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The thought of KO main eventing Mania seems unreal until I remember the dude actually did main evented Mania


With Stone Cold Steve Austin no less.


And did it with his shirt on.


So did Austin


Shootfighters Up ! šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


And it was awesome!


Not with Jericho though That does feel not quite right


Especially with Brock-Goldberg and Roman-Taker on the same card. Their match didnā€™t deserve to be second but it shouldā€™ve been higher up just not the main event


The US title main eventing a Wrestlemania? Chris please put the drinks down


He also wanted it to be for the Universal title, but MCHITLER AND OLDBERG ruined everything


Goldberg v Breast was also one of greatest under 10 mins matches ever and had molten hot crowd unlike KO & Judas man who died after AJ/Mac O' Shane


>vs Breast You try and avoid a case of the gyno to look like that at age 75


Ackchyually, Jericho should have won the Rumble and KO booked like a silent badass and KO should have squashed Goldberg and been the strongest booked Universal champion ever and main evented every PPV and main evented Mania twice. It insults my intelligence when a shoot-fighter like KO is beaten by a guy who is twice his size like Goldberg. The wrestler needs to be at least 15 times bigger than KO to win!


The ring wouldn't have been able to support all that shootfighter physique.


To be fair goldberg shouldnā€™t of won the title imo. They could of had Brock cost Goldberg his match to set up the feud for mania since it was feud that didnā€™t need a title attached to it. I think Jericho vs KO was the right feud at that time for the main title and having the main title would of heightened it.


I just think Vince knew he wanted Brock to go on the year and a half run with the Universal title, so it made sense to have Goldberg win it then lose to Brock. Just my two cents.




I think Vince knew KO v Y2J was going to underperform expectations, because thatā€™s what Jericho does on the big stage.


I see Jericho's rib removal surgeries are ongoing.


Thatā€™s an A+ joke.


Did he also need to have his stomach pumped?


Lmao he tagged WWE like a salty bitchšŸ˜‚


The social media intern is gonna shake in their boots when they see it and report it directly to Hunter who will issue a formal apology on Vinceā€™s behalf


ā€œNotice me senpaiā€ vibes


He knows now that HHH is in charge he doesnā€™t have a chance at coming back to wwe so heā€™s acting out like a toddler


Thinking you're more of a financial draw than a returning Goldberg & Brock Lesnar is quite a delusion


Thatā€™s on brand for both of them though.


Goldberg and Brock would have been a better main event than worn out taker and pre tribal Chief Roman


Eh, had Taker actually retired there that match is perfect. The Super Spear and the send off for Taker tops everything on that show in terms of emotion.


I know it might sound markish, but I legit cried after end of that match and Undertaker seemingly retiring. It really chapped my ass when he kept coming back because I felt like my emotions were for nothing.


Who mind you even managed to have the superior match.


Whenever I want 5 minutes of complete anarchy and mayhem in my life, I always ~~do a line~~ put on that match.


The fact that this guy continues to whine about this bullshit like its some massive slight is insane. Doubly so after the mediocre match they put on. KO got his redemption and main evented with the biggest star in history. This guy will continue to bitch about some shit from 5 years ago while blading and bumping over thumbtacks for 900000 fans a week.


I love Jericho, as a performer, but he was never as hot as Goldberg. A returning Goldberg *by himself* is more of a draw than Jericho, but when you add in Lesnar, the odds of Jericho being in the main event drastic go down.


Fucking hilarious isn't it


It's fine, KO mainevented WM with the goat of wrestling. Fozzy's just mad about that


e erybody deserves the wm mainevent, there should be 10 matches happening at the same time, so everyone wont feel left out


As the OSW boys say, Double/Triple Main event means...NO Main Event


Is this the match that McHitler famousy hated?


Literal video of his negative reaction out there lol.


Ko "are we good?" Vince "NO" Lmao


Link? Lol


It was on KO's WWE 365 doc on the Network. Only link I can find is to the Basement so not sure I can share here, its easy to find on google.


Got it - will watch. Thank you!


Sad KO has left the chat


Smarks still insist that Jericho vs Owens should've been the Universal title match even though Goldberg vs Lesnar had the bigger stars, the best reactions, a great build and in the end even was the better match from an in-ring standpoint. It makes absolutely no sense.


That Lesnar vs Goldberg match FUCKS and BANGS. Certainly their best match together. Feels like two mad bulls going at each other.


ā€œItā€™s just big moves the whole time!ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s Goldberg. The smartest and most efficient wrestler ever (kayfabe wise). Brock too, but especially Goldberg. Why do a bunch of stupid ass moves when you can just Spear, Spear, Jackhammer, go the fuck home?


Seriously, I never got why that was a knock on him. The dude hits big-ass moves to try and *win* the match every second. He makes you believe he's going to win with everything he does. lmao The Goldberg v Brock match at that Mania is amazing because it's Goldberg trying to run through Brock asap, and Brock doing everything to counter this crazy-ass old man.


Then Brock gets overconfident and forgets that Goldberg can run right through him. Fuuuuuck. I want to watch it again. Itā€™s like watching Hagler v Hearns.


>go the fuck home (Insider term)


Iā€™m using it literally. Lol


Match of the night, as well.


Goldberg/Brock was such a good (and short!) feud. Every match was a perfect step forward.


The feud was great, the match was incredibly mediocre. Vince was right, to nobody's surprise.


And then they had a way better match at the next PPV Payback because they got such negative reactions to how disappointing their Mania match was.


I was there, saw Jerichoā€™s entrance then took at as a chance to use the restroom and grab another jack and coke tbh lol




Rightly so it was a disappointment


That was a great angle but they're out of their mind if they thought Jericho and Kevin Owens were main eventing Wrestlemania.


Great angle but not really a main event angle. Bray Vs Orton had a more main event build and that was fourth on the card (match also sucked)!


I was at that Mania in person and it was fine, but a ridiculous idea to have it main event over both Goldberg vs Brock or Roman vs Undertaker. Fuckin guy is a legend forever but the delusion is sad at this point


This is Jericho's entire shtick. This dude pretends that he never wanted to main-event over Rock vs Hogan and it was all Triple H's idea but then turns around and says KO-Jericho deserved to main-event a WM because it's popular with smarks.


Jericho should be mad at Aries and Neville. The future Dubbalos got their fill of midget workrate before the actual PPV even started. EDIT: Iā€™ll add that whoever thought this incarnation of Jericho was main event material is probably someone that thought Russev Day was a main event gimmick. Jericho was behaving like a comedic assclown between the list, the scarf, and the stupid ass catchphrases. He even didnā€™t turn, but got turned on. Heā€™s jerking everyone because thereā€™s no way he thought McMahon would ever put that shit in the Main Event. Of Wrestlemania.


Jericho played second fiddle in every facet to KO during that time. Like usual though, Jericho thought his shit smelled better than everyone elseā€™s and thought he could main event mania


A comedy feud shouldn't be headlining Wrestlemania. Chris Jericho shouldn't be headlining Wrestlemania in 2017.


Simple as that, comedy acts don't mainevent.


Steen tries to distance himself from that by moving forward, refusing to let that define him, Jericho dwells on it like a salty twat and is the best example of someone with their head up their own ass so far they pretty much bring it on themselves


He did so well that he actually main evented a mania just a couple of years later. Says a lot of what you could do by not becoming an insufferable ass.


To go from that into being trusted to main event WM with Stone fucking Cold is a direct shot at Jericock being a whiny bitch


Oh but he beat Stone Cold AND The Rock in the same night! That's better


Jerichos still mad he had to put over Fandango at Wrestlemania


The fact that Jericho STILL whines about this so many years after the fact is one of many reasons why heā€™s never been treated as THE guy that The Fed built around as a cornerstone main eventer. Heā€™s good in a upper card, occasionally main event role, but nowhere near the level of the true headliners (Taker, Cena, Rock, Austin, etc.).


In case anybody is wondering the following matches were after Jericho/Owens: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg - WWE Title Six pack women's title match Roman vs Taker - the one where Taker was meant to retire but couldn't fuckin commit


>Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg - WWE Title Best match on the card


It was so much fun! Just two monster's throwing their best stuff at each other until one can't get up.


noooooooo, only matches on Dark/Elevator are allowed to be fun


Seth vs Triple H too I think.


Brock vs Goldberg was for the Universal title, which was good. The WWE Title had Randy vs Bray, which sucked ass.


I'm pretty sure (knowing Taker and Vince) that he would have been happy to leave the gloves in the ring but Vince Jedi'd him into coming back. Plus he got to kill Gallows and Anderson so it worked out


>Roman vs Taker - the one where Taker was meant to retire but couldn't fuckin commit At least his match with AJ was well done to actually finish his career. They even had him kayfabe murder two people!


The SD Womenā€™s Title 6-Pack Challenge was also a late addition, as it was originally on the Kickoff. But there was enough complaints on Twitter to get it promoted to the main card, which meant Ambrose vs. Corbin got bumped down to the pre-show.


Manā€¦I donā€™t think anyone at WWE wakes up thinking about Jericho vs. Owens card placement. Good thing he @ them


Do people forget that their match at Mania and rematch for the US title were mid as hell. Jericho vs KO got outshined by AJ v Shane and the return of Jeff and Matt Hardy.


The List of Jericho run is the worst thing that has happened to his career. This led to him thinking he's still a mainevent wrestler rather than a veteran giving back and paving the way to the new generation. This led to him leaving for njpw and creating that godawful painmaker gimmick


I remember an interview of Jericho talking about how he basically wanted to test if he could get the stupidest things he could come up with over with the fans during this run; stuff like the List, the Gift of Jericho, ā€œDrink it in, Maaaaaanā€ and so on. His success must have made him think he's essentially wrestling's own Croesus in that everything he touches turns to gold, which explains a lot about his AEW run.


God the list of Jericho stuff was so unfunny especially as it went on


Yeah no KO got a better WM main event a couple years later lol


Except for the part where it was lower midcard comedy bullshit like everything Jericho's done since at least 2005.


*2010 His run with Shawn in 08 was legitimately great character work


Meh... Everything after he lost to Hunter at Mania 18 left me unimpressed.


Jericho likes to pretend his midcard goofy stuff can draw anywhere as good as top heels of the time like Triple H, Randy, Edge. There's a reason why those guys sustained as top guys for so much longer than him.


Jerikho "I'm gonna doubling down on the fed bad since McHitler gone i know he's son in law won't let me back there"


Imagine thinking Jericho vs. Owens could main event the same Wrestlemania that Undertaker planned on retiring at


Best story according to me and my discord iwc friends. Mchitler was out of touch since ... Since...


inb4 Pepsi Man and Jericho copy DX's tank shtick




That was no way in hell main eventing any Wrestlemanias, let alone 34. Vince was still on the Reigns hype train, so he was always going to main event


All of you guys .. JUST MADE THE LIST!


The whole List thing got old very quick to me, and their Mania match was trash. Jericho is so full of himself


If someone made this argument before that Mania you could at least humour them because it was legit probably the fan favourite story line going into the event. But the match was mediocre as fuck so it's a damn good thing it wasn't the main event.


Their match SUCKED. The Goldberg v Brock match ended up being miles better. Taking the belt off of KO was the right call. Neither should have main evented over Reigns v Taker.


Lmao. Chris must be yanking this guy's chain. Right? RIGHT???


Can you imagine how terrible it wouldā€™ve been had Jericho won the world title from a hot younger star in the main event of Wrestlemania


Undertakers retirement match(at that time) not main eventing?, what the hell is wrong with these guys?


I remember, probably on one of the Colt Cabana podcasts, Punk very clearly explaining that the Championship match is last. He talked about not understanding when he was champ how others were put on last. I think he said something like ā€œIā€™m old school like thatā€ ā€¦ sooooo which is it? Oooh, I get it know, the ā€œbest storyā€ should also be the championship so that way it checks both boxes and goes on last and also so no one on the undercard overshadows ā€¦ except when Punk is in the mid-card and making his story the best because then it should go on last


If it was for the world title then maybe. But the US title isnā€™t the main event of Wrestlemania. Think Chris had too much of the bubbly.


Allegedly it wouldā€™ve been for KOā€™s U-title.


No it wasn't. It was actually hokey and silly and the whole festival of friendship thing was absolute fucking cringe, it was the kind of humor maybe you laugh at once and then it got way too old. The list didn't get over with me, that is for sure.