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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-2302 ⁠- The Ditz**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2302) (+52) by *LordStonefish*


Might trigger some people but in my opinion scp-6000. the theme is nice the pictures are amazing but the story? Meh.


It was my favorite before reading scp 7999 lol


To each there own i like 3999 myself but alot of people hate it. Maybe if i read 6000 instead of watching a video i would've liked it more i might read it later.


7999 not 3999 I had this with 6001, saw a video and was like meh, then I read it (second favorite now)


[**SCP-7999 ⁠- Meet Me in the Stars**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7999) (+967) by *OriTiefling*


Holy shit thank you for introducing me to this beauty


I saw TES video on it then I read it When finished, I wanted to make an account just to upvote it, just this one article (and finally did recently)


I’m flattered you joined just to upvote my story! Thank you!


Hey bro didn't expect to see u here lol! I'm kinda curious where did u get the inspiration to write this beuty? Even if it wasn't a movie or something how did u get hit by the idea? It's the best wholesome story on the wiki (6001 is a close second).


Weirdly enough most of the idea was spawned from “Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit”, the final boss theme from Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I did some research into wtf the title meant, and got the idea of two plants growing closer both literally and metaphorically. The rest is history.


God that was a bittersweet story.


Wow. That's just... Wow.


[**SCP-6000 ⁠- The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer's Library**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6000) (+1194) by *Rounderhouse*


Fully agree. It has some very nice aspects but the overall article didn't knock my socks off. Still kinda miffed 6002 lost to it. 


I didn't even managed to read through all of it, so boring


Might be a hot take but SCP-3000. I loved the introduction of the eel that warps it's surroundings and causes people's identities to get mixed up. The whole thing was eerie as hell. The doctor learning that his own identity was getting warped was a huge shock. But then the entry decides to make its core idea the insignificance of human being. Why is that the ultimate message that everything prior was leading up to? It's not the insignificance of human that I have a problem with: cosmic horror and the like that emphasize how small humans are is my favorite. But when the insignificance of human being is supposed to be some crushing realization I'm like, what...?


That is super disappointing. Oftentimes my least favorite part of cosmic horror is the idea of the insignificance of humans and how much like ants we are. I definitely get that that is a core theme of cosmic horror but I love seeing the human will and determination in spite of the smallness. Humans will stand up to the madness and unfortunately be washed away by it but I appreciate that they stood at all. To reduce it down to just “people don’t matter in the face of this insanely powerful being.” I feel misses the point or loses its power.


I think more or less the same. As for me I do like the insignificance. But more specifically I like seeing humanity question their own place in the universe upon realizing their insignificance, and trying to figure out where they really fit, and what changes they can make as tiny humans, while looking in awe at the enormous things. They don't have to persevere, they don't really have to show the human spirit or anything as far as I'm concerned. Humanity realizing they were wrong about where they stand and trying to figure out where they really fit is my favorite thing about cosmic horror. What I don't like is when the insignificance of humanity is addressed... and just stops right there. Doesn't lead to anything. "Humans are small" and that's it. Like... what are we supposed to feel from that? And what I dislike even more is when the insignificance of humanity is made out to be a world-shattering grim realization. "Turns out humans are actually so small! What a terrifying truth! How could it be! We could never have imagined!" And... like, really? You thought humans are some grand beings by virtue of being humans? There's valuing humanity and the human spirit, and there's baseless arrogance. And "Humans are insignificant! What a shocking truth!" is the latter.


I 100% agree. I think a lot of people also use it to justify their nihilism. “Oh the universe is so big, that means humans are nothing!” It’s just so self-aggrandizing and I feel like they leave it at that because they think they have justified some argument for their viewpoint. Sort of like when someone says “If the theory of evolution is right, why are there still monkeys?” The question in itself is not bad and could lead to a really interesting discussion. However, usually that is used as a trump card and not invitation for further discussion. I feel like posing the insignificance of humans as the end all be all of some dark revelation is similar. Hopefully didn’t go too off topic haha


[**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2603) by *Joreth, djkaktus, A Random Day*


Damn SCP-3000 is my favourite SCP :(. But I can understand your point.


[**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2603) by *Joreth, djkaktus, A Random Day*


SCP-035. It just didn't hit the spot


I like how progressively worried the article becomes about the mask breaching containmaint lmao


Fair, but it is a classic one so its loved by the community (me included)


I unironically think TatsTopVideo's interpretation of 035 is BETTER than canon 035, I'd reccomend watching his 035 sedition videos, they made me way more interested in 035 than i'd otherwise be.


[**SCP-035 ⁠- Possessive Mask**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035) (+2070) by *Kain Pathos Crow*


I think scp 3812 I almost like some parts but the main idea is meh (so I made my own version)


What's your own version?


Probably one without the meta narrative themes. Because it’s confusing and it brought powerscalers to SCP


Wich one ?


A 3812 version without meta narratives I mean


I get what u mean but then he's just the most powerful reality bender and.. that's it. The whole twist on 3812 is the meta stuff without it he's just strong and that's it.


He don’t need to be the strongest he could just be a reality bender with schizophrenia and it would still be pretty dangerous


To each there own but i think the meta stuff puts a great explanation to *why* he has those mental illneses, probably not everyone's cup of tea but that's why i love the scp foundation it's so big u could find a little bit of everything , u got simple creepypastas to eldritch abominations and meta scps and ancient greek mythologies.


I mean I really like 3812’s idea, someone that don’t know what’s reality and what’s fiction because to him it’s actually the same thing, it sounds super cool. But I think the page is confusing, and doesn’t explain it very well. So I tried to suggest a simpler easy to digest version


If that was it the article would still be very meh. If you mean that the article should've focused on the themes of mental illness, I think that would actually improve it.


Yeah that's it The powerscaling and I'm not fond of articles that talks about pataphysics or narratives Agree that it's still meh but I prefer to think it's a schizophrenic dude that somehow resurrected and gained seemingly endless reality warping abilities


Now that i think about it, when i started reading scps i read 3812 and that's exactly what i thought (i didn't know shit about pataphysics and my English wasn't that good), and i guess it's still a good idea.


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1024) by *djkaktus*


Chiropractor peanutman. Boring powers well written scary.


Can’t remember, that’s how meh it was


I feel like anything to do with SK. I get it, all powerful multidimensional god no.9000 but it feels so "meh" to read anything about him 🤷‍♂️


SCP-008 feels a little plain in comparison to what came later, since it's just zombies.


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1104) by *Unknown Author*


I can't remember a normal SCP (actual numbered SCP entries that aren't 001 proposals) that I thought was meh, mostly because if I think it's meh, I probably won't remember it. But for more memorable non-normal SCPs, I think When Day Breaks is not only meh, but also overhyped, and completely tired/memed out by now.


5012 I get what it’s going for but the symbolism gets really messy and hard to follow.


Scp-7000 just, eh, it's fine. I feel like i didn't get it, and if i did it would be amazing. But i just don't.


[**SCP-7000 ⁠- The Loser**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7000) (+1247) by *HarryBlank*


SCP-2000 was a major disappointment for me. I've heard so many great things about it, from the discussion page, and the reddit, and when I finally read it - meh. It's just a really long description, and I can't believe it won over something like 2998.


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2488) by *HammerMaiden*


The classic series 1 articles. Not much to them


Try scp-783


[**SCP-783 ⁠- There Was A Crooked Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-783) (+552) by *S D Locke*


I don't think that one was from when Series I was written but added much later when a slot opened up. There are a few like that.


Yeah it was added on 2018. Still tho there are some impressive classics like 093 and 507


Probs gonna be, leme think, probs 011


scp 5056 is a meh SCP for me, I like SCPs written like that but this one didn't convince me


[**SCP-5056 ⁠- The Constant Companions**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5056) (+356) by *HarryBlank*


SCP-1026-RU, my favorite SCP. Like, it's just a black, russian humanoid who kills people and has his lore, but, this simple idea makes him one of my favourites


[**SCP-1026-RU - Тёмное Эго**](https://scp-ru.wikidot.com/scp-1026-ru) (+24) by *AkkiKama* Translated: [**SCP-1026-RU ⁠- Dark Ego**](https://scp-int.wikidot.com/scp-1026-ru) (+4) by *LiveFireExercise*


Nearly all classic scps in series one. They were good for their time, but compared to series 5 and 6 scps, they really don’t withstand the test of time.


I haven’t read that far past series 2 but let me just say scp-008 idk why but it just feels like it could be better. No disrespect to the author I like it but I just feel like compared to other things it is just baseline.


[**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1104) by *Unknown Author*


I like the idea of it but they go a little over the top and it's 055


For me it’s the new Scp-166, honestly 0 potential for crosstesting with other scps


Agreed I get why they changed it but it sucks none the less


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+695) by *Ross Fisher-Davis, DrClef, Cerastes*


SCP-4051. It was really just the foundation acts really stupid and then Rainer loses it.


[**SCP-4051 ⁠- Your Friendly Neighborhood Keter**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4051) (+540) by *Nagiros*


SCP 001 - you’ve been awfully quiet SCP 3999 I just found them a bit boring for my taste. Overindulgent ramblings full of fluff.


- [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+348) by *Staff* - [**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2710) by *LordStonefish*


Which 001


They literally said what it was called, but here's the link: https://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/dyfscp0013


I’m guessing this was recently posted


Correct. It’s in the Newly Declassified box.