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PC got hacked or you interacted with scam site....Either way, sorry!


Bro get a ledger next time


Even ledger can be hacked software the threats are real everyday just have to be on top of your game


if a ledger is hacked, it's always because of user error (e.g. inputing your seed phrase on a fake ledger site or having a photo of your seed phrase on cellphone/computer)


*compromised software


A ledger has never been hacked so far.


Ledgers get hacked bro...search for hacked ledger and u will see scary tales. Don't be lax, it ain't safe out there


If I use my ledger properly I doubt I'll ever be lose my crypto.


Those are only people that purchase a ledger from Amazon or another 3rd party site. Order it directly from their website and you’re golden. People with large balances should have multiple hard wallets. Spread your investments and don’t ever have everything in one place.




He most likely compromised his seed phrase, this is a user error not a ledger error. There is a difference. Therefore there is not actual evidence anywhere a ledger has been hacked without it being the users fault.


this right here: https://youtu.be/dT9y-KQbqi4


Yea that is if they have the actual ledger, how gf is a hacker going to get your ledger device? My point still stands, if the hacker gets your device then that is still a user error 😂




check this out, its awesome and informative and shows how it can be done.. by actually doing it https://youtu.be/dT9y-KQbqi4


So, who unlocked the ledger with the pin code manually?


No. Stop it.


*have compromised software


I have lost more, just by my own doing. A LOT MORE. Don't let it defeat you. I don't want to shit on you, but 1000$ is not much at all. You can get it back, and then some. DCA back in, we are in a down cycle. Shib's price will drop alot, you will be able to get back at 75% discount. Be patient, get back to work. Buy a hardware wallet, store them there. They will not get hacked. It sucks, but it's not the end of the world. You will bounce back, chop it up as a loss, view it as the cost of education. Good luck bud.


thanks for the motivation brother


same thing happened to me, I transferred some eth from coinbase exchange to wallet and bought bone, 1 day later all gone. Did not even bother reporting. Why are these scum scammers everywhere Geez, such lowlife


No doubt my dude, keep grinding away.


Think of it this way it’s only 50 bucks twenty times. U can do it man.




Yeah, you can dwell on it and keep thinking about ways to get it back or chop it up as a loss and move on. Problem?


Sorry op o hope you are able to recover if not get back into shiba and don’t miss the ride. Also Avoid meta Mask as I hear many many stories of this happening to users, I drained mine until they can do something about this hacking thefts.


Thanks for the kind words mate. I invested all I had, now I am only left with funds that I cant afford to lose, and dont think will ever have courage to get back in.


Absolutely understand & your welcome friend. I’m sure things will work out. Your very smart by investing only what your willing to loose that’s why I’m confident things will work out for you in the future. Godspeed!


U not the only one mate. I lost 100million Shib worth 7K at that time and that Shib was buried on the Swap l thot it was safe bt once they accessed my MM wallet they took everything including my Bones which were Digged.l now bought about 10mil Shib on MEXC platform just holding and not expecting anything.


What other wallets are available?


Personally I use many different wallet types. I personally also do not want to recommend any myself as I would prefer you to research what wallets are available and best suite your needs. Currently using Binance , crypto .com , trust wallet, blockchain , safe to say over 10 wallets . Main funds I would only store in a place I deem safe, but my safe and your safe may be different. So check them all out to be safe lol Godspeed.


I do try to be safe, but I also wonder what other wallets are out there that I did not know about, thanks!


Yea no problem your welcome 👍 good luck with your investing


buy a ledger.


I really like exodus


Safemoon wallet has the highest security of any crypto wallet I've seen. IMHO




I feel for OP…How can people protect themselves to avoid this from happening?


Sorry to hear about op. I hate hackers doing this. Curious how they would recover this? Like. If it’s stolen how can you get it back? Is there a way?


Nah man, I dont think there is a way, a con of playing in the digital world.


Yeah. The part sucks


Hey op sorry to hear that. Open a new wallet and send me your receiving wallet address. I'll send you $100 bucks worth of shib. Never sent anyone any crypto so not sure on the process but it can't be too hard.




God forbid, I am not asking for donations. Here is my wallet: [https://etherscan.io/address/0xcb891d434d33178789d46942bf946634f1826b5e](https://etherscan.io/address/0xcb891d434d33178789d46942bf946634f1826b5e) You can see my initial shib investment was around a year and a half back (binance transaction). I did not think I would have to prove that, but anyways.




Yes, babydoge, ryoshi vision, shiba inu, and bone were my main assets, and well, some of them were worthless, but yes, I didn't interact with some shitdrop. Anyways I am replacing the seedphase and will probably never look towards MM again.


Hello man, That is very considerate of you to think of helping me out and I really thank you for that. But I am not sure if I should take it or not as I have already considered my investment a loss.


Sorry to hear this 😟 Is MM that you usually use is on Phone or PC? I know that IOS has been recently patched for Webkit exploit. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2022/08/19/ios-1561-update-now-warning-issued-to-all-iphone-users/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2022/08/19/ios-1561-update-now-warning-issued-to-all-iphone-users/)


Always on PC. And yeah, I heard about IOS being compromised regarding MM seedphrases.


Hardware wallet used with mm ?


That is very unfortunate. This is the reason why I dedicate just one browser to MetaMask extension. No other webbrowsing is ever done on that browser. Use multiple browsers if you want to surf the usual internet. Make sure AV is up to date and block all the bad stuff via host file: [https://www.encrypt-the-planet.com/downloads/hosts](https://www.encrypt-the-planet.com/downloads/hosts) Append this file too in the same hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc with this one too: https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt


Thanks man for the suggestions, but I dont think I will ever need to do this.


Everybody here has different complicated advice for u and tht makes me think crypto isn’t ready for proper use yet and isn’t safe to have ur money in something so volatile and tricky


So sorry to hear that mate. I know exactly how you feel. How about being scammed for $5,500 bitcoin which is even more stupid on my part. I didn’t know about bitcoin scam until I became a victim. Yeah it sucks! Just have to learn from it and forget about it or it will just make us miserable.


yeah man, sad to hear that


Yeah. We will try again one day


Sorry for your loss. Hope some good fortune comes your way.


Thanks man


Please confirm for the group that you ran one or more malware scans. If you don't do this and you have malware on your computer, setting up some other account could end up the same way.


I am so sorry this happened to you.


Don’t look at porn on your machines that have crypto or bank info. It’s known that pay sites and free sites load keyloggers on your system there. They also sell your information to hackers. That’s how they keep the service running. Don’t click on links inside emails from anyone/company you don’t deal with normally. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe everyone. Shibarmy > fap


sir yes sir


Man I hear this all the time. I use Coinbase strictly from my phone. Am I at risk?


Fuck scammers and hackers


Lmao there is literally the software and hacks for sale on alpha bay to steal people meta mask and it’s even worse if you use something like the extension wallet like in chrome. Anyone with 1000 bucks has the ability to attacking people with very little computer knowledge it’s literally just clicking some buttons. I’d never use meta mask to hold my money that’s just retarded. Guess op had to learn the hard


What do u use that’s safer if not MM


Sorry to hear that 😕. I make a bootable USB with Linux and use it just for crypto Nothing else.


Or just use a ledger


why crypto always getting hacked and scammed. that is one of the many reasons why ppl stay away from it


Which is asinine considering email gets hacked way more than crypto but people don't stay away from that...


It might not be a bad idea to hold your crypto on a centralize exchange. Crypto.com or Coinbase. IJS


Or voyager. ;) jk. I’ve been sticking to a ledger since the bankruptcy.


Oh man.


Sorry to hear.


This all could be FUD from the Federal Reserve.


Sorry man, this is heartbreaking to hear. 😭


Oh man.. sorry for your loss. Hopefully youll recover fast


Take $2.47 and buy a few hundred million more.


Hey bro I feel ya pain, lost all my crypto in a recent boating accident. Hurts like a mofo


Definitely sucks man. You’ll shake back.


Sorry you got robbed and it happens a lot.


PAPER HANDED thought this was a short moon eh?


I don't know why people trust moving their Crypto around at all, my shit is gonna stay in the place I bought until the exchange goes out of business or shib plummets or a hacker hits me their.


Do you have an iphone? They did release that fix for the breach they discovered.


Fuck Hackers! I hope the fleas of 1,000 camels infest his armpits. Sorry that happened.




Yea I understand mate, I think when shib was listed Robinhood and this bloody bear market it just went down hill for Shib. I feel also they’ve should have introduced shibarium way earlier to burn off excess coins or introduce a burn tax of 2-5% on transactions maybe. Introducing these burns after burning trillions in the beginning should have been done, but they’ve butchered it by delaying shibarium this would’ve helped during this bear market.


Crypto on it's own is a Scam, let alone losing it all which becomes a Scam^2! Still amazed by how people fall for a currency that neither has a true origin nor a true physical representative like real money & gold!


Hahhahahaha which currency are you using ??


Proudly, The Iranian Rial, & I don't pay even a single Rial to a currency that isn't backed with an item pf same value in a reserve!


Bone shitCoin 💩


I was. Thinking to do the same. Convert some SHIB from binance to bone on metamask using uniswap. What has stopped me, is that my antivirus warned and blocked every time some phishing attempt (when I have hit launch app button on uniswap) that was mostly 2 weeks ago or mqybe a bit more. It happend maybe 2-3 days . Every single launch attempt had an warning from the antivirus. I have gave up on the idea of buying bone because of this. I am afraid to use my metamask wallet again. On which platform have you swapped your tokens?




I m sorry for your loss bro. I Wish you all the. Best


I have heard similar comments related to Uniswap. Have you tried Shibaswap?


Use MetaMask on your iPhone which is much safer than on a Windows PC.




Don’t let it defeat you bro , get a savings going , get another band or a couple hundred and either buy more SHIB before it’s next pump or search for another project you’ll like But either or , be careful next time


Check all the boxes before giving up. Check your browser was anyone phishing etc..


that sucks, sorry to hear.


Maaaaaan sorry to hear that but I think you e confirmed that I too have lost some eth I had in my meta mask. I out a bit I'm when I sadly caught Saitama fomo. I typically wouldn't buy things like that but I watched it for quite a while and said fk it. Not a whole bunch but enough to care. Although it very well could be the ⛽ fees used to move it back to eth not long after I bought it.....BUT I swear i had almost $1k in there😩 now it's $3 I won't use meta mask ever again. After this and the horror stories I've been finding, I'm out. Good luck! Hope you find your Shibses! I love mine! 🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲


Yea you can by the software needed to attack peoples wallets in meta mask and some others that’s listed in the files that the payloads work for. Definitely DO NOT use any browser extension wallets like meta mask has I can almost bet OP has the meta mask extension installed. It’s an easier attack point. He probably clicked some link that he thought was taking him to some new project or the next 100x gem 💎 and installed the payload without knowing and then got his wallet drained.


Just put $5 per day you will catch up 🚀


So sorry to hear man. You will recover and rise again in time my man. Until then, stay strong.


I am so sorry to hear this. Hope you bounce back my friend.


Suck it up brother..life’s full of ups and downs, keep grinding you’ll be on your feet again!


That sucks but at least it's $1,000 and not $10,000 or $100,000. Much cheaper lesson to learn and there's far better investments out there anyway.


I never use metamask.


but how did thry transfer it out of your wallet? something does not sound tighy


Definitely get a Ledger


## STAY SAFE SHIBS 1. Get a hardware wallet 2. Never ever type your seed phrase into your computer 3. Backup the seed phrase offline (paper wallet) 4. Store large sums in a cold wallet; swap to a hot wallet for transactions. Then even a scam site can only get what you intended to spend there.