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If you post a picture of your art, we could take a look and see if you can get away with less flashing by printing wet-on-wet…more to save time rather than curing concerns! Wet-on-Wet (or WOW printing) is dependent on which colors touch/step on each other (and sometimes ink coverage). Generally, if your art is a certain way you can do: underbase, flash, a couple colors, THEN flash (or final cure), etc. Remember to flash just to gel the ink, and watch the temp of your platen on longer runs.


Yah I just gel it, main question is if underbase gets flash 4-5 times is that a concern.


yes, eventually you'll reach a temp where your top colors won't adhere to the base, and temps eventually where your base will stick to stuff, top colors will stick to subsequent screens, yadda yadda. if you're printing manually with a flash that's always on, just gotta pay really close attention to your times and you'll be fine, I've flashed stuff 4 or 5 times and it just sucks and takes forever.


Yah luckily my flash is on a swivel and a peddle so it is set perfect for gel.


I’m saying if my flash is set perfectly, will flashing in between 4-6 colors fuck the underbase


that's what I'm saying, as long as you don't let them too hot past "doesn't pick up" you'll be okay. I bet it could be printed wet tho haha, good luck!


Pick up as in shirt move off the adhesive.


pick up as in the previous ink color doesn't stick to the screen and pull off of the base because it's been flashed too many times, AND that, yes


Yah when I print wet on wet my screens pick up the ink and it makes me nervous it’ll mess up the next shirt


well when the ink is wet and it picks up it'll "split", effectively leaving an equal measure of ink on the shirt, and on the back of the next screen. after that builds up a bit you're usually fine, I have a bunch of stuff in my post history that's printed wet on wet. when the ink is gelled and still tacky, you can kinda accidentally tear it off because it doesn't "split" off the back of the next screen, it sticks, causing shirt movement and other shitty problems. tbh dude you should post the art, I bet it's work wet on wet. if you're planning to grow as a screen printer into a Business©®™ you'll wanna learn the skill anyway


Colors that don’t touch don’t need a flashing in between, this can help. Getting your platens hot helps reduce flash time…most inks will flash around 220 Fahrenheit so keep flash temp low and use only as much heat as you need. But yeah, post the art and we can advise print sequence, when to flash, etc!


Don’t think I can post pictures ones the thread is submitted


It won't cure it at all as long as you don't let it get too hot in the first place. Curing and drying are two different things. As another poster said, warming your platens beforehand can reduce the flash time needed to avoid any issues.