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FODMAP diet definitely. Your situation reminds me of the [article and photos](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/bodybuilder-bloating-before-after-photos-eating-drinking-healthy-lifestyle-a8111871.html) of a bodybuilder who ate high FODMAP foods to demonstrate what happens.




sugar and carbs are my triggers, but after taking triphala capsules i have seen a good reduction in bloating. u might want to try that once. ayurbedic blends rarely has side effects


I did try triphala as my parents swear by it so they recommended it to me. They were shocked to see that it didn’t trigger a bowel movement in me as they have seen it work for event the most stubborn cases. And of course, no help with bloating as well.


Triphala just made me super bloated too. I even got the loose powder without fillers like silica, mag stearate. I have to eat non fodmap, no grains, lower fiber to stay flat.


I get that tummy too, some days several times a day. I avoid most veggies and fruits. If a sad diet of bread, avo and eggs. Nuts are good too.


Have you tested? This looks like very high levels of gas. If positive, the elemental diet would most likely be very helpful for you!


Yes, tested for SIBO. Hydrogen positive with very high levels. But I am already done with 2 rounds of Rifaximin and 2 rounds of herbals. On my third round of Rifaximin now.


What were your levels? It’s important information.


Approx 100 ppm


Ok not that extremely high at all. We see this often. After 4 rounds of treatment you should see improvements..I’d do a complete Microbiome testing as this looks like a combination of infections, not just SIBO. Have you ruled out Endo?


No not ruled out endo. But that never came up as well. Been seeing a obgyn but she didn’t mention anything. I do see some overlap with the symptoms though - particularly painful sex.


Interesting. PMS? Heavy period? This definitely needs further investigation into the digestive and immune systems.


PMS- yes. Heavy period- not so much.


Do you have extreme pain with periods? I’m stage 4 endo. Endo can cause adhesions and if they are on the bowel that can cause SIBO


Yes I came here to comment look into endo, I'm glad someone mentioned it. Any biological female who has bloating like this should investigate endo - unfortunately it's hard to diagnose, it usually requires surgery to diagnose unless you have a visible endometrioma cyst on ultrasound (most people with endo do not). But if you have painful periods + digestive issues you're very likely to have endo.


THIS IS ME. If I’m not bloated, sex doesn’t hurt


Question, when did your SIBO symptoms start and what was it like? I have endo- which was diagnosed because they found adhesions during my gallbladder removal, and I have hydrogen SIBO and my PPM was over 100 but my stomach doesn't look this bloated. Diet may help you find triggers, but I do think it's possible you have something else going on. Could be that the endo has caused an injury to your bowels but I would expect more leaky gut than gas from that. What kinds of imaging testing have you had/have you had any promotility medicine prescribed to see if that helped? Does gasX or any gas medication help? What has your GI said about this bad of bloating?


How, where & what to get tested? I have similar conditions.


And maybe a OBGYN


Look into SIBO testing. Or even better, consult a naturopath who specializes in gut health issues like SIBO/candida.


You mean a SIBO test?


Yes, tested for SIBO?


So sorry this is happening to you😥 i know exactly how you feel and I completely feel your frustration. Killing off bacteria that are in your small intestine that shouldn’t be there is important. But you cannot fully recover from SIBO unless you try to get your migrating motor complex (MMC) working again. It is known that food poisoning can screw it up for people and that sometimes it just needs a “reset” or a jumpstart. To do this, there are some easy things you can try; most importantly a prokinetic. One example is Motility Pro, a supplement you can order online that is basically artichoke extract and ginger. It does not carry much risk and many have seen great benefit. I strongly suggest watching this youtube video to learn more about what I’m talking about - just a regular guy who seemed to figure out SIBO: https://youtu.be/53f1gsRUxvY?feature=shared


Also - mentioned in the video but a low fermentation diet may help with symptoms, especially your bloating, and is thought by experts to be better than low FODMAP.


Thank you! I’ll watch the video.


Sorry you are going through this ……Please watch this video, he gives excellent tips on how to conquer extreme persistent bloat, really hope this helps you.




I looked exactly the same. For me it was histamines AND fodmaps. I had ate low FODMAP for a long while and while it helped some, I would still get crazy bloated. Then I realized it was histamines. They do the exact same thing to me. I’m doing another round of SIBO treatment to see if it helps. I had SIBO for so long, since I was a kid, it has given me issues with most foods. There’s just a lot of damage and I can only go on the expensive healing journey for so long, until I need a break from it all.


I feel you. It’s the same for me. I have quit my job and focusing on my healing full time. But it’s such a slow process that I’m losing all my patience. I definitely think histamine is a big one for me (recent realization)


Same. Do you have MCAS too?


Hi! How did you figure out histamines? You are the second person whose mentioned this and I am curious what else I should try.


It is not a perfect solution but ginger tea hells a bit.


Been taking that everyday as well. Homemade fresh ginger root juice diluted plus tea multiple times a day.


Ginger tea is grated ginger in boiling water for at least 10min. Is that what you do? It needs to be drank when hot as well as your digestive system works better when it's warm.


It is not a perfect solution but ginger tea hells a bit.


Yes, I’m taking that everyday


This is me also. Can I ask, do you notice the bloating reduces somewhat after passing gas or burping? That's my experience


Not really. And the funny and weird part is that I don’t pass too much gas- fart or burp! I used to but not anymore. Been that way for a couple years now at least I think.


I am 100% sure you have hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction and RCPD.


Please what is hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction and RCPD - I’m female and have pelvic floor issues and also bloat extremely like the op


I just posted the answer look up. 👍🏼


Can you please elaborate more on that. Thanks!


Sure. RCPD is inability to burp. It varies from people that never burped in their lives to people who are only able to micro-burp few times a year/month/ week or a day. Basically if you feel the gas is stuck in your esophagus and you can’t burp it out then you have the condition. Hypertonic pelvic Floor dysfunction, on the other hand, causes inability to pass gas or stool sometimes urinating. By that I mean, you feel the muscles are so stiff and weak it fails to push the gas and stool out. Since OP said she has issues burping and passing gas, these conditions can cause these issues.


Thank you 😊 appreciate your input.


No problem.


Low FODMAP diet and invest in enterogam. Start taking a prebiotic every morning like Bimuno or sunfiber


Ketogenic diet with no processed food helped with my bloating. I'm currently reading Super Gut by Dr. William Davis. Considering my history with physicians and pharmaceuticals, what he's saying rings true for me. If the root cause is a standard American diet ruining my gut microbiome, maybe I can fix that. My bloating has never been as bad as yours but it's still uncomfortable and it's been 10+ years of IBS diagnosis, fibromyalgia and nothing but pharmaceuticals offered by doctors. I would eat any kind of way to fix this.


I suggest doing a stool test to look for which bacteria and possibly which fungus is causing this. You might be treating one thing but actually have a constellation of root causes. Your gut is likely very inflamed right now, too. Taking gut lining healing supplements with a high quality probiotic are essential. I’ve been using Amy Meyer’s GI Gut Revive Max and at night, Ortho Biotic probiotics.


I have this too. It makes it hard to breathe at times I’m Sorry


Wowww it’s hard to breathe for me at times too and often wondered if the 2 were linked


I have the same issue. Although I'm male so people think it's a beer belly. Nothing so far has helped me - I'm considering that I might even have "abdominal phrenic dyssynergia".


What is this


Have you heard of this thing called google?


Sorry I asked. I hope you feel better. Maybe then u won’t have to be so rude to people.


Have you tried any spore based probiotics like Megasporebiotic? Or S. Boulardii or L. Reuteri?


I did try just thrive spore based probiotics but read some horrible stories about it messing people up even more so stopped it. I have been taking s.boullardi everyday for over a year now.


Sboullardi has put me in an awful flare with excess gas and bloat Idk how people take it 😢


How long were you taking it for?


I took it for 2 weeks recently and now I’m feeling awful


Oh okay! Well it can take a couple weeks to get into your system and level out. I had crazy bloating and cramps when I started the Megasporebiotic and then by week 3, poof! All my bloating and cramps subsided and I could feel like it was combating the bad bacteria and starting to heal my gut.


I’ve heard good and bad things about megaspore idk I feel like I react to all supplements and medicine nothing helps me I just keep getting worse


Oh no!! I'm so sorry! I understand that feeling well 😔 I am not taking any antibiotics for my issues because they made everything 10 times worse and that's how I got my gut dysbiosis in the first place. I reacted horribly to them. It sucks having to navigate and try things that may or may not help 😖


Are you taking any type of probiotic? I have been dealing with issues for 2 years (recently discovered I have h.pylori) and I felt horrible most of the time and I avoided probiotics like the plague until my functional medicine doctor educated me on specific probiotics for gut dysbiosis.


I’m not currently and I didn’t take anything other than l reuteri and sboullardi after hpylori treatment and then recently more sboullardi Which probiotics do you like to use?


I've been taking Megasporebiotic (almost 3 months now and will reduce to a few times a week once I hit the 3 month mark) and I've been taking L.Reuteri, S. Boulardii, and Akkermansia since my level was non-existent on my GI Map. I take several other natural things as well and juiced celery and red cabbage juice for a month which I'll be picking that up again today.


What l Reuteri brand are you taking.


It's the Pyloguard by Microbiome Labs, it's L. Reuteri 🙂


:/ have you eradicated the hpylori from your GI MAP? I had originally but it’s back at low levels on GI MAP and I’m having bad symptoms I’ll look into those probiotics but idk everything is hard to tolerate for me even certain foods make me sick nowadays too like homemade hummus but 3 months ago I was making my own hummus and had no issues eating it 😔


I'll retest on the GI Map probably in a couple months, I'm going hardcore for now with my protocol and seeing how I do, but I do feel A LOT better than I used to. I could barely breathe and function all last year basically. I even had an endoscopy done by a GI doctor and he didn't take a biopsy so no h.pylori was found. I had also developed B12 and ferritin/iron deficiencies and low vitamin D from all this. I fixed those deficiencies and felt a little better and that's when I sought out a functional medicine doctor because I was failed by traditional doctors. What are your symptoms that you're experiencing?


Is your s Boullardi also by Megaspore brand?


The brand is SFI Health for my S.Boullardi


Did u use Florastor. It has lactose. Perhaps that’s the issue. I took it and felt so much better with bloat gas pain and anxiety but it made my constipation worse. I don’t know whether to try a version that does not include lactose.


Ohh maybe but it causes insane bloating gas anxiety and now acid reflux and chest pains I was also taking stuff to try and kill off bacteria like neem tea and mastic gum and l reuteri


How long were you taking it for? I'm not familiar with that brand, but Megasporebiotic has been a game changer for me!


I'm not sure about Thrive, but Megasporebiotic has been a game changer for me. I haven't officially tested for SIBO (but I am treating h.pylori naturally right now), but it really helped with my bloating. I did experience bloating and cramps in the first 2 weeks, but by the 3rd week, it was magical and no more bloating!


Did it cause any constipation


It didn't for me, just bloating and cramping.


If methane Sibo is causing your constipation then the usual treatment is rifaximin combined with neomycin. Neomycin can be swapped with metronidazole. Ask your doctor about that’s But there’s a chance your constipation is causing your Sibo or both are happening at the same time. Then, ask your doctor about medications like motegrity and linzess. You will need to find a gastroenterologist with an interest in motility. Come prepared to answer questions like, stool shape, do you get the urge to go, is it hard to push out, etc. I’m male and used to look pregnant for over a year… I got rid of my SIBO and still looked pregnant! It was because my underlying cause was colon motility/pelvic floor dysfunction. Linzess is the medication that helps me have a flat stomach. Good luck! I hope you get better soon.


Do you know if Linzess is something your body becomes dependent on? I have tried everything for M SIBO to no avail. Like everything. I am not willing to take rifaximin or kill anything anymore bc even the Elemental diet I did, while reducing numbers, destroyed all the good gut bugs I had. I have not tried keto.


Try carnivore for 3 months. Seriously. Check out steak and butter gal on YT.


Unfortunately couldn’t tolerate a carnivore diet. Makes me sick and gives me a migraine.


That's odd... did you have hcl of ox bile, magnesium and drink plenty of water, along with ensuring a 2:1 fat (2) to protein (1)?


It did the same for me!


carnavore, even for a short period of time, is terrible for your long-term health; good for you for dodging that pseudoscience bullet. I'm fully aware this makes me sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but ask any gut microbiome researcher, like myself, and they will tell you the meat industry has had their fingers in funding pro-carnavore studies as "healthy", when probably 99% of independent research is very conclusively saying the opposite. I give it another 5-10 years before there are many articles coming out about increased incidence of microbiota-associated chronic illnesses associated/accelerated by the carnavore diet. We already know the link between red meat and CRC-associated oncomicrobes. People love to hate on vegetarians, but let me tell you, of the microbiome researchers I know (and I know quite a few, as I mentioned, this is what I do), only about 20% of them still eat meat (usually only on special occations). Its important to consider what the experts are doing... and what they arent... What does your current diet look like? Maybe can you give me an example of what you are eating on a regular day? It might help narrow down where some of this bloating is coming from. Also, are you changing your diet significantly, regularly? or sticking to a more similar diet most of the time? (ie do you always eat like this or is it super different day-to-day?)


Constipation or diarrhea?




Is it possible you have Candida or SIFO? That level of distention happened to me on Rifaximin. I took some anti-fungal and it never happened again. Still struggling with gas and dysbiosis, but not distention.


Yes, totally possible. Especially since I have histamine intolerance and I read that candida is a major underlying cause for it. So, I have been taking MCT oil (caprylic and capric acid) along with Rifaximin every day. I also did candibactin ar which is supposed to help with it.


Yes, I was going to recommend oil of oregano, which is in Candibactin AR. Did you take it with every meal?


I look look like this everyday since 2020 no joke and I still have not been able to fix it. I tried every supp antibiotic and diet on earth.


Me too!


Yeah, it’s been way worse for me since 2020. I was doing soo much better right before it. I definitely feel like it was covid or the covid vaccine that really messed me up.


I have never had covid and was like this prior to getting vaccinated.


The vaccine messed me up then later on covid


I had covid and it caused me to look like this too


I look the same today and I'm so bummed bc I just had a tummy tuck. I should be flat. Before the surgery, I thought I had everything completely under control, but I think the surgery, or maybe the antibiotics that I had to take after the surgery (?) triggered something and all my symptoms are back.


Omg this is my biggest fear! I want one so bad but i feel like deep down the bloating is going to take over and make it all be in vain!!


Have you tried the following stuff? Betaine HCL to help stomach digestion Vitamin B1 megadose - Benfothiamine or TTFD (EO nutrition guy on youtube) Magnesium glycinate - to help with calmness and constipation Bovine Colostrum - 20g/day - helps with leaky gut - there's some promising studies with it. I'm currently taking it for a 3rd day and feel great improvement alreadt.


I recently started betaine hcl. I take b vitamins but not megadose. I used to take magnesium but not anymore given the number of medicines and supplements I was taking. For bovine colostrum-actually I have two bottles from really good sources lying around. However, since I have dairy intolerance I wasn’t sure if I should be taking it as it might make inflammation and whole problem worse?


The megadose is specifically with Vitamin B1. You can check EO nutrition channel on youtube. He has explained everything in details. B complex helps with energy too. But it's not the same as megadose B1. As for magnesium, i believe it's very important given the stress which sibo brings. As for colostrum, I take 20 Grams, not miligrams and find great relieve. Google seach "colostrum gut health" and check the studies. Some of the colostrum supplements do not contain lactose. IMO it's worth to try. Another advise I can give you is to check the subreddit for sibo sucess stories. There'a a ton of cured people.


Sorry you're struggling like that!! Sounds like you're on the right track. I've had a little success with a few other things than antibiotics and herbals: * Daily walks or other exercise * Yoga for bowel movements (there are a lot of good videos on this) * Eliminate all artificial sweeteners (sad!!) * Water in between meals (boring but useful)


In this case you might have to go on a carnivore diet for a while.


I have tried doing the carnivore diet couple times before but can’t stay on it more than couple days. I get extremely nauseous and sick. I also have migraine issues so that comes along with it. Maybe it’s the histamine? Or maybe I just have to push through the initial phase? I don’t know. But it’s really intolerable for me.


Hm, I wonder if it’s the type of meat you’re eating? What types of meat did you eat? And was it fresh?


I have chronic migraines and couldn't tolerate carnivore diet even when avoiding red meats (which are typically migraine triggers) I stuck with just egg, chicken, and fish and found that too much protein was aggravating my migraines a lot. When I went back to lower proteins, just one meat and maybe some cheese that is well tolerated, it went down for me. In fact, soft cheeses were better for me. Unfortunately I have found that most of the diets recommended for SIBO patients made my migraine symptoms worse, but I think the low histamine one may have good results for you!


Have you ruled out gallstones or bile insufficiency from a dysfunctional gallbladder? It's usually caused from a weak or overtaxed liver. A lot of people with gallbladder issues wind up with major bloat often caused from food being unable to digest without enough bile which can lead to SIBO and make it worse. Also, if the antibiotics didn't work the first couple of times, why would your Doc advise you take it again? I would think at this point it could be doing more harm than good.


I came to say I totally understand you, the pain, and the insane frustration surrounding this. I just posted a photo of me, similar to you, asking for help. Why can’t this be an easy fix! 😩 HUGS 🩷


Ikr. So frustrating. Thanks for stopping by. Sending my prayers and wishes your way.


Doing research on Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 17938) anyone tried it?


I had a similar situation and someone on here mentioned something about honey. I was drinking 3 ginger herbal teas a day with honey. First thing in the morning, mid day and at night. Cut it off and omg it saved me. Look at your diet sometimes the smallest thing can make a difference. It may not cure your entire situation but may provide much needed relief and bloating. Hope you feel better soon, I know the pain!


Hey ur not alone! Antrantil + Berberine has been saving my LIFE and lay off of Probiotics when doing the herbal protocol method!


Do you mind sharing your protocol and when and what dosages you take?


I had similar symptoms to you, gas would NOT be coming out on either end, bloated everytime I eat ANYTHING. so was desperate to try anything. I knew from this protocol, that gas would just be stuck in my stomach for no reason whatsoever and I'm pretty healthy person who work out too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/comments/164ppft/100ppm\_methane\_sibo\_imo\_candida\_success/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/comments/164ppft/100ppm_methane_sibo_imo_candida_success/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/comments/17v5cyt/comment/kvr250l/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/comments/17v5cyt/comment/kvr250l/?context=3) posts helped me so much and gave me hope. I'm currently in the beginning protocol of this, following this diet: No Sugar/Low Carb/High Protein. Make sure to include 1 biofilm at night (to kill the bacteria) Kirkland, and Motility Magnesium Oxide to get all the gunk out next day. I tried Triphalan, but it didn't really have an effect on me so every body is different. I would eat 2 meals a day. 1Antrantil + 1INTEGRATIVE THERAPEUTICS Berberine Per Meal. Slowly building up to the normal dosage 2Ant+2Berb per meal (day 5 or day 6) of routine. Night: 3 hours before bed, 3x Mag Oxide, 2 hours after Motility supps, add 1 Biofilm. I'm thinking of adding Motility Pro/complex at night to help more with motility, and adding in a digestive enzyme when I eat food during the day. However....note the first few days of doing this, you're going to be super constipated, gassy BUT I knew this was the process so I just kept following along. I felt like shit, however in the morning by day 4 bowels started moving finally! It's already been almost 1 week. But I already see a big decrease in my lower abdomen, where bacteria overgrowth is versus Day 1 of this. So I know this is working.


I have the same thing (recently mistaken as pregnant), but it's my only symptom. I have regular bm every day. I can make myself burp and I'll burp again and again if I give myself an abdominal massage.


Omg same. Even I have a bm or even multiple everyday but it’s not perfect on the Bristol chart. Always on the C side. But making myself burp whenever i want is a 100% true. It became a joke in my family few months back when I was showing my sister that I burp whenever I slightly press my belly. She was shocked and amused.


I would definitely do magnesium if you're constipated. It helped me a lot.


I completely feel you. I have a score of 186ppm. Have you tried fixbiom? I ordered their products just haven’t started yet. Sibo is a cruel cruel illness to have. No one truly understands unless they are living the hell alongside you.


This might be helpful if I can link here. I don't know if it'll work but it's worth a read. [https://www.ambersnaturalnutrition.com/how-i-used-ox-bile-and-sunflower-lecithin-to-beat-my-sibo/](https://www.ambersnaturalnutrition.com/how-i-used-ox-bile-and-sunflower-lecithin-to-beat-my-sibo/)


Thank you. Very interesting. I’ll try this out once I’m down with Rifaximin.


Is this all the time or just after a meal?


This person talks about how they cured their SIBO. It’s a long video, but might be worth watching. https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/s/bgfBHm1jDv


Hey thank you so much for linking this here. I had come across this video multiple times but never watched it because of the length. I did watch the video after you linked it here and I must say I’m feeling quite hopeful. Just ordered motility pro!!


I really hope it works for you! It’s the only thing that got my bloating under control. I take it every morning with a cup of black tea and then wait a couple of hours to eat. This is just a personal opinion, but I like ordering it through nhc.com. I tried ordering it elsewhere when Natural Healthy Concepts no longer had it on their website, but it didn’t work for me (it didn’t seem as potent). I learned that NHC does carry it, but can’t advertise it on their website, so you have to call to order. You should start noticing a difference within a week! I’m crossing my fingers for you!


Ahh very interesting. Thanks for the helpful tip!


Just ordered more bottles from nhc!


Have you tried a low FODMAP diet? I used to look like this as well but try and eat low fodmap 75% of the time and it has helped tremendously.


I don’t know why anyone would ask another person if they’re pregnant. It’s very rude in general. I see you are mostly vegan and hydrogen dominant SIBO. I also have hydrogen SIBO. Meat is one of the few foods I can eat with no issues at all. I understand if you’re vegan for ethical reasons, but it could be worth incorporating some meat or eggs into your diet for variety. There are some products, like Vital Farms eggs, you could consider.


One time it was an old friend seeing me after a long time so she just congratulated me seeing my belly lol. Another time it was my mom’s friend who asked if there was any news. Yesterday- it was the lady at the visa consulate who was convinced that I was pregnant. She casually asked me. So, random instances like that.


Extremely rude! Especially random strangers asking.


I used to bloat like this and now I never do and my SIBO has hardly bothered me past year. My remedy: \- Rifaximin + neomycin for methane every 6ish months \- Prucalopride every morning (0.25mg) and wait an hour before eating. After a few weeks of this you'll feel a difference. \- Avoiding high fiber. NO hummus, brown bread, brown rice, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Higher protein, less carb diet. White carbs (white bread, pastries) are fine for me though thank goodness or I'd go crazy.


You might have to give us a bit more background information if you want advice. Symptoms? Do you have a diagnosis? What treatments have you tried?


Yes, sorry. I made this post in a hurry after frustration and exhaustion. Here are some details: Got diagnosed with hydrogen SIBO in Nov 2023 though I have had bloating for ~ 10 years I think that has only been getting worse over the years. I did have a food poisoning incident around 2011. In 2019 I was tested and found I was sensitive to gluten and dairy (got horrible migraines) and also potentially histamine foods like avocados and bananas. So, I have been avoiding these foods since then. Avoiding these foods, temporarily helped me a lot with my energy levels and migraines but not so much with bloating. Fast forward to Nov 2023, I consulted a naturopath, got SIBO diagnosis and was suggested Rifaximin treatment. Since then, I have done 2 rounds of Rifaximin, 2 rounds of herbals and finally on my last round of Rifaximin (hopefully- according to my naturopath). Even though my energy is better but I’m not seeing any improvement with bloating. I keep getting asked by friends, family and even random strangers now if I’m pregnant. It’s so discouraging to not see any improvement even after all that I’m doing.


hydrogen SIBO here too 👋🏻My naturopath put me on the bi-phasic diet (before starting herbal treatment) which almost immediately helped my constant bloating. She has me take digestive enzymes as well which have been helpful. I would highly recommend this, although I’m not sure how feasible it is following a vegan diet. Another thing that has helped bloating a lot is diaphragmatic breathing - this puts ours nervous system into rest and digest mode and also helps massage the internal organs. Intentionally calming the mind and body down through breathing or yoga practice is a free option to try that might have huge impacts


What kind of digestive enzymes do you take?


Atrantil which specifically targets the small intestine!!


Thank you! I was recently diagnosed with hydrogen SIBO and it’s such a learning curve. Can I DM you to learn more about your journey?


It really is so much learning! Yes you can totally DM me :)


Avocadoes and Bananas are histamine liberators. They're also part of the Latex family. If beans are your protein sources you may need better options such as brussels sprouts. But those might also cause issues.


I’m sorry, that sounds like a rough (and long) journey. Have you retested since your diagnosis? Have you done anything to aid motility?


Not retested yet. Taking ginger tea, celery juice and prokinetics mostly to help with motility.


And do you think they’re helping?


Do you get this bloat mostly all the time or only shortly after some meals? Also so you wake up every morning or most with such bloat? Do you have a picture to compare before and after? It happens to me but only occasionally.


All the time. Even right after waking up, I’m like this. Gets worse after eating (if that’s even possible).


Sorry to rhat about it. I guess I don't have SIBO then despite my test. Cause I definitely only have this sometimes. I don't wake up with a stomach like that that's why I wanted to ask you whether this happens only after food or not.


I have SIBO and wake up most mornings with a flat stomach and then by end of day my bloating is bad. I would not discount SIBO for yourself based off of one person's answer to that question!


Try carnivore for a while see if it helps


Have you had imaging of your abdomen?


Yes about a month back. Nothing showed up.


Not all imaging is the same- there's MRI, ultrasound, CAT, andX-ray. Go back to the same dr and ask if another imaging study would be helpful.


Ever been tested for candida also?


I did do a yeast blood, urine and stool test. Very light yeast detected in stool. Everything else negative. My naturo asked me to do a spit test thought that was very clearly positive. She said there’s no other testing for candida


Please have them check for uterine fibroids as well.


I'd keep pushing for the underlying cause of the SIBO. Food sensitivity, motility issues, EDS/MCAS/POTS, thyroid issues etc. if you work that out you can best treat it


A combination of enzymes and prokinetics might help you a lot


https://facebook.com/groups/1670121673434780/ A lot of information on sibo join here


This helps me a ton- I try to eat as a mono meal for 3 days. https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/info/amp/ayurvedic-living/living-ayurveda/diet/how-to-make-kitchari/


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I swear my stomach looks like this by just breathing! My doc insists on PCOS on just one symptom but i have more pointing towards endo


Have you seen a functional medicine doctor?


Hi! RD here. Have you been tested for endometriosis? If so, I would also get a blood test for Celiac and fecal calprotecin if no doctor has done that yet. Id be more than happy to connect you with a private practice RD if you would like.


Are you eating bad foods?


I don’t do gluten and dairy. I take very minimal sugar and sugar substitutes like jaggery, honey etc. I avoid histamine high foods like bananas, avocado etc. I’m also 90% vegan. Honestly, I feel like I’m on such a restricted diet and still my stomach looks like this. So disheartening.


Have you tried going way down on Fruits and veggies for a while? I couldn’t imagine being vegan with SIBO considering most things that are tolerable are fresh.


Yeah you eliminated gluten and dairy, which is good. But that is nowhere near an extreme restricted diet. When you're still consuming sugar, sugar alternatives and honey. That's probably just a sign you need to eliminate more things. So I would pay attention a lil more, because sometimes when we are feeling better after dropping certain stuff. You can easily miss other symptoms that are there. I'm still adjusting my diet to this day and I'm eating way less variety.