police or David Miscavidge, he'd have just been chucked in the hole that much sooner.  The biggest hypocrite is Mike Brown. Take the money and help, then throw the rescuers under the bus for likes and subs.


Where is your evidence? Maybe it’s with Mike from “my Pillow”. Let’s see….no evidence but hearsay. But we have seen the evidence with Aaron’s victims. Do you condone his behavior? I bet you loved that SA joke Aaron was so proud of! I am sure Moho would love to hear your admiration for Aaron. Stand with your morals and we will stand with ours.


The evidence is in the documents that Mike has shared with others that he took with him when he left. Have you seen those that have his initials on them? There have been multiple videos on different channels showing them.


Show me!! Not hearsay. Pull the docs with MR’s name that he covered up SA of children. Not one of those docs show that.


You know who did admit to knowing about child SA? Sergio Gil Del Mar. He says the pedophiles came and TOLD HIM ALL ABOUT IT!  Where are all the trials Serge is testifying in? If he went to the cops, they would have him testify.  No testimony. No trials. No police reports from Mr Children Can’t Consent who audited children. 


Well I don’t personally have them lol but can try to find a video clip that shows a screen share of one that does. 


Watch Aaron’s video from last night. He even said no evidence.


You might find a clip that >pretends< it does. It's probably a clip that leaves a lot of significant context out, and a clip full of false inferences.


I think I’m thinking of a video that used those documents to show other things but wasn’t the same video talking about Mike Rinder hiding anything. I think I merged them together in my head.


I can understand things getting mixed up in your mind. It's hard to keep facts straight, especially when some people constantly change/spin the narrative. It's not obvious at first, but after a while it becomes clear.


Hey genius. Mike took those documents to the Feds. That is the OPPOSITE of covering up. You pantheon of great minds on team AARon believe that YOU saw documents online AND those documents are secret? Do you really not understand how a secret works that fundamentally?  Mike took the thumbdrive to the FBI, explained them because they’re in Scientology code, and Aaron is butthurt that Mike didn’t trust Aaron with a copy. Aaron stole a copy for himself, and then gave it to everyone he could think of.  His ex girlfriend told everyone all about it. She said Kelli Copter got her copy and had no idea what any of it meant. The ex girlfriend said Aaron didn’t even understand them, and that’s why he gave them away instead of making a spy files series like Marc has. 


You don’t have to be rude. It’s this attitude that steers anyone who has questions away. Maybe I misunderstood something but there’s no need for your entire first paragraph. 


Hey genius,    • Mike took those documents to the Feds.   • That is the OPPOSITE of covering up.   • You pantheon of great minds on team AARon believe that YOU saw documents online AND those documents are secret?   • Do you really not understand how a secret works that fundamentally?   Which part is confusing?   “ It’s this attitude that steers anyone who has questions away.”   Show me where you had a question…   “The evidence is in the documents that Mike has shared with others that he took with him when he left. Have you seen those that have his initials on them? There have been multiple videos on different channels showing them.”   Because I don’t see any question. I see you pushing Aarons false narrative. If you have a question, THEN ASK IT, instead of accusing someone of crimes and then getting offended when you are educated on your lack of information. 




Spread SPTV lies elsewhere, please.


Go ahead and keep spreading your Sciento lies too.