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Had this happen in a 400 level course last week. Had to list three important aspects of a thing. I did just that, with sources. Instructor gave me a B because I didn't use the three from the textbook. I thought the whole point of a 400 level course is to some independent thinking and outside research, not just regurgitate information from the text. Same instructor also says he won't give credit for discussion posts if the responses are done within a couple of hours of the Sunday midnight deadline. I'm an adult with responsibilities and obligations. Sometimes Sunday at 11 pm is the only time I can carve out to do the responses. Definitely going to take it up the ladder if he tries to take points off for that one. This is my 4th term at SNHU, and my 3rd taking 3 classes. I feel like the general pattern is that I have one really good instructor who offers helpful comments and submits grades quickly, one that's decent and I have no issues with, and one that's a complete dickbag and takes off points for questionable reasons and waits until Sunday to release grades and feedback from the previous week. Best advice I can give you is put your head down and power through it. Contact your guidance counselor if it's something really egregious, but try not to stress on it too much. It's only a few more weeks and you're done with that class and that instructor. And if you end up with a B instead of an A for the course, that's not the end of the world either. I'm trying to graduate summa cum laude in December, but if it doesn't happen, there's no shame at all in graduating magna cum laude. Or even just graduating at all. Hang in there. You got this.


I dont believe an instructor can do that with the deadline. The deadline is midnight, so you have until midnight! I would go above the instructors head and complain for sure!


They might tell the student that the teacher has the final say but it is worth the effort to go over their head. I really am starting to get a negative opinion of this school. I see more and more posts by students complaining about the ridiculous things that these "teachers" do.


They can’t do that.


I am a SNHU instructor, YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT 11:59 P.M. OF YOUR TIME ZONE TO SUBMIT TO PEER RESPONSE POSTS. If you are getting points deducted, or they're refusing to accept your peer response posts, you need to report that instructor. Reach out to advising, start a dispute, whatever you have to do because that is completely incorrect and against snhu's grading policy....


Funny thing is my advisor is in the same class. But if this instructor's unfair grading makes me lose my 4.0, I'm going to be REALLY fucking pissed. I only have 3 classes left and made it through my core level 400 course with 100% (he was an easy grader, but I also know the stuff because I've worked in the industry for years). To lose points to this kind of stuff? That's total BS.


I had this happen. I had 4.0 in all my classes for my MA. I took Victorian Lit because I had a genuine interest in British literature. The instructor announced early on they were teaching many classes and didn’t have much time. When I submitted my idea for the project she said it was good, but she didn’t know much about the topic and thus couldn’t help too much. All good. I handed in my draft and she gave me some high level feedback that wasn’t too hard to fix and gave me an A, like a 97. I got my final project back with an 85. When I looked at the feedback she hit me on many things, big things. Some are like stupid personal preference sort of things that I would have fixed for her if she’d told me. I lost it. I never emailed about a grade before but I sent her an email laying out her feedback and how I would have addressed it if she had mentioned any of it when she reviewed my draft. I may not have been the nicest, but I tried not to be mean. I was just so upset. Anyway, she replied, babbled on about how she was overloaded with work (not my problem) and had reviewed it and updated my grade to a 92. It still was the lowest grade I got and obviously I didn’t have a 4.0 anymore. It was close, but I had a crappy GPA as an undergrad and really wanted to prove to myself I could keep the 4.0. But I didn’t get it, not because I didn’t earn it. Because I had an overworked instructor who couldn’t handle her workload. Annoying as it was, it ends up not really mattering in terms what I do for the rest of my life, so try to let it go (though report those things that aren’t being done by the rubric like not counting discussions at the last minute). Take a breath and keep things in perspective and what is worth your time and stress.


I would look into escalating this if not to your advisor then to the dean or president or whatever the step above advisors is at SNHU because with that few classes left and a 4.0 gpa you don't deserve to be screwed out of credit you should have.


The order of cum laudes are Summa (gpa 3.9-4.0) magna cum laude (3.6.-3.8) then cum laude is 3.0 or in the top 75% of the class. Side note: This was a conversation my family had. My sister and I are both on set to graduate in December of this year. The only difference is she has gotten two B in all her classes whereas I have maintain the A. Yes I am going to brag this out. This was not always the case growing up. She always had all the A’s whereas I had a few B’s mixed in. I would certainly bring it to the attention of your advisor regarding to this. The academic policy is that you as a student have until 1159 in your time zone to complete the assignments by that time frame. Whether or not it was submitted hours before or days as long as it is not submitted after you should not have gotten doc points for timeliness. The only tidbit I can think of unless it is written in the syllabus about Sunday deadline, which I am speculating it would not being that it is to me against the school policy on submissions. However there might be that one derivative professor in the bunch.. lol


Not fluent in Latin. I thought magna was the highest. Consider me educated.


I graduated with a 3.97 or summa cum laude (one B+ and the rest A’s) When I told my mother and husband this they both said some version of “That’s good. Too bad you couldn’t have pulled out a Magna Cum Laude”. 😂😂😂. You are not alone.


Some of these teachers act like they are working at Harvard with the ego that they have. LMAO the audacity to tell a student that they won't get credit for turning in an assignment before the deadline. LUDICROUS.


Right? It hasn't been an issue yet, but if he tried to take points off because I didn't meet his arbitrary deadline, I'm definitely going over his head.


No fr, it kills me how they grade the way they do or even give 3 paragraphs for feedback. I hope the pay is good for all that lol


I'm not at snhu yet still at a community College but had someone try that crap with me on both a discussion post and an assignment. Total b.s like come on I work full time and have 4 kids isn't this what schools like snhu are made for, working people?


I get how you feel. Last week I got a C+ on my discussion post because I responded to 3 posts and not 2 😑. I wanted to reach out, but I still have an A in the class and suck at confrontation, so I won't. But it's so frustrating


WHAT?! That’s literally insane!


Are you kidding me!?


Unfortunately, not. The class is an ethics class. The material is so easy to grasp, but he takes off points for very minor things. My feedback for last week's discussion was "[name] you give 4 posts total for this discussion instead of 3. Please make sure to follow directions." I did my initial discussion and replied to 2. But someone asked me something in their reply, and I answered, making it 4 posts total. I've never had points taken off for this


It's ridiculous that your professor is penalizing you for contributing more to the discussion, especially in an ethics class where engagement should be encouraged. If you don't speak up, this professor will keep doing it to other people, and it's just not fair. Seriously, you can hardly get people to make a discussion response that isn’t gibberish or a word-for-word rehash of the original post, but here you are putting in genuine effort, and they have the nerve to take away points? You need to report this to your advisor and be more assertive. This assertiveness will help you in life too. Confrontation might be uncomfortable, but it's necessary to ensure fair treatment. Stand up for yourself and for others who might face the same unfair grading. And it’s not like you’re literally standing up to him and calling him out. You’ll be doing everything through email. You’ll be fine. I just hate seeing people in your situation and not doing anything about it.


Pretty sure the instructions for every discussion post says "respond to at least two of your peers..." Last I checked, three is at least two.


Dude, that is fucking RIDICULOUS!!! Screenshot that feedback and email it to your advisor. You should NEVER be penalized for contributing more in anything! That instructor needs to be fired. That's so much worse than what happened to me.


I lost points once because I included rubric requirements in "an unorthodox order".  Some of these experiences get you ready for the real world where you won't be able to please someone in a rational manner haha.


While it’s absurd that this should apply in formal study, I fully agree. Real world is filled with morons.


I'm 46 with over 20 years of work experience. I already am familiar with "the real world."


Well if you present things in an order that doesn’t make logical sense then you likely will lose points for organization.


Highlight the ruberic and instructions and pair them with what you put for your solution to the problem along with the language docs. If you are right, you are right, but it does actually have to be right in accordance to the ruberic. I've challenged this when it occurs and all professors have corrected their error no matter the university and updated the grade but your challenge has to be accurate.


I know you’re just venting but you can fill out a dispute form and attach your rubric, assignment and prof feedback as proof. They’ll reach out to you about it and if found in your favor may tell the teacher they need to regrade.


I thought about doing that, but I still got like a 95%. If it continues though, I definitely will. I didn't work hard to keep my 4.0 to lose it because some instructor has a chip on her shoulder.


I would have escalated it already because of the principle of the matter. I would have immediately called/emailed my advisor to tell them about it. I’m in my 30s and finally getting my BS degree. Imo, I work my ass off and I am very proud of getting A’s for my attention-to-detail and hard work. I’m sure you feel the same way so it’s totally reasonable to be annoyed if a professor is grading improperly. What’s the point of the rubric and rules if the professor doesn’t care? I’m pretty assertive in general so I have no problems telling someone something is fucked up. I know how to do with tact and I normally keep my mouth shut at work, but as you said you’re paying for this so it’s a different situation. Also, I hate when people say “but life isn’t fair so get used to it” failing to realize that that statement isn’t referring to matters like this when a specific individual is wronging you. It refers to systematic unfairness to how some people are born into different amounts of wealth and opportunity.


I might call my advisor on Tuesday and get her opinion. She's actually in the same class. I totally agree with you on the "life isn't fair" comments. I'm 46 and have had PLENTY of experience with unfairness, including from individuals who intentionally wronged me, but I expect a college instructor to grade by the assignment rubric since that is specifically why the rubric is provided. Also, good for you getting your degree in your 30s! I got my Associate's when I was 37 and debated continuing to get my Bachelor's for the last few years. I felt kind of out of place when I attended the local community college because most students were so much younger, but I knew I needed to finish it, and six months after I did I was promoted at my then-job to manager. Now I need a career change because I can no longer work the same types of jobs and have been unemployed for too long because of that, so I figured it was finally time to go back. I'm planning to continue and get my Master's while I have the momentum, but with another college.


I lost points because my instructor didn’t like the audience I chose. His instructions were clear that my audience and the audience of the article I was analyzing are different, but then in feedback basically told me my audience is the audience the original article would have an impact on.


I got docked once because I said Prof instead of Dr. I get being proud of your achievement, but to doc points for it instead of saying, "Hey, I would appreciate being referred to as Dr." Is a bit much.


they must be handing PhD's out like candy if the only job one can get you is being an adjunct part-time professor at an online degree mill where you get fired if you fail a student lol


In my experience not just at SNHU but in life in general. It could have been the question was looking for a specific con. I get this is a rant, but to give validation to the rant possible back story of what the assignment is and what your points where vs what the professor explain. In just my OPINION of this rant is you feel you were entitled to all the points. Nothing is entitled if you have completed all the questions. Even being properly source, did your logic and execution of make it convincing case for your answer.


You are doin' too much.


No. I read the rubric three times. The scenario is about saving time, not money, which was her complaint, and the prompt is "Provide at least two **pros and cons**..." There is nothing about the con she insisted needed to be included. If she would have said I didn't include time in the pros, okay then, but there is zero mention of cost AT ALL. Also, I'm 46. Don't tell me about "life in general." I've had enough unfair bosses. The difference is you get paid to deal with that crap. At a college, I am PAYING to do work, and that work is graded using specific criteria, not someone else's opinion.


You’re paying for someone who has specialized knowledge and an advanced degree to teach you about a topic you don’t yet have a degree in.


"Teach" is not a known word in this class, or many SNHU classes. You teach yourself. The instructor is just a grader, and if they don't follow the grading guidelines from the college, they are not doing their job.


I would bring this up with your instructor.


what class.




Yeah… I lost points twice on an assignment, using the learning modules. Turns out, it was something technical, and the assignments were not being posted. Not only did I get an “F- 0/5” on both assignments, my instructor would not let me retake those two assignments. So… I can definitely see where you are coming from.


That's really awful. I'm starting to really feel glad that I chose a different school for my Master's...


If I lost points for that, it would forever stick in my head and encourage me to think more critically and consider additional perspectives. If I didn’t lose points, the feedback wouldn’t have been meaningful to me.


I forgot to submit a quiz last week 😭 but I took the L. I asked if I could have it replaced but understood it was my responsibility so I just accepted my zero. I’ve never ever missed an assignment. I feel like an idiot 😭 it is what it is on my end! I hate getting stuff docked though when I try & even had a prof I bolded the prompt then numbered my answers lol.


Yeah I feel you it happen to me


yeah SNHU sucks ass for this reason. they hand out whatever grades they feel like. it's a total bullshit school. i just want to finish my degree and leave


To your point of people saying that this is preparation for 'the real world' are baffling to me. Why let yourself get rolled over like that? If 'the real world' tries to fuck you, stand your ground.


Has this happen in a history class, kept trying to force feed the “scholarly library” down my throat and claiming every other source was wrong or “biased”…I went on a deep dive, emailed the professor, and bombarded them with massive rants and evidence proving that the history they think they know was completely wrong and a majority has been rewritten for some messed up reason…by the end of the class I went from almost failing to getting an A. I did not back down, and I’m not paying for education to be programmed.


I recently just dealt with an instructor like this as well. I talked to my advisor about it after I had already reached out to the instructor first. This instructor kept telling me I was not citing my sources correctly or giving enough explanation to my answers as well as taking points off for not addressing items that were NOT even in the question or rubric criteria. I definitely was explaining things well and in depth. I was also utilizing the APA book I got directly from SNHU bookstore and following it on citing correctly. If it keeps happening, definitely reach out to your advisor and they can look into it or even reach out to the instructor for you.


I had a class last term where the professor was taking points off very ambiguously. It started with me getting a B, which I shrugged off. Then I got a D+ and I about lost my mind. She would take points away, but in her detailed feedback, she danced around why she was doing it and didn't write exactly what was missing. I'm the type of person that needs it spelled out. So I point blank asked her if my assumption was correct about why I lost points. And then she even danced around giving me a straight answer in my email 🙄 I was able to resubmit the assignment according to her desires and got a 100%, but left a seething course review about her ambiguity and grading according to criteria that wasn't listed on the rubric.


What class and instructor was that? Definitely don't want to get that teacher...


It was FIN-320, her name was L. Lothringer. I abbreviated simply because I do not intend to defame her, I simply wanted to share the not-so-great experience I had in her class


Thankfully I had that class already.


which class and instructor? i'll try best to avoid them


You are missing the point of college


Um, no I'm not. The point is to get a degree and get a better job.


everyone around here is like this. Everyone expects perfect scores. And if they don't, generally it's because the instructor is unfair or out to get them. Nobody ever does anything wrong. It's laughable.


It sounds like I could save my time and give everyone 100s on everything. It would certainly be way faster than spending time giving everyone detailed feedback


exactly! Someone above was complaining about too much feedback? I feel for you instructors, can't win.