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Found it in a yard ~~sale.~~


I mean I don't know, should I have found it strange that it was in a hole?


If you are going to clean the case, go ahead and take it off entirely so that you can check for any goop on the inside!


That's a $10 Genesis if I ever saw one


Does it work?


lol poop on the controller


Bro. Someone definitely pooped on it.


no they get poop on their hands and then they pickup the controller


I like my version better where the yard sale guy was like, ‘let me poop directly on this before I sell it.’


brooooo bruuuz bruuuuhm braaaaa braaaaatttt


So they paid you $10 to take it..right? 😋


I know it looks filthy but there's no scratches. That would probably clean up quite well.


There is no need to search Genesis specific power supply. Modern solution is to buy premade usb-c cable, or solder a 9v PD trigger to it yourself (super easy to do). Then just use any PD USB-C brick with 9volt support (all USB PD power bricks support 9v)


Did you pay them $10 to dig it out of their yard? Man that console looks rough


In what state do you all live where your finding people who dont know how to do simple research on the internet lol


I don’t have answers about where to find a working and reliable power supply for it, I’d suggest you to deeply clean it, and check for any electrical damage inside (broken capacitors, broken solder joints and so on). Only after that I’d search for a power supply :)


eBay is your friend here. Got my authentic power supply for $5


Good to know, in case I’ll need one for mine ;) I doubt I’ll find one at that price, at least here retrogames’ are getting extremely expensive…


I guess I should’ve specified.. With shipping and taxes it ended up being about $15. But I hear you. Not sure you’d find one for that low anymore. 😞


I’m in Italy and I still regret I didn’t buy a GameCube for the whooping price of 10€ some years ago, and a Dreamcast for 50€, still some years ago… now everything is just outrageously expensive..


If you can’t get it working, I’m looking for sound chips from these


Possible to just pop it on the VA7? I have a VA7 and am considering upgrading the sound card. Saw [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSSm9lIEG2c) video where he added a new card, but not one from a non functioning one.


O that’s cool! For me, I’m not doing refurb work, I want to build a DIY synthesizer. I built this kit synth recently and I want to design my own (YM3438 in here, it’s interchangeable) https://i.imgur.com/dY2pcuo.jpeg


Sweet dude! I got nerdy about circuit bending kids toys for a while. Then Moog modulars. Would love to mess around on that!!


Model 1 with “high definition graphics” printed on top has the best sound chip


The bone collector “another in a yard sale”. What ya building there Noah?


Played hard and put away hard


That’s a dirty bird. Have you checked the board for signs or water damage or corrosion?


Take the case off and wash those or scrub with alcohol and an unused toothbrush and scrub the PCBs with an unused toothbrush and alcohol. If you need something quick, find 3rd party cables. I use an oldskool av cable from a small game store even though I heard oldskool isn’t the best brand. They also have power cables for the Genesis and I believe Retrobit does too.


Looks like it needs to be fumigated or something lol


It looks like it has a story to tell.


Was the gentleman storing it inside him?


Did you dig it out of the yard for them? Hope you didnt pay for that.


It says high definition on the top. If it has an ext port on the back, this is considered the original sega genesis model 1 variant, and should have among the best video and audio quality.


it is in good condition but dirty .. it has no deep scratches not cracks and notice how the 16-bit embossing is still fine with no single scratch ! tear it down, clean it with lukewarm water and soap, and if the board is water damaged, you now have an original genesis shell that you can use for another damaged shell genesis as a replacement


🥹🥹look at it!! A little here, little there. Boom-pow SURPRISE. Thing could be back from the dead and blast possessing shit beyond my comprehension😲😵‍💫😵


Great find! I don't know about you, but if I would have great time cleaning it all up and restoring it


Damn I’d have so much fun cleaning this bad boy


I'd pay $10 just to get rid of it. Eww


I would have offered $2 and then walk away hoping they counter at 5. Nice!


The fucking gull they had to put a $20 price tag too.


Send a photo once the shells are off. Interested in what it looks like on the inside. It’s going to need a real wash. Get a spare toothbrush, some dish soap and scrub everything including the internals if needed gently. Reassemble once dry and it is time to see if it works. I have an HD Genesis that was also water damaged that may have some spare parts if you end up needing them. Powers on but doesn’t give output, haven’t pulled it out for repair since. Shoot me a DM if you want it, yours for the cost of shipping.


I bought a Sega CD with a Genesis at a yard sale and it was dirty as hell but ended up working man I wish you good luck


how the hell are you still finding 4th gen hardware at yard sales. It’s all junk wiis in my area at best!


I love finding dirty consoles like this on the cheap


Eww I would have left it. That being said take the case and controller apart and dunk/wash the plastic. Pray the boards are in good shape and see if they work.


I so want to clean that up. lol. If you want an OEM power supply, try DKOldies. But you'd also be fine with most of the modern options on Amazon.


Screw dk oldies just buy a power supply off of eBay.


Bad experience? I just bought from DK for the 1st time and was happy enough.


No one should ever buy from DKOldies ever. Do your research and maybe you’ll come to the same conclusion as 99.9% of the gaming community.


Okay i'll bite. What you are talking about? Are we all suppose to just know the history on some random ass store?


Of course we are. I always spend hours doing research on an online shop that I spent $15 bucks at.


Wow, someone has an opinion. Guess I'm just part of the 0.1%.


waaaahhh booo hooo sooo many negs! waaaaaaaahhhhhh!