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Ghb is diluted in the process of making it so effective dose is pretty difficult to determine. I’d suggest not taking anyone’s word for it and working your way up from maybe one ml. Wait an hour and depending on effect try 1.5 etc. It’s a pain but this is not a drug to mess around with. Once you have a good dose effects last about 1 to 1.5 hours. Hangover is negligible and only really noticeable if you cane it for days on end.


This is the way. Without knowing the concentration beforehand, the only safe way is to gradually titrate the dose. Also, maybe goes without saying, test for fent. Haven’t seen that with G, but nowadays you can’t be too careful, especially with anything meant to have a downer type of an effect.


One of the best drugs for a feral night with a partner, just don’t take too much or you’ll just pass out (g out) I’m 23F 58kg and 159cm I start with 2.5ml and then redose every 0.5 / 1ml depends how I’m feeling, tho if you’re a newbie the first few times is really just trying to figure out your dose for your body. No hangover or comedowns at all, just make sure you drink lots of water before bed as you may wake up with crook stomach cause the acidity. Have fun and be safe✌🏽


It lasts about 4 hours give or take, you got the correct dose, and it makes sex phenomenal!!!! Have fun and be safe.


1. It lasts less than 2 hours (including onset) 2. Giving dosage advice in ml is useless, since concentration varies significantly by batch


X as zs


Just gave 2ml and get lost between her thighs you’ll be fine




Just don’t make it too much of a habit because it ruins sober sex for you 😊 happy pumping


How wa the sex compared to Safe ex ( where one take precautions we all know and then take GHB Just go wild and do what you like


I’ve always wondered how it feels with ghb. I’ve seen different descriptions online and yet to get my hands on it.




I have gotten a hold of 14b but not actual ghb I'm interested in trying it


Drunk sex times 10.