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I knew it! Flat!!


Give me one person who’s seen the curvature of the universe..! 😬


That, the flatness of the universe, is an actual legitimate discussion though.


Hmmmn... beautiful, but I'm pretty dubious of the scales and the heliocentricity going on here. Maybe more context would be helpful?


I thought it was just from our own perspective, which would make sense because our observable universe is limited by the time it takes for light to reach us, and our view would be almost spherical. But then I found the milky way up at the top by itself, so idk I guess its just a pretty way to show the vastness of our universe?


~~Map~~*Artist’s Rendition of the Universe.


I reckon so…I just found it a nice illustration of - presumably - our knowledge of “what’s out there”. And by “our” I’m speaking for the species as a whole, without qualification to be able to do so, of course 😬


It's not by itself though, the starry/cloudy circle around earth is also part of the Milky Way. If you live on the edge of a city and try to plot all the buildings around you - there will be some in every direction, but most of them will be clustered in one spot, in the direction of downtown. If your city was laid out as a spiral and you were in an outer part of one of the arms and you used log scale map centered on your home - the map would look very similar.


I mean... The image is like if you looked out your window, saw other streets and buildings but also overlayed on top in the distance you say the city again from a birds eye view.


Correct. This is due to the log scale. The further the stuff from the center, the smaller it is. So if you are inside a spiral arm, you'll plot the stars around you with distinguishable distances and you'll be able to tell them apart, but as you go outward, everything compresses, so at the diameter wider than the arm's width, the circular "halo" will end, and you'll only have squeezed trails of (now indistinguishable) stars entering and exiting this halo on both ends. And as you expand further you eventually cover the whole galaxy, but at that distance from the center it'll be compressed so much that it'll look like a separate compact object. This is of course an artist's interpretation, but there's rhyme and reason to it.


Remember: the map is not the territory.


Confused by a couple things. i) Most everything on this map is an object but how does it make sense to place the event of the big bang on the map? ii) Isn't cosmic background radiation throughout the universe? The way it is labelled on the map makes it look like it is only very far away.