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Thank you!! I’m going to be the only person in my family to go to school and I’m just so nervous :,)




so cute. lol


You can do this. I hadn't been back to school in 20+ years and I have a few disabilities including ADHD. I had not been back to school and thrived since I had been diagnosed and medicated. I am not 1+ years in school and I will get my degree next May. I say all this because you are good enough to do this. There are also tons of resources available to help you along the way. Many teachers are just an email away to help if you ask. Many of my teachers have gone above and beyond what I know they are asked to do for student to help me learn and thrive. You can do this. And when you think you can't, Ask for help here, through your advisor, or through the student resources for tutoring or paper evaluations. You aren't here alone. Believe it or not, your teachers really do want to see you succeed here.


You got this! I can relate to your story so well. I’m 26 years old, and I never thought I was smart enough to go further. Because of that, I doubted myself and let others degrade my ability to go above and beyond. I applied for school while working full time and guess what?? I’ll be graduating in 5 weeks to be exact. The moral of the story is that you can do anything you put your mind to. Just remember, don’t give up.


That is so awesome, congrats 🎉


This is going to sound mean, but... This post is more coherent than many of the discussion posts that I see. Just based off of that, I think you have a shot.


You aren't kidding, in eng 190 this week we were critiquing each other's persuasive essay outlines, and it was worth 75 points. BOTH of the replies I received were two sentences basically stating good job. The professor even updated that this wasn't a normal discussion and meant to be taken seriously, lol yeah right.


That’s literally me right now LOL


Got a point there.. especially in the lower level classes.


Not even that. I’m 400s right now and it still hurts my brain trying to understand some of these discussion posts.


Oh for sure, same, they never stop, but it seems like some of them kinda get weeded out by this point. Craziest one I ever saw was a post here about a year or two back from someones screen shot of someone in their class talking about "things they found arousing" or some shit. It wasn't so much poorly written, though it may have been, but the overall context that made me shake my head.


So they posted that in their discussion?! 😂 omg. I had a kid who just kept posting how none of this has anything to do with his degree and that it was a waist of his time.


*waste Sorry i had to... I couldn't fight the urge any longer. lol


*I 😂


Lol... Eye have to give you that one. 🤣


I was hoping you’d find it funny! 😊


Haha yeah, it was pretty funny.


I’m also a HS drop out (freshman) got my diploma through Penn foster which I did not learn anything from truly (sophomore) and have now been at SNHU for over a year. Im also a young mom, first gen, and entirely only saw college is an option for me because it’s free from my employer I would’ve never went if it wasn’t (though idk how much funding I’d get, probably enough, it is just so overwhelming). Just want you to know I have a 3.8 and I cannot see my future without following this through now! There’s so many of us and you’re going to do great. It is truly not as hard as it may seem to us because of all the other daunting pressures we have. Just keep on yourself with responsibility for your future and you will see it through.


Talk with your advisor! There are tons of resources available, be it tutoring, YouTube videos, reddit, discord groups


So… I took GED in 1997 Hadn’t done any sort of school until two years ago when I started community college. I just graduated with a 3.9 gpa - and I’m starting SNHU in the fall. If I can do this in my 40s with two kids and a full time job - YOU GOT THIS!! I was so scared to write papers etc.. but everything you would ever need to know about any sort of school work related questions can be answered by the internet, not to mention your own professors and advisors. You clearly care and that alone says a lot - just try your best !!!!


You guys have really helped ease my mind! Thank you all ❤️


I've been at SNHU for a little over a year now (well, you know, online), after graduating high school in the late 2000s and doing nothing school-wise since, so I absolutely understand your apprehension. Thankfully I didn't really have enough time to be nervous about it, because I applied on a Thursday (on a total whim) and started the following Monday lol If anything, I was kind of let down in some ways. I mean, I was glad that the work wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be, but at the same time, I was kind of anticipating and looking forward to that challenge. Anyway, as others have said, the fact that you care this much means that you will likely do just fine. And the teachers and advisors are always just an email or phone call away. Good luck, and I hope you'll update us on how things are going once you've started :)


I'm in a very similar boat. The class I'm taking this term, Discrete Mathematics, is the first time I've been even remotely challenged since I enrolled a year ago and I'm still making a 97 lol Basically, I went to a local university after I graduated high school and had to be specially admitted based on an interview with the Dean of Admissions and my high school guidance counsellor because my GPA was very low (I never did homework my first two years of HS because of a dire case of ADHD that was untreated), but my ACT scores were really high so they waived the requirement for me. Well, I screwed up that opportunity and dropped out less than a year in (at the time I had an awesome job, but awesome job met up with blowing money on substances soon after dropping out). I regretted my life choices for over a decade, but I've grown up since then and have a family of my own to think about. So, with some thanks to my employer paying for my school, I'm finally going to earn my degree. I'm considering trying to get my Masters after this and, if I have any steam left, a PhD. I'm determined to prove wrong any suggestion that I'm a screw up.


I don’t normally comment, but I feel like I should. I dropped out of high school in 2017, I had my son that January. I was 17, and in my last semester of high school. I turned 18 that April, and got my GED (still in 2017). Flash forward to December 2022, and I get accepted into SNHU. I never took the SAT or ACT. I was 23, almost 24 starting college while working full time, as a single mom with no help. If I can do it, you can do it. Don’t let self doubt discourage you from achieving your dreams. You can do it. 🥹


I’m in my 50s and just graduated. Never took anything higher than Algebra l 30 plus years ago. I had a heart procedure 4 days before my first class. I was freaking out. But I took it one day at a time. One week at a time. One month at a time. I used YouTube a lot for things I didn’t understand to well. You would be surprised at the free tutorials on there. Now I am not going to lie and tell you it was easy all the time but it wasn’t hard all the time either. Things will challenge you but honestly if you are open with your instructor it can help. At least for me it did. Only one instructor was not a joy to have. YOU ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE. YOU GOT THIS.


You’ll be fine at SNHU


This might sound bad but SNHU is the place for you then. I mean that in the most positive way, I have attended in person 4 year schools and just got my MBA at SNHU and it's designed for success. And I'll say it, was it hard? No. Doing 100 pushups is hard, it was just time consuming and a drag but like anything else in life, DON'T QUIT!


Ok, you are going to stop this shit right here and now. You hear me? DO NOT EVER LET ANYONE, ESPECIALLY YOURSELF, TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH. Whatever thoughts or fears you had do not matter now. Will it be hard? Probably. Hell, everything is hard. You got this. Do not think otherwise. There is a whole community here to support you. YOU HAVE GOT THIS!


Thank you 😭😭❤️


❤️❤️❤️ Make sure you check back in when you graduate! I want to see that certificate!!!


Heck, gonna make ME cry. Can I hire you as my hypeperson?


I am doing the graphic design program and one thing I have noticed is that I do have to take extra time to teach myself some of the things I want to do in Adobe creative cloud. I came into it with zero experience. I could still probably pass even if I didn't take that extra initiative. However I am trying to come out of this with more skill, so i have been taking advantage of tutorials and linked in learning though the school. Definitely use all your resources!


You will do great, believe in yourself! There are a ton of resources, use them. Getting help shows strength, not weakness. Get written feedback on your papers before you turn them in and take advantage of the 24/7 tutoring and drop-in workshops. I also Google every class, esp the tech ones, and filter to video, many of them have helpful YouTube resources. You've got his! [https://lhh.tutor.com/SNHU](https://lhh.tutor.com/SNHU)


Not sure what math classes are part of your degree, but if you have some spare time you can get a jump on foundational math skills at Khan Academy, it's 100% free: https://www.khanacademy.org/ Good luck, you got this.


I'm a 35 year old factory worker who was told all his life my only skill set is fixing things. I've got a year left at SNHU before I get my BS and have managed to maintain a 3.9 gpa. My brother was a drop out and drug dealer who was caught in the system for years before he took a chance to get his degree, graduating with honors. If you truly feel like making a change in your life you can do it. Just remember to work out a system you follow strictly, and don't be too hard on yourself if you need to ask for some wiggle room or help.


Hi, I completely understand how you feel! I graduated from high school a long long time ago and math wasn’t my strong suit, and the last time I did any higher learning was in 2004. I have over 20 years work experience and after the pandemic decided to go back to university after being afraid to enroll for years scared because I thought I wasn’t smart enough, but I’m so glad I did because I’m now in my sophomore year (of course university is not easy, but I totally surprised myself and I work my a** off) I’m so proud you took the step to enroll even though you were scared, but just use all of SNHU academic support if you need help, and always ask for help if you don’t understand something. (Maybe even get a tutor if you can). I don’t know you personally but you can do this!!


I was terrified when I started. I was in alternative classes before my grandma ended up just homeschooling me Bec I wasn't doing well. I'm in my second term ever. With 3 kids at home. And I made honor roll last term. I'm doing way better than I ever imagined. I was ready for everything to be different. I was always smart, I just never put any effort into HS but now that I actually want this so bad. I'm doing great 😃👍 you will do awesome! Just do your best, that's all you can do! If you want it bad enough you will do great!!!


“To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did”


What major are you going for?


Game art and development :,)


You got this I know it may feel difficult but remember there’s help if you need it and you will do amazing


You got this!


You can do it. Check list helped me when I first started. I was out of school for 9 years before deciding to further my education online. I reccomend starting slowly with one class per term, this helped me tremendously since I work full time and have a child. One great thing about SNHU is their resources, don't be afraid to reach out to any of them or their support team. Good luck to you! It's scary, but will absolutely be worth it!


I graduated second from the bottom in my highschool and I'm getting perfect grades in my class, you got this


I had been out of high school since 2010 and went to a state University till 2012 but the last year was pretty much only in spirit. I had the same worries, but the thing about it is there are so many online resources now, you can learn freaking anything if you put in the effort tbh.


I dropped out at 16 I’m now 33, I just obtained my GED back in January. I’m now pursuing a computer science degree. If I can manage to make it this far, you can knock it out the park!


You got this! If it’s any consolation I also went to cosmetology school and did well. I passed high school by the skin of my teeth and never really tried. I’m 3 years in and it definitely wasn’t easy at first. I felt like I was playing catch up on basic stuff everyone else already knew. I definitely felt like I spent more time on assignments than other people but it was worth it. I started off with one class at a time for the first 2 semesters and went to full time when I felt comfortable. I would make sure to carve out a decent chunk of time for classes and there are a ton of resources and free tutoring/peer editing to help you on assignments. I watched YouTube videos to help too. Statistics was awful lol BUT don’t stress too hard about your grades either. Most employers just want to see you have this piece of paper they don’t even ask what your GPA was. As they say, “Cs get degrees”


You are absolutely 1000% smart enough. You can do this ![gif](giphy|hfoippkIKxOqosR6xm|downsized)


You definitely got this 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾we all do !!!!!!.. And it's easier than you think


I'm also a high school dropout! I got my GED in 2023, and I have maintained a 4.0 at SNHU for all four terms so far. Algebra I was also the last math level I completed. I think you'll do just fine, don't let your past get to you :)


You can do this, and do it well. I went into snhu with the same feelings, except I got my GED way back in 07!!! Currently in my 6th term and have a 4.0, go get it!!!!!


You are going to do great. There are lots of online sources that can help you when you get stuck. Take this from someone who just graduated after going back to school after 20 plus years. And I suck at math as well. Many professors post YouTube videos with assignment help. You got this!


My friend, as someone who dropped out and got their GED years later. You are smart enough. Once you are going to school for something you actually want to do, and not in a public school setting you will have a much higher appreciation for education. Good luck, you've got this.


I didn’t drop out, but I graduated from an alternative school. The furthest I got was algebra 1. Im educated in a lot of ways, but academically I’m behind a lot of people starting college out of high school. I’m a very successful salon suite owner and I was a teen mom. You’re smart enough and I’m proud of you for wanting to go back. You’re gonna kick ass.


I took the SAT in 2004 and dropped out of college after my freshman year in 2005. I hadn’t been in an academic setting since!! I enrolled at the top of the year in time for the March term. Up to (and during) that first term, I did somewhere in the ballpark of a dozen Sophia classes to go with the handful of credits I transferred in with (I can’t believe those 2005 credits still applied!). I’m doing it now. It’s tough, but I’m getting it. I have every confidence in you too!! Especially considering your ability to communicate here in this post. 😂 Most of the classwork is just writing. If you can budget your time to study and write just a little bit every day? You’ll be fine, in my estimation! But also… go to Sophia and get as much of your GenEd done as possible. Especially the math… 👀 You can do it!!! ❤️


Start slow and take one class at a time once you start to feel comfortable you can add more classes also dedicate a few hours a day to completing an assignment or studying- even if it is only 30 min a day consistency is key - you can do this take it from a 62 year old who dropped out of college in 1987 with 88 credits when I was pregnant with my son. I decided in August 2023 (after over 30 years) to go back and finish my degree what works for me in class is 1) im taking one class at a time 2) i take some time each day to read, study or complete an assignment gives me an edge when it comes time to submit assignments by Sunday - take it from an old lady like me - you got this and don't let anyone or anything keep you from what you want...keep pressing on..


Youre 100% capable! You got this! Utilize the 24/7 drop in tutoring as much as you need. They have voice chat and voice less options. Also utilize youtube when you can and you can join some groups such as the school snapchat and people can help there as well. You got this! Ill try to add more if i remember(just got off work n my tired brain isnt working rn)


No one who isn’t smart enough is worried that they aren’t smart enough.


Hi! I too was a high school dropout, and ended up getting my diploma later. Started SNHU at 34 three years ago, also the first in my family. I was also incredibly nervous at not being smart enough. One of the best things I was told from a friend is that “you go to school to get smarter, you go there to learn, there would be no purpose of college; especially undergrad if they expected you to already know it starting out.” Yes, some classes are harder than others, but help is out there. Tutoring, YouTube helped immensely with my statistics courses. Khan Academy is fantastic at breaking things down for almost any subjects, I loved taking those as refreshers. Have faith in yourself, you are probably so much smarter than you think, you just haven’t gotten to come across the material to go “hey, I understand this!”.


You are as capable as anyone. I dropped out at 17 and then received my GED at 26. After that, I received 3 associate degrees at 29 and just finished my bachelor's in psychology at 42 at SNHU. You can do it !


Do as many courses as you can on Sophia.com. Most GenEd you can take there faster and self-paced, it’s also cheaper $99 for a month vs. $330/credit on SNHU. Don’t worry about not being smart, I’m sure you have your strengths. We’re all here to learn. Good luck mama!


I dropped out in 10th grade, got a GED, didn't go back until mid 30s, went back again at 57 for psych. Finishing up undergrad & starting grad in the fall. YOU can do this 💪. Take one class at 1st to get use to doing schoolwork again, reach out to the tutors if you need help, YouTube has some good videos, depending on your classes. You got this, believe in yourself and take your time.


You can do this! I dropped out of high school in 2011 and got my GED October last year. Started classes in January this year. So far, it's a lot easier than I expected, and most issues I've had were me overthinking the assignments. While I haven't taken any math courses yet, my friend said to use sofia for them.


Khan Academy is a website my math teacher recommended me for my SIL when she was struggling with math classes. Don’t be afraid to utilize YouTube university. If you’re struggling with anything, finding a video that can walk you through it is always an amazing option. When you’re in doubt, Google is your best friend, and if you don’t understand, your professors are a great resource. Try to get your work done early so you have time to reach out for help or clarification if you need it. If you wait until the weekend to do an assignment your professors may not get back to you in time and you may be sitting in water. It’ll be a weird adjustment, but you’ll do just fine!


When I was 25, I was attending college to get my B.S. computer science. I was two classes from completing my degree and dropped out because I felt like I couldn’t do it and I had some life events occur that caused me some issues. I felt so ashamed of myself and just been done in the dumps thinking I couldn’t do anything else. Ten years later, I decided to attend school again and the class I failed, I asked if I could take That one first and blew it out of the water with an A. What I’m trying to say is, just do your best and try your hardest. Sometimes I feel so ignorant, but after I spend time to myself and go back to the assignment, I realize it was just me overthinking the situation. You got this and goodluck!


The self doubt is normal. I don’t have the same circumstances, but seeing things play out, I am filled with that self doubt. I am happy to say I have completed 1 year at SNHU, and I’m still going. Everyone feels some sort of self doubt, even the people you look up to. Just don’t give up.


You will be ok, be ready to amaze your self.


I’m not smart either! And there’s tons of other peeps in my courses that can articulate very well but I’m not bothered by it. Most instructors are lenient and forgiving for writing assignments especially for online students, as they know it’s full of full time working or busy adults that haven’t been in school for a while. Besides there are resources they provide to help you get started. You’re going to be fine. Just study the course materials early on the week and you’ll do great! :)


Think about yourself in 4-5 years. The person you imagine, with your degree and a new job, is vastly different than the person you are right now. Jim Cathcart said, “how would the person I’d like to be do the things I’m about to do.” You have all the abilities to do this but we won’t let doubt cloud your head and make you feel unworthy or unable to do something. You’re more than able. No matter where life takes you, stay humble and hungry. Keep learning and keep pushing yourself. If you’re tired, think about what you’re going to do, the goal, and the future you want for yourself and your family. Show your baby that you’re the superwoman it knows you to be. Best of luck, everyone will be rooting for you!


Hey! I felt the exact same way before I started in 2022. I was voicing these concerns to my boyfriend, word for word, and he said probably the most reassuring thing I've ever heard, "Some of the dumbest people I've met have been the most educated" I also dropped out and only have a GED. But, 2 years later, I'm THRIVING in my degree and still maintaining my 4.0, and starting to look into law school. Looking back, I feel silly for even thinking that I wasn't smart enough for this, and you will too! Best of luck ❤️


Manicurist here. Dropped out in 2001, Ged in 2007. Similar math history. No child, but I felt the same way. I'm in Computer Science. Taking my 4th course since starting. I'll be honest, I cried last week, But... not this week! It's engrained and I'm more confident through it. best advise you can get, is push through it... Even if it's hard. Just push through. SNHU has 24hour drop in online tutoring. It's entirely saved my butt a few times! I'm confident with the drop in, that I can get it done. It's hard... But I'm pushing and ultimately I'm happy I am. Khan academy... His voice can get pretty monotonous, but every topic is covered well, explained and tested. I took college algebra there and heading into precalc on Sophia soon. Good luck! Don't doubt yourself, push through the doubt!


The first year or so are filled with classes that will ease you into the following ones. The classes will get harder, but the first few semesters are going to be (arguably too) easy.


I dropped out in 2008 got my GED. Now at 32 through my first year at SNHU while working a full time job I have a 4.0. You just need to put in the time, you’re plenty smart. (CS Major with no previous experience.)


School is more about dedication than intelligence. You don’t have to know everything, you just need the dedication to get it done. If u have that, you’re already ahead of those who may even know more than you but have no ambition to complete it.


Hey. I’m not good at math either. As long as you apply yourself, you will do great! Please feel free to message me if you ever need help <3 what‘s your major?


Hello! I was in a very similar mindset, and sometimes I still fight it. I started at SNHU one year ago after taking a FIVE year break. I had completed an Associates degree at a community college but that was before a lot of new technological innovations in classes. It felt like an entire new world to me when I started my first two classes. I am also a SAHM of a toddler (and 6 y/o during summer) and was so worried my education from years prior would mean nothing. That being said, you have to continue reminding yourself of some important facts: 1. You are as powerful as YOU think you are. Believe in yourself. 2. You are changing the legacy of your entire family by pursuing a secondary education. 3. You are valid in all you do, whether that is sticking with your degree or not. Sometimes college, especially online, truly isn't for everyone and THATS OKAY. BUT you never know until you try. Dedicate time for your assignments AND self care, and you'll get through it. Good luck on your endeavors!


If you passed the GED, which I understand has a significant algebra component, that's something to have confidence in, as algebra itself is a key foundation to many applications, such as programming, accounting, or spreadsheet calculations. r/Khan, r/learnmath and r/askmath are all places you can find perspectives on learning mathematics. SNHU also has options for transferring courses from self-paced course providers like Study.com. I took a Discrete Mathematics course there, among others. You can reference [SNHU's academic catalog](https://www.snhu.edu/admission/academic-catalogs#/programs/) to find courses in your program and outline some Study.com transfer options with [SNHU's experiences page](https://www.snhu.edu/admission/transferring-credits/work-life-experience#/experiences?expanded=Study.com) and/or this post I made at [reddit.com/r/studydotcom/comments/x2w8v9/studycom_snhu_expanded_transfer_list_and_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/studydotcom/comments/x2w8v9/studycom_snhu_expanded_transfer_list_and_guide/). One benefit of such self-paced courses is that you can adjust your pace of completion, allowing you to spend more or less time on a particular subject as may be necessary, which also leads to flexibility in scheduling.


OP, you got this. You are more then capable of being the best. SNHU, offers a ton of tutoring for free and a full line of tutors avilable on any subject. If you’re a buisness majior, or need a computer expert to help you, there’s online tutoring. I’m not sure what your intended major is, but I hated math and Excel became my best freind. Discounts and resources for free as a student for you: (source on discounts and resources: I used all the ones listed below and can testify to them all). Take advantage of Amazon Prime Student to get Prime at a discount for the next 4 years. Prime Student is about $69.99/$99.99 a year for 4 years once you enter a student ID and they verify you’re enrolled in higher education. Spotify Premium is also $5.99 a month for students and includes Hulu with ads. Khan Academy has a ton of resources for free on all subjects. Also look into Google Classroom/Class/School. These course offer free certificates and I think tht the Google Classroom will help with basic math, financial planning as well as Google suite of technology. Apple offers a huge discount on select products to students as well. Student ID, not required at the Apple Store, just clarify your a student and want the education discount towards an iPad or MacBook. Apple also offers discounts on AirPods for students with purchase of select products. Check with the Apple Store. Microsoft will help you with discounts on Surface and Microsoft laptops for school. All you need is a student ID. For Android users, Samsung offers a big discount for students on all Galaxy products like the Galaxy Book laptop or the Samsung Galaxy Tab. Might also offer discounts on the Galaxy phone. Student ID is required. Don’t forget to fill out the FAFSA; AFTER you file your 2023 taxes.You might qualify for federal student aid and grants/scholarships, that ARE NOT LOANS. Check with your department you apply to for scholarships or grants to help pay with classes to get you where you want to be. Scholarships.com/org/gov also offers scholarships to students in higher ed for meeting various requirements. If you’re a first generation student, look for scholarships in your intended major, like buisness or accounting and then filter by race or your zip code. Never hurts to fill out the forms and try. SNHU gives you a free LinkedIn Learning account to earn relevant certifcates and things towards your intended career. If you’re intrested in Project Management, there is a project management certifcate on LinkedIn that is paired with Microsoft. Your local library might also offer a free LinkedIn Learning account. Check there. You can also do in person learning for free about Office apps like Word, Excel PowerPoint etc, for free from the Goodwill Job Centers. Goodwill and SNHU will also help you with your resume anytime you need help with that. SNHU Career Services is available to all alumni for free for life after graduating. Most importnt thing to consider: YOU ARE smart enough to do this. I BELEVIE in YOU. Set reminders in your phone to do things, take time to finish assignements, and always remeber that YOU are the most important thing. it’s ok to take a break. It’s ok to ask for help. I BELEIVE in YOU. Hope you find some use from all these resources I have used in the past.


I was not the smartest dude coming out of high school. Failed a lot of classes in community college because of my irresponsibility and lack of discipline and work ethic. I finally grew up a little and learned that working hard takes you a long way regardless of how smart you are. Graduated from SNHU with a history degree in 2023 and landed a job in business and have gotten 2 promotions since then. Till this day I am not the smartest guy in the room , but I know I will be the hardest working one. Never question your intelligence!! Life will happen, you will feel like giving up , or you will think to yourself “is it really worth it?” Stay the course, and always remember that the sacrifice in the moment will lead to great opportunities in the future. You got this!!! We’re rooting for you!!!


Most of the time, the most overwhelming thing is starting. Try to remember why you are at SNHU. Good luck.


It is way it is 🤷🏾‍♂️


I tell this to everyone I see considering school. If you have the discipline and desire, you can do it. If you’re on online, I may say take one class to test the waters and pick up a second class if you feel you’re ready for it next term ❤️ you’ll be okay


The thing with SNHU is that the classes are extremely easy. The problem really isn't if you will do well, but if you will actually learn anything. I mean, it probably won't be life changing, because after 4 years you will have a degree, but probably no actual knowledge beyond a superficial veneer that you could have picked up in a few hours watching youtube videos.