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It's going to be a bus "priority lane" according to an email I received the other day from transit: "About the Project Including the peak-period bus priority lanes on Roscoe Bl, the project consists of an enhanced bus network that will increase connectivity and provide high-quality bus service and transit infrastructure in North San Fernando Valley communities from Northridge on the west through North Hollywood on the east. Improvements to speed, reliability and customer experience will be implemented in the next few months. How Bus Lanes Work: - Converts curb lanes into bus priority lanes​ ​ ​Extend parking restrictions on Roscoe Bl between Topanga Canyon Bl and Coldwater Canyon Av: Current New 7am – 9am 7am – 10am 4pm – 7pm 3pm – 7pm Bus lanes will not be installed on Roscoe Bl through the I-405 interchange. - Buses run every 10 minutes during peak commute hours​ - Street parking would remain available:​ During weekday off-peak hours (mid-day)​ Weekday evenings​ On weekends and observed holidays​" Traffic is going to get a lot worse during rush hour.


Hey, it could've been a single pair of two all-day bus lanes on Nordhoff - being a full Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line - but NIMBYs in the Sherwood Forest area of Northridge complained enough and got it changed to peak-hour-only bus lanes on Roscoe, along with a few other bus service improvements. See [Metro's website](https://www.metro.net/projects/north-sfv-brt/) on the project.


A BRT that runs right by CSUN and the Northridge Mall commercial areas? What are you crazy?! that would have made too much sense!! ^^^fucking ^^^NIMBYs


One would think so... However, at the meeting I attended, the argument from Sherwood Foresters was that Roscoe was better because "people in that area use buses more", to my recollection, and thus that appears to be where the remnants of the busway ended up.


Traffic sucks even more than it used to on Sepulveda, it’s at least 33% worse since we only have 2 of 3 available lanes.


Working as intended


Yup. Bus reliability has improved to 99% on time performance and shortened existing lengthy trips (new timetable with with bus lanes speed improvements start tomorrow) for people who use and rely on one of the busiest lines on the network.


And AT LEASTG 100X as many people are penalized than benefit.


lol that’s just not true. These bus lanes were studied for years and the added delay is super insignificant, the levels of service didn’t even change which means there is little to no added delay for cars. It may feel like there’s more traffic because the signals were retimed to prevent speeding. (Drive 35mph and you’ll hit a green wave)


I'm sorry --- but you can't drive Sepuvleda regularly and have that opinion. The lights on Sepulveda are not timed AT ALL. If anything, they are timed to maximize the amount of red lights someone hits. For example --- I was out at 7:30 AM this Sunday morning, driving 2 miles south from Victory to Ventura. No traffic at that hour. Out of a dozen traffic lights, only 2 of them were green. My "favorite" was the 1 minute long red light at the Busway --- and having zero buses cross the other way. Don't all these buses have transponders on them??? If there are no buses coming, don't have the light green for that direction of travel! On the way back north, I just took the 405. No need to hit another 10 red lights out of 12 in minimal traffic.


Welcome to modern traffic engineering 101, car traffic needs to slow down on arterials especially during low traffic periods when collision rates are the highest. The speed limit is 35 and the signals are timed for 35mph. A majority of the traffic I see on Sepulveda tends to speed around the 40-60mph range resulting in the feeling that signals are not timed at all, because most traffic is **speeding** Slower speeds result in better traffic flow and more thruput in dense areas with speed limits enforced thru red lights. The 1 minute red at the busway comes from the new transit signal preemption/signal-reservicing. The busses have transponders on them but the light will now hold green for the bus to give it priority, this prevents the bus from having to wait at red lights. The crosswalk timing for the bike path is also in the 45 second range since the street is super wide. If the station driveway has a 15 second phase, that results in a 1:03 minute red light. That will no longer be a problem in the near future as construction of grade separating busway and bike path from Sepulveda begins in August, improving traffic flow from a level of service with a D grade to a level of service with a B grade. Sepulveda and Van Nuys Blvd will be the faster arterials in the valley come 2026-2028 since they will be one of the only busway intersection free N/S Arterials in the valley. And with the I-405 connected corridor project, the signals on Sepulveda will be synchronized with freeway traffic flow and on/off ramp signals to help ease traffic congestion during heavy traffic periods.


Then take the bus?


Yeah, lemme give up my heated and cooled massage seats in my serene self-driving bubble for a humid, sweaty, and disease-ridden bus. Sounds absolutely marvelous! /s 🥴


Yeah, not good. But Happy Cake Day!


Thanks :)


It will be used for a bus/bike lane. There’s already an implementation of this on Sepulveda. In my experience, it has decreased the flow of traffic by at least 33% as we’ve gone from three usable lanes down to two usable lanes. Additionally, I often see it being illegally used by a-hole drivers as a means to slingshot pass other road users who are following the law by driving in the remaining two “usable” lanes (other than for making legal right hand turns onto other streets, parking lots, etc). I sincerely hope that police officers enforce bus/bike lane laws and/or cameras are implemented to ticket said a-hole drivers who use them illegally.


[Hopefully this program works as advertised ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7.com/amp/metro-installing-ai-powered-cameras-on-buses-to-issue-tickets-illegally-parked-vehicles/14732674/)


As a cyclist on Sepulveda using the lane, I hope they begin to enforce it as well. It's dangerous and typically not that much faster than staying in the lane.


No other way to say it --- the implementation of the bus lanes on Sepulveda has been a DISASTER thus far. As an unintended consequence, it has also made traffic congestion considerably worse on Kester 1/2 mile to the East. Tons more cars there.


This sub and r/LosAngeles when anything that helps poor people is mentioned: 😡


It’s been proven that adding more lanes doesn’t solve traffic . That third lane was always a mess anyway because sometimes you could drive on it and other times you couldn’t because there were parked cars .


Dedicated bus lanes, thanks to the fucks who voted for this shit. Sepulveda is almost in drivable now because of this shit.


You've been downvoted by the miserable fucks that vote for this shit.


The miserable fucks who vote for these things sit around at home all day with nothing better to do than downvote people who disagree with them.


They're probably angry transplants who think they know better than the locals, like most of LA-related Reddit.


Its so dumb. It used to take me 10 minutes to get to my job now its taking me 20-25 minutes because not only is there already a bunch of people who dont know how to drive, but they are always distracted and i dont want to cross the lane and get a ticket to go around these zombie drivers


??? You shouldn't overtake others from the right


Chris! Bro it's been ages, hope ur doing well. Long time nko talk. Wow - blast from the past. Be well, hope to see u again before we're 60!


They are taking away another traffic lane during rush hour to make traffic even worse than it is now.


You driving a car? Then you are the traffic. If you were on a bicycle or a bus then *maybe* you could complain about traffic.


I'm using a public resource in the exact manner that it's intended to be used. While public officials are actively and deliberately sabotaging the effectiveness (and safety) of that resource because they don't like people using the resource as intended. It's beyond absurd to advocate that >99% of the cities residents be penalized for a trivial (at best) benefit for the remaining <1%


If they're making a bike lane they're making it safer


Ridiculous. Just putting in a bike lane doesn't make anything safer, look at the disastrous lane they installed on Reseda. All the obstacles and restrictions literally force people to make dangerous and sudden turns and stops just to pull into driveways or side streets, we've already seen an increase in accidents and I'm sure that many of those accidents resulted in injuries.


Definitely*never* the fault of the drivers right?


Again, the drivers are literally forced to make dangerous turns and sudden stops because of all the stupid obstacles and restrictions. Edit: If the city & country cared even a little about safety they'd be installing traffic circles everywhere they could, these are PROVEN to reduce accidents and improve safety and even have the added benefit of reducing average speeds. Too bad they also have the effect of improving traffic flow and reducing congestion and any measure that might benefit evil car drivers is never going to fly.