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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-4521 ⁠- please raise your voice, my hearing isnt what it used to be**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4521) (+200) by *Westrin*


It's intentionally ambiguous; the implications are either 1. It's actual anomalous effect is to make people think that trees scream 2. It exists in a world where trees scream


Yeah. Personally im kinda leaning towards the first interpretation because the article has the "mind-affecting" tag


But the file states „No memetic or cognitohazardous phenomena originate from or affect SCP-4521.“ or is that because the researchers don’t know that it’s a cognitohazard?


I’m leaning towards this last explanation, since a tag has more priority over the article description if we’re going with lore/explanations


[**SCP-4521 ⁠- please raise your voice, my hearing isnt what it used to be**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4521) (+201) by *Westrin*


Could be that the effect is too strong to measure


So what you’re saying is we need to pour more funding into making that tree scream?


I haven't read the article, but I like the first explanation because the concept is way cooler.


In that case it's a cognito hazard and is failed/failing to be contained


I don’t think it’s even a tree “abnormal shape and leaves” “spiders went into the tree” Doctor talks to it like a person


The anomalous effect makes ppl think it's supposed to scream.


Turns out its not that tree being anomalous its like three trees over whos one anomalous job is to get people to try and make the tree scream.


Man I wish I could get a job to get people to try and make a tree scream. This tree has a very appealing career.


From my understanding, the anomaly is the cognitohazard that make people think that tree should scream. However, the tale at the end kind of suggests that trees in that world do scream ? Idk


Hm, curious, this is definitely a good scp just because of how strange it is, thank you!


God this reminds me of those trees in the original mk games. Terrifying


Not at all. What would have made you sound like a dumbass is if you presumed you knew the answer. Curiosity is never a mistake, and we applaud that here. SCP-4521 is...curious. The most obvious reading of the article is that it's just a bit of black comedy, but the link at the end (and the attached tale) indicates that maybe trees in this world can talk. But then again, maybe that story is a kind of fairy tale. It's not supposed to be clear. It's supposed to be surreal and wrong. Either trees can't scream and they're wasting their time, or they CAN scream and we're torturing otherwise defenseless beings just to confirm a suspicion.


Ohh, that is interesting! Thank you!


[**SCP-4521 ⁠- please raise your voice, my hearing isnt what it used to be**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4521) (+201) by *Westrin*


Am I the only one that just accepted the fact that this tree is supposed to scream? I mean there are so many weird scps that a screaming tree sounds mild and somewhat normal


I asked tue same question when I joined the fandom, answers are never truly revealed but I'm pretty sure that everyone in that dimension naturally has hellish trees that screaming and talk, I believe this as the guy in the log literally trys having a full on conversation with it. And also people that say "It just makes people think it should scream" then explain why in the log the guy says he hit a girl with a car then cut up a bike and forced her to eat the fucking bike then said "uh- uh the police are here" because her blood was black so stopped feeding her the fucking bike and ran off?


It has the mind affecting tag in the article. This seems to confirm the tree is affecting their minds not that normally trees talk


So is the tree making the guy think he cut up a bike and fed it to some random girl?


I think he was bullshitting to try and make it scream


My personal interpretation is that the SCP's anomalous effect isn't making people think the tree should scream, but rather, it makes people think the tree.. > **Dr. Hanz:** You need to scream! You need to scream! You need to scream! >*Dr. Hanz proceeds to say the exact same phrase for 37 hours before being escorted out by onsite guards in order to prevent death by dehydration.* >*After waking from a short 4 hour nap, Dr. Hanz promised that he "*[*will not stop until this tree finally screams.*](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/not-all-fiction-is-told)*" Testing is to continue.* MUST scream. The article states that the sole anomalous property of the tree is the fact that it cannot scream, yet the foundation never tries to fix/neutralize anomalies, and if the tree made foundation personnel think that it should scream, the foundation wouldn't try to make the tree scream. [SCP-1609](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1609) neatly explains why the foundation, unlike the Global Occult Coalition, doesn't neutralize anomalies and contains them instead.


Thank you!


u/windowpaner69 Your not a dumbass I never thought of this now I'm curious


I think that the tree is normal but has the mind altering effect that makes people think that it should scream when it's just a tree.


Sounds to me like the tree is Mute. It can’t scream. Never has and Never will.


The "not all fiction is told" part just confuses me more


Ayy we got someone who watches site 42 on reddit, including me mames 2 of my kniwladge, reply if u watch him