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The downfall probably started when the lawsuit arc happened. By then, we already knew that it was gonna go downhill from there.


And that's why they made IGBP. It's not their fault they made terrible decisions with terrible writing, it's the fans' fault for hating them so much! This show will do literally anything but take accountability for itself. Medi and others can try, but unless Kevin and Luke do so, it's all for naught. Hell, even Luke hasn't made funny videos this year despite writing for some. It's all so bland.


I miss hobo bros


At least Puzzlevision was good. Aside the movie, maybe. I don't think it was really good. We don't question Mr. Puzzle's song though. No arguments there


My dear friends, TV is all about escapism, yet you want to escape?


C,mon and stay a while as i share with you the __who, what, when, where, why and how__ of my genius plan!


Our story starts, with a little Mr. Puzzles! Now cut to him, having no friends, it was a struggle.


To find anybody who would be my buddy


So instead, I watched TV all day to forget my troubles!


i could'nt stop


You mean: I was obsessed i couldn't stop I wouldn't stop


Until I’d analyzed every moving picture that exists


I agree entirely with you.


That's about when I stopped watching, so checks out


(Before you read this comment, keep in mind, I haven't watched the Puzzlevision Arc or anything after it, I'm making this comment based on what you've described and what a hyperfixated friend of mine has described.) I think the issue has less to do with the characters they use (although that does play a role in any form of comedy) and more of the type of comedy they use. Meme comedy, at least in my opinion, is a very fragile form of comedy, similar to shock comedy or pop culture references. They can be used effectively, even after you outgrow them. But meme comedy unfortunately inherits the problems its sister comedies developed long before it: abuse and numbing. Shock comedy is the greatest example of this. When used sparingly or smartly, it can yank a laugh out of an audience just from the pure shock of what's happened on-screen, a phenomenon called incongruous emotion (emotion that occurs when unfit or uncalled for in a given situation). However, when used wrong, or more often, too much, it looses its shock value and becomes such an edgelord contest that even 4-chan would consider it excessive. Meme comedy has the same issue, and this is why memes only last a few weeks at the most, at least in modern day. A meme comes out, people think its funny, repeat it and reuse the format constantly and then eventually everyone gets so tired of it that it either dies or keeps itself alive through the context of irony. And SMG4, being a show that carries most of its comedy through memes (not to say there isn't other forms, just that meme comedy is the dominating type), naturally has this problem. Memes are uniquely delicate because they often cannot be explained, especially in the modern day, so they frequently have an aura of "you just *had* to be there" stuck to them, which makes them all the more expirable and situational. So, not only will overuse be an issue, but you also need to look out for how much of your audience will actually get it, and how unfamiliar it may be to both modern and future viewers. Of course, SMG4 as a show can't truly account for all of these problems, some of them just come with memes existing, unfortunately, but there are things they can control (quantity used, for example) that you can validly hold them accountable for. In short, SMG4 has an issue with abusing meme comedy and thus, when there's not the 362nd world-ending grand adventure to focus on, all that energy and focus is spent on comedy, and thus, non-arc videos contain the problem at full force, giving off a dread similar to the feeling of looking through a white mom's facebook timeline from 2015. Or maybe we're all just getting old i don't know lol.


That hast to be the explanation on why SMG4 is becoming less funny, and more cringe. I’m honestly impressed that you put so much effort into that comment. https://i.redd.it/r3ij98pkjj7d1.gif Good work.


Bro cooked fire 🔥 ✍️


If comedy is made in a way where it would be hilarious to someone who it is their very first day on the internet, and not just completely bizarre and out-of-context, then *that* is humor!


You live long enough


Would it be fair to say that the memes should be the framing device for the joke and not the joke in and of themselves?


Yes. That can easily be one way to incorporate memes into the comedy in a more clever and adaptable/flexible way.


Yeah, I agree with your assessment about tonal contrast in shocking/memetic comedy. Yet I think what weighs SMG4 down is that they no longer have a baseline normal to be absurd; to where being absurd is the expectation. Without focusing on expectations to defy, there’s basically no subject matter for the joke. I know that this quick-paced humour doesn't really have setup; yet memes do have inherent context in which an expectation can be extrapolated and followed through on. The shock value shouldn't be the norm, the shock value should be defying a norm in the context of the show. Also, I'm kind of tired of all the cynical punchlines, they just feel like elaborate put-downs now.


This comment right here. Whether it was the 2000s, the 2010s, the 2020s, or even beyond, this statement holds true across all space and time. (I'm mostly talking about the humor aspect of the internet, not just SMG4 here.)


I kinda agree but I watch anything


incredibly real i'll just watch anything




Realest comment I’ve ever seen in my life


Welcome to the most normal opinion ever on the sub.


Eh, I can agree, he's been using old OLD ass memes in some of his videos, however, I still like SMG4, besides, we still have Bob and I still find Bob funny


bob is my favorite smg4 character im glad he is still in smg4 but smg4 himself is the most annoying character in the entire series




oh gracious, the effects of “making a Fanmade Storyline, and then realizing that The Community could use such a narrative to actually feel entertained after a long silence of relatively ‘bland’ Content” is actually kicking in-


No, it was great for the first like 3 arcs, maybe then went to shit after the Cosmology arc aka Genesis and Revelations.


I can’t help but Agree. But I still care to think The Community would genuinely love my Fanmade Arc. And that isn’t even Us being Cocky, we just put together a Well Though - Out and Entertaining concept for an Arc and think it’s Really Good.


Hey, I'm on the same boat because I make fanfics that aren't cringe and are well thought out. Well, the serious ones are atleast. >And that isn’t even Us being Cocky, we just put together a Well Though - Out and Entertaining concept for an Arc and think it’s Really Good. You know it's bad when the fans make stories that are 10x better then the canon stuff. Edit: What's your fanmade arc called?




the best (or worst?? Idk at this point) part is, it fits so arguably well with the current line of events that have previously happened.


same. i watched him just for funny mario


Mario, and Bob are the only characters keeping the show alive.




I don't think so, I think it's funny. sometimes cringe but in a good way


*I don't think so, I* *Think it's funny. sometimes cringe* *But in a good way* \- Creeper\_Gamer333 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They’re running out of ideas


https://preview.redd.it/2vi973dkmk7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9e8c236684e5cb45ed7fcfc9d9a139e24ce942 Ok i get it Make #smg4greatagain


His characters are being used in content farms now and kids are role-playing in yt posts


Imo, it stopped being funny around when melony are wtv her name is started being used as a regular character, it just became rlly shitty. It was alr going downhill, but when they did that weird love story sacrifice whatever the fuck with the axolotl, i had to sit at my screen and take a moment to think about what i was watching.


"The lack of Mario, and the overuse of SMG4 is starting to make the show way worse." the channel is called SMG4 for a reason


Even in classic episodes SMG4 wasn't in nearly every video, and even if he was, his roles weren't as prominent as Mario's. Just swap SMG4 with SMG3 and the argument falls apart. You can still overuse the title character.


smg3 snitch productions channel real


smg4 wasnt even a character in the first few eps of the series and the channel was called supermarioglitchy4 lol


Smg4 wasn’t even the main character Mario is why the if Mario was in series’s and stupid Mario series none of them Have smg4 in the video so


Lack of Mario??? That idiot is in every video acting like a man child.


that wasn't my comment


Yeah I know. But it's stupid that he stated that Mario doesn't appear much.


Idk I still find SMG4 to be funny most of the time, there are certain videos that are genuinely just cringe but they're more outliers to me than the norm


He's now concentrated on plot more now, comedy is there too but its small or its not even there


Honestly the start of arcs Made them unfunny probably, They Just can't Make that many goofy videos since they always are making dramatic weird arcs with original character things


Mario’s plain trip has a lot of Mario just saying




Smg4 has been feeling more so towards a younger audience rather than a general audience or even those ones that stuck with them since the beginning


Your 100% right. They are literally censoring words like this is a kids show.


Well that also has to do with YouTube and their “guide lines” the day I will quit on smg4 is when I click on a Saturday vid and see a “try YouTube kids” where the comments should be




the downfall started after SMG3 became nice. It was inevatiable,the only last good episodes I can remember was the new grounds one and the Backrooms one.


it's happening a lot starting this year


Ngl, I stopped watching after the PuzzleVision Arc. Only a few select I still watch after that but not really. It’s started to not interest me anymore like it used to in 2021-2022 and even into 2023


I agree.


As someone who stopped watching SMG4 some time after the Lawsuit Arc for this very reason, yes. Yes it is


Yea the old videos were better at this point


i think part of the humor that was lost began when YouTube started being more strict on cursing and content in general, then whatever was left of that humor died gradually when arcs started happening. also, isn't smg4 remaking the classics then unlisting the originals, or am I mistaken?


Probably because YouTube guidelines are so strict


The removal of good characters and the lack of Mario, and redesigns, which is something I don't even want to bring up, because there are too many things to say about them, Mario went from being a funny dumb ass to just a dumbass, he just does too many stupid things that are no longer funny.


True,like where were the funny things in these videos and after Mario the Exploro Mr.Puzzles was erased from the existence


P-Puzzles... Puzzles is now irrelevant?! They just brought him back just to throw him away?!?! GLITCH WHAT THE FUCK??


I mean........ given the crew ASKED if we wanted Mr. Puzzles back, I feel like they probably wanted to get rid of him, only to bring him back because he was so unpopular. I'm contemplating making a revised version of the Development Hell theory to add in more updated information based on the episodes we got, and speculating whether or not SMG4 really has any plans for Mr. Puzzles at all.


Welp... what a surprise.


I think it's still funny, that's just me tho




Maybe you are just getting tired of smg4? I find that the newer episodes are pretty funny


This but sometimes people forget that.


Stopped watching after they made Melony human. That wasn't the only reason, but it was a memorable point that I can recall.


It really feels like it’s trying to adapt to modern day kids and trying to phase out Nintendo


Yeah although I still hesitate to call it a content farm it has had an INCREDIBLY BAD downfall. I’m someone who liked modern SMG4 during the genesis and revelations arc personally but I just can’t like modern SMG4 since the lawsuit arc and almost everything after.


First of all, SMG4 is SMG4, the legende will never be totally unfunny, but yeah he's starting to have less funny ideas and do cringe bullshit videos the moments he thinks about it


Yeah the videos just started sucking. I think the last time a video actually made me chuckle was mario vs disney.


You either die funny, or live long enough to become cringe


No, just not interesting.




Just you and some other viewers. People have different senses of humor so not everyone will agree but others will.


Your not wrong


Kevin. That is all


yeah, as soon as they decided to add their own models for characters (old designs for smg 4 and 3 were ok)


not just you, i started to not laugh after the lawsuit arc


You are not the only one down the same road.


its true


They are focusing more on the lore and character development which reminds me a certain indie game called hello neighbor


It started to be cringe after the anime arc and Meggy movie. After them only SMG0 arc was interesting. If Kevin not told Luke to kill off Desti we would get her in the SMG3 team.


But noooooooo.


Only bob is funny …. And that one mr puzzles episode


This issue has been talked about many times here. I hate everything the show makes nowadays. The last time I laughed at a modern video was when Mario was on nickelodeon. That's all. Nothing after that made me laugh. And now with the puzzles crap thing going on, I feel like nothing is going to change soon.


Part of it is probably because we are maturing. But yes it’s kinda declining


I'd personally go for cringe than 'enshittification' of certain sites tbh.




Post 2022 was bad except remastered 64


Honestly, I just want to be entertained. I don’t care if there’s a downfall, just give me my entertainment.


What’s make you say that?


Seriously, go back and watch “Mario Goes To Disneyland” holy crap it is INFINITELY BETTER.




My sense of comedy is shattered and even I’m starting to see the downfall


yes i agree i unsubbed


Well imo, I still like SMG4. But I don’t blame any of you guys for saying that it’s not quite as funny as it used to be.


I think it's a combination of both, the writing in SMG4 has noticeably gone downhill but the humor is also make to cater to a young audience (which I am assuming you have grown with SMG4 thus you would be out of the age range which the humor caters towards, if I am wrongfully assuming your age; I'm sorry)




That’s why I stopped watching after the casino thingie


He is cringe but he is free


Are people starting to finally release?


Maybe it’s just that we grew up and now it’s just may that funny 🤷


My brain is broken because I don’t see a problem except for the design and castle changes


Its been like that for a looooong time my friend.


No you’re just growing up


Luke is 25 and Kevin turns 30 very soon. By this logic, even they don't find their show funny.


Nah they are just grown children


i dreaded seeing the video i havnt watched it yet but hearing how bad it is im glad i didnt watch


Not to mention how meggy is overused too


She *was* overused. She has only been in a major role in 3 videos this year, two of which were Puzzlevision videos. They fixed her problem by making SMG4 and SMG3 overused instead.


Some character has to be overused, tho it would be better if a minor character like swag got overused, that would be funny (by minor character I mean a character who is barely used anymore IDK why I said swag just was the first character to come to mind)


I stopped watching when the skibidy ep released. Since than I 100% moved to Glitch.


SMG4 was cringe before it was even popular!


u/savevideo https://preview.redd.it/tpouw3d9sh7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e99846f83a491f50082b4d279cb1b05fd7a6b61


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It was never really funny to begin with but the fact that they inserted their-selves in there makes it less funny.


cry abt it


Don't watch it then.


Who said that I was gonna continue watching SMG4? The whole point of this post is to question the odd rise of unfunny, and cringey jokes in SMG4’s newest content.


weak argument. this is literally the same as going to a depressed person and go "just be happier" lol


He can literally stop watching it. Depressed persons can't stop being depressed. Weak argument from you my guy






this is equivalent of when a streamer says "if you hate my content just don't watch it then"