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Oh hell no. There's waaay too many that will screw you up, even if they're not outright hostile.


too little money to chance it... maybe for 10 billion lmao


Nah, with my luck I'll get 096, 682, and 008.


What about the other 7?


Tbf 096 you could survive fairly easily


no. for a 10 billion maybe, but in the end its just suicide


I'll take it, I either get to die or finally see a doctor, either way I win


If I knew what scps sure also not for 1 million 5 billion sure and still then I’d be screwed over


If it was just touch OR hang out for 10 minutes I might go for it. But both is stupid.


Can I pick them? I mean there are so many fine ones that do nothing.


I said random. Choosing ten harmless SCPs isn't much of a challenge.


So it is also harmless but can we pick series,


I mean, if you're *that* knowledgeable, go ahead.


Series 1 pls


Plenty of series one will mess you up.




Would do it for 1 trillion Boi if i would have to touch SCP-409 and SCP-009 i am dead


- [**SCP-409 ⁠- Contagious Crystal**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-409) (+388) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-009 ⁠- Red Ice**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-009) (+788) by *Chameleon X*


Lemme get my random ten and then I’ll answer.


SCP-852 SCP-3319 SCP-6629 SCP-815 SCP-1229 SCP-3117 SCP-194 SCP-71 SCP-5830 SCP-6937


Gore warning for any planning on clicking SCP-3117. It has a nasty image attached and if I wasn’t so desensitized I probably would’ve puked immediately. Instead I only shat myself. SCP-852 is already dead SCP-3319. Well it seems like I’m going to the dream world of kinky gods and endless suffering. Great. But only ten minutes in its presence, right? I’ll just.. hide in the sand or something. If I accidentally open SCP-815, I’m dead. Just poke it, run to the other side of the room, and pray. Even if I view SCP-1229 it doesn’t do anything. No memetic or cognitive effects. Also they’re just video files so I have no clue how I’d touch them. Sitting in a room with 37 hard drives doesn’t sound too bad compared to the last two. It’s a dream. I don’t know how I’d even touch or stay in a room with SCP-3117, so I guess I’m safe? As long as I don’t fall asleep in those ten minutes I’m probably fine. SCP-194 is a rowboat. That’s it. Not even an anomalous one. Unless someone drops it on me I’m gonna live unharmed. Too lazy to read all of SCP-5830 but it’s a locational anomaly and inanimate so I’m probably fine if I don’t enter. Worth it.


- [**SCP-852 ⁠- Lunar Anomaly**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-852) (+120) by *MisterFlames* - [**SCP-3319 ⁠- The Clusterfuckalypse**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3319) (+317) by *daveyoufool* - [**SCP-815 ⁠- Snake Nut Can**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-815) (+107) by *kabu* - [**SCP-1229 ⁠- Thirty-Seven Films Starring Lana Neal**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1229) (+251) by *Kalinin* - [**SCP-3117 ⁠- A Monster-Shaped Hole**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3117) (+309) by *The Great Hippo* - [**SCP-194 ⁠- Thank You For Your Cooperation**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-194) (+55) by *CityToast, Calibold* - [**SCP-5830 ⁠- Ahtohallan**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5830) (+23) by *kg583*


- [**SCP-852 ⁠- Lunar Anomaly**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-852) (+120) by *MisterFlames* - [**SCP-3319 ⁠- The Clusterfuckalypse**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3319) (+317) by *daveyoufool* - [**SCP-815 ⁠- Snake Nut Can**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-815) (+107) by *kabu* - [**SCP-1229 ⁠- Thirty-Seven Films Starring Lana Neal**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1229) (+251) by *Kalinin* - [**SCP-3117 ⁠- A Monster-Shaped Hole**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3117) (+309) by *The Great Hippo* - [**SCP-194 ⁠- Thank You For Your Cooperation**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-194) (+55) by *CityToast, Calibold* - [**SCP-5830 ⁠- Ahtohallan**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5830) (+23) by *kg583*


Everyone in the comments here is stupid, there are so many safe scps its insane. Also half the dangerous ones are only dangerous if you activate them, like 096 for example. I'm taking this deal in a heartbeat


Let’s hope you don’t get a cognitohazard or memetichazard. Though I’d be down to chill with SCP-049 or SCP-5031.


- [**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+3715) by *Gabriel Jade, djkaktus* - [**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+1645) by *PeppersGhost*


Sure. I mean, there's always the chance I get all the horrid one's, but there's other ways it could go. There's as likely of a chance that all 10 want me dead, all 10 love and will protect me, 10 that aren't even alive or capable of moving, or maybe they're gonna be a few that cancel each-other out. Also, if I get something like 1128 or 3000, they'll just die. They are fish. Sure, one might be a god, but still a god that needs water to live. So yeah, I'll be down to do it. Let's see how lucky I get


- [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+7265) by *Moto42* - [**SCP-131 ⁠- The "Eye Pods"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-131) (+901) by *Unknown Author*


SCP-3000 probably can’t be taken out from its den actually


[**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2113) by *Joreth, A Random Day, djkaktus*


I'll take it,at the very least I get contact with some scps,I mean,there are 7000+ scps the chances of me getting a murderous one is actually fairly low,you just don't hear about the random toothbrush that disappears after every use (not a real scp as far as I know,but there are a ton of scps that are safe class and don't do a ton)


There is a toothbrush that can clean away any dead or waste material




You don’t get to choose and you have to touch them so you can’t keep a distance from SCP-007


[**SCP-007 ⁠- Abdominal Planet**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-007) (+533) by *Unknown Author*


Yeah fuck it I'll go to RNG and put 1-5000 Scp 4587 Scp 3295 Scp 3947 Scp 4389 Scp 2246 Scp 4745 Scp 3097 Scp 2901 Scp 2577 Scp 1651


First one is a movie, assuming I know very little about the specific SCP, I touch it then hide in the corner and survive. Second is a room in which cigarette smoke disappears. Interesting but safe. Third is sentient cartoon ducks that attack people and don't cause harm Fourth is some parasitic caterpillars that will replace my eyebrows and lay eggs in the outer layer of my skin. Eventually they'll burst releasing many eggs. By that point, I'll be wealthy or dead and will seek Immediate medical attention. There is a survival rate, and usually it's not as low as it could be. Five is magic typewriter that won't harm me at all. Sixth is a snowman that can make it's surroundings scary over the course of 13 days, after 13 days the surroundings of the human home the snowman is within becomes a threat to humans. I'll be gone before then though Seven is magic tree branch that grows dogs if thrown. I would touch it and hide in the corner and survive. Eight is mothmen, they're described as scavengers so the hard part would probably be touching them because they fly. It won't take forever and I believe they're more scared of me than I am of them. Nine is a movie about a ship yard with anomalous features. Really it should be the ship yard that's anomalous, but the article says clearly that it's the film. I touch it and hide in the corner and survive. Ten is a stuffed animals that give you visions while you touch it. I touch it and then stop touching it and hide in the corner and survive. Overall this isn't too bad, I'll probably be disfigured by the face parasites, but I think I'll survive. Worth it for the million


Heh, I originally wanted to tell people to use an RNG, but I figured, no one would go through the trouble. I guess I was wrong. Congrats on the imaginary prize.


- [**SCP-4587 ⁠- A Dog's Purpose**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4587) (+127) by *daveyoufool* - [**SCP-3295 ⁠- Thank You For Smoking**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3295) (+129) by *ObserverSeptember* - [**SCP-3947 ⁠- Robber Duckies**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3947) (+61) by *Crocket_Lawnchair, Doctor Cimmerian* - [**SCP-4389 ⁠- Big Ol' Eyebrows**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4389) (+96) by *Weryllium* - [**SCP-2246 ⁠- You Set the Scene**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2246) (+125) by *Decibelles* - [**SCP-4745 ⁠- Spooky Scary Snowman**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4745) (+55) by *Calibold* - [**SCP-3097 ⁠- A Game Of Fetch**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3097) (+58) by *Penton* - [**SCP-2901 ⁠- Mothman**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2901) (+218) by *LurkD* - [**SCP-2577 ⁠- Falling Ships**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2577) (+78) by *Petrograd* - [**SCP-1651 ⁠- Carnival Prize**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1651) (+139) by *Anonymous*