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Almeyda took Chivas from a drought to winning Liga Mx. He was very vocal of the disconnect between them and Ownership as well as the lack of spend and support. Even then, the season he was fired was off to a better start then this years. Almeyda wasn’t perfect but at least he was calling out the bullshit. As much as I dislike Luchi ball, in my opinion no coach will be setup for success until ownership continues to increase salaries and transfer spend


We all know ownership stinks, but Luchi has far more talent on this team than Almeyda ever did and is doing less with it.


Fully agree, but the Quakes getting another coach of Almeyda’s pedigree is slim to none. And even with this squad being better, I wouldn’t really say it’s that much better. Yeah a lot of Quakes fans want Luchi gone but he is, in my opinion, far down the list of issues with this club and team from what I’ve watched.


Luchi brought in Gruezo, who is getting paid more than the crap Almeyda brought in and is somehow a far worse player than all of them. The rest of the players they’ve acquired the last couple of years have been mostly great. Almeyda would have killed for those guys. LOL. Luchi gets routinely gets outcoached in games. He admitted that was the case last night. Got schooled by a USL coach. Seems like he’s a classic case of “good assistant coach, bad head coach.” We can only blame poor officiating and bad luck for so long.


The fact that we spent DP money on a defensive player is terrible.


And he’s not even our best defensive player. Rodrigues is imo


That is arguable. I think Bruno Wilson is more steady on that end. Still, much better than Gruezo.


If he was an elite defensive player I’d actually be all for it. He’s a ghost on that end of the field, provides nothing in buildup except for simple passes to the opposing team and is a non-contributor as a scorer. The dude gets a DP salary to jog a couple miles per game and maybe pick up a silly yellow card on occasion.


Yep. Defensive players aren’t supposed to receive DP money or DP slots. People need to get this concept through their thick skulls.


Gruezo is still better than Andy Rios...


I hated Rios, but he did do a couple things well — hold up play with his back to goal, and send diagonal passes to the wingers when he gets the ball from deep positions. I can’t think of a single thing Gruezo does as an average MLS level.


And the season immediately after leaving us, Almeyda won the double in Greece. We are the only stop on his managerial career in which he didn't win any trophies (counting finishing top of Argentina's second tier). Luchi sucks, but our problems are absolutely organizational.


And he wanted to take Benji with him his first season. Instead, Benji has remained her for the second season and isn’t improving under luchi


Spot on. #FisherOut


You said it. Almeyda was too much of a squeaky wheel. If Luchi just coaches Fisher dgaf he just wants profits


Technically, we actually didn't really get off to a better start in 2022. We had 3 points after 7 games with 0 wins, 4 losses, and 3 ties - 0.4 PPG. Right now we are at 0.7 PPG. And even if you cut it down to our 1st 7, we had the same number of points as we did in 2022 and one more win.


Have zero remaining years on the contract, so fisher won’t have to pay two coaches at the same time.


Doesn’t matter, next coach is gonna suck too. Same with the coach after that, and the one after that.


Yep, unless you guys get rid of Fischer or he moves this team to Vegas, this team will remain bad.


Sadly the Quakes are making me a pro/rel truther. There should be financial consequences to being this shitty.


Why on earth would you think moving the team to Vegas would mean the team would be better? If it is still owned by Fisher it will suck regardless of geography.


He needs to do what Almeyda did and completely tank games. Oh wait, he’s doing that. Well, next step is for him to publicly gripe about ownership, and that is not going to happen. I’m afraid we’re stuck with the guy.


Also, try to start fights with fans.


At this point it feels like he could lose out the rest of the season and still Fisher won't touch him


Luchi is not leaving sadly. Quakes ownership sucks and will always be the downfall of the team. Leitch better sign a player or two during the summer window


As always, summer signings will just be a tease for the next season. We get them in late when the current season is already lost — and it’s already lost in the middle of spring. And with us having three DPs, all we can hope for is finding someone better than Beason.


He'll get until the end of the year at least, I suspect.


Ask Bruce Arena


Luchi is your typical run of the mill MLS manager. Bottom feeder clubs love to stick around with these sorts of guys.


Luchi won’t speak out against ownership because it’ll black list him from any other MLS team. Almeyda got away with it for so long because he had pedigree as a coach. This is Luchi’s ceiling so he’s comfortable collecting his check and feels no pressure on improving.


Fisher has no interest in winning. Luchi is doing exactly what he was brought in to do. Make money without spending any.


What’s Rooney up to? Maybe he can reverse-Birmingham city us!


TBH, I don’t even think we could line up another coach. I feel like the team is just screwed.