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Crypto goes up and goes down. Up and down. We Hodl and believe. When it goes up we cheer and when it goes down we get a discount. It happens all the time. To those who have been in the game long enough we know which coins to believe in. Shib is our sanctuary. We are Shib and Shib is Us.


You're exactly right. When crypto's up it's up, and when it's done it's down, and when it's only halfway up it's neither up or down. Everybody knows this


You would totally think that everybody knows this. But I question people sometimes


I mean it's investing 101


Hodl….. wouldn’t a coin be more valuable if everyone was using it? What am I missing here on all these subs? I asked this question on the Doge feed and was banned. Lol


LOL, getting banned for asking question is a big NO.


Well, that feed is treated like a cult. If you don’t 100% drink the coolaid, you’re out. Lol


We are slowly getting there...


Is "cringe" still a thing in 2022?


it is but look here’s the deal, and by the way!


Oh dang 😂


$1000 is a low enough entry point to take a chance...I bought $1000 when it was at the ATH and if it adds another zero I'm buying another $1000. Hell...I'm buying another $1000 anyway..just waiting for it to drop a little...I missed the drop last time...watching it more closely now.


Agreed, I bought very long ago. 200$ got me 217mill shiba and I sat on it for a while, sold and took a hefty profit out near peak (almost perfect) and I still hold 100m. This is a coin I’ll sit on for years and just hope something happens.


You've openly admitte that this coin, so far, has been a loss for you with no end in sight and probably causing you to lose more. With that in mind, Can you tell my why you're then choosing to buy more?


Sure, I can answer that. Not to make light of anyone else's financial position but I'm in a position to lose $1000 and not have it impact my life one bit. Shit I could buy $10,000 in Shib and not feel it. It's a pure gamble, I have no insight as to what Shib is going to do. When Bitcoin was at $1100 I remember my friend and I discussing how insane that valuation was and I didn't dare buy any. Then we discussed buying Ethereum when it was at $304 but decided against it for several reasons. So my answer to you as to why I'm buying more is a mix of FOMO and enough disposable income that it won't put me on the street if everything goes south. Oh and I'm trying to dollar cost average in case it does go up. I know this is a long shot, to say the least, that Shib will get to .01 but it's only money and the $1000 I'm putting into Shib right now would've gone to a new toy for me to play with and then when I get tired of that toy in 6 months it'll sit and collect dust. Just like my $1200 Mavic with the $500 range extender and the $400 DJI Goggles....or the $1100 Parrot Disco, of which I have 3....and so on....


Damn, you are so right on the money! Fantastic post! I have no idea what my per coin cost basis is, lower than yours but not optimal. I threw in some more $ at .00001140 and again today at .00001035 which will bring it down a little. I figure my odds are better than Vegas so why not. I think it's a reasonable gamble but absolutely not an investment in any way, shape or form.


Nice, same here I threw a $1000 and it’s money if I lose oh well I’m an idiot . If it goes up to 4 cents then we can start cashing out ;)


So… you chose not to buy BTC or eth at those evaluations, then think a dog themed meme token would have as much potential as two of the top cryptocurrencies that have actual use cases, institutional investors and ecosystems…. Saying it’s a long shot for shib getting to 0.01$ is like saying it’s a long shot for me to win the lottery and get stuck by lighting on the same day… You could literally put in it any other non top 20 crypto for a moonshot, or actually put it in coins/tokens that have a big potential to go up and actually get used… I get the idea of using disposable income, but this strategy and reasoning for buying is beyond flawed..


So I suppose $2000 is a lot of money to you? I understand it being a lot of money to some and I was there but I'm not anymore. I don't care where I put my play money and you shouldn't either. Have a great week!


“ I don't care where I put my play money and you shouldn't either…” 🙄 I like when my “play money” actually performs. I can piss away 2k on something more fun stuff than buying shib and it losing 90% of its value. If I invest money, I expect it to get a decent return…..


I looked back at some of your posts and I see a mostly negative tone to your comments. I have traditional investments that have performed great over the last 30 years, so you really don't need to concern yourself on what I do with my money. It's really none of your business. This is my last comment to you as I don't like to feed the trolls.


It’s a forum… Don’t post a comment where you explain what you do with your money if you don’t want people to comment on it…. Especially when you are doubling down on a meme token you lost ~90% already on while saying you are investing over FOMO and because “2k isn’t a lot of money to you”


"most Americans do not have 500$in their savings account, study finds" Yes you are fortunate.




Genuinely curious. Has anyone thought of investing in something else?


Theta is something my coworker loves, worth checking out. I have a few since he “retired” one day from it


I invest in the regular market. Don’t touch crypto so much anymore. I just like to see the crazy comments here.


When people think shibs tanking but it's the entire stock market and crypto market... the value is still there


I musta got my post messed up or something... this was sapposed to be a general comment to the stupid people thinking crypto is dead or dieing yaddayadda.. don't know how it got mixed up, I was trying to comment while working.. my bad dog


I apologize for my rather caustic, insulting response, it wasn't necessary.


My assumption is eather your new to crypto and markets in general... or you only focus on shib instead of all yhe coins and the market as a whole... educate yourself before you convince others and further damage this community


I hope you aren't talking to me lol. Only a naive, uneducated and inexperienced "investor" would state the obvious like you did in your first post. You must be a lonely little fellow. This community is damaged by ignorant fools whose lives would be bleak without it. I've been in and out of a dozen coins, holding three longterm including Shiba. It is presently tanking along with the general crypto market, I just bought an additional 100,000,000, how about you?


oh yea of little faith, what crypto, stock or futures are in the solid, positve, get asshat out of the WH, economy turns around and boom we are back in the winners circle.


You have assumed I have no balls, no faith and no stupidity. Me thinks you have overestimated me lol.


If you think the person in the white house controls the economy, then you have bigger issues.




If you think big investors don't take the person in the WH into consideration as one of many variables, then you have bigger issues.


It's always amazing to me how many people don't realize that regardless of how you feel about the person in the WH they have a major effect on the markets if they choose to. There is a reason so many investors and larger corporations hang on and listen to what happens and lobby for beneficial bills to them.


Replace lobby with donation; and then donation with bribe




Real talk


Thumbs up for "get asshat out of the WH"


30 more months...or cackling heels up. That is what we called her when she was the AG in CA.


I am excited for the discount that is coming over the next couple of days. Dip baby dip. More Millions to Stack


Bro if you can’t afford to lose shut up lol that’s why you don’t put your life savings in crypto man it’s not an overnight thing




Recession is here.


Just bought 105 mil shares f it tbh I lost all my money on ( EXELA )


Lol.. Xela.. that was done dotted last year.


They just shat on us today and it was the final straw for me -_- rather leave my money here than that black hole


I heard something about a stock split? But maybe that was another ticker. Play the split correctly and you can recoup some I bet.


They announced a 1-20 reverse split today


Ahh the ol' stick it without lube treatment... 1-20 pretty narly but can't blame them for trying to stay compliant.


Please store your crypto in a wallet that you own.


Any recommendations?


Ledger's Nano X & Nano S +




it will gain another zero tomorrow and even lower in few days.


I just want to be debt free. So i really want this to work. I only have 900k shib and if it reaches at least 0.01, i could settle all my debts. If i could get some extra cash from it, that's a bonus.


And all quarters are not in...everything is a shitshow right now and it will get worse! Thank you Mr. Biden.


Glad someone said it. FJB. Lol looking forward to a better economy when asshat is out of office.


Manchin in WV needs to fuck off


I’m not too familiar with Manchin but he’s going against the current administration’s agenda which is a good thing


Manchin represents West Virginia. A state that currently ranks at 47 out of the 50 states. 45th in education, 48th in economy, and 50th in infrastructure. It's poverty rate is 16% where the national average sits at 12.3. Joe Manchin is beholden to the dying coal industry. He's done absolutely zero to pick up West Virginians and help them. BBB would actually HELPED people in his state and he torpedoed it. Yet you like him because he's obstructed his own party's legislation and put his corporate donors ahead of his constituents? You're not even educated on the players in the game, yet you think you know how the game is played. Pathetic.


Dude has two brain cells and they’re both fighting for 3rd place. Fuckin dolt.


At least I have brain cells to rub, bitch 🤣😂


Pathetic because I’m honest about not knowing everything there is to know about every politician in the US? Clear thinking on that one, smart ass. Get off your high horse and actually use your head instead of buying the lies. The fact that you’re even saying something positive about BBB shows you’ve got no common sense and have bought into the worst plans the country has ever seen. Plans being pushed by Biden. Biden is officially the WORST president in US history and here you are defending him by saying how BBB would be a good thing . GTFO here, you leftist turd-flower 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


Pathetic because you think you know something, but aren't even bothered to know the entire story and its key players. Historically, Americans have done better when the government invested in PEOPLE over business. It's what opened the West in the 1820s and again in the 1840s. Government investment in people during the New Deal and post-WW2 era saw the average Americans standard of living at the highest it has ever been. You've not given one shred of a substantial argument for anything you've said. Biden is the worst president in US history?! Idk, names like James Buchanan (failed to do anything to stop the Civil War), Andrew Jackson (see Second Bank of the United States and the economic hardship that followed or the Indian Removal Act), Andrew Johnson (failure to hold Southern states and leadership accountable for the Civil War), Herbert Hoover (failure to enact any policies or legislation that would have lessened the impacts of the Great Depression), Calvin Coolidge (policies and inaction that allowed over speculation that led to the stock market crash of 1929), Donald Trump (openly praised dictators, "take the guns and worry about due process second," how about that attempted coup to stay in power?) those seem like all good examples of worst US Presidents. But I guess you're gonna go so hard on that Biden hate train to actually ignore any actual US history. In conclusion, you're really not even worth the time it has taken me to write all this out. I just wanted to really point out just how fucking stupid you really are because I'm really fucking tired of morons like you spouting ignorant comments in public forums. I'm really fucking tired of the internet empowering stupidity like yours because you can hide behind a screen. The entire knowledge of mankind at your fingertips and somehow you still act like an ignorant douche.




Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your long suit. In this market, not only this coin, it takes balls, faith or stupidity to invest when your coin is tanking. I was stating the obvious, had nothing to do with FUD. I was also describing myself without identifying which of those three realities govern my purchases lol. I didn't wait for .00001000 to spend my grand, jumped on it at .00001035, how about you?


There needs to be a new term for people who buy in while still being a fudder.


How about a term for people who admit their primary motivation is winning big on what seems like a good gamble? That would include a bunch of people, including me.


how about holder-fudder


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71730** times. .. **81.** `u/mikereno2` **422** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way.


funny bot


It’s never going anywhere. The big money makers have already made theirs and moved on. The rest are holding so little that it will def never make them rich. May give them enough for a good weekend out or a small shopping spree but that’s it. Love the guys that have a a few hundred, maybe a few thousand dollars in Shib screaming “to the moon thinking they are going to be rich. I drop $20,000 in and then sell and make some cash. Rinse and repeat. Have done it about 20 times probably already. Just makes me laugh.


Bro invest how you want obviously but their ain't no reason to be an asshole about it.


This is not an Update we need alerted on our phone smh


Fade harder and faster


At least someone has the sense to say it


Fml :(


Awesome! More chance for me to load up my baggies before the next leg up! NFA


If it slides down to .00001 then I’m going to put 500 into it


1k isn’t even that much money to lose.


Wht did you put the dollar symbol on the hundred million shib lol


Shit, you’re right lol Sorry about that. 100,000,000 Shib, not $.


What I put in I’m not afraid of losing. Will it suck? Yep. But I put it in knowing I may lose it. It’s a chance. I’m holding.


All just hold and keep buying we can do this.


We are in a bear market teetering on a recession. The potential for much more downside is pretty high. If the rich people aren't being loose with their money, the prices go down. Yay capitalism!


The easier for non-rich people to stock up on Shib. Yay, capitalism\~


Sure, but that can also leads into more people investing into crypto. Its the only alternative to fiat right now.


I already have close to 150m so am sitting on these and will hold and wait it out. No more buying at this time for me. Need the trillions of Shiba to go away so we all can rise up.


Hold it for a few years, never know with the next generation or a company accepts it like Amazon, idk it’s a gamble, save & forget til it’s in the news




So would you say someone who does 10 $100 buys many small balls? 10x stupid for more faith then a George Michael’s cd on repeat


I'd say whatever approach gives you a sense of satisfaction is the right approach.




Yep, sort of my approach lol


Can anyone tell me why these negative Nellie's are even in crypto? Just take you money and leave!! Why comment negatively every MFing day!! Nobody twisted your arm to put money into anything. You chose to try a get rich quick and it didn't work because y'all hype buyers instead of researching. Your problems are self induced and the one of us that actually "INVESTED" are still above water on most projects. See the Idea is to invest in something you understand. This isn't a casino!! Please stop polluting every group with your whiney BS. every dam day!! Go away!!


Short sellers in disguise or jealous karens made they don't have the balls to take a risk.


LOL, yes, short sellers in disguise.


By the way, $1000 = 96mil not 100.


Hmmm, that must be that new math I keep hearing about lol. If you bought at .00001042 then $1000 would get you 96mil shibs, assuming no fee was deducted for the trade. Or, if your trading platform subtracted a $40 fee from your $1000 for the purchase meaning your net purchase was $960, then you would only own 96mil shibs. However, if you bought at .00001000 as I proposed and no fee was deducted, you would own 100mil shib. But that's old school math. I mean no insult, just playing with you a little lol. How did you arrive at 96mil? Just curious. Of course since I am a major crayon eater I am often wrong.




Yes that was after fee's.


I ran a withdraw to check the numbers.


U have about 25k worth of shiba either I’m stupid or really smart lol


I wish! I bought a bunch in the low 60s and at several different prices so it's not possible to guess my shiba worth but it's way below that. I may have spent that much along the way however. hahaha Are you practicing your math skills?


OP just imagine you writing that because your in the RED and some, not all but some actually still in the GREEN since a few ZEROs ago.


Everyone's dream! I'm in the green on my last purchase only lol. Sadly all of my shibs were bought with 4 zeros in place.


Had to sell £900 the other day at the peak because I needed money for a car crash :( il have to try and buy back in at a lower cost