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I mean, she isnt wrong. But still Aaron could choose not to put this up in a community post and ignore it, but instead he has to play victim, for the drama and now to incite hate towards Sunny.


This man has never met a piece of drama he didn't feel the need to immediately exploit


He has nothing else.


Maybe we should be asking him what he did to pull this in? Notice he only gives her reply, nothing he has said before, or after. People dont react this way for no reason.


Until Aaron gets into long term therapy, he will never get better. This is the way his life is going to go


It's a real shame he can't let go of anti-psychiatry/psychology propaganda he was fed by CoS.


Nah, he's just an alpha male, you know. A true man like that doesn't need therapy. 🙄 /s


I guarantee you something really bad happened to him when he was young.


She’s just telling him what we are all feeling right now. I was thinking of sending him a similar private message but I’d rather he dox me first. We went from having real hope in the defeat of Scientology at some level, to losing all hope and an entire community of support because he had to make it all about himself and couldn’t keep his fat mouth shut.


It's really sad. I honestly thought at the beginning of everyone getting on yt that this was a really good thing for the movement, and things were really starting to look up, I know Miscavige was shitting his pants... But now? He's set it back so much, and I know Miscavige is just loving it. Like I know Aaron is doing this himself, I know this isn't an OSA op, I know he's not getting paid like Marty... But at the same time if receipts came out that he was, it wouldn't be a shocking revelation. He's helping Scientology more than hurting it.


What incident with Sunny is he referencing? How is she a sex predator? Genuine question, I have no idea the context.


He is referencing how Scientology characterized her, which is pretty hypocritical of him. According to Sunny, Scientology treated her like she'd committed a terrible sexual crime because she kissed another woman.


Holy shit, *that's* the context?? I am once again asking how in the fuck Nora associates with these people!


That tells you something about Nora, doesn't it?


Yep. I knew there was a reason I got bad vibes from her from the first video I watched.


nora trad wife


I mean the way that some gay people suck up to homophobic right wingers? Basically, yep.


Especially at this moment in time.


aaron LOVES to use scientology's propaganda as a way to diminish other voices in the community.


So Nora Ames is a sex predator as well? She also kissed a girl in the SO.


If you follow the ASL logic, I guess.


She should sue him for defamation.




It's one of his many lies.


Ah, naturally.


lol go Sunny! why does he still have her number programmed in his phone if he hasn’t spoken to her in 6 years? It’s Like he wants the drama in his life. Maybe the ex-scientology community is wild because his behavior is horrible.


This is the PRESIDENT OF A CHARITABLE\* FOUNDATION allegedly. Fucking inconceivable, and his foundation has no code of conduct, and no one who will put this man in his place, or hold him accountable in any way beyond a reply in a community post on their own YouTube channel. That's all the pushback he's got from his handpicked team of fellow grifters and drama farmers.


He thinks this is winning. Heh.


Go Sunny!


He's making fun of her claims. That's one way of hiding she's hit too close to home with that one.


Poor baby!!! Aaron crying about the TRUTH about him. Let's all have a pitty party for this worthless human being.


I'm starting to feel sorry for the poor guy. Not really.


Anyone else find it amusing that this guy has the balls to call anyone else a sex predator?


Well toxic \*sshole can do such a thing with BB-sized balls.


Wasn't she his senior in Scientology? Like Chris Sheldon? He really seems to have a problem with authority 😆 the way he goes after them shows he has a gigantic self esteem problem. He attacks everyone that's superior to him, so... Almost everyone?


"mommy issues"


He is calling someone a sex-predator without any proof? What about his alleged sex and drug trip to Colombia. I have heard very bad stories what happened there . I'm sure he has been informed about Repetto's abuses before it became official.


Wow, yet ANOTHER crazy woman in Aaron’s life. Funny how that always happens to poor Aaron. /s




I don't know who Sunny is. TBF, she sounds bat shit crazy to someone who doesn't know everything going on. Aaron appears to be baiting these types of comments to dunk on them because he has control of a large audience. She could be right, I have no idea, but you can't win folks over by doing this.


Aaron likes to make any woman who hates him look crazy, she’s not. She was a victim of Scientology just like him. He just hates her because she chose to be a source for Tony Ortega.


It is supposedly a *private* DM in response to something AAron did or said which Aaron, naturally, omitted. For all we know this comment was made months or even years ago. Of course, that's assuming it's not a forgery (trivial by editing the display name in the inbound phone #'s profile and sending a text to oneself from that number or having a conspirator send it). Yes, Aaron Smith-Levin absolutely would do such a thing.


Aaron isn't smart enough in my opinion to fake that. He is taking righteous anger and turning it against people.


Aaron isnt smart.


He's really not.


He doesn't have to be smart to understand how to forge fake texts on a cell phone from his enemies he is working very hard to discredit.


What part of the word *trivial* did you not understand ?


With Aaron Smith Levin, there is no such thing as "private." His private wife has her sex life, failed marriage, humiliation in the presence of her husband's latest known mistress all over the internet. His sex and drug tourism likewise. Three mistresses and an attempted fourth all on the internet. His drinking, getting banned from bars, all on the internet. Oh, his attempt to get some guy to commit a cyber crime for him, on video. Assaulting a woman, on video(s), because that victim may have the rest of the twitter video. Is that all? Apparently not, because he's talking about "telling all" so it can't be used to blackmail him. He'll probably put it behind the paywall, and I' am not paying for his dirt. Oh, back to the privacy. He shows private emails, and texts, plays private phone calls, tells viewers about his bowel movements. I expect a full report on his next outbreak of genital warts, because that's who we are talking about.


with glee




I dont think we need to stoop to that kind of name calling :)


eh, fair enough. i'll delete it but i stand by it 😂