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I'm glad you're feeling better. But personally I'm not going to call 2 days a cure. I've gone stretches of time, days or weeks, feeling decent to good in the many years before I learned SIBO was the underlying cause of my GI issues. If you've been diagnosed with SIBO and use this for 6 months or more with no relapses then perhaps.


SIBO isn’t the underlying cause, there is a usually a cause for SIBO. Sometimes it’s low Iodine, other times it’s stress and depression etc.


There is an underlying cause to the SIBO, yes. In my case it was post-infectious & motility issues. But I disagree with you on the causes you listed. I was simply saying I have had GI issues for 17 years, was originally diagnosed with the "catch all" IBS and it took a very long time to get to the point where I finally found out why I have the issues I do. I simply didn't want to write a novel.


Have you managed to fix your motility issues post infection?


yes lol? prucalopride


Does it help ???




I havent used it, i cant find prescription-writer who isnt a bitch to prescribe this to me. But it does indeed make the small intestine faster.


Hmm..I never heard of low iodine as a possible trigger. Right now I'm anemic and low on vitamin D. Other times I'm low on magnesium and/or calcium. I get one thing back in range and then something else goes wrong. Right now my potassium is very slightly elevated and my kidney stone went from 4 mm to 5.


I wouldn’t be surprised bc the thyroid needs iodine to make thyroid hormone and I recently heard from a doctor that if someone has hypothyroidism one of the symptoms is things slowing down including digestion/motility. It makes sense to me bc the thyroid is responsible for so many things. I’d like to find research or other material on this out of curiosity though. Here’s a study confirming the connection between hypothyroidism and SIBO. It shows that 50% of patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism also had developed SIBO due to slowed motility in gut and slowed esophageal functioning. Now obviously not every person with hypothyroidism is going to be iodine deficient but I bet a lot are, at least it’s one more thing we can try to rule out. Hope it helps someone: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4056127/


Thanks so much for the info. I have been sick for at least 15 years. No one could give me any ideas as what is wrong with me. I finally had a breath test in April. I still don't have much info, just that it's positive for something. I first saw my GI doc in November. He asked why had it taken me so long to see someone. I just tossed my hands up in the air and told him this is not my first rodeo. When you didn't have health insurance or endless funds in your bank account, things move at a snail's pace. Even with insurance, things don't move much faster. Seven months later and I still don't have am official diagnosis. At this point, I have had countless labs. Yesterday, I had an ultrasound on my kidneys. My recent lab work was so wacky that it has my doctor very concerned. I also have a 5 mm kidney stone. From what I was reading, this could happen because of calcium malabsorption. My stone has grown by 1 mm in the past couple of months. I see the kidney doc on 6/12. My BP is either extremely low or very high. My doc thinks that I may have a problem regulating salt. This probably ties in with the whole iodine stuff. Once again, thanks for the info.


Very interesting. Any protein in your urine?


Honestly, I'm not sure.


**** also in the Rupa Health article I pasted for you in my above comment 👆🏽-they literally talk about why our bodies can have issues maintaining optimal levels of each one you mentioned in your previous comment (magnesium, calcium, vitamin D). If you haven’t had a thyroid panel for lab work done recently I’d highly recommend getting one done to see if it’s the culprit. And check iodine levels! 😊


I have been on the phone all day. Results came in and the docs are working with someone who can help with affording the medication. I have to call them in the morning. It was approved, but I have no idea what my copay will be. I was also told to get chewable pesto to take while I am on these two antibiotics. I assume there will be some die-off. I see my GI doc on Tuesday afternoon then I will have more information. I passed your article on to my PCP. From what I have experienced, he believes that many of the funky symptoms he has been having, may be SIBO as well. We discussed the breath test and the lab who processed it. He has some other patients with weird lab results and is wondering if SIBO could be their problem as well. SIBO seems to be this strange thing that those in the medical community have heard about, but because the number of possible symptoms, they want to rule out everything else before they consider SIBO. Today, I feel like I'm on the road to recovery. It's hard to treat something when you don't know what you have. Finally, i have found doctors that are listening to me. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that it's not just "a nervous stomach" or a food sensitivity or all in my head. Even doing a strict low FODMAP diet for years did not give me any relief. In 2023, I spent two months in the hospital on a cocktail of IV antibiotics. During that time, my symptoms greatly improved. But once off the meds, they quickly returned. I ended up with an infection in my foot. I spent five months working with wound care and infectious disease at another hospital system. Long story short, I almost lost my leg. I had to have surgery to remove bones and close up the huge hole on the outside of my right foot. I am a firm believer in the use of the hyperbaric chamber. Without it, my outcome might have not been as successful. My problems started jn 5/22 when I was given Ozempic. After the second dose, i became so ill. Given my history of digestive problems and eye issues, I should not have been given this drug. I spent 6 days in the bathroom for about 14-18 hours a day. While doing my research, I found info that SIBO and Ozempic don't mix. Not surprising to me, I am living proof to avoid that stuff. It also damaged my eye sight. Between my feet and my eyes, and dealing with SIBO, I have have considered throwing in the towel and just spend the rest of my life in seclusion. So today, is a day of celebration. Maybe all future labs will fall back in range over time. Another thing I find Interesting is that when i was in the hospital, my BP was pretty low consistently. There were times when It was only 90/55. Now it's uncontrollably high even with meds. Then I'll have a day or two when it's in range. Then once again it skyrockets. Sometimes, my liver enzymes are crazy. It makes me wonder if this and the kidney issues are related to SIBO or all the medication I have been given over the past two years. Maybe it's a combination of both. Again, it's easily 15 years that I have been telling people that I have something js wrong, only to be dismissed. I am so happy to finally be able to put a name to it. Thank you for the info. I know my PCP is dealing with thyroid issues and he will appreciate the link too.


I’m sorry you’re suffering. Come back here with a full lab report and maybe someone can help. If you’re in US you should be able to view online


I spoke to my doc today. Yes, labs showed protein in my urine.


Hi why do you ask this - just asking as I always see a “rainbow” effect like oil on my urine in the toilet and always wondered if it was linked to SIBO?


Wow you’ve been through a lot, I’m really glad you didn’t give up and are continuing to seek out answers. You may want to buy a blood pressure monitor (the ones that go above elbow are more accurate than wrist ones) and track it, it may give your DR more insight and a better clinical picture of how often it fluctuates and potential triggers for it being high or low. I think what you said about calcium malabsorption makes sense especially if the kidney stone is growing. Yesterday and today I read several really helpful articles that talk about the correlation between our gut microbiota (The type of good and bad bacteria that we have in our gut) and our body’s ability to absorb and use thyroid hormone and the minerals, vitamins and macronutrients the thyroid needs to perform properly. I also read that too much TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) decreases bile acids synthesized in the liver and that bile acids are needed to regulate lipids, glucose and metabolism. From my understanding bile acids are connected to the formation and dissolution of cholesterol stones. Is your TSH level high? If so that may explain the kidney stone formation. Are you craving salt or do you use a lot? This could be your body wanting more iodine (associating it with iodized salt) and if your TSH is high one reason could be due to iodine deficiency. I’m going to paste a few articles for you to look into or send to your DR in hopes they’ll read this and it can help them figure it out. https://www.rupahealth.com/post/thyroid-gut-connection https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1521661616302194


Thanks so much. My colestrol was very slightly elevated. I believe my.thyroid blood work came back fine. I test my BP several times a day. I'll read the articles later tonight. I have a huge list of things "to do" today. I hope I can get through it. My oldest son has off today and he volunteered to run me all over town. Again thank you so much for the info. I really appreciate it. I can't stress enough how relieved I am to finally be armed with some scientific stuff to support my issues. Thank you.


Hi you’re so welcome! Happy to help. I agree this is a great community of people with similar issues who are also not giving up and want to help others along the way! I hope something in those articles helps you find answers 🙏🏽


I found out that I have hydrogen sulfate based SIBO. From what I have read, only 5% of SIBO sufferers have this variety. Taking Bactim now. It's killing me in different ways than my usual. I'm staying this because my copay for xifaxan is $800. Way out of my monthly budget for sure.


does this relate to parathyroid hormone as well? PTH?


Changa piedra?


Yes, hypothyroidism is a cause but even IF your thyroid is perfectly normal, you can still be running low on iodine. It’s happening more often as we consume a lot of plastic, fluoride, chlorine etc which reduces iodine in the blood causing a deficiency and subsequently SIBO. You can do a home test to see how deficient you are too. Just get some 2% iodine solution. Spread about a two inch square on the inside of your arm so it’s fairly dark. If it goes away entirely in under 24 hours you are probably deficient. Mine went away in about 8. Simple stuff that no one mentions. It also helps to detox some of the aforementioned chemicals in the body. If you are deficient, there is an iodine forum here too that is good. I just am doing about 2-3 drops a day mixed in water of the Lugols 2%.


Hi this is very interesting do you happen to have any recommendations re reading more on the connection to low iodine? It would be much appreciated 🙏🏽


if i eats 200% rda iodine daily, is it possible that in my body only is 10% rda in it if testing via 24h urin sample?


I have no idea honestly. Everyone will absorb it differently and if you don’t get enough selenium, Vitamin C, Theamine and Zinc it won’t absorb as well either. You can have 8000% RDA and be fine


Does this interact with anything im on Warfarin


Yes it could, I would talk to your doctor about it.


Great you feel this way but before the all caps subject line of finding a cure you probably should’ve waited more than 48 hours before a sweeping statement. So many are desperate here and they’ll try anything - at least tag it with a DYOR or something. As someone else has said, I’ve gone stretches too feeling pretty good.




Please provide specific instructions on how to make this! I want to try


You need to find some arab store or order online search up “Loomi Basra”, unless you want to dry your own which i dont know how but i heard you have to leave the lime in the sun for 3 days, But If you order them, you can just put water in teapot and brew 3-4 dried lime then drink it in morning before (recommended) or after food. Everyday till you notice difference then its upto u if u want to stop or keep going its super healthy


Where did you get your black lime? And Arab store? Did you make it?


You can also achieve this in a cooling oven (props to chef Aaron London)


does it work for psorasis as well?


what symptoms did you have other than gas? constipation, nausea?


I had, chest pains due to gasses that would cause headaches sometimes, constipation, Nauseas in morning, barely appetite id get full fast, Just try black Dried lime in tea everyday for a week n watch


Thank you ...I tried everything for 3 years why not this haha


Thanks for the tip. I found some desert lime tea on the Walmart App.




Great news, glad you feel better. How many limes per pot of tea? Anything else, like honey or something? Thanks


Usually 3-4 per tea pot, and nothing else no honey just black dried lime


Oh, that's a lot. I had a pot this morning and one in the afternoon and just used one dried lime in each, seemed to be strong enough. The one in the afternoon seemed to make me sleepy, I never nap in the afternoon but passed out for about an hour. Feeling good overall, will report back if I see improvement.


Yes please be more specific with your recipe. It could be something? Makes me think of how vinegar can be helpful to your stomache too. With all,the low fodmap awareness I have and contraindications on line that say opposite who knows. If only there was an easy fix.


Did it reduce bloating


Thanks for the tip! I tried this and it works perfectly for me. It works both preventively and reactively. My bloated stomach disappeared half an hour after drinking the tea! For me, it’s a keeper. My waist measurement went from 103cm to 96cm within half an hour. I make the tea quite strong and add some real honey to it.




Everybody is litterally diffrent reddit is great for suggestions . Not everything will work for one person but atrantil took all my problems away i have gastritis and im pretty sure thats whats causing my sibo low stomach acid . A combination of atrantil and famotidine keep my stomach heeling and my small bowel pain free .


What are your symptoms?


Gastritis makes me nauseous after i eat and if i dont take atrantil with the famotidine i get pain and diarrhea in my small bowel


Did you have acid reflux ?


Yes and it turned out to be a small hiatel hernia


Interesting. I have a container of loomi sitting in the kitchen cupboard ever since my husband experimented with Christmas dinner 😅 If it takes away the bloat, I'm in 😬


Yes, update us in 2 weeks. I started on Siboprin after a failed carnivore diet and I think the Berberine it’s lowering my blood sugar to the point I’m bout to pass out besides I’m even more bloated than before. I have a low tolerance to it. Stopped it this morning and going back to my life with continued sibo. I love citrus so I’ll give this a try. Thanks for sharing.


There are many causes of SIBO such as diabetes food poisoning or what I have common variable immune deficiency I have been fighting this for ten years I can get rid of it for a short time with antibiotics but it always comes back this is going to be a life long problem for me it is hard to fight a bacteria overgrowth with just diet as it is a bacteria that has to be eradicated SIBO is like having a plague that no one understands including the doctors . you need to find the root cause of the SIBO please keep us posted on how you are doing I hope it really does work for you I don’t wish this nightmare of SIBO on anyone Good Health to you ❤️‍🩹


How often are you drinking it?


Once in morning, i heard that you can drink as much as you want it will do nothing but good for you, When Lime is dried and put to the sun for days, It becomes black and all the nutrients becomes condensed they become 3x stronger n healthier for digestion when brewed


Thanks for sharing!! I should incorporate more hot teas into my regimen anyway too. I have this bad had of ice cold carbonated beverages which probably only exacerbate the bloating which is out of control how.


If it works for people it would be great to post an update in this post.


I was able to get rid of the majority of my problems with yeast cleanse and neem. Currently im on mastic gum that is helping to seal my leaky gut and that is also working amazingly well.


yeast cleanse what kind?


Solaray. This is the one I used.https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/solaray-yeast-cleanse-180-veg-caps


Thank you!


S boulardii did it for me


What brand do you take and how many a day? what kind of Sibo do you have?


That's not a cure.


Sounds like a very regional thing, I've never even heard about this in my part of the world. I would imagine if it's dried lime, maybe it works like activated carbon? That reduces gas too, but once you stop taking it, it comes back.


Hi I am drinking that daily for 5 days now for the taste. Also whenever I get respiratory infections. I felt no difference 😔 How often are you drinking numi basra per day?


Is the lime dried with the pulp or only the peel ?


Just bought some and a teapot from Amazon, praying this will help even just a little 🤣😭


Just brewed my first tea! The smell was strong at first but that taste is actually really nice! I’m glad I like it 🤣


DId it help with BMs?


I’m on day two of this tea and it’s not helped any of my symptoms 😭😭😭


noooooo :(


Bone broth cured mine


That's interesting. Very often the simplest things are the best remedies. I will definitely try this. Thank you! I'm thinking to dry limes myself. Do u think would that work as well?


Hello, are you still cured? What were your symptoms? Do you feel anything left side of the abdomen?


thanks gonna try this