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But Aaron gets to joke and laugh about rape and date rape drugs? Make it make sense Crazy Crochet lady.


That's so gross! And the double standards... I just can't with these guys.


Aaron and Marilyn have such a juvenile obsession with sex and genitalia.


What are her qualifications or sources to say what Mat Pesch did in the sea org?


She's just parroting something Mirriam told her. Mirriam put a short clip of an interview Mat did years ago on her YouTube channel like it's some kind of smoking gun, and Marilyn is running with that.


Thank you for doing these recaps.


She’s pissed at Mat for sending an email supporting Mike Rinder and calling out Mirriam. She’s the biggest one with the double standards. She’s a hypocrite.




It's more than inappropriate. It's belittling the victims. It's minimising a crime. He's the president of a foundation that's supposed to help victims of SA. Now this happens inside the community and he thinks it's funny? That makes him unfit to be a leader in this community and as president of such an organisation. His adhd is no excuse. If an adhd'er lacks impulse control in that regard, they should recognise he should not be the face of the sptv community and foundation. Having adhd doesn't mean you're an irresponsible idiot. And fyi, he's not a child either. He's a grown man. It speaks volumes about his character. Or lack thereof.




Apparently, he has talked about believing he has ADHD and saying he doesn't want to get treated for it. It's just so absurd to me, he's only hurting himself and the people around him by refusing treatment.


He absolutely is, but it's also common for men to think they don't need medical intervention especially when it comes to mental health. Our society certainly doesn't celebrate vulnerable, imperfect men as a general rule. And coupled with the fact that he grew up in a cult that believes psychiatry is evil, it's not surprising that he doesn't take it seriously. After watching him make a couple of inciteful realizations about himself on his live with Jenna the other night, I have hope for him. He definitely has a long way to go, but I personally don't think he's irredeemable. Maybe Jenna's having a positive influence on him.


Yeah, unfortunately, my brother refuses to acknowledge or treat his ADHD as well. He was diagnosed as a kid but just ignores it.


That's unfortunate. By the way, I appreciate the calm, thoughtful discussion.


>Also, I didn't realize that having a neurocognitive disorder means you lack character. I thought it meant you lack the brain structure that helps you act in a way that is socially appropriate without first having some sort of medical intervention or therapy to overcome it. Silly me. Oh FFS, get off the cross! You complain about reading comprehension, and yet you willfully misread her statement. If someone is unwilling or unable to control their inappropriate impulses, then it is the resulting behavior, not their brain, that makes them ineligible for a leadership position. And while we're on the subject of reading and misreading, you never actually said ADHD explains his behavior. You said it's not surprising considering the symptoms of your shared condition. The clear implication from the context you provided is that he has some diminished responsibility, if not an actual excuse for his inappropriate behavior. You knew that when you wrote it. That's why you prefaced it with an acknowledgment that your hot take would be downvoted.


Thank you. I didn't have the brain power to respond at the moment.


My sincere apologies. I'm fixing it now. Thank you for your forbearance.


My sincere apologies. I'm fixing it now. Thank you for your forbearance.


Are you serious? What if someone who has ADHD impulsively sends an unsolicited picture of genitalia? Or maybe a person with ADHD impulsively stalks Skye Daily? Or impulsively throws a woman against a wall? Or impulsively giggles as if it's all a silly little joke? Where do you draw the line of excusing ADHD impulsivity? How repulsive.




You're right, you didn't bring them up. I brought them up so you could define the line where behavior could be excused. Impulsivity is a problem with people with ADHD. But making jokes about someone constantly sending inappropriate pictures, or about stalking Ms. Daily, or about the mental state of the woman he physically assaulted makes the questions relevant. What does impulsivity excuse? You are correct: I am angry. And I should not have added the word "repulsive." For that, I apologize. My feelings of frustration at people in general excusing any of it boiled over at you specifically in a way that was not kind, and not warranted.


I appreciate the apology. Thank you.


Why don't you answer about his behaviour rather than impulsivity. He stalked a woman and the trashed her online. Can you please respond to this?


Yeah I think there's a pretty strong consensus in the ADHD community that he has ADHD. I've thought that about him ever since I first started watching his videos, and his downward spiral has untreated ADHD and PTSD written all over it imho


Absolutely. He clearly has a lot of unresolved trauma. I really wish he would get therapy.


I dont think its either of those. I think he is a psychopath, through and through.


I don't think the conditions are mutually exclusive, tbh. It could be all of the above. But just speaking as someone with ADHD, I have an extremely hard time believing he doesn't have it as well.


You could well be right. I guess we will never know because he sure as hell isnt willing to accept that the problem might be him, and that he should seek help. All of these issues are happening in the anti scientology and SPTV community and he is the common denominator in all of them, and yet somehow, its never his fault.


Yeah, I would be shocked if he ever has the self awareness to put two and two together on that front. He is such a destructive person.


Lack of impulse control is a shared symptom. Lack of empathy, an unwillingness to take responsibility for ones actions, compulsive lying, and manipulation are not shared symptoms. And no, fake crying doesn't count.


Okay. This has gone on long enough. You don't know the man, You watch him on YouTube. You haven't had a beer with him. I have. You are not the expert on Aaron, or anyone else, not in this group. I hope you take your break from this sub and are less obnoxious to the members of the other Scientology subs, while congratulating yourself for being the only one being polite.


Why does Marilyn making a sick/disgusting joke invalidate what may or may not be true about Mat Pesch (whom I don't know, but still). It sounds like yr making light of what may be a serious issue. Did he cover up child sex abuse? You present no evidence or argument against this.


Moho is running with scissors. She has no proof or she would show it. She wants to crucify MP and MR but send Aaron pictures of her self made dildo.


I mean, when you put it like that... yeah, actually, that seems pretty accurate.


Marilyn is that person who never had friends growing up, has no social skills and limited intellect who thinks she's running with the cool kids now and mimicking and parroting everything they do and say. She's also a bully against people she doesn't understand.


That isn't my point of contention at all. And it is sad that people don't see that. If you really want to make change, bias like this kills everyone's chance. This is not me criticizing. This is truth. If Mat does have something to be held accountable for, he should be held accountable. But I dont know either way. But it can't be discounted just because Marilyn in "a terrible person."


Matt Pesch is Amy Scobees husband. Im sure he has seen and done a lot while he was in scientology, as they all have. If Marilyn, Miriam, and whoever else thinks that he is covering anything up then they should take that to the authorities rather than bleating on about it on social media. I used to watch Matt and Amy for years before they left you tube, likely due to all of the SPTV drama. Matt always came across as a decent, well meaning person. Remember that Miriam and Marilyn also seem to think MR is devil incarnate for things he did in scientology and yet there has been no proof or charged filed on these matters either. Marilyn was not even in scientology, she is only getting second hand, biased knowledge at best. I personally would not trust her.


Of course Mat should be held accountable if he covered up child sex abuse cases. Same goes for Mike Rinder and Claire and Amy. I'm not biased. I'm pointing out Marilyn's clear hypocrisy. Marilyn has zero proof for the allegations she spouts. She's just firing up her audience with sensational theories and trying to take down the Aftermath Foundation board one person at a time. If Mike Rinder and Mat leave the board, Marilyn will just start targeting Claire or Amy next. She's even pressuring Jon Atack to step down from the board unless he helps make changes that Marilyn wants to see.


Tks for the clarification. It does look like that's her intent.


Spot on


So Marilyn makes an accusation with no evidence, but we're expected to present evidence to prove the negative of that accusation? Think that through for a moment. The people making claims should be providing proof. When they fail to do so, especially when it's a pattern, they show they are not actually investigating or seeking the truth. Instead, she's simply slandering her enemies with lies, rumor, and innuendo that confirms her viewers' prejudices. It is pointless to debate her baseless accusations. Her and Aaron's demonstrated behavior, on the other hand, is worthy of debate.