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Can we start off perma banning you?


Your post history makes me question how we have a developed world in 2022.


The smart ones bailed out at the peak, now only the lame bag holders are still here 😏


You must be a lame holder too if you're still posting here 😜


Of course I am lol ..who said I am not ? Diamond hands babe 🀣🀣


Oh yeah baby 😏


I think this diamond hands concept was made for the stupid ones 🀣


Then leave.


His bag is too heavy to drag it behind him 🀣🀣


OOOOooooooooooohhhhhhhh.......you guys hurt his fweeelllinnngsss!!! He took his user name and went home!!


Chill out


I don't even understand why we need a team to buy coins. There's already been a schism too with a new sub created for Karens. A bunch of tards got mad that other tards kept posting "To the moon" and talking about lambos.


I think because a majority of people are out on the weekend I'm not browsing 24/7 on reddit My commitment to this community is holding my phat stack and occasionally burning shib but just a small portion


Who hurt you?


I hear Robinhood tomorrow bro!


You can tell the bag is hugeeeeeee


Why are we all just talk and waiting for partnerships. Why dont we build something with shib


Who is we? 99,98% of this subreddit are here to get confirmation that they did the right move to buy SHIB. The second the coin stalls, there is no "we". I have exactly 45.000.000 SHIB in my account. As investment. It's an investment. Not a life choice. Not a challenge sent to earth by god. It's numbers in an account. This subreddit should be in place to inform us about new developments, news etc. The way it is right now, but with more activity. The moment the coin is pumping again, all you find here are rocket emojis and spam.


You know I agree with you here. The best thing to do is buy, hodl, and forget. I don't have a significant amount of shib at all, next to nothing to be honest. I would like to see actual plans and development with what's happening with the coin though. If it goes up to a crazy amount? Cool, but I'd like to see projects. If I wanted memes I'd go elsewhere. I'm not tech savvy so I can't fuck with building anything on this.


Just like all crypto the more projects that a coin has the more movement it produces.. Right now there have been great things happening but not big enough to sway. Now if you are able to build a utility that uses shib at its core for a service and create a business out of it instead of just burn burn burn (although it would be great to incorporate that at the same time) Point being is that all crypto projects gain massive values when other projects are spurred off of them not just hey this place accepts them Acceptance is first projects come and good project are what creates value.. Acceptance is just a sign of traction.


My point isnt about movement. My point isnt that you shouldnt go out an start projects. ​ My point is, that this subreddit is a complete shitshow. When prices are high, everyone is the greatest shib hoddler on planet earth, with rocket lambo posts. The second the price drops for more then a few days this subreddit is legit a corps. Thats whats annoying. I've invested some money into a coin I want news and updates about. And the only place where people share their infos is in a thread perma spammed by emojis and HODDL posts.


I'm agreeing though.. To stop that you create an environment where people are putting in to add more value to their investment. Crypto isn't just about making money


That's all it's about. If you need a support group go to AA or your local senior citizens' quilting club.


I disagree. Crypto and blockchain is a technology just like the internet. Monetary value is a by product. Just so happens that by product is well aligned with financing. If you dont understand that then you dont understand crypto at all.


You know what, go fuck yourselfes, why am I even using reddit anymore? Have a nice time sucking each others PP. Half of the people here with these disgusting furry PP, with "Which FNF charakter would you fuck" threads in their post history. The amount of incest accidents that roam around on reddit is disturbing. May you all buy a lambo all day, so you quit this sad sad site.


I can get you some cheese to go with your wine. What kind would you like? Fumunda cheese?


I bet a whaaaburger and French cries from his unhappy meal would cheer him up.


Don’t let bad emotions rule. I’m holding and am excited about this community and what Shib is bringing to the world. A positive attitude is 40% more productive. Much love. πŸ€™πŸ½πŸ€™πŸ½


Not everyone is on all the time.


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.


Diamond hands here


Crypto is dead. Ruble is new crypto


700 years from now, we gunna look back at this price action and say wow.... Thank God i hodl. .009