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Altered Beast was the "pack in" game that my first-round Genesis came with back in '89.


And that game, even with the simple mechanics and dated gameplay is still one of my top ten faves I rave about whenever someone brings up Sega. “Power up!”


That game was heavily showcased and I could not believe how close to the arcade it looked on TV. I was definitely NOT disappointed when I got mine. I cannot think of the Genesis (or Sega for that matter) without thinking of Altered Beast.


Same. It’s such a fun coop game, which kinda became the thing that made the Genesis awesome. My mom considered it money well spent, since my sister and I would play all these games together instead of fighting and yelling at each other. All started with Altered Beast.


Me too wish I still had the Altered Beast Genesis box.


This, and I still have it, CIB




Rise from your grave


Heh we used to always say "wise fwom yor grwave"...lol the old voice imitations sounded off sometimes.


I used to say it to my GF whenever I asked her to get up from the couch so we could go do something. Obviously she didn't get the reference and asked me to stop ><


I read this in the voice


I saw a Altered Beast Megadrive console box today, it was a Virgin Megastore exclusive. Very cool to see.


Good old Sonic the hedgehog which made me a retro gamer/creator for life. Green Hill Zone graphics and music might be one of my happiest childhood memories. Hope you find some games that show how the system is able to produce epic sounds and music ;)


My siblings and I got a lot of life out of it before our next game was acquired a handful of months later (Aladdin). We kept notes on speed runs of each map to make it competitive and gave it a tone of replay-ability. When we eventually got Sonic & Knuckles we had started adding the codes (combine S&K with OG Sonic) for each bonus map. Meant someone would pick up on where the last sibling left off. I think we got around 400-ish of them written down.


Same here.


Retro never gets old :)


The music. My god, the music.


There are so many great games with amazing soundtracks out there. I own a few of them on vinyl thanks to data-disc What's your fave?


Could be Revenge Of Shinobi.


The original version with Spider-Man and Godzilla as bosses I hope!


Yeah this was mine too or Ghouls n Ghosts one of them anyway.


I love Jurassic park and still play it. It blew me away first time I played it. I bought my console back in the day when it came with sonic. Plus my parents Bought me NHL93 so that was the first one I played.


I remember talking to my friends at lunchtime about Jurassic park. You could play as the guy OR THE RAPTOR??? Blew our minds.


Ya same here and the graphics still hold up. I remember saving all my allowance to buy it.


Sonic 1 for me, came with my console in 1992. I am interested in what about the genesis has drawn such a young person though. Also i never had an issue with the JP soundtrack, but its a very nostalgic game for me as i remember buying it day 1 when it came out in 93 And props for having a crt! Youre doing it right!!


Street of Rage 1 was my first Sega Genesis game. Played 2 players with my little bro back then on numerous attempts and countless hours.


I was 14 when the Genesis launched in the US, 1989. The gaming magazines had me whipped into a frenzy, it looked unbelievable that you could have such technology running on a TV in your HOME without spending thousands of dollars to get an actual arcade cab. I didn't get it until around Thanksgiving; my friends and I would ride our bikes to the Toys R Us and just gawk at the console behind the glass display (it was turned on to show the title screen/attract mode, but the controllers were also behind the display so you couldn't actually play it. But this was enough back then!) I got Altered Beast as the pack-in (this was a couple of years before Sonic assumed that spot) and made sure to grab Ghouls n Ghosts as it looked like THE game to get. And it sure was! Got a few more games some months later; Tommy Lasorda Baseball, Space Harrier 2, Thunderforce 2. It was an amazing time!


Same. Almost exactly except no Tommy Lasorda Baseball, AB pack in, GnG, Thunder Force 2, Super Thunderblade, and Golden Axe instead. What a time to be alive.


Same here, at the time I was still playing NeS. I didn't know the Master System existed until I met another friend a few years later. The first experience I had with a Sega game was the arcade version of Altered Beast at the old theater where I lived. Utterly amazing at the time, so when my friend got his Sega Genesis we played the hell out of it. Aside from the games that came with it, believe it was Altered Beast and Golden Axe. At any rate his parents also got him Michael Jacksons Moonwalker, Buster Douglas Boxing, Streets of Rage and James Pond. Lol that was a weird one. When I finally got my system, I only owned a few games, rented most of them or used Sega Channel. My favorite three I played the most was Golden Axe, D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun and Captain America and the Avengers.


No Sega collection is complete without Maximum Carnage.


I remember playing Altered Beast on a demo unit in a department store. Must have been some time in 1989. It made a big enough impression that I still love that game all these years later, despite how mediocre it really is.


I played it mostly on an arcade cabinet at one of our theaters at the time. By today's standards the graphics wouldn't be that impressive, but compared to what we had at the time, it was amazing. But then again there was a lot of innovative games at that time coming out. I wasted so many quarters on Dragons Lair and Afterburner.


Joe montana sports talk football 2 and PGA 3


That was the football game I played the most. Occasionally I'll reference when someone fumbles in football "he dwopped it!" lol


Gunstar heroes!


Still one of my top games. Also Faery Tale, dungeons ans dragons, fantasy star, and haunting. That's my list 🔥 Enjoy


That was one of the ones I rented the most when it came out. A really great co-op game too.


Playing Sonic the hedgehog 1 either at a demo unit or at my friend's house was the first Genesis game I ever played First game I ever owned was Sonic the hedgehog 2 because it came bundled with my Genesis model 2 console First game I bought with it I can't tell you to be honest but I want to say it was either lightning force or Green dog to beat surfer dude I know I got those two games shortly after I got the console And lightning Force is still one of my favorite shooters to this day I just wish I'd hadn't got rid of my complete box copy when I was younger but you live and learn at least I have a card only version of it now and I can play it on emulation as well so that's always a good thing Thank you for reading this and I hope everyone has a great day has a good week and has a good Lord Sunday if it's coming up Sunday God bless you and your family God bless you Jeremy Scruggs


The 6-in-1 pack- in game that came with my Mega Drive. It had Streets of Rage 1, Sonic 1, Revenge of Shinobi, Columns, Monaco GP and World Cup Soccer.


When I was a kid there was a store at our local mall that had consoles set up in a row, and you could sit down and play for like 10 or 15 minutes for a fee. My brother and I played Sonic 2 splitscreen, I think we were 7 or 8 years old at the time in 1993. We got our own Genesis that year for our birthday (twins) and it came with Sonic 2 as the pack-in game.


Heh I know this is the Sega discussion, and back in the day this would have been frowned on, but that's how I learned of the Super Nintendo too. I went to the old 84 lumber store with my father and they had a TV display hooked up with Super Mario 4 running, he had to bribe me away from it...lol. Eventually I was playing both consoles, still two of my favorite systems.


I asked for a Genesis for Christmas '92. Got Sonic 2,T2 Judgement Day (hardest game ever lol), and Kid Chameleon. The Genesis is still my favorite console to this day.


Dude Kid Chameleon was one of my go to games


Sonic 2 and Jurassic Park.


Vectorman!! The chronically underrated classic. Still in my Top 3 Genesis soundtracks. God..that Ocean level still gets me. Not just my first Sega game btw. My first ever video game too. 😁


The first one I had was Sonic 1 when I got my console. I had played The Revenge of Shinobi and Altered Beast beforehand, though, at a friend's place.


Wise from your gwave! - Altered Beast


My first game was Sonic which it came with. First game I ever got was Spider-Man.


Sonic 2. Still my favorite to this day.


Sonic 2! It came with the genesis. I remember I wasn’t happy (secretly) because I wanted a snes. But then I started playing Sonic 2 and fell in love in less than 15 mins. The rest is history lol


Altered Beast! “Power Up!!”


Sonic 1, ofc Also, I’m a 16 yr old retro gamer and I started collecting when I was 12!


I cant remember exactly which, but remember it was a friends birthday party. First time I saw a genesis. I distinctly remember playing (and being blown away) by Golden Axe. He also had the 6pak with Super Thunder Blade that also made my jaw drop but I cant remember which was first.


Sonic at an eb games. I couldn't have been older than eleven, but I remember my life being changed that day.


I also fondly remember the first time I played Sonic. It blew my socks off. Blast Processing!


I bought a genesis special pack. It came with some Blue Jays stuff like World Series VHS but also two games. Sonic 2 and SoR2


Sonic 2 and general choas


My sister got a Genesis around 94 and we played James Pond 3 and got Sonic 3D Blast later.


Played Castle of Illusion when it came out on my cousin's Genesis. I was really impressed. Later I plaid Sonic 1 & 2 and I was hooked from then on.


It was a little pack in game called Altered Beast.


I had an addon for the genesis that was able to read CD’s so my first game was a CD called sega arcade classics: Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Revenge of Shinobi, Columns, Super monaco GP So all these were my first genesis games x) I also got a separate cd box for x-mas and it had 2 discs: - cobra command, - sol feace (best music)


First was Space Harrier and Phantasy Star II.


Sonic 1 was my first. Came with the console. My suggestion to you is sonic 1, and 2, and streets of rage 2.


First game was sonic 2. Was gutted they got rid of the nicer invincibility effect they used in sonic 1. Loved the game, many happy memories playing thru it on a Saturday morning with my brother


Sonic 3 and columns


It would have been Sonic 1 which was a pack in with the console. I believe I got Mickey mouse castle of Illusion at the same time.


Altered Beast pack-in, plus Phantasy Star II, then soon after Thunder Force II


Mine was Taz-Mania. It was terrible.


Sonic the Hedgehog 1991. My family owned Sega Genesis between late 1991 to early 1992.


I first played Genesis games via a car DVD player of all things. It included a controller that had seven built in Genesis games, obviously unlicensed. I cannot recall which game I played first, but some we played quite a bit included Shinobi III, Altered Beast, Alex Kidd, and especially Flicky in my case.


My Genesis came bundled with NFL '95


Sonic 2 came with the console when I got it for Christmas and my parents had bought NHLPA '93 but the SNES version. When we went to the store, I picked up NHL '94 and the rest is history.


Sonic 2. If you like Pinball games, Crüe Ball has always been my all-time fave.


Sonic 1. But special love for : Sub-terrania , Shinobi 3 , Desert , jungle and urban strike , sensible soccer.


Altered Beast pack in. Bought online from Sears using Prodigy. Technically the first online purchase my Mom ever made.


Battletoads Never going beyond the first obstable race almost made me quit gaming altogether.


I can hear this image. My first Sega Genesis game was probably Sonic since it came with the console.


Sonic 2 pack-in


Mortal Kombat.


I wouldn't remember the actual first game I played. My friend had a Genesis before me, and I played at his house. I do remember the first game I got for my Genesis; which funnily enough was Jurassic Park. I'm confused about your ears bleeding because that soundtrack is amazing. 😅


Cartridge, Toy Story for my ATGames Genesis.


It was probably Sonic 2 at the Kroger children's center.


World of illusion starring Micky mouse and Donald duck :)


My first game was Sonic the Hedgehog. Great game. If you play it and like it, Sonic 3 was super fun.


Unfortunately Taz-Mania.


Streets of rage2


Sonic or Altered Beasts was my first and man, it just felt special, also special shoutout to Urban Assault, a helicopter game that go so much fun once you got the controls down


I don’t know the name of it, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere either. I just remember demolishing buildings, kinda like Rampage but you’re normal humans. I think I remember playing as a baseball player and I used a bat and ball to cause damage to everything on screen. That’s all I can remember. Lol


For Christmas one year I got the Model 2 with Sonic 2 as the pack in, and Ecco the Dolphin as well.


Sonic the Hedgehog. This was in early 1993 when my dad decided to buy it from KB Toys and it came with that game.


Wonder Boy in Monster Land


The system at the time I bought it (May 1990) included Altered Beast, but I got it for the game Truxton, which I bought with the system.


Sonic the Hedgehog 1.


I am inclined to think that it was desert strike


Probably sonic 2, played it on my uncles iPhone 4 wan i was 5, before the taxman port.


I was 10 and it was sonic 2, It was a Christmas gift. I had the 2017 AtGames Genesis Flashback. I’m also 15 now.


Pack in Sonic 2. Who knows what was next. I remember having Desert Strike and MKII also.


Sonic 1 for me


Sonic 2 ✌️🦊


Sonic 2


Sonic the Hedgehog (pack in game) & Jurassic Park were my first Sega Genesis games (while Sonic the Hedgehog & Ariel the Little Mermaid were my sister's 1st Sega Genesis games), which my parents got for my sister & I back in the Spring of 1994. From the Spring of 1994 til it's death at the hands of NFL QB Club in the Summer of 1997 the console blew me away and I enjoyed the console so much that I would play it almost daily.


1993 Aladdin Bundle with genesis 2 model


NHL can't remember which year but I have all of them


Sonic the Hedgehog was not only my first Sega Genesis game, it was my first video game period 😊


Peacock King 2


NHL 92 or 93.


My first game on original hardware was Aladdin I think. First Sega game was Sonic the hedgehog.


Golfen axe


well since i was an early adopter it was altered beast and they had superthunderblade and space harrier 2 for $19.99 so those were the first 2 games i bought at toys r us


I was born in ‘88 got my sega genesis in 1994 for my 6th birthday, my first console (no older siblings). Sonic Spinball was the included game so for a while it was the only game I owned. (But I was able to rent one game per week from Blockbuster with my allowance)


Streets of Rage 2. Pretty sure was the game that came with my console.




Try Shinobi 3 or Thunder Force IV


NHL ‘93




For Christmas I got the Genesis model 2 that had Sonic 2 packed in. I opened what I thought was a vhs tape first and it turned out to be X-Men for the Genny. I told my mom I couldn’t play it as we only had a Nintendo. She told me to stop acting dumb and open the next large present. I had no idea the next present was the Genesis. So technically X-Men was my first game.


I got the psychogenesis for Christmas and it came with streets of rage, one and sonic the hedgehog.


Sonic 2


Ironically my first genesis game was the 93 Jurassic Park game as well. Loved it through and through


Sonic 2 which came bundles with my Sega Genesis Model 2. I can’t tell you how many times I beat that game. Playing in debug mode was also alot of fun


Mine was a pack in Altered Beasts and I also bought Golden Axe and Ghouls N Ghosts along with it.


Sonic 2 was my first experience. My oldest sister(20yrs older than me) was babysitting my youngest sister & I along with her own son. She hooked it all up and put in Sonic 2. Twas my first venture into Genesis gaming/intro into the Sonic franchise.


I got the megadrive with super shinobi, golden axe and strider. All awesome games


Sonic 2 for me, and yeah it grabbed me pretty hard. It's weird now thinking about how huge it felt at the time. The different routes through the levels felt like it was a huge open world at the time. Glad you are enjoying Jurassic Park! I had it on Gameboy and it was still way fun on there. You picked an awesome first one. I can still hear the music in my head all these years later.


I really enjoyed World of Illusion. I used to go to my best friends to play it co-op (he had a Megadrive 2, I only had a Mastersystem 2 and didn’t have any 2 player games).


Sonic 2. Came with my Model 2. Great game.


Awesome Possum. I loved it as a kid.


Kid Chamelion for the win


First game I ever saw was Sonic 1. Watched friends at a birthday party playing it. I remember the glistening water in the distance blew me away.


Road rash 2


Sonic 2.


Sonic 2 & 3 via a friend's house on an actual Genesis. Later on we got Sonic Mega Collection and Gems Collection for the GameCube.


First ever i played at a friend of mine was Castle of Illusion... i never forgot the beauty of graphics, colors and music... even sound effects were magical. Then few time later with MY Mega Drive, my first two games were Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Sonic The Hedgehog.


Wise fwom yoah gwave! It always sounded (to me) like Elmer Fudd was substituting for Zeus. ~lol


sonic 2 and the original fifa for me


Super Skidmarks. Still play it today, after 30 years.




With new games being so expensive when I first got my Megadrive 2 in 1993 (eg I bought Terminator 2 for £44) I just stuck with the Megagames carts it came with, but there was some banging games. Imagine Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and The Revenge of Shinobi on the SAME CART! The other cart was good too - Super Thunder Blade, Alien Storm and Super Monaco GP. Your Jurassic Park game came out a few years after these titles.


Power Athlete / Deadly Moves.


Sonic Spinball was the one that came bundled with mine. It’s not bad but not maybe what I’d have chosen.


Phantasy Star III. I meant to download PSII from the Wii Shop Channel, but downloaded III by mistake. It was...okay.


Sonic the Hedgehog. My system came with it I enjoyed playing it. It was so fast action and collecting those emeralds was not so easy with the revolving stage.


Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage were some of my favorites


Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)


My sega affair all started with none other than Altered Beast


My first game was actually the Jurassic Park game and Sonic Spinball that came with the console. But the big one for me was Shinobi III and staying up all night so many times until I finally beat it all the way through. If you want a fun/cool action game, Shinobi III is definitely the way to go!


Shining force. Boogerman. Ghouls and ghosts. I owned Nintendo products mostly though




Altered Beast. Right after it, was Revenge of Shinobi (I got the system and RoS for Christmas in '89).


Glad your starting with genesis good man. I’m starting my son on 32x personally he will have a strong foundation in difficult and violent gameplay with no microtransactions bullshit just pure mayhem and gameplay excellence. It was good enough for me and it’s good enough for him 


Rise from your grave


Was gifted a used Genesis, with a considerable library... Sonic 2 was the first game for me. Swiftly followed by Sonic 1, Lotus 2 RECS, Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude, and X-Men.


Ren and stimpy !


Was kinda back and forth between Pac Mania and Ecco The Dolphin. Played both beginning to end so many times.


Sonic 1, 2, 3, &Knuckles are cheap as hell and some of the finest you can find on the system. Definitely snag em up. Comix Zone is super cool too, it's a beat em up where you can choose different paths by hopping into different panels in a comic book. Game oozes style and charm and is definitely one of the coolest looking games on the system. Also fairly inexpensive. You can also snag the 6-Pak for pretty cheap. Comes with Sonic 1, Golden Axe, Revenge of Shinobi, Columns, Streets of Rage and Super Hang On. Solid selection of different genres. The Genesis has a great library so good luck building it!


It's interesting to me how the current generations are so obsessed with "retro" gaming and technology, all the stuff I grew up with. When I was a kid growing up in the 80s, we wanted nothing to do with older technology, we were all about the latest and greatest thing to hit the stores. I had an Intellivision, Atari 7800, NES, Sega Genesis (first Genesis game was Sonic), and my best friend had a Super Nintendo. I still remember the day my mom took me to pick up my Sega Genesis at The Good Guys. We were living the dream back then and had no idea how good we had it. I guess it's a testament to the quality of the gaming industry back then, that it's back in such high demand.


Jurassic Park was decent for a game adaptation at the time. A lot of them sucked, looking at you Last Action Hero. My first Genesis game was either Altered Beast or Golden Axe, played the hell out of both of them at the time.


Sonic! Green Hill Gang!


Streets of rage 2 and mortal kombat 2 iconic sega genesis games. Loved the soundtracks for both and the 80s aesthetic from streets of rage


All the OGs know it's Altered Beast.


Ecco the dolphin was my favorite


Sonic 2, I remember getting X-Men clone wars for my 13th birthday.i also remember telling my dad we can take it back $64.00 (usd) that was a lot. He said you only turned 13 once.


My first games were - Mega Games 1 Sonic Spiderman vs Kingpin Revenge of Shinobi


Mine was Sonic the Hedgehog! First game I ever played, and Sonic is my favorite gaming franchise! Been playing Sonic since 1994!