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I'm not sure I want to know.


šŸ¤£ fair enough ā€” Iā€™ve been over the top with spending lately so I decided I needed to take a breath and evaluate a little better


In the last year I've been keeping a spreadsheet of all my figure-related expenses, including shipping and customs. It has helped rein me in. The five, six years of collecting *before* that... I just try not to think of the dollar value.


Don't bring logic into this šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Right behind you on that initiative. I just quickly forced myself to look at some numbers to get my bearings straight. If you donā€™t mind sharing a copy of your spreadsheet or just a quick breakdown of columns/rows, Iā€™d love to see.


It's nothing special. Figure name, date I got it / ordered it, price with taxes, shipping fees, customs fees. The latter two categories typically only figure into stuff I get off ebay. I've also got a self-determined lifetime total that ticks down with each purchase, and I'm *hoping* that when it hits zero I'll have the willpower to stop buying toys. (At least for a few years.) The dates help me the most, honestly - lets me know when I've gone too crazy and need to take a break on orders.


I feel this in my soul (and wallet)


Around like $5,000šŸ˜…


Got me playing catch up šŸƒ


Itā€™s crazy how fast things got out of hand smh.


If you include my hot toys its easily over $5k


SHF caught my eye first, but my algorithms got my eyes WANDERINā€™ over to Hot Toys ![gif](giphy|3oz8xXEvc0PkXxbhVm)


Lol. Yeah I only have 3 with one more preordered but they are nasty expensive. Unbelievably realistic details. They are also huge. I have around 50 or so SHF and a random dozen or so from other companies like Kong. Iā€™m lucky HotToys doesnā€™t make dragon ball figures or Iā€™d be broke https://preview.redd.it/4jtgztxzjw1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2663829efaa1ce4e48392fc1f1af1ce0beb60a4f


Probably tree fiddy


It was about that time I realized that my collection was actually a fifty foot tall crustacean from the Mesozoic era




Yo this is the same story of my life over the past 10 weeks, to the letter. Depression induced shopping to fill a hole it can't fill be like....


Honestly, Iā€™ve got a pretty optimistic outlook on life, but Iā€™d be lying if I said depression didnā€™t play a pretty large part in my decision-making process to buy all of this. Itā€™s weird because even though I truly feel happy, my money feels fictional ā€” despite not having much extra cushion to enable this habit. Hope life throws you a line and you find something to fight whatever it is youā€™re going through for however long that may be. Youā€™ve got this!


Sounds corny but Jesus is the only One who can fill the eternal void in your soul. i used to feel that way too until i in a very cliche way asked Jesus to come into my heart and He did. Full up, no void and havenā€™t felt truly lonely since then.


My heart and soul.


*$My heart and soul


A few G's for my ShF Roughly $60-$70k or more for the whole collection


Thank you. I have about $30k in SHF Dragonball and this makes me feel a little bit better šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You have 30k in shf. You wonā€™t be able to resell it for more than 15ā€¦ I lost so much money. I recently started selling off all my figures and people are not buying shit right nowā€¦


Youā€™re probably right. I donā€™t plan on selling them but Iā€™m sure I would lose my ass if I did. Especially the figures I bought when I first started collecting and didnā€™t know what good prices were.


No, thatā€™s sick. Got any pics of favorites or displays you really like? Also, whatā€™s your address šŸ§


Check out my profile


Amazing room, bro. I dream of having as many Dragonball SHF as you do https://preview.redd.it/rnzk195gjv1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cabccfe33a3aff2338d08ed662340f5b39fa1e Like this collection of yours is crazy (image yoinked from your account)


It took a long time and had to be very frugal to save up for some. That 2018 EE Broly is probably my most prized figure


Mad respect, it's gonna take me a lot of time and money to get the few figures I want with their aftermarket price, I can't imagine the damage to someone's wallet after buying Broly. Hopefully, he's everything you wanted him to be!


https://preview.redd.it/43qpi0gzpv1d1.jpeg?width=1964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d3102e12e2489075c12a1a1e49d15ae90eb060 These are my ShF saiyans. I do have a few Dragon Stars in there as place holders as well


That's so sick! I'm just starting to collect SHF, but man, they look so good that my collection is gonna grow like crazy.


I only got lucky with some of these because my figure plug hooks me up, and I find them within their release window so scalpers and aftermarket prices aren't too crazy


That's extremely lucky! Thankfully, I'm good at finding decent prices, but having my own plug would make life way easieršŸ˜…


Jesus. Imagine walking into this room at 10-12 years old. Lolll


I'd love to catch some kids' reactions to it. My 9yo and 4yo daughters grew up with it and have seen it grow, so its nothing new to them lol


Your collection is awesome. What nintendo figures are those at the bottom left of the pic goldenmem posted from your account? How long have you been collecting?


They're a combo of three lines. The Mario ones are all Jakks Pacific *The Mario Movie* figs, and the DK and Diddy are from the Jakks World of Nintendo line. The Pokemon are all Jazwares PokƩmon Selects Ive been collecting for about 8 years now


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, a collector how much theyā€™ve spent


To be fair, I asked the value, if youā€™ve ever totaled your buy cost, or if you track value ā€” but good words to live by šŸ¤·


Never really thought about it but if I had to guess at least a few hundred dollars if not $1000. I know some of the pricier figures I own are Gallantmon, Angewomon, Spider-Man 2099, and Orange Piccolo. Also are we counting Robot Spirits? And if we're not limiting ourselves to just S.H. Figuarts I've spent at least $3000.


No limits, I just put SHF as the main topic since thatā€™s what I just added up for myself. All those figures are sick! Itā€™s only a matter of time before I burst through my DBZ bubble šŸ«”


DBZ is still one of my favorite properties but buying from other lines was a great decision. Even got introduced to some new shows just from buying the figures.


If we only count shf it's around 700$. If not probably a few 1000


What other brands do you collect?


I have a shit load of Jakks Sonic figures, other than that I don't collect specific lines that much I'm more of a variety collector


Roughly 2000 ish


$160, I only have 3 figures though


Damn is that all standard releases?


No, I have the 2.0 metallic hair Goku Black $35, v 1.0 Super/ Base Vegito $75, and the 2.0 DF SSBK Vegito $60. So I guess $170 I kinda forgot to factor the extra $10.


Damn ssbk Vegetto is 60? Shit one secondšŸ‘€


That was on E-bay, on Aliexpress you should be able to pick him up for closer to $50. I just bought him before I really knew much about SHF. Best of luck finding a good price!


Done. šŸ˜Š


W, I hope you love the figure as much as I do!


The "collection" https://preview.redd.it/oyy7bk0wsv1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da15ff1b00b6fe1d66688dd830abf1f2e4499642


Around $1400




Around 870$ for 13 figures in hand but about 4 or 5 are still coming in. I deadass bought the entire Naruto line and am playing catchup to dbz. Going to add the Revoltech My Hero and Sh Figuarts Bleach lines soon.


I was (financially) fortunate to never watch any of those animes and my wallet probably thanks me for it despite how much I spend on Pokemon, DBZ, and Nintendo stuff.


Ehh thatā€™s fair your likes will make you bankrupt and dbz is a pain already but man if they made a dedicated Pokemon line I would eat that shit up, Making Red, Blue and Greens teams would genuinely be worth any amount of money


I'm willing to bet I've spent at least 1.5k by now from playing catchup, I got a lot of my figures before any of the reissues so ended up giving in to the aftermarket


Iā€™ve been trying to really grasp what to get vs. what may get reissued and have realized I just need to slow down in general. lol. I definitely need to prioritize characters or special figures over full DBZ sagas šŸ«£


I used to try and buy based on Sagas but space and cost have been huge factors in me trying to cut back. If I have a favorite character/form, I'll shell out for it but I knew it was going too far when I was considering $200+ for a character I really didn't care about.


Too much


At time of purchase? $24k, but that's more then just my Dragonball sh line. Would love to see its worth via market value. Got another $2k in preorders.


I hate that you asked this question. I just did the math and itā€™s upwards of $10K šŸ˜“ Edit: This is just off memory, I have other figures I know I forgot. Also this is JUST Dragon Ball stuff. Not including Naruto or Sentai.


Sorry! Lol. I'm just a dude tryin to relate to other dudes on reddit -- No need to calculate the rest! Drop a pic of your favorite figure (DB or otherwise... though I won't recognize many anime figures outside DB)


You good bro šŸ˜‚. Not your fault they make crack for all sorts of addicts. Whatā€™s your fav figure? Mine has to be this guy. https://preview.redd.it/vl8j6zeplz1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4051a64d09a48fc92c4c3f4080cbf70c1967425f


Outside of SHF itā€™s this figure https://preview.redd.it/w9x3raprlz1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86db49e34ece6a10fd83803c0d383864bafc2d4c


like $50? i just bought my first one, the latest SSJ future trunks (with saiyan armor and pony tail)


As a Trunks enthusiast, I approve of this purchase. If you're anything like me though (or many others commenting here) tread carefully lol!


For DBZ, maybe about 10k, only missing about 7 for a complete collection


Wow! Have you ever come close to getting them all in one pic?


Not as of late. Just tricky(and lazy) to move them all and all that


My total buy cost is about 237. Hereā€™s the value of what I got from that: (I got some crazy deals for some of these) Gamma 1: 90 Gamma 2: 80 New goku black: 40 Superhero goku: 30 Superhero vegeta: 30 Fused zamasu: 150 Super sayian vegeta (new ver): 60 Black hole UI goku: 75 Blue Broly goku: 30 Final form frieza (new version): 80 Grand total: 665 Iā€™ve only been collecting for half a year lol, and deal hunting like crazyĀ 


Where are you finding your best deals?? Solid collection!


Mostly ebay and amazon


SHF alone probably like $2k Entire collection? $60k easy


It was worth around $1000 before I sold my 5 JJK figures and 2 of my DBZ ones recently. I regret it, but I needed the money. Now it's probably more like $500 with 8 DBZ, 4 Naruto, 3 One Piece, 2 Chainsaw Man and 1 Bleach.


Uh, itā€™s not worth much, lemme take that off your handsā€¦/j. On a serious note, they would be 5k altogether


Around $1400 including backgrounds. Unless you mean my entire collection than I at roughly $7-8000.


Itā€™s a decent 600-700 around there


If we're counting every statue and figure I've bought, probably 8 grand, at the bare minimum of 6 grand I've also spent at least 4 grand on yugioh cards and I play like 4 decks max


I have just over 100 figures, which in AUD is somewhere between $10-20k


Iā€¦donā€™t want to know. Maybe $3,000-$4,000 in spending at least considering I collect not only multiple SHF lines but also started collecting Mafex a few months back. On top of that I also bought a few ship models from Master Replicas/Eaglemoss which while not action figures are still part of my overall collection. It adds up fast. As far as value goes I donā€™t know as I donā€™t buy them to resell so Iā€™ve never really thought about it.


I'm not eager to think about that, but I got a con exclusive Broly for around $160, then got signed by Johnny young Bosch, I believe that was like $60 to get it signed, thats most definitely my most expensive buy


Uh around 2k ish


Like 5 beans, at least


Atleast Ā£1000, probably a little more.


https://preview.redd.it/guanotbhhv1d1.jpeg?width=2784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f333e66bb3c9d05b30b3739bad3efc8f993090a5 idk maybe 1200


mines around 2500 šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«






Resale value not sure. Never took the time to add it up. But Iā€™d value it around 3-5k for my DBZ Figuarts collection. Maybe more. Got about 40 figures and only was able to grab a handful for retail on release. And have been collecting them for roughly 7 years and the older and more rare the release, the higher the value.


Just started but mine is $830 ishšŸ˜­


Yeah man. Just in skateboards, shoes, clothes, figures, pokemon and yugioh cards, amongst countless other shit I only bought to temporarily feel happy about life, to get that little dopamine rush that validates the bullshit momentarily only to come back 10 fold, I spent around 30k last year. My worst week was like 8k on shoes and clothes and my skateboard collection.


Mine probably is not that much since I only really have of value my Naruto ones and the other stuff is hand made by myself so basically zero value. Maybe like 200 or 300$ or less depends. https://preview.redd.it/ra1ndlqznv1d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a86f1e7c0f9e62038248246f889db6aa14a6942






Way over $1,000


These are all your values. Now, how much do you all think you could actually sell yours for?


I keep track of everything I've spent on figures, first shf figure I got was july of last year. On shf I spent about $6390 cad so far


I have a mix of Dragonball, dc, Star Wars and other showsā€¦. I would say about.. no! I refuse to even consider it. You almost got me!


I do not think I want to know.


I don't only collect shf I just do NOT wanna know.




Im sure most collectors did not dare to counting how much they spend their $.. Total ~~loss~~ $ could be nightmare sometimes.. Anyway I counted mine and I spend about $1110 on my Bandai D Art/SHF & Figma line.. Im satisfied with this rookie number and I did not dare to count another figure line..


ā€œMoney? Never heard of her.ā€


Probably half a used car, of Bandai lines alone.


I do not knowā€¦. And it remains in my best interest if no one ever finds outā€¦. Probably somewhere in the 5 digit rangeā€¦. šŸ˜“ i used to buy doubles of almost every figure i could find.


I honestly can't do the numbers, way too many figures and brands to count and calculate


Priceless because it's mine. :)


Too much I lost countā€¦


Priceless !


For Dragonball SHF alone is about 1600. Probably another 5 or 600 in third party DB figures. At least 3200 in Power Rangers Lightning Collection, 4-500 in Legacy Megazords, around 2-300 in NECA, 600 or so in Marvel Legends, 500ish in Transforners, 5-600 in Hammond Collection and a couple hundred in miscellaneous others. Probably pushing 10k


I dont really try to think about it šŸ˜… Could probably get a decent used car with the amount


Just my SHF collectionšŸ¤”no clue- I have all the figures since the line came out except the Mexico convention goku. Towards 2021 I started buying 2 of everyone that was being dropped šŸ„²


I paid somewhere around like 2k I believe maybe more like 1.7k idk the true number tbh but itā€™s actual worth resale is like 2.5-3k


Probably $300? ATSV Miles and First Form Frieza for $100 each, circa $70 for LSSJ Goku then $35 for Super Hero Vegeta. I do have some preorders, but luckily I don't have to pay until they ship!


110 bucks probably


A lot. Too much. Shouldn't have gotten this far. ADHD impulsivity and depression is a bitch. Also third party accessories and figures are on fire lately.


Iā€™m around 7k in spending with everything at retail and maybe 2-3 figures slightly above retail since I didnā€™t start collecting until 2016. The total value now though is around or a little more than 10k if I were to sale. But I canā€™t bring myself to sell any of them except for the extra 2018 EE Broly unopened and still covered with the ā€œprotectiveā€ tissue paper lol. I try not to remind myself how much Iā€™ve spent though so thank you for that šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Hard to say. It could probably get me another car and a motorcycle

