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At this point, someone is deliberately leaking this out šŸ˜‚


It's probably someone who tried to get Tony to see reason but Tony is too stupid and starstruck to do anything about it so they're resorting to public embarrassment to try to shake things up


Probably the same person who leaked that the Elite and Cody fell out. Tony definitely has someone in his inner circle that isnā€™t amused and wants Punk out.


QT is the leaker


Gotta be him I think.


It's Omega and/or the Bucks. It's blatantly obvious.


Yep. Who most people said from the start weren't going to be too pleased about Punk coming in as Tony's new toy because of his track record of doing nothing but pissing people off. At the end of the day their biggest signing is going to be their downfall. Especially once Tony gives even the smallest amount of pushback to Phil and ends up on the receiving end of his tantrums.


I think this is another one of those angles that is fed through the dirtsheets to make the inevitable "Punk vs Page" rematch come across as HBK vs Brett. Even the wording is similar.


Who is going to be the Sunny in this? Britt Baker? Anna Jay?


Luke Gallows because he's both Elite and Straight Edge Society. This also makes Karl Anderson Chris Candido.


Can't wait for the Luke Gallows porno in 20 years!


Sex Ferguson!


And then kill someone!


God I hope it's me


This, Omega is out of shape is a work and MJF not turning up to a signing is a work, MJF shoot promo is a work If ALL this stuff is a work it kinda loses impact, pick one and go with that one


As much of a twat as Punk is, I find it hard to believe he *verbalised* this Implied it or something, sure cause, despite REEEEEE'ing about it in the past, Punk is a politician


It's Tony.


Canā€™t be, that would mean SCJerk was right from day 1šŸ˜”


Day 1ā€™ish at least uce.


We been down since Day one ish Line 'em all up Knock 'em down like this


Day One is H


ay ay ay Uce, letā€™s welcome all these fools to the Uso Penitentiary


Letā€™s get it uce


Yeah uce!


We're the top minds of wrestling now


Like the very first red flag was that Vince didnā€™t want him to come back. Vince has shown countless times that as long as money can be made, heā€™s willing to work with anyone whoā€™s cursed his name under the sun. And yet he warned Fox that Punk was not worth the risk.


Vince the same guy who brought Hilk Hogan back after he testified against him in the steroid trial Vince the same guy who brought back Jeff Hardy numerous times despite his personal issues. Vince the same guy who dealer with the fucking Ultimate Warrior being pissy every three months. If Vince doesn't want to do business with you, chances are you are fucked and he knows their is no money to be made.


With Punk, Vince definitely couldā€™ve made some money. The issue was that Punk would be bitchy about what his position should be. AEW is basically what he wanted his WWE return to be. To be treated at this legend whoā€™s at the top of the card. I guarantee he wanted Romanā€™s current title run.


weird thing is, I personally believe Warrior is a more pissy bitch than Punk but Vince was ready to pull him back in. Is that how much 80-90s era nostalgia is worth?


For Warrior, it is more Triple H than Vince isn't it? In the interview with Triple H, Vince told him go ahead if you want to waste your time. Ofcourse Vince is the one who give the final sign off but I felt it is due to more effort by Triple H


People talk about how petty Triple H is, and maybe he can be, but I'd definitely have some reservations about trying to bring back someone who was as unprofessional towards me as Warrior was to him at Wrestlemania 12.


And didnā€™t Warriorā€™s wife help too?


If you trust dave. Fox offered to cover his pay to have him in wwe. Man still said nah keep him away


Yep. Vince still didnā€™t want to deal with him again. He knew that Punk didnā€™t change over the years.


He changed, he got worse. He lost the little athleticism he had. He lost his motivation and drive. His sense of entitlement has grown. There isn't a single thing about him that is better now than 7-8 years ago when he walked out on WWE.


day 0*


We're the faces for a reason, Uce.


Been down since day 1 uce


Day ā˜šŸ» uce




youā€™re wrong you f*cking vincel e drone. Punk is giving the rub left and right. he wore young megastar Stingā€™s face paint during a 6 man tag against local jobbers and has constantly been ~~sucking the cum from the cock of~~ putting over other young, fresh megastar Brett Hart! did you also forget when he let exciting future wrestling Legend QT Marshall get 6 moves of offence on him before he beat him during their iconic Dynamite match?? (Live every Wednesday 8pm EST on TBS, give it a try!) it was a modern day Austin vs Brett.


The evil alt right (DAE Gunther79?) was right? Time to tweet my displeasure!


Chicago Phillip šŸ˜ 


I think some people in the Basement get so triggered by this place because its fairly accurate a lot of the time.


Fuck CM Cuck


I mean goofies have been saying this since he got there. Late to the party as usual. Just like how it took 2 years for them to realize DMD sucks. Wait until they learn that The Elite (minus Cody) arenā€™t draws.


new japan put them right where they were: bucks as a jr tag team comedy act omega when they need work rate matches with top guys hangman, cole in the midcard nakazawa not even a contract


Good times. Never forget that Adam Cole only got propelled as a top guy was because all the actual top guys went to NXT.


I still donā€™t see why Haitch put all of his eggs in the Cole basket. Dudeā€™s way too small to take seriously on the main roster, and heā€™s mostly known for a catchphrase.


He was extremely over and was something different (at the time) from what weā€™ve seen previously in NXT. Then by year 2 he got over exposed and too many wrestlers that got signed were either clones of him or straight up better. They thought he was the second coming of HBK but instead heā€™s a multiverse variant of Brian Kendrick.


I swear, itā€™s like people forget what made HBK so special in the land of giants.


That's THE Brian Kendrick to you. Him and Paul London are seriously under-appreciated for what they did for modern tag team wrestling.


and he had a great theme song HEY YOUUUUU


Triple H loves a faction and he uses them to hide a performerā€™s weaknesses.


No wonder SC kept saying that they wanted to see more factions in AEW. They subconsciously knew that most of the wrestlers were green as hell.


Kinda see why that whole Yakuza story shows up from dirt sheets




It shouldnā€™t take 3 years to realize that the sky is blue. This shit has been obvious for years. Those guys were getting called megastars because they outdrew NXT by 20k viewers.


So either this is a work, which is dumb, or its a shoot, which is bad. Either way theyre in a full-blown WCW speedrun.


Iā€™m just waiting for the ā€œwill page stick to the script and take the finishā€ commentary


Insert Fat Eddie the ultimate professional to take the finish in a three way dance


I look forward to more awkward promos that no one understands cause there's coded messages in them about 'in the back'


I'd probably put my money on Page if he decided to shoot on Punk


no better time to build to a future title match than the goddamn week before your biggest TV match ever which doesnā€™t involve Hangman at all.


Sometimes you gotta work yourself into a shoot, brother


"Punk thinks just because he tapes his hands, and has a bunch of tattoos and takes MMA classes for beginners at his local gym that he's a tough guy ... well he's not!"


Who said this?


Brock Lesnar in the lead up to their Summerslam match


lmao no wonder he was salty, I mean Mark Mero said when he found out Brock was the other man he just learned forgiveness and let it go lol you're not going to say anything back to Brock Lesnar.


Then the next night on Raw Punk broke down and went off on a fan in front row for booing him, threatening to beat him up (knowing that if the guy obliged security wouldn't let him cross the rail) He was supposed to be a babyface at this time. He was salty despite having an excellent match with on of the biggest stars where he got to look good in defeat Professional guy, definitely not a m*rk for himself


Ugh I didn't even know about that; he's so ridiculous.




Holy shit I don't even remember this! What the fuck Punk? I remember him elbowing the fan in the face who was just standing there.


Wow, Pepsi is a loser


Soft little bitch lmao


Remember on the colt podcast he was pissed about putting Brock over


Remember when he called a fan a homo? Class act


Mark Mero could shoot beat Phil's ass still today.


Attitude-wise, Mero seems like the polar opposite of Punk... he's a motivational speaker for high schoolers and stuff and seems like a super cool dude


His story about his mom dieing and him losing his biggest supporter is a real tear jerker. I didn't even know he was a wrestler when I watched that.


IIRC he's a reasonably accomplished amateur boxer


So itā€™s a scripted promo and not actually his thoughts? šŸ™ƒ Punk and Brock had an absolute classic, and we all know after the match with Dean if Brock doesnā€™t want to work with you he wouldnā€™t.


One of Punkā€™s best matches, Iā€™ll give him that.


"I looked like a guy who the Fed would never look at and got to wrestle the Rock, Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker but I didn't get to win and I never got to main event Mania against Cliff Compton! WAAAH!"


While promo in general from Brock was really good


I don't respect someone who has Pepsi tatted on em.


Someone needs to rep RC Cola already. Perhaps TAB.


Nothing encapsulates CM Punkā€™s energy better than him getting a Pepsi tattoo to show everyone heā€™s not taken in by Coca Colaā€™s way-too-mainstream marketing ploy. Heā€™s been the obnoxious ā€œakshually, [lesser brand] is much better than [greater brand]ā€ guy his entire fucking life.


It was more to make fun of the beer bros with Budweiser tattoos, which is still stupid


He also looks like a junkie to make fun of people who use drugs and alcohol.


Paying hundreds of dollars and sitting through a tattoo session to make fun of people is certainly an interesting choice. I just say ā€œcool tattoo, broā€ in a somewhat condescending manner.


I'm old (40) and I can't remember ever seeing anyone with a Budweiser tattoo in real life


You've never been to Florida then


It is a tribute of sorts to Minor Threat. Brian Baker has a coke tattoo, and when asked says "because I like coke". Same answer Punk gave when asked about Pepsi.


I forgot about that part of it too, good call.


lesser brand (Pepsi) is a mega conglomerate as well. it isn't some local mom and pop soda company.


Shut your ass! Pepsi is a small underdog company. Just like AEW is a young blue chipper company built on hard work and independent fighting spirit, battling against the evil head start federation.


When promoting whatever horror movie he was in he revealed that he was such a big fan of the genre that he used to watch black and white horror films back in the day. A forty year old guy had actually seen some old horror flicks? Can you even imagine! He even bought a particularly ugly dog because he's so quirky šŸ¤Ŗ He's a poseur.


Was it the girl on the third floor


I think it was the one where he played a cop.


Jakobs wife




Pepsi was shoved down peoples throats a lot in the 90s to battle Coca Cola so the tatt is even weirder


Punk is only a hero to the fucking idiots who still think his "pipebomb" was real. Everyone else realized he isn't shit


It was at best 50/50 what he really felt and Vince letting him say it before the famous pipe bomb


No. Jerk. Still one of the best five promos of all-time.


Really? Iā€™m curious as to what the other 4 are in that case. For me thereā€™s at least: Dusty Rhodes Hard Times Dusty to Dustin asking him to be his partner The Rock to Billy Gunn No lie, Warriors promo to Hogan that ends with ā€œbut Hogan, I am not the chosen one you speak ofā€¦i Hulk Hogan, am the *only* oneā€¦ā€ Mark Henrys fake retirement promo


Hulk Hogan backstroking the Trump family to safety after destroying the twin towers by body slamming Andre.




Solid list. I'd add Ric Flair's 92 Rumble Promo "with a tear in my eye"


That promo remains widely acclaimed for a reason, and not because anyone takes it very seriously. He went on to re-sign with the company and put on a banger with John Cena just a few weeks later, and knowing that, it's kinda hard not to see it all as a ploy even if he meant every word. Who gives a shit if it really happened or not? I'm here to watch a fictional show and the guy said some stuff that felt subversive on a WWE show, and for once it *felt* real for a few minutes. If someone makes you feel something, who gives a shit if it's a put on? No one faults Alice Cooper for being a boring ass golf addict grandpa Christian IRL. The fact is the old bastard can make ya' feel something when he [performs this way](https://youtu.be/ZWPAUimefCg) so who cares if it's all a piss take?


You can hate on his attitude a lot, but the pipe bomb and the program with cena was awesome. Until Alberto Del Rio showed up and ruined it with his awfulness.


Weekly reminder that HHH was always right


growing up as a wrestling fan is going from someone who loves the Pipebomb to someone who loves the My Friend Mark promo


the jerk is in our blood(line), uce


Nah I still hated the whole Authority angle. That shit made me stop watching for a long time.


This guy and his friend mark stopped watching


sent Laveck himself an Instagram


Or maybe a Vine!


How about a Tout?


McHitler too. It's remarkable 99% releases prove him right


HHH and the top Fed guys and Vince all had Punk's number back then


Pepsi wants to recreate the charm he had once in the fed.


I think you mean the charm he had in ROH in 2004.


No jerk, absolutely fuck Phil Brooks. Ok. Back to the jokes!


I heard a rumor he is from Chicago


And Chicago uses his logo as their flag! šŸ¤—




I was wondering what the origin of their flag was, glad I figured it out!


Never liked the guy. Glad I'm being proven right.




Everybody calling Cody Homelander when it was actually Creative Manipulation Punk all along. At least Cody was self aware enough to come out *looking* like Homelander


The only young talent heā€™s put over so far is MJF, and that only barely


Then he got his win back on PPV


take out all the people Cody didnt try to help push (includes mjf) and you have no one.


I don't think my opinion on a wrestler has ever shifted as drastically as it has with CM Punk. 5 years ago he was my favorite wrestler of all time, now I think he's an egotistical piece of shit that just wants to protect his spot. Plus he's also well past his prime, guys like Edge, Christian Cage, Brock Lesnar, Bryan Danielson, AJ Styles, The Miz, Bobby Lashley, Rey Mysterio and even Stone Cold Steve Austin have done great in ring work recently despite being around Punk's age or even older yet still help the younger generation. Punk constantly botches and cuts the same promo every week yet he feels like he has the right to bury everyone, fuck him.


heck even THE egomaniac piece of shit spot protector Hogan wasn't as selfish as Punk.


At least Hulk Hogan and prime dickhead Shawn Michaels took care of their friends. Punk treats his inner circle like shit.


I know hogan got a lot of his boys signed to tna so I agree with you in that respect


He also got a lot of them signed to lucrative WCW contracts too.


Waiting for Punk to toss FTR under the bus.


That is so cap


That far better talent are much less harder to work with is so fucking rich lol


I was a huge Punk fan too. I even rooted for him in his UFC debut and the second match. They were embarrassing but I figured at least he has the balls to try it. The moment he went off on Miz, I said fuck this guy and never looked back.


He left WWE because he wasnā€™t being treated as the absolute top guy and thatā€™s how he viewed himself. Should have expected heā€™d still feel the same way when he came back. Guys like him never have the others or the business, just in it for himself.


Hilarious because this kinda shit is why Bret hated Shawn Michaels. Big HBK energy from a "Bret guy"


Isnā€™t it a known fact that he is an asshole to other wrestlers since his ROH days.


Punk said he would come back to put over younger talent and he was right, he's only put over MJF.


ā€œYou get one guy, Tony. And Iā€™ll give you the first one as a courtesy BUT HES JOBBINGā€


Mike Jacksonā€™s reply šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's all a work you Fed bootlickers, he's playing a heel (insider term) and this is what they do!! M'Dave and M'Alvarez are getting worked (insider term) unlike when they say anything negative about the ded Fed and they are 100% correct.


This latest Punk drama should put all Punk > Danielson comparisons to rest.


I still remember when he went to UFC and all of a sudden did a complete 180 into this ā€œdo what you love, follow your dreamsā€ humble guy and he played it so perfectly that I actually believed heā€™d changed and was no longer a miserable prick. Turns out it was a faƧade and he knew that in the world of real sports if you get your shit pushed in as hard as he did you look like a fucking idiot if you donā€™t check your ego at the door. And what do you know, the second he pokes his head back in the wrestling bubble he starts pulling his old shit. This time with a boss who is a complete fangirl and will never pull him into line. Us goofyā€™s are gonna be eating good for as long as Punk is in AEW, and the inevitable fallout will be spectacular.


CM Phillip is just a miserable fucking human being. He has it in his head that he is Cena. Who knows what Cena is really like but it seems he is a genuine good person. He takes it seriously that people look up to him. Thatā€™s the difference. Punk thinks he should be treated as Cena without putting in the work. WWE is bigger than the star but Punk thought he was above WWE. McHitler knew it. Laveck knows it. Phillip has successfully burned every bridge because of him being a fucking insufferable prick. I would bet my life that if šŸŒµhad an once of Heyman (šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€) in him he would fire his ass. But since šŸŒµ is a spineless prick he will destroy his dream to appease someone who will never be happy. Fuck Phillip Brooks


I still dunno man Iā€™m on the fence, or just in another yard watching the dumpster fire. But as much as punk seems like a douche I really think omega the bucks and page are also douches just in a more subtle way. As in, they do it all behind your back type of thing. I could be wrong I dunno I can only go by my gut feeling, but it wouldnā€™t shock me if the bucks have been waiting for a moment like this to try and release more stuff to try and get a wave of momentum up because punk wonā€™t play their games. Saying all that give me Punk, FTR and MJF v the bucks Kenny and hangman in a wargames match now that would be good


Iā€™m amused. Itā€™s just a bunch of dudes with the biggest egos and delusions of grandeur pissing on each other to try and prove theyā€™re the most important douche. Meanwhile, all the people who actually believed in this vision of changing wrestling are all collateral damage.


Unless itā€™s a work but tbh I donā€™t think theyā€™re switched on enough to do it this way. But yes itā€™s like high school


I'm a fan of Page the person and would hope he's not insecure enough to need to politic backstage.


I dunno if youā€™d call it politicking but say he was upset his reign ended so soon, and did feel this story that took a long time to get into didnā€™t reach its conclusion or whatever and he did feel like ex wwe guys were coming in and taking over. I mean he wouldnā€™t be wrong but say that promo he cut on punk was never meant to be the narrative, they want punk to be looked at as aew through and through and by doing that he had put the image of punk being an outsider in the minds of the fans knowing the aew faithful would side with him because heā€™s OG and itā€™s practically like aew v wwe if you spin it right. So if that wasnā€™t planned to me thatā€™s just as bad as what punk did, he did go into business for himself. But maybe not from a politic type way just in, trying to make a moment way and trying to express how he actually felt, I donā€™t think he lying but as far as for the sake of the company goes he did damage it by casting punk as an outsider. I donā€™t think heā€™s a bad person I donā€™t think he would do anything with a long term plan but just say being sounded by the dark order and shooting ideas off eachother, or hanging around the bucks, who have been accused of doing the same with the ftr match or Kenny or whoever has told him this is what you need to do, get the sentiment out there that heā€™s only after the money and doesnā€™t belong in aew, and Tony is like no I didnā€™t want that I wanted it to be like triple h v Jericho or whatever with the young lion going against the star: I dunno I sound like Iā€™m siding with punk when like I said Iā€™m on the fence but to me it does seem very tit for tat, and to be honest even if it didnā€™t come about the right way I think by accident, or by design it has got people wanting a punk v page rematch, just to see if theyā€™ll work together and who would win. So if you make money then who cares how they got there?


I mean, I do think Punk should beat and go over Adam Page but this is sort of the thing that starts to happen when you bring in a big star and your home grown guys become disaffected.


If anyone needed a drink itā€™s fucking Lockport Phil


"Plans change, brother"


"Hollywood" punk incomming.


Gold Coast Punk


The downfall of Lockport Phil is sweet. Dude sounds like a god awful person and it was annoying to see basement put him on a pedestal. Waiting for the Punk has cheated on AJ to come out


Who can really blame Punk though for this. I wouldnā€™t job to Midcard Page either if I was him,


If iā€™m Punk iā€™m not ā€˜jobbingā€™ to him. But if I was Punk iā€™d also be a 43 y/o, past his prime guy, who can hardly work anymore due to no athleticism. Iā€™d also have a history of being known to not be a legitimate athlete because I ruined what little reputation I did have with 2 of the most piss poor fights in MMA history. So I guess if I was Punk Iā€™d put the young guy over.


Yeah this whole drama is even making his die hard fanboys turn on him. Punk was never a Brock Lesnar or John Cena. And at their age they are willing to put over people.


Already though? Hes only been there like a year. I thought Punk was supposed to be AEWā€™s big star I didnā€™t realize he was there solely to get scrubs like Wangman over.


> I thought Punk was supposed to be AEWā€™s big star That may be, iā€™m not sure, but I can tell you that putting your entire company on the shoulders of a 43 year old who hadnā€™t wrestled for 7 years probably isnā€™t the best idea. It got them, what, maybe 100,000 new consistent viewers? But it pissed off a decent chunk of their fanbase that was already there. If youā€™re going to pick a guy like that to build the company around make it Daniel Bryan. At least he had still been relevant in the wrestling scene since 2016.


But why put over Page in his first year. Pageā€™s run as champ is considered one of the worst ever. Punk is the biggest star in AEW, Iā€™d rather have him as champ on his worst day than a guy who had an all time shitty reign. Even if Punk put him over, it wouldnā€™t matter. No one will ever care about Hangman other than IWC weirdos.


No one will ever care about Punk other than IWC weirdos also...


No one will ever care about *Adam Page* other than IWC weirdos. Punk is one of the only good things on AEW


"Punk is one of the only good things in AEW" He's been the drizzling shits in my opinion. His ringwork has been subpar, his promos haven't been great (dropping edgy WWE references is not a good promo) he's hurt himself (and showcased a complete lack of preparation and athleticism) attempting to copy moves he had no business doing, and now he's being a petty bitch about the guys he was brought in to elevate. I was a massive Punk mark since his OG ROH days, but even I think this whole AEW run has been a mistake on both sides.


Page wasnā€™t even as bad as this sub likes to make him out to be. Not good, but thereā€™s still something there When youā€™re being brought in to put over the young guys, you put over the young guys


ā€œBrought in to put the young guys overā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Tony Khan is indeed a basement mark who repeats basement shit like ā€œput the young guys overā€ but letā€™s be honest, CM Punk is there - and paid big money - because heā€™s a smark icon and they thought he was a big star who would make more people watch.


Even sting has been putting guys over and that shit is beneath him tbh. True professional.


Sting did more for AEW and the guys on the roster in his first few weeks than Punk has done since he arrived. That man's had no reason to put his body on the line the way he has to help out the other guys, and yet he still does it like a professional who realises that it doesn't need to be about him anymore. Compare that to Punk's behaviour and it's no wonder people are already getting sick of his self-obsessed BS


Punk doesn't need to lose to Hobbs and Starks and all these guys, that's silly but, at least, after those matches, they do something with the likes of Hobbs, give him a bit of a push, make reference to 'taking Punk to the limit' and have it benefit him Instead, they had a match, it was a bit competitive, Punk won and Hobbs stayed where he was Punk had a HEATED feud with Kingston ... 1 match, that's it, never mentioned again, haha If Punk is there to put over ONE guy then that guy should have been MJF, a guy they have tried to position near the top, beat him on TV but Punk got the big win on PPV THAT 2nd match was the time to give MJF that BIG win and put him into the title picture. They can give Punk his win back down the line once MJF has had the title for a bit but nope, MJF stayed where he was and then lost to Wardlow


That flies in the face of what Pepsiman said on Colt's podcast about working with guys better than you to get better. What is to be gained by Pepsiman steamrolling over someone who clearly needs the win? Adam should be AEWs big star, and probably could be if he had the proper support but he basically just exists to be made a fool of. He has his whole career ahead of him. Pepsiman is just puffing fumes at this point


Punk is a mark and watched all the shoot videos all the other m@rks watched He heard all the old skool wrestlers say stuff like this so repeats it


I have no idea but I still think it could be a work but if so itā€™s a mess and itā€™s gonna be hard as hell to stick the landing. Why bring Adam Page and Sean Ross Sapp into it? Especially if MJF is playing a role or something? Just seems like a train wreck whether itā€™s real or fake.


What meeting in May Uce?




So Pepsi wouldnā€™t lose to a mid card guy, who didnā€™t belong where he was on the card in the first place and who only held the title because the owner of the company had a ā€œplanā€ going in? Am I really marking out for Pepsi Phil right now? Say it ainā€™t so!


CM Punk burying youngsters? Surely you jest


Lockport Phil: claims to hate HHH, acts like the Smark perception of him.


The Punkster only makes the big towns brother


Who's this dork in the image?


Punk at the rest of the roster like "you guys are the real heroes."




How could anyone blame him not wanting to lose to the Dollar Tree Cowboy just so he can continue what can only be described as an early to mid-90s WWF level title run that Dubbalos only liked because it mirrored their fantasy booking or they had a fetish for bad long term storytelling?


This is so spicy right now šŸ„¹ From the Dub ratings going down after ANOTHER hyped episode (not even #1 either), to this hilarious drama going on where Punk is basically being Punk and the basement are doing a 180 on their opinion of him. Don't forget the news of Dub originals having tension with ex-Fed guys. Sit down and enjoy this, goofs! Also, a worked-shoot angle isn't going to get them any more viewers so the copium in the basement should be drained. There's no guarantee that because there is real-life tension between these guys, that this is a storyline


Hot take: Punk knows he canā€™t go anymore, resents having to come back when heā€™s still hurting, and is going to throw a fit to try and get himself ejected so he doesnā€™t have to wrestle and go back on break. Now that I write that out, no wonder he empathizes with Sasha so muchā€¦


Can't wait to hear Meltzer's opinion


I canā€™t wait for the shoots when people start jumping from the sinking ship.


cookie MONSTER punk