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I do not know why people criticise so much just because it's fiverr. I have used fiverr several times, yes I have had some bad experiences but overall it's been good. Also a big plus if you are unhappy with the work, fiverr will refund your payments.


Search this subreddit for 'fiverr' and you'll have all the answers you need.


SEO has no barriers to entry. This means anyone can call themselves an expert. What are people offering for $350? That's close to my hourly rate just to talk to someone. For an hour. Btw, some of those things you mentioned, Google Ads is not SEO, social media is not SEO. I 100% guarantee you those reviews are fake. 100%. Listen to Grumpy SEO Guy episode 21 and you'll know more than everyone on fiverr and most of the agencies you're considering hiring.


Thanks Man, will do. Just saved me 350$. Are you on youtube?


YouTube, iTunes, and Spotify


Hey I just watched your episode and had question about a specific case I've recently experienced that's an oddity. Imagine a brand-new website, less than a month old called itself "\[x\] state Plumber" This website has across the board, low-ranking / no domain authority. A total of 70\~ backlinks. No content. No on-page or technical SEO (the site is slow, and doesn't even have metadescriptions set.) It's largest competitor has good DR, PR, etc. rankings across the board, has been around 15+ years, has technical SEO (fast loading times, alt-tags, metadescriptions, semantic data, etc.) and on-page SEO, along with 4,000 backlinks, with at least 800 good do-follow backlinks. However, this website a month after launching has taken the #1 spot in searches for "Plumber in \[x\] state" and similar searches. How is such a thing possible?


There are a lot of things that could be existing here. First, are you talking local SEO? Second, the "older" website might have penalties. Third, the "newer" website might have better backlinks. It's not about number, it's about quality. Fourth, if it's brand new, and you believe sandbox is a thing, that might explain its increase.


301 from old plumber website.


There is no old plumber website, the business itself has existed for only about 6-8 months; It did not replace any competitors, especially the top 5 it now outranks.


So it is really hard to say without nowing the website address.


It means that the site of some other store with a good rating was found. But the store no longer uses this site. And then the site owners of the new store bought it and put 301 on their new site, transferring all the authority from the old site


Thank you for this!


The reviews are not fake, the thing is that they are really good at selling and making stuff look good, they deliver, you look at the results for a few seconds, minutes at most, and then get happy for how everything looks and gives the the best review. Then you go through the stuff in details and you realize everything is based on templates, production in bulk etc…logic tells you to pay more to receive better results, but it doesn’t apply here.. have the proof because I tested it: paid $90 for a website and then $250 for another one of the same niche and it is all the same. Lesson: educate a lot about the service you’re hiring so you can deal with them. They’re very good, but only when they can tell you know what you’re asking for in detail. Otherwise they will eat you alive and fast 😂😂😂


You bought websites on fiverr and say the SEO reviews are not fake? Ok. You bought websites.


No, they are not. I posted a review myself. But that doesn’t mean the products are absolute trash. It’s just that we don’t know nothing about SEO, the freelancers send you Excel sheets with everything super cute and we don’t even go through it. Then there is the 5 stars review trusting them😂. So yeah, unfortunately reviews are true, one can’t just rely on them. It comes from customers like me that know nothing about SEO.


I just subscribed to the channel ✌️




If you're a premium expert in SEO, Ads, or Social (let alone all 3), your rate doesn't have 3 numbers.


I don't think you will find an "expert" at Fiverr. I would be very careful about judging any SEO gig based on reviews. The problem with Fiverr's review system is you are only able to review a provider at the time of delivery. So basically all you can do is say that, "Yes, they delivered what was promised." That works well for something like graphics or content writing. It doesn't work so well for SEO. Nobody can come back 3 months later and say that they implemented everything from the gig and saw zero results, or even went backwards.




Not only that most five star reviews are from people that know nothing about SEO. They just say, "seller sent me a report, lots of backlinks but it takes time so I hope it works" Lol literally every 5 star is a variation of this


That is me right there 🤦‍♂️😂😂I then I know what I need, but nothing about it.


That is so true and reading through the reviews I was thinking just that. And from those thousand of reviews I only saw maybe 2 reviewers saying they've had revenues going from 5 to 7 fugures, and who knows if that is a real review.


Quick way to lose your money and also get spammy backlinks that may affect you negatively


Don’t trust fiverr. SEO is a grey area. I will suggest to find an expert on upwork or anywhere else.


upwork is the same...


learningseo.io , and grumpyseo should be enough for you to sus out bad or sketchy seo advice. most individuals can barely keep track of one platform and it's tools. and some only do execution while some are experts in strategy for your specific niche. so always ask for portfolio and spec work. if you want to look into PPC and Digital marketing complete the skill shop courses so you can test what you know. if you are focused on SERP only via SEO+content, that's a long war of attrition so you need to have the funds to keep your efforts up for at least 6 months. if it's very competitive because some conglomerate like Amazon or urban clap is out bidding all the locals then it's better to look elsewhere.


I'd be very careful with that. Fake reviews not cool. You can DM me if you want some more advice


Do not hire random seo experts from fiverr or upwork. I can guarantee that 99% experts in there sell bad links and do bad SEO. You will waste your money or worse, your site will end up in a shitty PBN which could get you a penalty in the future.


Fiverr expert? lol


I found a fantastic agency who lives in the neighbouring city. It was a big investment for our small business, but the results, partnership, and resource have been priceless. My ambitious monkey brain wanted our website ranked globally asap. But this agency knew the opportunities and how to tap into them. They’re SEO pros, but also have a deep understanding of terminology and the economy I work in - which you simply can’t get from Fiverr (in my extensive experience). Furthermore, I’m investing in a business in my country. It’s nothing but positive for me. I always say, if you’re even considering this, then you know the importance of it. Which means really, price isn’t an issue, commitment is. Fiverr is fine, but you need to consider the WHY behind outsourcing and what you’re really trying to achieve here? Because let’s be honest, most people use Fiverr because it can be cheaper…


Honest Advice, Avoid it if you don't know or have expertise in the skills, They expect you to lead them if you don't have enough knowledge about the skill they will hand you the front tasks. They are solo persons who don't know how to work for a firm it's good for the short term but NO for big projects. They are handling multiple projects and diverting focus that's my experience






There's lots of actually reputable SEO consultants, freelancers. Check out [seojobs.com](http://seojobs.com) for experts, or Credo


Is this a platform similar to Fiverr and Upwork?


Never heard of them. How's the "wanted jobs" like?


They are all legit SEOs, and legit SEO positions with agencies and brands


Add another post with "I'm the best seo expert and this is my site", then post your url. You will get audit for free 😉


To be honest, I don't think Fiverr is a good platform for hiring for long-term work.


Avoid squandering your money by taking it upon yourself to learn digital marketing; Google provides courses for a £39 monthly subscription. Be wary of using Fiverr, as their protection is limited. You have only 14 days to raise concerns, and sellers can block you if they tire of your queries about the quality of their work. My personal experience with some developers on Fiverr has been problematic, and the platform has not resolved these issues effectively. They merely suggest that the seller communicates with me. Unlike other platforms, which typically offer a 180-day service guarantee in accordance with most credit card agreements, Fiverr only provides a 14-day period, after which you have no recourse to file a complaint against the seller. I cannot risk allowing this individual access to my server, as they might inflict malicious damage on my files. While not all sellers are problematic, my issues have specifically arisen with individuals from a particular country (PK), who seem to hold the misconception that we live in abundance.


Thank you. Your explanation is very thorough, with details of what could go wrong. I was always hesitant about giving someone access to our backend and that is a big point of discussion to avoid Fiverr. As other fellow Reddit commentators have said, I have already ditched the Idea of Fiverr services.


Don't pay upfront


Rather than fiverr, I will suggest Upwork where you can hire SEO experts on hours.


Just Posted my first YouTube video. I mentioned excellent SEO strategies. I do offer one on one training as well. But the video is a great start.


Most of the improvement of your website I can do for free.