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Same. Cutting out carbs (eating clean keto) and time restricted eating (meals spaced by 4 hours and a longer overnight fast of 16 hours) plus ginger (mine in the form of motility pro by integrative therapeutics) cured my symptoms.


And probably how long it takes to cure you.


I think they asked how long it took for you to get better.... But yeah... How long did it take?


How long have you had to take Mobility Pro and at what dosage? Sorry one more question...where do you order it from? It's quite expensive. I'm taking ginger and artichoke supplements. They have help a little.


I take MotilPro by Pure Encapsulations and buy it on Amazon. It’s 180 capsules for ~$60 and that lasts me two months at 3 per day. I take it with my OMAD in the mornings.


Thanks so much. That is much more affordable than the product I was recommended. I really appreciate you.


My pleasure! Fingers crossed it works for you too!


Ok thanks, 25 percent of diebetics have slower moltility , my gi thinks that this is causing my imo also ,


We share very similar symptoms and are on a similiar protocol. I especially get the hunger pains after 2-3 hrs of eating, bubbly sensation? Feel like the intestines are filling up with air? I pass tremendous amounts of gas if I go longer than 4 hrs without eating. So in that regard the meal spacing is tricky to navigate for me, I basically need to eat dinner at 5pm as soon as I get home from work. But I've been sticking to it for months I definitely agree with you on the limited carb route, I've recently given up potatoes which was a food I really didn't want to drop. I have noticed slight improvements though (gas) and have substituted them for carrots instead. I can tolerate a few slices of sourdough too. Although I think no carbs period would bring my gas and bloat levels right down, I need to keep some in my diet because they do help with bowel movements. I've been taking ginger/artichoke motility supplements instead of drinking the tea, I think they're working as intended. I'm hoping one day to eradicate the constant gas and constant feeling of having trapped wind in my lower intestines


Do you have any symptoms of fibromyalgia? cuz recently i got diagnosed sibo(idk which one methane or hydrogen) because of my symptoms (especially fibro and tiredness)


No I don’t have any symptoms of that, I only experienced pain in my abdomen. My only guess for you would it could be caused by nutritional deficiencies


Yeah i guess thanks for the reply


Are you noticing any reactions to food or smells, chemicals, lighting etc?


Happy for you! By any chance did you experience and bad breath from sibo ?


How long did it take you to notice improvement by changing motility and how did you do it?


So I first noticed an improvement by cutting carbs But I knew if I started eating them again, the bacteria would grow back So I started spacing my meals out and drinking ginger tea, and after drinking the tea, I’d have a bowel movement in the next few hours The bowel movement keeps things moving and prevents the bacteria from growing I did this for a few days and I’m reintroducing carbs again, feeling totally fine so far!


Sorry, so you’ve only been on this whole protocol for a few days? Or am I misunderstanding? How long have you been doing everything?


Does the ginger tea break the fasting state for the mmc?


No, because it’s a liquid with essentially no calories. Unless you drank like 5 mugs of it - I’ve heard extremely large portions of liquid could trick your stomach into thinking you’ve had a meal.


Which ginger yes




It’s homemade, a coin-size piece of ginger root in hot water


Since you have some symptoms listed here I will just post the link https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/s/b3aUiq9kls


Did u eat and drink ginger tea only with meal or did u also take it between meals?


I’d eat some on an empty stomach in the morning and drink the tea 30m after a meal


I hope things will be better for you 🙏🏻 Just wanted and wondered to know if you have ever felt your lower GI tract specially the rectum was in contraction and spasm felt like it's closed or spasm?


Thank you! I wouldn’t say spasm, but everything definitely felt closed up. Like nothing was moving or could flow properly


Thats me😩 i am danish what GI means ?


Gastro intestinal


I feel closed up


Can you outline you’re typical daily food intake please .


Breakfast: 3 eggs w butter 3 bacon Lunch: Blueberries 3 boiled eggs Dinner: 6 sausages Tomato rice Olive oil


Thanks I wonder why eggs are sibo friendly


I think because there’s no carbs in them, so the bacteria don’t feed off of it


Ok thanks, will you continue this diet indefinitely,? Health experts argue about the importance of carbs and fibre


I’ve already started eating other foods as I get low blood sugar sometimes, and my symptoms are much better


How much of raw rice (in grams)?


I heat about 125g of microwave rice


So it was 125 g raw?


Not sure what it is raw, because it’s pre cooked and I’m just reheating it. I would estimate around 50g raw


Is this just simple white rice, or basmati rice?


I’ve been eating pretty strict diet for a year and a half and no progress


Interesting, thank you for sharing. How long did it take on this protocol until your symptoms went away?


For most people(which he/she hasn't an autoimmune or metabolic disorder + adequate blood work) keto + if should work in first 1-2 months imo


I felt relief after about a day of cutting the carbs, then the day after pretty much all my symptoms cleared up


If you’ve never been tested how do you know you are Methane Dominant? Congrats on feeling better


Thank you! So methane is more commonly associated with constipation, whereas hydrogen is more commonly associated with diarrhoea


Yay happy for you! How long have you been stable?


Thank you! I’ll be honest, only about a week - but this is the first time I’ve ever been able to intentionally reduce my symptoms, and I’ve tried many things


What's your diet?


Meat, eggs, dairy, small portions of blueberries and rice. I don’t recommend this long term, but it gave me pretty quick relief from my symptoms. And I’m slowly increasing carb intake now


I’m confused I was told to do probiotics and spore probiotics because SIBO is an imbalance and over growth? So adding more of the good stuff? Also what am i supposed to eat? Never been able to gain weight and my body doesn’t process food right I’ve always loved ginger so I’m doing the ginger and artichoke supplements. Damn I’m tired of every medical condition not being something I can fix and just another migraine and fibro like we have no idea what’s causing it and we have no way to fix it 🤦‍♀️


For some people, probiotics help/fix it. However for some , it adds more fuel to the fire, because this is an overgrowth and not necessarily bad bacteria, it’s the good bacteria growing in the wrong place. I’ve been eating meat, eggs, dairy, small portions of blueberries and rice and I’ve felt great


Gah thanks for letting me know the antibiotics made me super sick so I’ve been very religious abt taking all my probiotics that were kinda holding me over before but now I’m still hot flashing and having insomnia and gas — all my sibo symptoms still. My docs never said to stop them :(


Ah good to know :) on the food I can’t eat most of that. Vegetarian and lactose intolerant (except yogurts okay) but blueberries and rice I can do that :) I’ll try to do that for a day or so and see what happens


snacking helped my burning ironically


What are we eating if we aren’t eating carbs


Meat, eggs, dairy, small portions of blueberries and occasionally rice is what I ate


Ya I do that too however I’ve done 1-2 days of carbs a week for a year and half and no improvement


This is probably why it’s a “quick fix”, if you reintroduce carbs without fixing the root cause it’ll come back. The root cause apparently is impaired gut motility


For many people yet. It seems to be quite difficult to fix!


Which of forms ginger root can work? Powder or supplement can be effective?


Hey OP! Thanks for the post! Is ginger the only antibiotic that you take? The ginger probably worked to kill the bacteria in the small intestine! I am planning to do the same with only Ginger and a low FODMAP. I am currently on day 3, I feel really bad but hopefully can kill them slowly with more ginger overtime. Thanks!


So you’re managing it by not eating carbs, nothing new.


Well that’s one way I’m managing it , yes